Joseph Pease and Partners
1829 Joseph Pease and Partners purchased a small riverside farm at Middlesbrough. Joseph Pease developed the farm into a town and coal port. During the next 70 years Middlesbrough would see one of the most extraordinary population explosions ever known in British history[1].
1841 Locomotion was taken out of service and turned into a stationary engine and used until 1857 by Joseph Pease and Partners.
1870 Joseph Pease retired from the Joseph Pease and Partners business which was then run by his five sons including Joseph Whitwell Pease[2]
1872 Plan to sink a pit at Windleton[3]. Mr David Dale joined the business to handle the mineral interests[4]
By 1877 the company and its associated minerals company was referred to as J. W. Pease and Partners[5]
1882 Announcement that Joseph Pease and Partners, colliery owners, and J. W. Pease and Co, ironstone and mineral quarry owners, would be amalgamated as Pease Partners Ltd; the ownership would be divided between the existing owners[6].