The Engineer 1876/10/06
Main Subjects
- An American Blast Furnace, p 235. (Illustrated).
- 1876 Centennial Exhibition Chemical Manufacturers, p 236.
- Dog Power, p 237.
- Editorial.
- American Competition.
- Iron and Steel Institute at Leeds.
- Marine Engines in the Navy.
- Further Trade Union Despotism.
- Mines Drainage.
- A Remarkable Marine Engine.
- Eighty Ton Gun at Shoeburyness, p 235.
- Hathorn, Davis and Campbell, Pumping Machinery at the Erin Colliery, Westphalia, p 238 and 239.(Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 240 and p 243.
- Manchester Steam Users Association, p 240.
- Of the Investigation of the Steering Qualities of Ships, by Professor Osborne Reynolds, p 245.
- Portsmouth Waterside Extension Railway, p 237.
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
- Colonel Hutchinson R.E.
- Frederick Dale Banister.
- William Jacomb.
- Jno.Aird and Sons.
- Horseley Co.
- Saxby and Farmer.
- Brown Brothers and Co.
- Society of Engineers Paper on the Underground Pumping Machinery at the Erin Colliery, Westphalia, read byHenry Davey, p 239.
- Society of Engineers Monthly Meeting, list of elected members, p 240.
- Steamship Hudson, Cromwell Line, p 242.(Illustrated).