John Milton Lewis
John Milton Lewis (1846-1881)
1882 Obituary [1]
. . . He served a pupilage of three years (May 1866 to 1869) to the late James Samuel, M. Inst. C.E., and remained in the same office for a short time as an assistant.
From September 1869 to August 1872 he was employed on the Poti and Tiflis Railway, in the Caucasus, in charge of the construction of 60 miles, under Mr. Preston, Chief-Engineer for Messrs. Crawley and Co., contractors.
From August 1872 to February 1873 he had sole charge of a survey for 35 miles of railway in Roumania, the plans for which were accepted by the Government, and the concession obtained. From June to November 1873 he had partial charge, and from November 1873 to March 1876 sole charge, of surveys for a line and branches 300 miles long in Roumania, called the Black Sea Railway.
From March 1876 to January 1878 he had sole charge of the construction of a portion of the Ploesti and Predeal Railway for the late Mr. John Marshall, sub-contractor to Messrs. Crawley and Co., and after his death for the trustees.
In the year 1878 he went to South Australia, where he carried out, in partnership with Mr. T. Marshall, the contract for the construction of the Eapunda reservoir. From September 1880 to his death in June 1881 he had sole charge of the construction of 60 miles of railway between Quorn and Orroroo in the same colony . .