Wilfred Wilson Hollings
Wilfred Wilson Hollings ( -1925)
1925 Obituary [1]
WILFRED WILSON HOLLINGS died on June 17, 1925.
He received his training at Birmingham University - then Masons' College.
On completion of his education in 1902 he became associated with the Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd., and spent several years in acquiring experience in basic open-hearth practice.
During the eight years from 1902-1910 in pursuit of this object he visited the United States, Belgium, and Germany, and studied steel-making practice in those countries. Unfortunately in 1910 his health broke down, and in consequence of illness he was unable during the next ten years to fill any executive position.
In the interval he devoted himself to the study of the theoretical side of blast-furnace practice. His interest had been strongly aroused by James Gayley's paper on "The Use of Dry Blast," published in 1904, and some years later he began to plan the carrying out of a series of experiments and observations on the heat balances of modern blast-furnaces, but his health again broke down before he was able to put his plan into execution.
Mr. Hollings was the author of a paper on "Variations in the Heat Supplied to the Blast-Furnace, and their Effect on Fuel Consumption," read before the Iron and Steel Institute at the Cardiff Meeting in 1920.
He was elected a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in the same year.