Andrew Handyside
Andrew Handyside (1805-1887) of Andrew Handyside and Co
1805 Born in Edinburgh the son of Hugh Handyside, a merchant, and his wife Margaret Baird. Brother to William Handyside
Worked at Baird's Works in St Petersburg
1839 Married Anastatia Henley in St Petersburg[1]. No children known.
THE EXECUTORS of the late THOMAS WRIGHT, having DISPOSED of the BUSINESS, lately carried on by them, at the Britannia Foundry, in Duke-street, Derby, to Mr. ANDREW HANDYSIDE, return their sincere thanks for the many favours received, and beg to recommend to the notice of the public their successor, whom they hope will meet with a continuance of their favour. All debts owing on account of the above Business, to Saturday, the 19th of June inclusive, must be paid to Mr. Stone, Accountant, No. 19, Saint Alkmund's Church-yard, Derby, or to his Clerk at the Foundry ; and all parties having any claim against the said Executors, on account of the above Business, are requested to send the same to Mr. Stone, in order that it may be examined and discharged.
ANDREW HANDYSIDE begs to inform the public that he has TAKEN to the above BUSINESS, which he purposes to carry on as heretofore, and assuring them of his desire on all occasions to pay his best attention to their wishes and convenience, trusts to receive a continuance of the favour shewn to his predecessors. June 21st, 1847.'[2]
1851 Andrew Anderside (sic) 45, engineer and iron founder, employing 250 men, lived in Derby with Anastasia Anderside (sic) 29, his nephews Alexander Buchanan 21, engineer, and Nicklas Anderside (sic) 19, apprentice[3]
1861 Andrew Handyside 55, engineer employing 350 men, lived in Derby with Anastasia Handyside 38[4]
1871 Andrew Handyside 65, civil engineer, employing 360 men, lived in Derby with Anastasia Handyside 48[5]
1877 Patent to Andrew Handyside, of Derby, for the invention of "improvements in bearings of shafts or axles "[6].
1881 Andrew Handyside 75, civil engineer (retired), lived in Derby with Anastasia Handyside 58[7]
1887 Andrew Handyside, of Derby, formerly of St Petersburg, died[8]