The Engineer 1884/11/28
Main Subjects
- Contents, p 418.
- 300-Horse Power Compound Marine Engines, p 407.
- Boiler Explosion at the Staffordshire Steel Works, p 406 - 407.
- Cable Railroads in Philadelphia, p 408.
- Compound Triplex Engine, p 408. (Illustrated).
- Compound Marine Engine and Boiler, p 409.
- Danube Bridge Project, No II. p 403 - 406. (Illustrated).
- Robert Hudson Graham.
- Balta Viaduct.
- Editorial, p 411.
- The Repairs of H. M. Ships.
- Mr. Chamberlain and The Electric Light.
- The Wolverhampton Boiler Explosion.
- Manufactured Iron and Its Price.
- Improvement of The Navy, p 413 - 414.
- Letters to the Editor, p 414.
- Nalder and Nalder's Thrasher Shakers, p 408. (Illustrated).
- Physical Society, p 407.
- Professor Guthrie in the Chair.
- James Bewsher.
- R. T. Glazebrook.
- Mr. Baily.
- Society of Arts, p 407.
- Frederick Abel.
- Minutes for future meeting presented.
- The Victoria Electric Light Station, No. I p 403 and after p 410.
- Victoria Central Station.
- London, Chatham and Dover Railway.
- John Slater.
- Peto Brothers.
- Yachts in 1884, p 407.