The Engineer 1859/07/15
1859 July 15th PDF
Main Subjects
- Application of Science to the Fine Arts, William Fox Talbot, p 38.
- Atlantic Telegraph Co, Stuart Wortley, Chairman, p 48.
- Bailey's Mode of Loading Fire Arms, p 40. (Illustrated)
- Baillie's Railway Wheels, p 44. (Illustrated)
- Bow's Railway Chairs Fastenings, p 41. (Illustrated)
- Death Announcement, W. E. D Cumming, Chairman of the Patent Derrick Co, p 47.
- Editorial, p 45.
- The Present and The Future.
- Protection to Engine Drivers.
- Royal Naval Engineers.
- Geological Society of London, J. Phillips, President, p 38.
- Griffiths and Brennand's Lubricators, p 41. (Illustrated)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, award winners listed, p 38.
- Johnson's Locomotive Engines, p 44. (Illustrated)
- Jones' Coke Ovens, p 40. (Illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor, p 42 and p 45.
- Patent Journal, p 48.
- Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Ossiferous Caverns and Fissures of Devonshire, by William Pengelly, p 37.
- Phosphorescence, Fluorescence, Etc., by Professor Faraday.
- SS Great Eastern, p 37.
- Warner, Derbyshire and Mann's Cocks or Taps, p 40. (Illustrated)
- What the First Atlantic Cable Effected, Atlantic Telegraph Co, p 40.