Category:Iron and Steel Institute
Pages in category "Iron and Steel Institute"
The following 1,552 pages are in this category, out of 1,552 total.
- Thomas Abbot
- Frederick Augustus Abel
- George Adams
- Jno. Adams
- Edwin Adams
- George North Adams
- George Frederick Adams
- Daniel Adamson
- Daniel Adamson (1869-1930)
- Joseph Adamson
- John Addenbrooke
- George Addenbrooke
- James Addie
- John Addie
- Thomas Addyman
- Edward Tancred Agius
- Aymer Ainslie
- William George Ainslie
- George Ainsworth
- J. Stirling Ainsworth
- John Aird (1833-1911)
- Richard Akerman
- Charles Akrill
- Charles Algar
- James Allan (1837-1892)
- Arthur Allbright
- Henry Allcard
- Alfred Henry Allen
- Harry Allen (1855-1899)
- Charles Allen
- Richard William Allen
- William Daniel Allen
- William Edgar Allen
- Stephen Alley
- John Gay Newton Alleyne
- Reynold Henry Newton Alleyne
- Henry Thomas Allison
- William Allott
- Howard Aston Allport
- Alexander Anderson
- Charles K. Anderson
- Thomas Henry Anderson
- Samuel Anderson
- William Anderson
- William Anderson (1836-1910)
- Henry Herbert Andrew
- John Henry Andrew
- Robert Angus
- William Reynolds Anstice
- Isaac Armstrong
- William J. Armstrong
- George Frederick Armstrong
- William George Armstrong
- John Oliver Arnold
- Thomas Arthur Arrol
- William Arrol
- Thomas Atherton
- Richard Attenborough
- Thomas Aveling
- William Scrope Ayrton
- Eduardo De Aznar
- Luis Maria De Aznar
- Erich Baare
- Adolphus Otto Backert
- Thomas Backhouse
- Charles John Bagley
- Charles Bagnall
- Charles Bagnall, Junior
- J. J. Bagshawe
- William Henry Bailey
- James Bain (1818-1898)
- James Robert Bain
- James Baird (1802-1876)
- Benjamin Baker
- George Baker (1879-1954)
- William Baker (1830-1878)
- Alfred Baldwin
- Adam Carlisle Bamlett
- Frederick Dale Banister
- George H. Banks
- Arthur Richard Banks
- Thomas Bantock
- James Henry Barber
- James Henry Barber (d.1911)
- Thomas Barbour
- Hugh Barclay
- J. Barclay
- G. J. Barker
- John Trevor Barkley
- John Henry Barnbrook
- Francis Thomas Barnett
- William Barningham (1825-1882)
- James Barrow
- Edward Barton
- Henry Bates (1846-1903)
- Herbert Bates
- William Fothergill Batho
- Jean Louis Baudelot
- Hilary Bauerman
- Ernest E. W. Baumler
- John Clowes Bayley
- Arthur Bakewell Baylis
- Moses Bayliss
- Thomas Abraham Bayliss
- Thomas Richard Bayliss
- Federiro Bayo
- Albert Edward Beard
- George Beard
- Joseph Beardmore
- William Beardmore (1824-1877)
- William Beardmore
- John Henry Beckwith
- George Bedson
- Herbert Beesley
- Lorens Beijer
- George Thomas Beilby
- Charles Lowthian Bell
- Henry Stowe Bell
- Maurice H. L. Bell
- Robert Bell (d.1894)
- Thomas Bell (1817-1894)
- Thomas Bell (1846-1884)
- Hugh Bell
- Isaac Lowthian Bell
- John Thomas Bell
- John Bell (1818-1888)
- Carl Benedicks
- George Bowen Bennett
- Peter Duckworth Bennett
- Per Torsten Berg
- George Berkley
- Jean Baptiste Louis Felix Marc Berrier-Fontaine
- Ernst Bertrand
- Henry Bessemer
- William Beswick Myers Beswick
- Thomas John Beswicke
- Raffaele Bettini
- Isaiah Bevan
- William Bevan (d.1897)
- John Biddulph
- Carl Wilhelm Bildt
- Robert John Billinton
- Auguste Biot
- John Birch
- Frederick Sillery Bishop
- George G. Blackwell
- James MacLellan Blair
- Thomas S. Blair
- Siegfrei Blau
- John James Bleckly
- Henry Bleckly
- Herbert Sanderson Bleckly
- William Henry Bleckly
- Adolf Bleichert
- Caleb Bloomer
- Clifford George Bloomer
- Guillermo Bobrzyk
- John James Bodmer
- Gustave Boel
- Henry Bolckow
- Edwin Bond
- George Bond
- John William Booth
- Albert Borsig
- William Bosch
- Septimus Bourne
- John Bourne (2)
- George Robert Harland Bowden
- Thomas Bowen
- Howard Bowser
- Herbert Melville Boylston
- Frederick Braby
- Hugh Meller Bradford
- Robert Watson Bradley
- Antonio Brady
- Arthur Brakenhjelm
- Arthur Bramley
- Frederick Joseph Bramwell
- Augustus Hicks Henery Bratt
- Harry Brearley
- J. R. Breckon
- Vincenzo Stefano Breda
- Freidrich Bremme
- Alphonse Briart
- Henry Currer Briggs
- Henry Currey Briggs
- William Bright
- Frederick Brightmore
- Johan August Brinell
- Horace Broadbent
- Aubrey Brock
- William Brockbank
- Alexander Brogden
- Massey Bromley
- Gustaf Emil Broms
- Otto Wilhelm Broms
- W. J. Brooke
- James C. Brooks
- Peter Brotherhood (1838-1902)
- Bennett H. Brough
- Lionel Brough
- Joseph Charters Brown
- Percy Brown
- Richard Brown
- Thomas Forster Brown
- Thomas Chappell Brown-Westhead
- Walter Raleigh Browne
- Charles Bruce-Gardner
- William Duff Bruce
- James Brunlees
- James Buckley
- Robert Orford Buckley
- Otto Karl Eduard Budde
- Joseph Bull
- William Munton Bullivant
- James Clark Bunten
- James A. Burden
- James A. Burdin
- Hendrik Post Van Der Burg
- Herbert Thomas Burls
- Robert Scott Burn
- Jonas Lindow Burns-Lindow
- George Burns (2)
- William John Dalzell Burnyeat
- Stephen Burridge
- George Burt
- Theobald Fitzwalter Butler
- Ambrose Edmund Butler (1848-1923)
- William Butlin
- J. S. Byers
- Henry Cadell
- Nathaniel Caine
- William Sproston Caine
- Robert James Caldwell
- Charles Cammell
- James M. Camp
- Charles Campbell (1868-1908)
- Edward Demille Campbell
- Jean-Baptiste Gustave Adolphe Canet
- Edward Hamer Carbutt
- Charles George Carlisle
- Thomas Carlisle
- James Carlton
- Andrew Carnegie
- Henry Cort Harold Carpenter
- Edward Carr
- Mark William Carr (1822-1888)
- William Carrey
- Arthur Carrington
- G. Carrington
- William Carson
- Walter Carter
- Robert Cassells
- Jno. R. Cassels
- Louis Cassier
- Camille Cavallier
- Edward Cavendish
- Spencer Compton Cavendish
- Victor C. W. Cavendish
- Victor Christian William Cavendish
- Frederick Cavendish
- William Cavendish
- George Cawley
- David Chadwick
- Arthur Marshall Chambers
- John George Chapman
- Henry Chapman
- Henry Charlton (d.1903)
- Henry Louis Le Chatelier
- A. E. Chattin
- Samuel Chatwood (1833-1909)
- George E. Checkland
- William Frederick Cheesewright
- James Macallum Cherrie
- Henry Clapham
- George Thomas Clark
- William J. Clarke
- Gilbert Henry Claughton
- William Wikeley Clayton
- Frederick Cleeves
- John Cleghorn
- William Cleland
- John Arthur Clements
- Olaf P. Clements
- James Lyons Cleminson
- William John Bird Clerke
- Joseph Cliff
- Joseph Cliff, Junior
- Charles Cochrane
- Henry Cochrane
- John Cockburn
- William Cockburn
- Henry Ivor Coe
- Barnett Cohen
- Albert Ladd Colby
- John William Cole
- James Colquhoun
- David Colville (1860-1916)
- John Colville
- George Compton
- Joseph Cook
- Arthur Henry Cooper
- Ebenezer Elias Cooper
- Edward Cooper
- Leonard Cooper (d.1904)
- Arthur Cooper
- Peter Cooper
- Charles John Copeland
- Evence Coppee
- William Ellis Corey
- Christopher Robert Corning
- Alexander Bertram Cowan
- John Cowan (1845-1929)
- Edward Coward
- Edward Alfred Cowper
- Frederick Crabtree
- John Craig
- Thomas Russell Crampton
- John Craven
- Joseph Craven
- Thomas W. Crawhall-Wilson
- Henry Crawshay
- Robert Thompson Crawshay
- William Thompson Crawshay
- John Henry Cremer
- William Dilworth Crewdson (1839-1908)
- George Crompton
- Thomas Crompton
- Walter Crooke
- Walter Crooke (1840-1924)
- Charles Crookes
- Andrew White Crookston
- William John Crossley
- Edward Crowe (1861-1924)
- Clement Crowther
- John Speight Cumberland
- John Charles Cuninghame
- Peter Nisbet Cunningham
- John Cunninghame
- Allerton Seward Cushman
- William Cuthill
- Julien D'Andrimont
- Reiner Maria Daelen
- Robert Daglish (1809-1883)
- David Dale (1829-1906)
- Edward Rice Daniel
- Fred. H. Daniels
- Samuel Danks (1840-1913)
- Samuel Danks (b.1842)
- Abraham Darby (1804-1878)
- John Henry Darby
- Edward Charles Darley
- Charles Reuben Darrow
- Erasmus Darwin (1880-1915)
- Russell Wheeler Davenport
- Edward Davey
- George Henry Davey
- Hezekiah David
- Henry Davies
- John Bailey Davies
- John Cecil Davies
- John William Davies
- William Davies (1836-1897)
- William Henry Davies
- William Robert Davies
- Thomas Davis
- John Davison (1873-1933)
- Samuel Davison
- Abraham Davy (1831-1896)
- David Davy
- William Henry Dawes
- George Dawes (Ironmaster)
- Bernard Dawson
- Richard Day
- George Frederick Deacon
- John William Dean
- William Dean
- Julien Deby
- Cornelius Frederik Delfos
- Carl Dellwik
- Arthur Dennis
- William Frederick Dennis
- William Denny (1847-1887)
- Cecil Henry Desch
- Joseph Louis Gaston Deschamps
- John Henry Dewhurst
- Frank Wesley Dick
- George Alexander Dick
- John Henry Soar Dickenson
- Richard Elihu Dickinson
- John Dickinson (1825-1908)
- George Charles Dieckstahl
- Lewis Llewelyn Dillwyn
- Samuel Dixon
- Walter Dixon
- Raylton Dixon
- Charles James Dobbs
- Matthew B. Dodds
- Joseph Dodds
- Thomas Edward Dodgson
- David Patrick Donald
- Peter Donaldson
- Hay Frederick Donaldson
- Arthur John Dorman
- Arthur Charles Dorman
- Robert Page Dorman
- Charles Prattman Douglas
- James Douglas
- Thomas Douglas
- William Douglass (d.1898)
- William George Dowden
- Alfred Christian Downey
- Thomas Drane
- Alexandre Dreux
- Edouard Dreux
- Augustus Henry Murray Driver
- Joseph Herbert Dronsfield
- Thomas Messinger Drown
- Thomas J. Drummond
- Arthur McDougall Duckham
- Charles Benjamin Dudley
- James Duffield
- George Robert Dunell
- Charles Chorlton Dunkerley
- Alexander Milne Dunlop
- Colin Robert Dunlop
- George Henry Dunn
- Archibald Hendry Dunnachie
- George Robert Dunnell
- William Franklin Durfee
- Paul Durrans
- Henry Clement Swinnerton Dyer
- Waldemar Dyrssen
- George Dyson
- William Henry Dyson
- Reuben Eastwood
- John Harris Edge
- Otto Carl Ludwig Eichhoff
- Martin Ekenberg
- George Elliot
- John Devonshire Ellis
- Thomas Ellis (1818-1884)
- Thomas Leonard Ellis
- William Henry Ellis
- H. Cole Estep
- Christmas Evans
- David Evans
- David Evans (1836-1909)
- Frank H. Evans
- Gwilym Evans
- Howard Evans
- John Evans (1877-1914)
- Richard Evans
- William Evans (d.1899)
- William Evans (1843-1915)
- George James Eveson
- James Alfred Ewing
- Giorgio E. Falck
- Reuben Farley
- Ernest Farnworth
- William Farnworth
- Charles Louis Faulkner
- Henry F. Faviell
- Jeremiah Bourn Faviell
- Walter Fearnehough
- Thomas Fell
- Samuel James Fellowes
- Christopher William Fincken
- Finlay Finlayson
- Ambrose Firth
- Thomas Henry Firth
- Mark Firth
- Edward Knapp Fisher
- George H. Fisher-Smith
- William Thomas Flather
- William Fletcher (d.1902)
- William Fletcher (1831-1900)
- George Flett
- Henry Flint
- Philip William Flower
- David Forbes
- Edwin L. Ford
- William Henry Forester
- George Baker Forster
- Robert Forsyth
- Herbert Le Neve Foster
- William Orme Foster
- Richard Fothergill (1822-1903)
- A. Fould-Dupont
- William Fowler
- William Henry Fowler
- Henry Fownes
- E. D. Fox
- Edwin Fox
- Edmund John Fox
- Samson Fox
- William France
- William Walter Franklin
- Graham Fraser
- Edmund Leavenworth French
- John Frew
- Carl August Von Frey
- John Fritz
- Theodore Fry
- Alexander Fullerton
- Enoch Hjalmar Furuhjelm
- John Galloway (1825-1896)
- Charles John Galloway
- Douglas Strutt Galton
- George Garrett
- William Garrett
- Elbert H. Gary
- James Gayley
- Maurice Geny
- Francis W. Gilbertson
- Percy Carlyle Gilchrist
- William Gill
- Allan Gilmour
- John Gjers
- Lawrence Farrar Gjers
- John Manassah Gledhill
- Jno. H. Goddard
- William Goddard
- John E. Goldwyer
- A. Goodman
- Goran Fredrik Goransson
- A. Henrik Goransson
- Philippe Alexandre Gottschalk
- Jules Goujon
- Alexander Gouvy
- George Granville William Sutherland Leveson Gower
- Allan John Grant
- Thomas Maxwell Grant
- Henry George Graves
- George Watson Gray
- Walter Gibb Gray
- Matthew Gray
- Henry Grazebrooke
- Michael Grazebrooke
- James Henry Greathead
- Richard Henry Greaves
- Peter Greck
- W. Greck
- William Henry Greenwood
- James Gregory
- Edward Cockburn Greig
- John Greig
- Adolphe Greiner
- Henry Grey
- Edwin James Grice
- John Grieg
- William Magee Grier
- Thomas Augustus Griffin
- Azahiah Griffiths
- Jno. Griffiths
- Roosevelt Griffiths
- Chester Griswold
- David Groucutt
- Edwin Grove
- Louis Gruner
- Hermann Gruson
- Josiah Guest (1837-1915)
- Emil Guilleaume
- Frederic Carl Guilliaume
- Henry Augustus Guy
- William Hackney
- Robert Hadfield (1830-1888)
- Robert Abbott Hadfield
- Paul Haehner
- David Henry Haggie
- Peter Sinclair Haggie
- George Hailstone
- Richard Haines
- Benjamin James Hall
- Hewitson Hall
- John Francis Hall
- William Fairbairn Hall
- Hugo Haniel
- Robert Hannay, Junior
- Thomas Hannay
- William Hanning
- William Hanson (1837-1899)
- Daniel Hanson
- Frank William Harbord
- Charles Henry Hardeman
- Petrus Harden
- George Harding
- Roland Charles Harding
- Harold Gathorne Hardy
- Henry Graham Harris
- George Harrison (1880-1907)
- George King Harrison (1826-1906)
- William Bealey Harrison
- Joseph Harrop
- John Hart
- John Hartley (1813-1884)
- John Hartley (d.1907)
- Alfred Harvey
- Alfred Seale Haslam
- William Herbert Hatfield
- George Hatton
- William Hawdon
- Charles Hawksley
- George William Hawksley
- Thomas Hawksley
- Alexander Sowerby Hay
- Elwood Haynes
- Archibald Potter Head
- Jeremiah Head (1835-1899)
- John Head
- John Head (1839-1893)
- B. D. Healey
- Robert Heath, Junior
- William Heath
- Robert Heath (1816-1893)
- Augustus Helder
- J. B. Helson
- Charles William Chipchase Henderson
- James Henderson
- John Macdonald Henderson
- William Henderson (1827-1881)
- Alphonse Hennin
- Gustavus Charles Hennings
- Charles Herbert
- Augustus Herlenius
- Abram Stevens Hewitt
- Charles Hewitt
- William Henry Hewlett
- Alfred Hewlett
- Henry Heywood
- John Hick
- Alfred William Hickman
- Alfred Hickman (1830-1910)
- Alfred Higgins
- Alfred Hill
- Francis Hill
- Frank Hill
- Jenkin Brynmor Hill
- Alfred Clayton Hill
- John Hinchcliffe (d.1903)
- Henry Montague Hingley
- Benjamin Hingley
- George Benjamin Hingley
- Noah Hingley
- William Hipkins
- William Edward Hipkins
- Daniel Jones Hirst
- Thomas Hirst
- Robert Hobson
- John Hodgart
- Petronius Hodges
- Alfred Hodgetts
- James Hodgson (d.1904)
- John Hodgson
- John Lee Hodgson
- Alexander Lyman Holley
- James Spencer Hollings
- Wilfred Wilson Hollings
- James Hollingworth
- Henry William Hollis
- Louis Jaques Dieudonne Holtzer
- Charles James Homer
- William Walker Hood
- Richard Hooking
- William Randolph Innes Hopkins
- John Hopkinson (1824-1902)
- Enoch Horton
- Thomas Ellwood Horton
- Thomas Hosgood
- Richard Hosking
- Cecil Harold Hoskins
- John Houghton
- John Houghton (1850-1924)
- John William Howard
- James Howard (1821-1889)
- Henry Marion Howe
- Richard Howson
- Henry Albert Hoy
- James Rossiter Hoyle
- Fernand d'Huart
- Hippolyte d'Huart
- Herman Victor Hubert
- William Hudspith
- Ralph T. Hughes
- John Hughes (1814-1889)
- Joseph Whitworth Hulse
- Nelson Powell Hulst
- A. W. Humphreys
- James Hulse Humphryes
- Alfred Ephraim Hunt
- Augustus Henry Hunt
- Robert Woolston Hunt
- Charles Lafayette Hunter
- James Hunter (1818-1886)
- Frederick Forrester Hunting
- Joseph Huntrods
- Francis Huntsman (1852-1910)
- Arthur Cameron Hurtzig
- Albert Hussener
- E. J. Hutchings
- Alfred Hutchinson
- Thomas Charles Hutchinson
- Robert Hutton
- Adam Hyde
- Henry Hyde
- Robert Murray Hyslop
- Alexander G. M. Jack
- William Jacks
- William Uprichard Jackson
- John Jackson (1843-1899)
- Richard Machell Jacques
- Robert Jaques
- Simon Louis Francois Jambillie
- Christopher William James
- H. M. James
- Enoch James
- Thomas James (d.1889)
- William Henry Jaques
- Richard Machell Jaques
- George Jardine
- Basil Jayne
- James Stephen Jeans
- Joshua Jeavons
- John Robert Jefferies
- Edward Alexander Jeffreys
- E. Jeffries
- James G. Jenkins
- James Graham Jenkins
- John Jones Jenkins
- William Jenkins (1825-1895)
- J. J. Jenkins
- Isaac James Jenks
- Charles James Pascoe Jennings
- James C. Jennings
- Alfred Emerson Jessop
- Edward Thomas John
- William John
- Guy Roche Johnson
- Herbert Alfred Johnson
- John Thewlis Johnson
- Richard S. Johnson
- Thewlis Johnson
- Walter Johnson
- C. G. Johnson
- John Joicey
- Henry Jonas
- Benjamin Jones
- David Jones (1844-1897)
- Frederick F. Jones
- Henry Jones (1831-1901)
- James Jones (1837-1899)
- James Jones (1853-1911)
- William Richard Jones
- Cosmo Jones
- Edwin Jones
- John Allcock Jones
- John Jones (1831-1893)
- John Jones (1835-1877)
- Thomas Jopling
- Samson Jordan
- Adolf Jost
- Albert Von Julin
- Nicholas Kalakoutsky
- Jno. Z. Kay
- Henry Ward Kearns
- Francis Watkins Keen
- Arthur Keen
- George Keighley
- James Keith
- Archibald Simpson Keith
- William Kellett
- James Hermann Rosenthal Kemnal
- Howard John Kennard
- Robert William Kennard (1858-1929)
- Julian Kennedy
- Myles Kennedy
- Myles Kennedy (1836-1883)
- William Kennedy (1837-1899)
- James Kerr (1844-1927)
- Thomas T. Kesteven
- Tom Cobb King
- Charles Kirchoff
- Henry Kirk
- William George Kirkaldy
- John Kirkconel
- Herbert Kirkhouse
- William Kirkip
- W. Kislanski
- John Kitching
- Alfred Kitching
- Albert Ernest Kitson
- Frederick William Kitson
- James Kitson (1835-1911)
- Roland Dudley Kitson
- Fredrik Adolf Kjellin
- Otto Knaudt
- Frans Henrik Kockum
- Stephen Lancelot Koe
- Alfred Krupp
- Friedrich Alfred Krupp
- Paul Richard Kuehnrich
- Christian Wilhelm Kundeberg
- James Laing (1823-1901)
- Andrew Lamberton
- George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton
- Joshua Lancaster
- John Lancaster (1815-1884)
- Andrew Landale
- Hermann Ludwig Lange
- William James Larke
- Jorgen Daniel Larsen
- George Lauder
- E. J. Lavino
- Arthur Tredgold Lawson
- Daniel Layborn
- Richard Laybourne
- Edwin Leadbeater
- Adolf Ledebur
- John Machray Ledingham
- Henry Lee (1817-1904)
- Samuel Lees (1831-1907)
- Joseph Leigh
- Joseph Dorning Leigh
- Moses Leonard
- Isaac Enoch Lester
- Frederick Leveson-Gower
- Granville George Leveson-Gower
- George Levick
- F. Levick
- Lewis Levy
- David Lewis
- H. W. Lewis
- James Frederick Lewis
- Lewis Thomas Lewis
- Henry Watkin Lewis
- Joseph Slater Lewis
- William Thomas Lewis
- Carl Carlson Lindberg
- Wilhelm Von Lindheim
- Jonas Lindlow
- George Little
- Erik Johann Ljungberg
- Daniel Charles Lloyd
- George C. Lloyd
- John Henry Lloyd
- Cyril Edward Lloyd
- Francis Henry Lloyd
- Francis Zachary Lloyd
- John Lloyd
- Wilson Lloyd
- Henry Denzil Lobley
- Jabez Lones
- Jonathan Longbotham
- Robert Bewick Longridge
- Alfred Longsdon
- David Alexander Louis
- Henry Louis
- John Edgar Lowe
- John Grayson Lowood
- William Lowther
- Carl Lueg
- Andrew Lumberton
- James Lusk
- Henry Middlemore Lynam
- William Royse Lysaght
- William Mace
- Walter Macfarlane (d.1921)
- Charles John Grahame MacGuckin
- Charles Hanson Mackay
- James Mackean
- Thomas Brown Mackenzie
- John Finlay Maclaren
- David Mowat Maclay
- George MacLellan Blair
- Daniel Macnee
- Jules Magery
- Maurice Magery
- George John Mair
- William Malcolm
- John Mallaband
- Henry Mallalieu
- Maximilian Mannaberg
- Charles Markham
- Charles Paxton Markham
- James Edward Marley
- Benjamin Marsden
- John Lockwood Marsh
- Francis Carr Marshall
- Benjamin Martell
- Henry John Marten
- Edward Pritchard Martin
- Stephen Martin, Junior
- Thomas Commerford Martin
- Pierre Blaise Emile Martin
- Thomas Acquin Martin
- Thomas Massicks
- William Mather
- John Alexander Mathews
- James Matthews
- Francis John Maw
- William Henry Maw
- J. Mayer (2)
- John Maylor
- George W. Maynard
- Henry Nathan Maynard
- Emile Mayrisch
- Andrew S. McClelland
- Andrew Simpson McClelland
- William McConway
- Andrew Kirkwood McCosh
- William McCowan
- James McCreath (1828-1910)
- John McCullum
- Alexander McDonnell
- L. T. McEwen
- Alexander George McKenzie Jack
- Alexander McKerrow
- Walter Stowe Bright McLaren
- J. R. McLean
- John McMillan (1848-1888)
- Walter George McMillan
- George Gibson McMurtry
- Bedford McNeill
- Andrew McWilliam
- C. A. Meissner
- Samuel Melling
- Thomas Melling (1837-1909)
- Franz Mayr Von Melnhof
- William Menelaus
- Camille Mercader
- James Merry
- Charles Hesterman Merz
- William Mitford
- Alexander R. Miller
- John Fulton Miller
- Samuel L. Millington
- Frederick Mills
- George Anthony Millward
- James Tayler Milton
- Joseph Mitchell (1840-1895)
- Charles Mitchell
- Percy Jose Mitchell
- George Moffatt
- Richard Moldenke
- William Molineaux
- John Moncur
- Ludwig Mond
- Ambrose Monell
- F. Monks
- Frederick Monks
- Frederick William Monks
- Christopher Moody
- Arthur C. Moore
- Thomas Parkin Moorwood
- Thomas Morel
- Edward Moreton
- Charles Hill Morgan
- H. L. Morgan
- Thomas Rees Morgan
- Octavius Vaughan Morgan
- Septimus Vaughan Morgan
- George Morley
- Claude John Morris
- William H. Morris
- William Morris (1860-1918)
- James Morrison (1806-1878)
- Henry T. Morton
- Richard Mottram
- Andrew Mount-Haes
- William Charles Mountain
- Thomas Mudd
- Alfred Muir
- Franz J. Muller
- Gustav H. Muller
- Charles Emile Muller
- James Mungall
- Roderick I. Murchison
- William Mallabey Murdock
- Joseph Musgrave
- John Musgrave, Junior
- Walter Martin Musgrave
- John D. Napier
- Thomas Nash
- Thomas Nash (d.1910)
- John William Naylor
- John Needham
- George Neesham
- James Neill
- John Neilson (1839-1935)
- Walter Neilson (1842-1896)
- James Neilson
- Walter Neilson
- William Neilson (1810-1882)
- Andrew Schlanders Nelson
- Thomas Boustead Nelson
- W. H. Nevin
- William Newmarch
- Evan Nicholas
- Henry Minchin Noad
- Andrew Noble
- William Edward Norbury
- William Gregory Norris
- John Thomas North
- William Nowell
- John Nowlan
- Perry Fairfax Nursey
- Berkeley Paget
- Jno. Brough Palmer
- Charles Mark Palmer
- James Park, Junior
- J. Spear Parker
- Henry Persehouse Parkes
- William Joseph Parkyn
- Christopher Parnaby
- Henry Parry
- John Parry
- Perceval Moses Parsons
- James Patchett
- Thomas Stark Paterson
- John Paton (1822-1883)
- Stanley Ralph Patterson
- John Pattinson
- Maskell William Peace
- Benjamin J. Peacock
- Richard Peacock
- John Nash Peake
- William Pearce
- William George Pearce
- George Pears
- Jno. B. Pearse
- Mountjoy Pearse
- Henry William Pearson
- Joseph Hickman Pearson
- W. G. Pearson
- Arthur Pease
- Reginald Pease
- Henry Fell Pease
- Joseph Whitwell Pease
- J. B. Pease
- Albert O. Peech
- Loughnan St. Lawrence Pendred
- Vaughan Pendred
- John Penn
- William Penrose
- John Percy
- Thomas Joseph Perry
- Maurice Peters
- Theodor Peters
- John Petherick
- Charles David Phillips
- Daniel Pidgeon
- Gustav Piedboeuf
- Henry James Taylor Piercy
- D. Pigeon
- Herbert Pilkington
- Richard Pink
- Joseph Piper
- James Platt
- Samuel Radcliffe Platt
- Charles Henry Plevins
- T. W. Plum
- Henry Davis Pochin
- Rudolph Poensgen
- Gustave Ernest Polonceau
- Samuel Pope
- A. M. Portevin
- Alexandre Pourcel
- Horatio Gibbs Powell
- Stanley Faber Prest
- Frederick Walter Preston
- Henry James Preston
- John Price (1852-1919)
- John Price
- William Price
- Harry Probyn
- William Henry Warden Proctor
- Charles Henry Pugh
- Arthur Putnam
- William Putnam
- Pietro Redaelli
- William Radcliffe (1844-1908)
- Richard Heber Radford
- Thomas Tempest-Radford
- George Raine
- Nicholas Raine
- David Ramsay (2)
- John Ramsbottom (1814-1897)
- James Ramsden
- Charles Frederic Rand
- John S. Randles
- Robert Charles Ransome
- Allen Ransome
- Frederick Ransome
- Robert James Ransome
- Richard Christopher Rapier
- James Ratcliffe
- Benjamin Alfred Raworth
- George Pickup Rawstron
- Rossiter Worthington Raymond
- Thomas M. Reay
- Thomas Purvis Reay
- John H. Reed
- Edward James Reed
- David Sims Rees
- William David Rees
- Arnold Karthaus Reese
- Henri Remaury
- William Stuart Rendel
- Benjamin M. Renton
- Arvod Reuterskjold
- E. Horner Reynard
- George Bernard Reynolds
- Edgar J. Windsor Richards
- Edward Windsor Richards
- Edwin Richards
- Evan Matthew Richards
- Joseph William Richards
- L. Richards
- Lewis Richards
- Edward Richards
- Josiah John Richards
- Joseph Richardson
- George Richardson (1845-1883)
- Thomas Richardson (1821-1891)
- Thomas George Richardson
- William Richardson
- Tom Hurry Riches
- David Richmond
- Carl Richter
- Henry Hyam Rider
- James Cartmell Ridley
- Thomas Dawson Ridley
- Charles Henry Ridsdale
- James Riley
- Edward Riley
- Henry William Ripley
- Harry Lorimer Riseley
- James Ritchie (d.1916)
- Ronald James Howson Ritchie
- David Evan Roberts
- Robert Roberts (d.1909)
- William Chandler Roberts-Austen
- Leslie Stephen Robertson
- Henry Robertson
- Robert Robinson (1835-1902)
- Thomas Nield Robinson
- John Robinson
- Walter Robinson
- Edward Robson
- George Rocour
- William Sargeant Roden
- James P. Roe
- John Pearce Roe
- John Phanuel Roe
- Harry R. Rogerson
- John Edwin Rogerson
- John Rogerson
- Thomas Bond Rogerson
- William E. Rogerson
- Robert Thatcher Rolfe
- Robert Roper (d.1894)
- Richard Steven Roper
- Walter Rosenhain
- Jno. Ross
- B. Round
- Benjamin Round
- Joseph Rowley
- Harry Arthur Ruck-Keene
- Francis Rummens
- George Russell (d.1877)
- William Russell (d.1901)
- George Rutherford
- Frederick Chesterfield Ryland
- William Ryland (d.1900)
- Frederick Ryland
- William Peter Rylands
- Hugo Sack
- Edward Antoine Sacre
- Fritz Salomon
- Francis Arthur Edward Samuelson
- Bernhard Samuelson
- Christer Peter Sandberg
- Nils Percy Patrick Sandberg
- Frederick Isidor Sanderson
- Ernest Henry Saniter
- John William Sankey
- Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey
- George Herbert Sankey
- Herbert Sartoris
- James Saunders
- John Saunders
- Albert Sauvee
- Alfred Saxon
- E. W. Scale
- James Scattergood
- Joseph Schlink
- Albert Schmitz
- Charles Eugene Schneider
- Eugene Schneider (d.1875)
- Henri Adolphe Eugene Schneider
- Henry William Schneider
- F. W. C. Schniewind
- Robert Schott
- Emil Schrodter
- Gustav Schulz
- Caspar P. Schumacher
- Friedrich Schuster
- Charles M. Schwab
- Cecil De Schwartz
- William Henry Scott
- Frederick Whittaker Scott
- Michael Scott (1818-1890)
- Walter Alfred Scrivener
- John Frederick Seddon
- Henry Seebohm
- William Sellers
- George Senior (1838-1915)
- Albert Senior
- Richard Sennett
- Francois-Josef Sepulchre
- Carl Setterwall
- James Shaw (1836-1883)
- Matthew Turner Shaw
- William Shaw (1871-1933)
- John Shaw (1841-1909)
- William Shaw (1826-1896)
- James Shenton
- A. T. A. Sheriff
- Alexander Clunes Sherriff
- William Powell Shinn
- George Albert Shipman
- Thomas Siddell
- Leicester Philip Sidney
- Friedrich Siemens
- William Siemens
- Arent Silfversparre
- Henry Gustav Simon
- Daniel Simonds
- William Simons
- John Bell Simpson
- Matthew Henry Simpson
- Matthew L. Simpson
- Carl Sjogren
- John Smethurst (1848-1900)
- A. Pye Smith
- Charles Smith (1843-1882)
- Charles Smith (1843-1909)
- James Smith (of Workington)
- John Stores Smith
- Joseph Henry Smith
- Joseph Kent Smith
- Richard Smith (d.1891)
- Richard Smith-Casson
- Richard Tilden Smith
- Thomas Heathcote Smith
- Charles Weston Smith
- Edward Fisher Smith
- Josiah Timmis Smith
- Robert Henry Smith
- William Smith (1841-1883)
- William Ford Smith
- Frederick Smith-Shenstone
- George James Snelus
- Olaf A. Soderberg
- Carl Nicolai Andreas Solberg
- Richard De Soldenhoff
- N. Neal Solly
- Henry Clifton Sorby
- Thomas William Sorby
- Thomas Southan
- J. J. Sparrow
- William Mander Sparrow
- Eli Spencer
- John Spencer (1846-1910)
- Thomas Spencer (1825-1901)
- Charles Spencer (1846-1905)
- John Spencer (1834-1916)
- John Frederick Spencer
- John Walton Spencer
- Thomas Spencer (1820-1883)
- Robert William Spranger
- Edward Lovell Squire
- William Harry Stanger
- John Edward Stead
- James Steel (1830-1904)
- Henry Steel
- Edward Steer
- Daniel Stephens
- Louis Sterne
- Hugh Steven
- John Stevens (d.1916)
- Samuel Edward Stevens
- Henry Stevenson
- John Stevenson
- Charles Patrick Stewart
- James Stewart (1839-1890)
- Wesley Hackworth Stewart
- Andrew Stewart
- Peter Stewart
- Valentine Beardmore Stewart
- Robert Stirling
- Henry Smith Stobart
- Charles John Stoddart
- Frederick William Stoker
- Edgar Storey
- Thomas Storey
- Thomas William Patrickson Storey
- John Strain
- John Strick
- William Stroudley
- Frederick Stubbs
- James W. Summers
- John Summers
- Samuel James Summerson
- William Sumner
- Max M. Suppes
- Frederic John Ramsbottom Sutcliffe
- Edward Willis Swan
- Herbert Arthur Swan
- John George Swan
- Henry Frederick Swan
- Ezra Sykes
- Robert Sykes
- James Tait
- Benjamin Talbot
- Edward E. Talbot
- John Thomas Tannett
- John Henry Royle Tasker
- Dorabji Tata
- Jamesetjee Nusserwanjee Tata
- John Tate
- Thomas Tatham
- Henry Francis Taylor
- Knox Taylor
- Joseph Samuel Taylor
- Thomas Albert Oakes Taylor
- Charles Tennant (1823-1906)
- John Tennent
- William Thackray
- Samuel James Pope Thearle
- Eduard Theisen
- Alexander Thielen
- Joseph Thiry
- Ebenezer Rowland Thomas
- J. J. Thomas
- William Thomas (1832-1903)
- Wyndham Partridge Thomas
- Hubert Spence Thomas
- Sidney Gilchrist Thomas
- William Thomas (d.1905)
- George Thompson (d.1887)
- John Thompson (of Middlesbrough)
- John Thompson (c1833-1887)
- Robert Thompson (1851-1908)
- Charles Thomson
- George Thomson (1816-1894)
- Grahame Hardie Thomson
- J. M. Thomson
- John Mann Thomson
- John Thomson
- Thomas Frame Thomson
- William Thorburn
- Hugo Philip Tiemann
- John Timmins
- Andrew Denny Tolmie
- Henry Tomkins
- Henry Toogood
- Joseph Torbock
- Gerard Philip Torrens
- Edmund George Tosh
- Robert George Tosh
- William Tozer (1858-1923)
- Gustave Traesenster
- Emile Trasenster
- Gustave Trasenster
- Jean Louis Trasenster
- Alexandre Tropenas
- John William Trowsdale
- Ernest Trubshaw
- Henry Valentine Trump
- Dimitris Tschernoff
- Alexander Edwin Tucker
- Peter Von Tunner
- Thomas Turner (1861-1951)
- Thomas Turner (1856-1909)
- Thomas Turton
- John Turton
- Thomas Twynam
- Charles Tylden-Wright
- Frederick W. Tyzack
- John Waddell
- Joseph Waddington
- Hugh William Waddle
- William Wadell
- Edward Wadham
- Carl Gustav Wahlberg
- John William Wailes
- Henry Hay Wake
- Arthur Tannett Walker
- Benjamin Walker
- William Edward Walker
- William Huginn Walker
- William R. Walker
- B. Walker
- Charles Clement Walker
- David Wallace (1823-1877)
- James John Wallis
- Roughsedge Wallwork
- Arthur Thomas Walmisley
- John Pears Walton
- Joseph Walton
- Fredric Elias Warburg
- George Ward
- John Ward (1725-1788)
- Thomas William Ward
- William Ward (1817-1885)
- Marmaduke Wardlow
- William Watson
- Edmund Hannay Watts (c1857-1894)
- Edmund Hannay Watts (1830-1902)
- Thomas S. Webb
- Francis William Webb
- Henry Webb
- Cyril Grey Webster
- Hermann Wedding
- Joseph D. Weeks
- William Weir
- Samuel Wellman
- William Edwin Wells
- Henri De Wendel
- Robert De Wendel
- William Wesson
- John Westray
- George Whale
- Joseph Wharton
- Ernest Wheatcroft
- Jerome Wheelock
- Adolph Swain While
- James White (d.1912)
- Maunsel White
- William Henry White
- Daniel Whitehouse
- Benjamin Whitehouse (1833-1913)
- Alexander Whitelaw
- Joseph Whitley (1816-1891)
- Samuel Whitmore
- Thomas Whitwell
- William Whitwell
- Joseph Whitworth
- Bruno Ehrhardt
- Johan Gustav Wiborgh
- Augustus Frederick Wiener
- Eustace Wigzell
- Frank Sidney Wilkinson
- Thomas Wilkinson (1844-1909)
- George Wilkinson (d.1904)
- George William Wilkinson
- Jacob Geoghegan Willans
- John William Willans
- Eugene B. Willard
- Daniel Williams
- Illtyd Williams
- Israel Williams
- James Williams (1847-1898)
- Jonathan Williams
- Joshua Williams
- Nicholas Williams
- William Williams (d.1904)
- Edward Williams (1826-1886)
- Edward Leader Williams (1828-1910)
- John Williams
- Richard Williams (1817-1909)
- Richard Price Williams
- Walter Williams (1831-1892)
- Hugh Williamson
- Arthur Willis (d.1881)
- W. C. Willis
- Charles Willman
- Alexander Wilson (1837-1907)
- George Wilson
- John Frederick Wilson
- John Gordan Wilson-Dickson
- W. E. Winby
- George P. Wincott
- Bartlett Wrangham Winder
- Frederic Windsor-Richards
- Rowland Winn (1820-1893)
- William Lloyd Wise
- James P. Witherow
- George Wood (1826-1879)
- John Wood (1840-1912)
- John Wood (of Maryport)
- Stuart Wood
- Walter Wood (1850-1934)
- Charles Wood (1834-1901)
- Thomas Wood (1849-1886)
- W. G. Woodcock
- John Woodward
- Henry Woolcock
- Harry Worton
- Frederick Wragge
- H. E. Wright
- John Roper Wright
- Thomas Wright (1866-1919)
- W. Charles Wright
- Stephen Wrightson
- Thomas Wrightson
- Philipp Wurzburger
- Robert Wylie
- Horace Winfield Wyman