Thomas Clark (1812-1873)
Thomas Clark (1812-1873)
1841 Cast iron founder, of Bishop Wearmouth, with Thomas 4, James 6, Ann 26, Isabella Mak 22[1]
1851 Thomas Clark 37, Iron founder (agent), lived in Gateshead with Ann Clark 35, James Clark 16, Thomas R Clark 14[2]
1861 Cast iron founder, employing 100 men and boys, lived in Westgate, Newcastle with Ann Clark 45 and Thomas Robson Clark 24, cast iron founder[3]
1869 Engineer and ironfounder, of Low Elswick, joined I Mech E.[4]
1872 of Elswick Marine Engine Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne.[5]
1873 of Ravenswood, North Elswick and of Low Elswick, engine manufacturer and iron founder, died at North Elswick; his widow Ann was executor[6]
1874 Obituary [7]
THOMAS CLARK was born on 4th May 1812 at Fatfield Colliery, Durham, and was apprenticed to Mr. Robert Jameson, founder, at the Teams, Durham, and completed his apprenticeship at Messrs. Hawks, Crawshay and Sons' Iron Works, Gateshead.
In 1836 he took charge of Mr. John Elym's Ouseburn Foundry, Newcastle-on-Tyne; and in 1843 of the iron works of the Derwent Co., for whom he laid out the Crook Hall blast furnaces &c.
He afterwards succeeded Mr. Jameson at Messrs. Hawks, Crawshay and Sons' Iron Works, where he made personally the experiments for the late Mr. Robert Stephenson in connection with the metal for the castings for the High Level Bridge over the river Tyne; and to him is attributed the credit of first making large dry-sand castings.
In 1852 he commenced business at Low Elswick as a founder, afterwards adding that of marine engine builder. While so engaged he took charge in 1859 of the foundry and subsequently of the blast furnaces at the Elswick Works.
His death took place on 15th August 1873, in the sixty-second year of his age.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1869.