Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Thomas Spencer (1825-1901)

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Thomas Spencer (1825-1901) of John Spencer and Sons

Son of John Spencer

of The Grove, Ryton, Blaydon-on-Tyne (1869)

1869 A founding member of the Iron and Steel Institute

1901 Thomas Spencer died in Brussels. [1]

1901 Obituary [2]

THOMAS SPENCER was born at Newborn, Newcastle-on-Tyne, on 24th December 1825. He was the fourth son of Mr. John Spencer, founder of the firm of J. Spencer and Sons, Newborn Steel Works.

After receiving his education in private schools, he entered into the active business of the firm, and in time took up the commercial work, acting chiefly as travelling representative. As the firm have taken a prominent part in the development of the railway system from its earliest times by supplying the various locomotive works and railways with their requirements of material, there was a large field for his ability and energy.

After an active business career he retired in 1871 owing to ill health, and bad since chiefly lived abroad.

He was well known in the north of England for his gifts towards religious and educational purposes.

In July 1900 he had an attack of paralysis, from which he was slowly recovering when be was seized with bronchitis, upon which pneumonia supervened, to which he succumbed on 12th April 1901, at the age of seventy-five.

He became a Member of this Institution in 1854.

1901 Obituary [3]

THOMAS SPENCER, of the firm of John Spencer and Sons, of Newburn Steel Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, died on April 12, 1901, in Brussels, after an illness of some months. He was the third and youngest son of the late John Spencer, the founder of the steelworks at Newburn, and was in his seventy-sixth year. He was possessed of much energy and business capacity, qualities which naturally had their influence in the development of the steelworks of this firm. He was known for his liberality, especially in connection with education and ecclesiastical objects. When the Bishopric of Newcastle was created he contributed £10,000, and recently he gave a similar amount towards the establishment of a residentiary canonry in Newcastle Cathedral. He also gave £15,000 towards the restoration of Hexham Abbey Church; and churches at Ryton, Consett, Easington, and Newburn, as well as numerous charities, received donations from him at various times.

He was an original member of the Iron and Steel Institute.

1901 Obituary [4]

See Also


Sources of Information