Marshall, Barber, and Co
of Derby
1839 'Hull and Selby Railway.— The directors are using all possible means to prosecute the works with vigour, now that the season is approaching when this can be done with advantage. A part of the iron superstructure of the bridge to be erected over the river Ouse, at Selby, has arrived there from the Butterby Iron Works [ Butterley Co ], and will be put up with the least possible delay. The iron bridge over the Market Weighton canal, made by Messrs. Marshall, Barber, and Wright, of Derby, is already erected.' [1]
1841 Advert: 'NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, that the Partnership, lately subsisting between WILLIAM MARSHALL, late of Bescot Hall, in the county of Stafford, Iron Founder,`JOHN VAUGHAN BARBER, of Barr, in the said county, Iron Founder, and HENRY MARSHALL, of Stanton by Dale, in the county of Derby, Iron Founder, carrying on the Trade or Business of Iron Founders, at the Britannia Foundry, in the Borough of Derby, under the style or firm of "Marshall, Barber, and Co.," has been dissolved, and all Debts owing to the said late Co-partnership are to be paid to Mr. THOMAS WRIGHT, of, the said Borough of Derby, Iron Founder, by whom the said Trade or Business will in future be carried on. And all Claims and Demands against the said late Partnership are requested to be sent to the said Thomas Wright, in order that they may be examined and (if found correct) discharged.'[2]
1847 After the death of Thomas Wright, the Britannia Foundry was acquired by Andrew Handyside