The Engineer 1856/10/31
Main Subjects
- Bird and Rose's Improvements in Castors, p585 (Illustrated).
- Details of Wrought Iron Sheer Legs Calculated to Sustain 70 Tons, p592 (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p589.
- Engineers Strike on the New York and Erie Railroad
- Australian Screw Clippers
- Hostility of Certain Engineers to the Press.
- Letters to the Editor, p586.
- Metropolitan Board of Works, p587.
- Murray's Improvements in Wheels for Locomotive Engines, p585.
- Reviews, p590.
- Richardson and Jaffrey's Marine Steam Engines, p585 (Illustrated).
- Sheer Legs at the Victoria (London) Docks, p591.
- Suspension of Fox, Henderson and Co, p590.
- Tour in Town (Chapter I), Zinc Trade, p583 (Illustrated).
- Westminster Clock, p587 (Illustrated).
- Wrought Iron Sheer Legs, Designed by Robert Mallet, p592 (Illustrated).