Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Bramah and Prestage

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Bramah and Prestage of Piccadilly and Pimlico

1836 Lease from F. Bramah to F. Bramah, junior and John T. Prestage [1]. Around this time there seems to have been a separation of parts of the Bramah and Co business into separate enterprises; presumably this marked the beginning of Bramah and Prestage.

1837 Made the bronze gates for Buckingham Palace [2].

1839 Dissolution of the Partnership between Francis Bramah and John Thomas Prestage, carrying on business as Founders and Engineers, at the Grosvenor Works, Pimlico, and as Manufacturers of Locks, Pens, and other articles, in Piccadilly and Down-street[3]

1841 Directory entries for Bramah, Prestage and Ball - manufacturers of Bramah's locks, 124 Piccadilly, and stove and range makers; ironfounders, Grosvenor Works, Pimlico[4].

1841 January: Dissolution of the partnership of F. Bramah, J.T. Prestage and W. Ball - founders and engineers of Pimlico, and as manufacturers of locks, pens and other articles of Down Street and Piccadilly[5].[6]

1843 Made castings for Grosvenor House[7].

1845 Bramah and Prestage supplied water system for Bucks. County Gaol[8].

1849 Bramah and Prestage carried out works in the House of Commons refreshment rooms, fitting out the kitchens; also in the new boilerhouse and housemaids' kitchens of Buckingham Palace[9].

1850 Described as successor to Bramah and Co, 124 Piccadilly; advert reinforcing claim for Bramah lock[10].

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. National Archives
  2. Preston Chronicle 1 July 1837
  3. London Gazette 5 January 1841
  4. Post Office London Directory, 1841
  5. The Standard 6 January 1841
  6. London Gazette 5 January 1841
  7. The Morning Post 15 April 1843
  8. National Archives
  9. National Archives
  10. The Morning Post 6 November 1850