Category:Institution of Civil Engineers
Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers - all grades. This list in not complete but is a 'work in progress'
Pages in category "Institution of Civil Engineers"
The following 6,491 pages are in this category, out of 6,491 total.
- Richard Henry Abbatt
- John Henry Abbey
- William Sutherland Abbott
- Samuel Abbott
- John Hallen Abbott
- Charles Denton Abel
- Frederick Augustus Abel
- George Abernethy
- George Abernethy (1)
- Harold William Abernethy
- James Abernethy
- James Abernethy (1844-1897)
- Charles Antony Ablett
- Robert Askew Abraham
- Alfred Seabold Eli Ackermann
- Francis Edward Dyke Acland
- Herbert Arthur Dyke Acland
- William Richard Acton
- Samuel Frederick Adair
- Thomas Walter Adam
- Henry Adams
- Henry Charles Adams
- Bertram Keith Adams
- Burnet Adams
- Edward Adams
- George Frederick Adams
- Haddon Clifford Adams
- John Adams
- William Adams
- William Adams (1813-1886)
- William Alexander Adams
- Daniel Adamson
- Daniel Adamson (1869-1930)
- John Grey Adamson
- Charles Adcock
- Henry Addams
- Edwin Addenbrooke
- Frederick Henry Addis
- Henry Bawn Addis
- Robert Bawn Addis
- John Addison
- John Copley Addison
- Percy Leonard Addison
- John Addy
- Patrick Adie (1821-1886)
- Charles Coles Adley
- Abdel Aziz Ahamed
- David Aher
- Arthur Aikin
- Thomas Edward Ainger
- John Aird (1833-1911)
- George Biddell Airy
- Wilfrid Airy
- George Aitchison
- Benedetto Albano
- John Francis Albright
- Hubert Edward Aldington
- Basil Steadman Aldis
- Arthur Stanhope Aldrich
- Joseph George Alexander
- Arthur Lyon Alexander
- Francis George Alexander
- Henry Alexander (1)
- William Alexander (1870- )
- Richard Francis Alford
- Alfred Noble (1844-1914)
- John Frederick Allan
- Percy Allan
- James Allan (1811-1874)
- William Allcard
- Edgar Alfred Allcut
- Raymond Cecil Allen
- Arthur John Allen-Williams
- Emanuel Allen
- Edward Allen
- Francis William Allen
- Harold Gwynne Allen
- Herbert Thomas Allen
- Marcus Allen
- Parker Roscoe Allen
- Richard William Allen
- John Gay Newton Alleyne
- James Bingham Alliott
- John Allison
- Charles Sneath Allott
- Henry Newmarch Allott
- Howard Aston Allport
- James Joseph Allport
- John Allsopp
- Jean Charles Adolphe Alphand
- Gustav Valentine Alsing
- William Murray Alston
- Henry Alty
- James Armer
- Justin Victor Wilfrid Amor
- Charles Edwards Amos
- Henry Charlton Amos
- Arthur Robert Anderson
- Beresford Anderson
- Charles William Anderson
- Alexander Anderson (1853-1896)
- Athol Lancelot Anderson
- David Anderson
- Herbert Goulburn Anderson
- Henry John Card Anderson
- John Anderson (1843-1916)
- John Anderson (1882-1958)
- John Henry Anderson
- John Wemyss Anderson
- James Arthur Anderson (1843-1899)
- John Philip Cortlandt Anderson
- John Reid Anderson
- Robert Anderson (1863- )
- Robert Bruce Anderson
- Robert Sanders Anderson
- William Anderson
- William Anderson, Senior
- Walter Vickerstaff Anderson
- William Anderson (1836-1910)
- William Daniel Anderson
- William Patrick Anderson
- William Paul Andrews
- George Andrew-Marshall
- Leonard Andrews
- Thornton Andrews
- Charles Andrews
- Edward Andrews
- George Leonard Andrews
- Joseph Davenport Finney Andrews
- James Andrews
- John Orme Andrews
- David Angus
- Jonathan Angus
- Stewart Angus
- Hugh Thomas Moffitt Angwin
- Arthur Stanley Angwin
- George Augustus D'Auvergne Anley
- James Lempriere Anley
- William Philipson Anningson
- Henry Charles Anstey
- Philip Arnold Anthony
- Benjamin Hillier Antill
- James Henry Apjohn
- Charles Appleby, (Junior)
- Charles James Appleby
- Charles Tallis Appleby
- Frank James Appleby
- Edward Victor Appleton
- Rollo Appleyard
- John George Appold
- Arthur Joseph Edwin Arch
- Ralph Archbould
- William Edwin Archdeacon
- Eduardo Argenti
- John Armstrong Argyle
- Bernard George Arkwright
- Robert Armitage
- Henry Thomas Armitt
- Francis Edwin Armstrong
- George Frederick Armstrong
- John Armstrong
- Joseph Armstrong
- Thomas William De Butts Armstrong
- William Armstrong (1846-1918)
- William George Armstrong
- Bening Mourant Arnold
- Ronald Nathan Arnold
- Frank William Arnold
- William Arnot
- Robert Richard Arntz
- A. Arrowsmith
- William Lamb Arrowsmith
- Arthur Marshall Arter
- Thomas Ashbury
- George Ernest Ashforth
- Ashley John Hunter
- Frederick Ashmead
- Ernest Goulden Ashton
- Harold Thomas Ashton
- Henry Ashton-Hill
- James Ashwell
- John Ashworth (1826-1888)
- J. D. Ashworth
- Herbert Ronald Tasker
- Alfred Henry Aslett
- John Audley Frederick Aspinall
- Arthur Ralph Astbury
- Arthur Turnour Atchison
- Charles Atherton
- Samuel Athim
- Alan Atkinson
- Archibald John Buchanan Atkinson
- John Atkinson (1852-1903)
- John Dekeyne Atkinson
- Robert Thomas Atkinson
- William Atkinson
- Charles Robert Atkinson
- Claude William Atkinson
- John Staines Atkinson
- Llewelyn Birchall Atkinson
- Reginald Charles Atkinson
- Frederick Attock
- George Attwood (1845-1912)
- Matthias Wolverley Attwood
- Arthur Charles Auden
- James Paton Auld
- Charles Edward Austin
- Raymond Howard Austin
- Thomas Austin
- Thomas Aveling
- Thomas Lake Aveling
- Frederick Morris Avern
- Ambrose Awdry
- Richard Aylmer
- Arthur Ayres
- John Ayris
- Frederick Ayrton
- William Edward Ayrton
- Robert Aytoun
- James Ranson Baass
- John Taylor Babtie
- Alfred Bache
- Anthony Bacon II
- John Fraser Loddington Baddeley
- Claude Baggallay
- Frederick Robert Bagley
- James Bagnall
- Thomas Bagnall
- William Bagnall
- Alan Charles Bagot
- Rai Madhub Chunder Roy Bahadoor
- Arthur Stowey Bailey
- Cecil Henry Bailey
- James Henry Bailey
- John Bailey (1839-1892)
- John Charles Bailey
- Thomas James Bailey
- Frank Bailey
- Thomas Henry Bailey
- Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge
- Andrew Wilson Baird
- Angus McK Baird
- Francis Baird
- Nicol Hugh Baird
- Arthur L. L. Baker
- Benjamin Baker
- Charles Bernard Baker
- Clarence Frank Stewart Baker
- Eric Samuel Sancroft Baker
- George Baker (2)
- Hughbert Baker
- Reginald Francis Baker
- Robert Baker
- Percy Neville Humphry Baker
- William Baker
- William Lewis Baker
- William Newton Bakewell
- Robert Bald
- James Danford Baldry
- Arthur Ernest Baldwin
- John Baldwin (1824-1891)
- George Robert Bale
- Manfred Powis Bale
- John Aylmer Balfour
- Arthur James Balfour
- David Balfour
- David Balfour (Junior)
- George Balfour
- James Melville Balfour
- James Benjamin Ball
- John Ball
- Stephen Ballard (1804-1890)
- Arthur James Ballinger
- Price Prichard Baly
- Adam Carlisle Bamlett
- Augustus Hamilton Bampton
- Henry Bancroft
- Edward Banfield
- George Henry Banister
- Frederick Dale Banister
- Edward Nevill Banks
- Maunsell Caswell Bannister
- Robert Thomas Olivier Barbenson
- Edmund Scott Barber (1845-1896)
- Thomas Walter Barber
- Thomas Walter Barber (2)
- Edmund Scott Barber
- William Barber
- Sidney Fraser Barclay
- Hugh Garratt Foster Barham
- Evelyn Baring
- John Barker (1842-1913)
- Rayner Childe Barker
- Robert Barker
- John Henry Barker
- John George Barkley
- George Barkley
- Robert Martin Barklie
- Thomas Bartlett
- Peter Barlow
- Peter William Barlow
- William Henry Barlow
- Thomas Gibson Barlow-Massicks
- Hugh Richie Barn
- Henry Cuthbert Barnard
- Robert Cary Henslow Barnard
- Reginald Clayton Barnby
- David Leonard Barnes
- John Hickman Barnes
- Robert Barnes (1864-1894)
- John Barnes
- Thomas Barnet
- George Alfred Barnett
- Michael Ratcliffe Barnett
- Patrick Moir Barnett
- Walter George Barnett
- Frank Arthur Lowry Barnwell
- Frederick Reginald Lowry Barnwell
- George Morrison Barr
- Thomas Morrison Barr
- Archibald Barr
- Charles Henry Barratt
- Henry Barratt
- Antonio Paulo De Mello Barreto
- James Barrett
- Herbert Barringer
- William Barrington
- Frederick Cadogan Barron
- Neil McKechnie Barron
- Charles Barry (1823-1900)
- Frederick Barry
- John David Barry
- Kenneth Alfred Wolfe Barry
- Philip Barry
- William Henry Barry
- Edward Middleton Barry
- John Wolfe Barry
- Charles Bartholomew
- Vernon Ferdinand Bartlett
- James Barton
- John Barton (1814-1902)
- John Everard Barton
- Walthew Clarance Barton
- Edwin Barton
- Edward Golding Barton
- Walter Bassett Basset
- Alexander Bassett
- Thomas Mackenzie Batchen
- Frederic Winfried la Trobe Bateman
- John Frederick La Trobe Bateman
- Frederick Winfried LaTrobe-Bateman
- Edward Bates
- William Bates
- Hugh Bateson
- William Fothergill Batho
- Charles Joseph Batley
- Reginald George Cyril Batson
- Robert Batson
- Ranson Colecome Batterbee
- James Brend Batten
- James Battersby
- Basil Condon Battye
- Hilary Bauerman
- Joseph Baxendale
- William Baxter (1840-1908)
- Robert Dudley Baxter
- Robert Glover Baxter
- William Baxter
- Henry Bayley
- Kennett Bayley
- Richard Dansey Bayley
- Henry Baylis
- George Reginald Bayliss
- John Bayliss
- Samuel Bayliss (1821-1898)
- Thomas Richard Bayliss
- Samuel Bayliss (2)
- George Henry Bayly
- Donald Stuart Baynes
- Alban Francis Baynham
- Joseph Bazalgette
- Bertram Robert Beale
- Hewitt Pearson Montague Beames
- Richard Beamish
- James Robert Beard
- Nathaniel St. Bernard Beardmore
- Nathaniel Beardmore
- William Beardmore (1824-1877)
- William Frederick Beardshaw
- Thomas Hudson Beare
- Angus John Beaton
- Joseph Hamilton Beattie
- William Beattie
- James Beatty
- William Dawson Beatty (1887-1966)
- Clayton Scudamore Beauchamp
- Hugh Eyre Campbell Beauer
- Francis Beaufort
- Arthur Gregory Beaumont
- Roland H. Beaumont
- Eugene Guy Euston Beaumont
- William Worby Beaumont
- Alexander Beazeley
- Samuel Beazley
- Harry Macdonald Becher
- William Stewart Becher
- Ernest George Beck
- William Thomas Clifford Beckett
- Peter Roe Bedlington
- Walter Beer
- Frederick Beesley
- Walter Beesley
- Charles Theodore Marshall Begg
- George Thomas Beilby
- William Belk
- Archibald Graeme Bell
- Arthur Langtry Bell
- Ernest Albert Seymour Bell
- George Joseph Bell
- James Bell (1829-1883)
- James Bell (1852-1898)
- Leonard Moore Bell
- Robert Bruce Bell
- Wilson Bell
- Alexander Morton Bell
- Charles Napier Bell
- Christopher Charles Mackintosh Bell
- Edward Bell
- Horace Bell
- Imrie Bell
- Isaac Lowthian Bell
- James Richard Bell
- John Ferguson Bell
- Norris Garrett Bell
- Thomas Bell (1802-1875)
- Thomas Bell (1810-1874)
- Thomas Bell (1865-1952)
- Thomas Bell (1902-1954)
- Valentine Graeme Bell
- William Bell (1818-1892)
- Charles Vincent Bellamy
- George David Bellamy
- Charles Revill Bellamy
- Augustus William Harvey Bellingham
- Charles Henry Beloe
- Bernard James Belsher
- Charles Moritz Dunsford Belton
- William Edward Gustave Bender
- Ernest Benedict
- James Smyth Benest
- Arthur Howard Benham
- Charles Benkhausen
- George Ernest Bennett
- Graham Townsend Bennett
- John Bennett (2)
- Joseph Bennett (2)
- Robert Forbes Bennett
- John Bennett (1823-1896)
- Peter Duckworth Bennett
- Samuel Bennett
- Stephen Augustus Bennett
- William Bennett (1846-1903)
- William Christopher Bennett
- John Benson
- Cecil Bentham
- John Benton
- John Stuart Beresford
- John Simeon Bergheim
- George Ernest Bergman
- Charles Louis Aime de Bergue
- Otto Leopold Beringer
- Arthur Mowbray Berkeley
- George Berkley
- James John Berkley
- Edwin Arthur Bernays
- Joseph Bernays
- Thomas Hope Green Berrey
- Percy Stuart Attwood Berridge
- Robert Berridge
- Marc Berrier-Fontaine
- Algernon Edward Berriman
- Richard Evans Willoughby Berrington
- Charles Seager Berry
- Harold J. Berry
- Percy Walter Bertlin
- Dennis Percy Bertlin
- Thomas Hardy Bertram
- Alfred George Bessemer
- Henry Bessemer
- Harry Robertson Best
- Alfred Thomas Best
- Charles William Best
- Stephen Charles Best
- William Brereton Bestic
- William Beswick Myers Beswick
- John Bethell
- J. A. Betts
- James Alexander Betts
- Edward Ladd Betts
- Peter Kaspar Wilhelm Beuth
- John Bevan
- John Beveridge
- Thomas Burrell Bewick
- Thomas John Bewick
- Hubert Bewlay
- William John Hardcastle
- Charles Beyer
- Charles Frederick Von Bibra
- George Arthur Biddell
- George Parker Bidder (1836-1896)
- Maurice McClean Bidder
- George Parker Bidder (1806-1878)
- Samuel Parker Bidder, Junior
- William Henry Bidder
- Emil Biederman
- Henry Heather Bigg
- Thomas Plantagenet Bigg-Wither
- Andrew Stevenson Biggart
- Albert Ashley Biggs
- Thomas Moyles Bigley
- Gordon Bigsby
- John Harvard Biles
- William Billinton
- Robert John Billinton
- Henry John Inwood Bilton
- Herbert Duncombe Bindley
- Henry Corles Bingham
- Percy Moore Bingham
- William James Eames Binnie
- Alexander Richardson Binnie
- Asa Binns
- William Binns
- Alan Grant Birch
- Eugenius Birch
- Robert William Peregrine Birch
- John Brannis Birch
- James Binfield Bird
- William Henry Bird
- John Cass Birkinshaw
- William Birt
- Frederick Francis Percival Bisacre
- Arthur William Bishop
- Percy St. John Bishop
- Wilfrid Hocart Bishop
- Edward Jones Biven
- Frank Charles Black
- George Black
- William Blackadder
- Alfred Thomas Blackall
- Alfred Brown Ernest Blackburn
- Robert Herbert Blackburn
- Alexander Bewicke Blackburn
- Charles Bewicke Blackburn
- James Blackburn
- John George Blackburne
- John William Blackburne
- James William Blackett
- John Blackett (1819-1893)
- John George Blackett
- George Blacklock
- William Thomas Blacklock
- John Blackmore
- Charles Blackwell
- John Blackwell
- Thomas Evans Blackwell
- Henry Robert Cecil Blagden
- James MacLellan Blair
- Thomas Blair
- William Newsham Blair
- James Fairrie Blair
- Henry Wollaston Blake
- John Hopwood Blake
- Rustat Blake
- William Herbert Blaker
- John Holmes Blakesley
- Maurice George Bland
- Charles Graham Blatchley
- George Blaxland
- Cyril Holm Biss
- John Henry Blizard
- William Ewart Blizard
- Frederick Blom
- Bagot William Blood
- Bertram Blount
- John Alexander Craig Blue
- Frederick Bluett
- Benjamin Hall Blyth (1819-1866)
- Benjamin Hall Blyth (1849-1917)
- Benjamin Hall Blyth (1881-1948)
- James Trembath Boase
- Charles Eric Boast
- George Rudolph Bodmer
- John George Bodmer
- George Stafford Bogle
- John Scobell Boissier
- Henry Bolckow
- Edward Henry Bold
- Henry Bolden
- James Bolland
- Alfred Pancoast Boller
- Guy Bolsover
- Alexander Joseph Bolton
- Francis John Bolton
- Silvio Bonavia
- Francis Willoughby Bond
- George Bond
- Edward Herring Bond
- George Creswell Bond
- Albert Guido Bonn
- Carl Roderique Bonn
- Thomas William Booker-Blakemore
- John Boorer
- Harris Booth
- John David Booth
- William Newton Booth
- Hubert Cecil Booth
- Alexander Cunningham Boothby
- Oscar Borer
- Charles Robert Dudley Borrett
- Michael Andrews Borthwick
- Fanindra Nath Bose
- Lalit Mohan Bose
- John Edward Bostock
- John Henry Bostock
- Beriah Botfield
- John Champney Bothams
- Charles Edward Botley
- Thomas Bouch
- Henry Percy Boulnois
- James Fettes Boulton
- John Bourdeaux
- Joseph Bourne (1836-1893)
- John Frederick Bourne
- Thomas Johnstone Bourne
- Charles Bourns
- John Boustead
- Henry Taylor Bovey
- Henry White Bowden
- John Bowden
- John Bowen (1849-1944)
- Mervyn Cole Bowen
- John Bower
- Samuel Bower
- Thomas Bower
- Theodore Louis Bowring
- Charles James Bowstead
- Thomas Bowyer-Bower
- Henry George Boyce
- Edgar Clifton Boyce
- John Edward Boyd
- Robert James Boyd
- John Boyd
- Cavendish Boyle
- Richard Vicars Boyle
- John William Townsend Boys
- William John Boys
- William Henry Brace
- Augustus Beattie Bradbury
- John Job Crew Bradfield
- Hugh Meller Bradford (1837-1886)
- Cecil Gustav Bradley
- Godfrey Thomas Bradley
- Joseph Bradley (c1892-1955)
- Ernest Stanley Bradley
- Thomas Bradley (1752-1833)
- John Barker Bradshaw
- George Bradshaw
- Alfred Barton Brady
- Joseph Brady
- Joseph Henry Brady
- Francis Brady
- Arthur Dove Braggins
- James Braidwood
- Francis William Thomas Brain
- Charles Dimond Conway Braine
- Frederick Braithwaite
- John Braithwaite
- Francis Bramah (1813-1841)
- Francis Bramah
- Henry Bramall
- Francis Herbert Bramwell
- George William Wilshere Bramwell
- Frederick Joseph Bramwell
- Allen Mason Brand
- Charles Gordon Brand
- Henry Rowland Brandreth
- John Brandt
- George Bransby-Williams
- John Brass
- Thomas Brassey
- John Watts Brassington
- William Bayley Bray
- Edward Wedlake Brayley
- Maurice William Brayshay
- Joseph Peter Brazil
- John Henry Brearley
- Alexander Brebner
- Alan Brebner
- Charles Edward Bremner
- Alexander Bremner
- David Bremner
- James Bremner
- William Brentnall
- Robert Maitland Brereton
- Alfred Brereton
- Cuthbert Arthur Brereton
- Robert Pearson Brereton
- Arthur Hemery Le Breton
- John Williams Brewer
- Robert Wellesley Antony Brewer
- Edward Brewster
- Edwin Henry George Brewster
- David Brewster
- James Gordon Brickenden
- Frederick William Bricknell
- Henry Orlando Bridgeman
- John Douglas Ormond Bridges
- Sidney Thomas Bridgford
- James Brierley
- Joseph Brierley
- James Briggs
- Robert Briggs (1822-1882)
- Charles Tilston Bright
- Edward Brailsford Bright
- Arthur William Brightmore
- John Augustus Brine
- David William Brisbane
- Alfred Henry Bristow
- Robert Charles Bristow
- William Bristow
- Thomas Johnson Britten
- John Richard Brittle
- Francis James Broadbent
- Walter Broadbridge
- George Broadrick
- Henry William Brock
- William Brockedon
- Philip North Brockedon
- John Shanks Brodie
- Robert Brodie
- John Alexander Brodie
- John Brogden, Junior
- John Aldhelm Raikes Bromage
- Massey Bromley
- Frederick George Brook-Fox
- Thomas Brook
- George Townshend Brooke
- William Brookes
- William Alexander Brooks
- George James Cottom Broom
- Rowland Brotherhood
- Peter Brotherhood (1838-1902)
- Redmond John Brough
- Richard Secker Brough
- Henry Brougham
- Harold Hodgkinson Broughton
- William George Brounger
- David Barrington Brow
- Charles John Brown
- Frederick Benjamin Brown
- Matthew Taylor Brown
- William Brown (b.1872)
- Thomas Brown Younger
- A. Brown (1908- )
- Andrew Brown
- Arthur Brown (1852-1935)
- Arthur Crompton Brown
- Arthur Edward Brown (1853-1922)
- Charles Edwin Brown
- Colin Selwyn Brown
- Edward Otto Forster Brown
- Francis David Millett Brown
- George William Brown
- John Brown (1823-1889)
- John Brown (1844-1905)
- Nicholas Brown
- Oswald Brown
- Philip Henry Brown
- Robert Dunlop Brown
- Samuel Brown (1836-1891)
- Thomas Brown (1812-1887)
- Thomas Common Brown
- Thomas Forster Brown
- William Armitage Brown
- William Joseph Brown
- Westgarth Forster Brown
- William Brown (1850-1929)
- Benjamin Chapman Browne
- Bernard Frederick Browne
- Valentine Browne
- Walter Raleigh Browne
- Edward Fiske Browne
- James Browne
- William Lyon Browne
- Arthur Giraud Browning
- C. E. Browning
- George Elliot Browning
- Arrott Browning
- Thomas Gaul Browning
- Charles Brownridge
- Charles William Bruce
- George Barclay Bruce
- William Duff Bruce
- Robert Arthur Bruce
- Peter John Bruff
- Peter Schuyler Bruff
- Benjamin Shaw Brundell
- Richard Shaw Brundell
- Henry Marc Brunel
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel
- Marc Isambard Brunel
- James Brunlees
- George Brunton
- James Forrest Brunton
- John Brunton (1812-1899)
- Philip George Brunton
- Robert Brunton (1796-1852)
- Richard Henry Brunton
- Sydney Linton Brunton
- William Brunton
- William Brunton (1817-1881)
- William Alexander Brunton
- Bernard William Bryan
- William Booth Bryan
- Thomas Hunter Bryce
- William James Noel Bryce
- Ernest Edmund Brydone-Jack
- Antonio Lupicinio Buarque
- Mathew Buchan
- James Beaumont Buchanan
- Kenneth Hugh Buchanan
- William Buchanan
- George Buchanan
- George Buchanan (1827-1897)
- George Cunningham Buchanan
- John Augustus Arnold Buchholz
- John Haywood Watson Buck
- Leffert Lefferts Buck
- George Watson Buck
- Thomas Buckham
- William Buckland
- Archibald Stewart Buckle
- Christopher Richard Buckle
- Joseph William Buckley
- Robert Burton Buckley
- Arthur Burton Buckley
- Theodore Budd
- George W. H. Budd
- William Barber Buddicom
- John Buddle
- Oliver Budge
- Harold Victor Budgen
- Harry Percy Budgen
- Walter Henry Budgett
- Ignatius Bulfin
- Thomas Alfred Bulkley
- Harry Freestone Bull
- James Bull
- Marcus Gordon Bull
- William Bull (2)
- Charles Henry Bulleid
- Frederick Charles Bullmore
- James Bunning
- James Clark Bunten
- Alexander Mitchell Burden
- Francis Robert Burfield
- Walter Beckwith Burford
- Alfred Burges
- John Burgess
- Samuel Edwin Burgess
- William Edward Burgess
- Ernest Macartney de Burgh
- Nicholas Procter Burgh
- John Fox Burgoyne
- George Burhe
- James Marlow Burke
- Benjamin Burleigh
- Charles Martin Burls
- Andrew Burn
- George Frank Burn
- George Rowdon Burnell
- Lindsay Burnet
- Arthur Wildman Burnett
- Percy Clement Burnett
- Robert Harvey Burnett
- Robert Reginald Burnett
- Jerome Burns
- Robert Valentine Burns
- John Burns (1858-1943)
- Leonard Burrell
- Percy Burrell
- Peter Burrell
- William Bernard Burrow
- Frederick William Burstall
- Henry Robert John Burstall
- George Molem Burt
- William Kinninmond Burton
- Oliver Robert Hawke Bury
- Edward Bury
- Thomas Talbot Bury
- Thomas James Bush
- Walter Ernest Bush
- Charles Westly Busk
- George William Butchard
- James William Butler
- Matthew Joseph Butler
- Theobald Stuart Butler
- John Octavius Butler
- Richard Butler
- Thomas Butler (2)
- Henry Joseph Butter
- Arthur Ernest Butterfield
- William John Atkinson Butterfield
- William Butterton
- Fred Smith Button
- John Walker Buyers
- William Alexander Buyers
- William Lind Buyers
- Evan Lovell Widrington Byrne
- William James Cadett
- John Cadman
- Richard Cail
- Robert Caird
- Andrew Duncan Cairns
- James Augustus Caley
- Everard Richard Calthrop
- Edward Killwick Calver
- Ernest Alderson Calvert
- John Calvert (2)
- Augustus John Darling Cameron
- John Cameron (1857-1891)
- John Cameron (3)
- William Spottiswoode Cameron
- Charles Cammell
- A. S. Campbell
- Albert Johnstone Campbell
- Charles Orr Campbell
- Colin Stuart Campbell
- Colin William Burnley Campbell
- Crawford James Campbell
- George Stephenson Campbell
- John Isdale Campbell
- Kenneth Findlater Campbell
- Robert Archibald Campbell
- Thomas Proctor Campbell
- Adam Horsburgh Campbell
- Pieter Laurentz Campbell
- Gerrit Willem Camphius
- Frederic Arthur Campion
- Frederic Eugene Campion
- John Montriou Campion
- Robert William Campion
- Joseph Phelan Candy
- Jean-Baptiste Gustave Adolphe Canet
- Ramsey Cannell
- T. F. Canning
- Thomas Canning
- Samuel Canning
- William Conyngham Cantrell
- Robert Cantwell
- Stanley Dymock Canvin
- David Sing Capper
- Robert Capper
- William Capper
- Charles Capper
- Charles Henry Capper
- Athol John Capron
- Edward Hamer Carbutt
- Henry Card
- John Haydon Cardew
- Harry Frederick Carew-Gibson
- James Carey
- Theophilus Mattingly Carey
- James Alston Carfrae
- Henry Richard Carleton
- Francis Carleton
- John Carline
- Charles Augustus Carlow
- A. Carlsund
- George Brody Carlton
- James Carmichael (d.1934)
- James Forrest Halkett Carmichael
- William Carnegie
- William Fullarton Lindsay Carnegie
- Edwin Charles Carnt
- Edward Richard Carolin
- S. D. Carothers
- Samuel Dixon Carothers
- Victor Charles Douglas Boyd Carpenter
- Charles Claude Carpenter
- Edward Carpmael
- Herbert Carpmael
- Alfred Carpmael
- Raymond Carpmael
- William Carpmael
- Robert Carr
- Henry Carr
- Mark William Carr (1847-1904)
- Mark William Carr (1822-1888)
- Mark Culling Carr-Gomm
- John Carrick
- Herbert Carrington
- Thomas Carrington
- Samuel Carrington
- William Thomas Henney Carrington
- Francis Patrick Grant Carron
- John Carruthers
- William M. Carson
- Henry Robert Pasley Carter
- Herbert Gordon Carter
- Richard Carter (1818-1895)
- Thomas Carter
- William Allan Carter
- George Fearnley Carter
- William Bellingham Carter
- Cecil Leonard Cartwright
- Joshua Cartwright
- Charles Ashley Carus-Wilson
- Thomas Albert Briggs Carver
- Sulyarde Bernard Cary
- Edward Case
- Charles Townsend Casebourne
- Thomas Casebourne
- Joseph Cash
- George Leonard Cassidy
- Arthur William Henry Casson
- George Caster
- Edward James Castle
- Henry James Castle (1809-1891)
- Henry James Castle (1845-1903)
- Edmund Small Cathels
- Walter Staines Catlow
- Christopher Joseph Cato
- W. E. Caton
- William Eames Caton
- George William Catt
- Osmond Cattlin
- John Edward Catton
- William Cavendish
- William Cawkwell
- Charles Edward Cawley
- George Cayley
- Joseph Julius Cazimajou
- David Chadwick
- Osbert Chadwick
- William Chadwick (2)
- Charles Chambers
- Thomas Chalmers
- Humphrey Chamberlain (1846-1896)
- Alfred Eustace Chambers
- John Chambers
- John Chambers (1893-1967)
- James Timmins Chance
- Rai Sahib Fakir Chand
- Octave Chanute
- Fitzroy Tozer Chapman
- Henry Chapman (2)
- Herbert Turlay Chapman
- John Boswell Chapman
- John Chapman (1887-1916)
- Robert Chapman
- Samuel Christopher Chapman
- Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman
- Henry Chapman
- Henry Benjamin Hoghton Chapman
- James Lawrence Chapman
- William Chapman (1822-1853)
- Edward Chappell
- Francis Charlton
- Edmund Charrington
- William Chatham
- Herbert Chatley
- George Chatterton
- Alfred Chatterton
- Arthur Brunel Chatwood
- Samuel Chatwood (1833-1909)
- William Alexander Cheeke
- Francis Cheesman
- Charles Frederick Cheffins
- James Warne Chenhall
- John Thomas Chester
- William Reginald Chester
- Cyril Stapley Chettoe
- Henry Goulburn Willoughby Chetwynd
- A. Cheyne
- Rowland Childe
- John George Children
- William Richard Hopkins Chipperfield
- John Chisholm
- Francis Sheldon Chittenden
- Letitia Chitty
- Alan Ernest Leofric Chorlton
- Harry George Christ
- M. Christiansen
- William Buchan Christie
- Henry Carmichael Christopher
- Frederick Collier Christy
- Harry Chubb
- Harry Withers Chubb
- Jabez Church (1845-1896)
- Jabez Church
- John Fleming Churchill
- William Henry Churchward
- George Jackson Churchward
- Henry William Churchward
- Tommaso Cini
- Francisco Javier Cisneros
- Charles Clapham
- Walter Clapham
- Jesse Clare
- Alexander Fraser MacDonald Clark
- Edwird Vincent Clark
- Franklin Clark
- Daniel Kinnear Clark
- Edwin Clark
- Edmund Graham Clark
- Edward George Clark
- Edwin Kitson Clark
- George Muirhead Clark
- George McKerrow Clark
- John Clark (1831-1868)
- Josiah Latimer Clark
- Leslie Clark
- Octavus Deacon Clark
- Robert George Clark
- Thomas Clark
- Thomas Wigston Kinglake Clarke
- William Clark (1821-1880)
- William Tierney Clark
- Joseph Hutchinson Clarke
- Andrew Clarke
- George Howard Clarke
- Harold Percival Clarke
- John Clarke (1831-1868)
- Seymour Clarke
- Thomas Charles Clarke
- Thomas Curtis Clarke
- William Clarke (5)
- William Welham Clarke
- Thomas Clarkson
- Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
- William Henry Christy Clay
- Richard Haworth Clayton
- Thomas Gething Clayton
- William Wikeley Clayton
- Alfred Clayton
- Richard Smith Clayton
- Thomas Clayton
- Alfred Charles Clear
- Henry Lowthian Cleaver
- Charles Frank Cleaver
- Samuel Clegg
- Samuel Clegg, Junior
- Alexander Cleghorn
- William Clegram
- William Brown Clegram
- James Cleland
- Walter Cecil Clemens
- Lewis Metzler Clement
- George Findlater Clements
- Raymond George Hubert Clements
- Thomas Stanley Cleminshaw
- James Lyons Cleminson
- Dugald Clerk
- William John Bird Clerke
- Harold Cliffe
- William Charles Clifford-Smith
- John Forbes Close
- Frederic Horton Clough
- Robert Hampton Clucas
- John Clutton
- Francis George Coales
- Harold Frederick Coales
- George Coates (1838-1880)
- John Coates
- Percy Coates
- Thomas Coates
- George Henry Cobb
- Maurice Lake Cobb
- Morton F. Cochrane
- Alexander Brodie Cochrane
- John Cochrane (1823-1891)
- William Henry Cock
- Octavius Cockayne
- Henry Cockburn
- Sidney Manthorp Cockburn
- Edgar Harry Cockshott
- John George Thornton Coddington
- Joshua William Coddington
- Edward Codling
- Thomas Codrington
- David Coe
- Ronald Stephenson Cogdon
- John Coghlan
- George Elmsley Coke
- Richard George Coke
- Ernest George Coker
- Harold Nugent Colam
- William Newby Colam
- Zerah Colburn
- Thomas Frederick Colby
- Albert Victor Cole
- Charles Stuart Dudley Cole
- Thomas Cole
- William Henry Cole
- William Richard Cole
- George Hannyngton Cole-Baker
- George Stephen Coleman
- Robert Collard
- William Collen
- Reginald Alfred Collett
- Alfred Collett
- Thomas Long Colley
- Hugh Mortimer Herbert Collier
- John Collinge
- Charles Collinge
- Carlton Thomas Collingwood
- Francis Collingwood
- Adrian Charles Collins
- Henry Francis Collins
- Horatio John Collins
- Michael Richard Collins
- Victor Alfred Collins
- Arthur Elliston Collins
- Ernest Collins
- Henry Ramsey Collins
- James Collins (1817-1875)
- William Whitaker Collins
- Alfred Howe Collinson
- Thomas Bernard Collinson
- John George Henry Collister
- John Howard Colls
- James Nisbet Colquhoun
- Alfred Colson
- Charles Colson
- William Colson
- Charles Henry Colson
- Samuel Colt
- Joseph Colthurst
- Frederick Colyer
- James Combe (2)
- James Combe
- Patrick Forstall Comber
- Robert Edden Commans
- Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton
- Alexander Comrie
- Thomas George Upton Concannon
- Francis Roubiliac Conder
- Hubert Congreve
- Daniel Connery
- Augustus Samuel William Connor
- Alexander William Conquest
- Frederick Willem Conrad
- Lewis Conway-Gordon
- Arthur Trevenen Coode
- John Coode
- Ernest James Cook
- Ernest Walter Cook
- William Wilson Cook
- Frederick Charles Cook
- Gilbert Cook
- James Cook (1881-1915)
- Alfred Thomas Cooke
- Frederick George Cooke
- James Samuel Cooke
- Joseph Green Cooke
- Samuel Cooke
- William George Cooke
- Charles John Bowen Cooke
- George Caesar Cooke
- Stuart Blashfield Rea Cooke
- William Fothergill Cooke
- Alfred Chorley Cookson
- William Horace Coomber
- A. B. Cooper (1903- )
- Arthur Reginald Cooper (1877-1949)
- Arthur Thomas Cooper
- Austin George Cooper
- Charles Hamlet Cooper
- Edmund Cooper
- Francis Alfred Cooper
- Francis Edward Cooper
- Frederick Eastment Cooper
- John Cooper (1843-1901)
- Leonard Cooper (1867-1935)
- Richard Edward Synge Cooper
- Thomas Bramhall Cooper
- William Cooper (1831-1887)
- George Cooper
- James Cooper (1817-1862)
- John Thomas Cooper
- Leonard Cooper (1867- )
- Samuel Thomas Cooper
- Vivian Bolton Douglas Cooper
- William Cooper
- Walter Roylands Cooper
- John Pearson Copland
- William Robertson Copland
- William Wallace Copland
- John Singleton Copley
- William Charles Copperthwaite
- Patrick Joseph Corbett
- John Corbett
- Philip Grosvenor Corin
- Francis Malcolm Corkill
- Henry Lee Corlett
- Charles Corner
- Joseph Capel Cornock
- Alfred James Corry
- Edward Corry
- Elmer Lawrence Corthell
- Edgar Myrie Cory
- John Francis Costello
- William Wallace Coster
- Edward Cottam
- H. Cottam
- George Cottam
- George Hallen Cottam
- Albert Player Isaac Cotterell
- Henry William Bland Cotterill
- Charles Geoffrey Cotton
- Charles Philip Cotton
- Richard Bohun Cotton
- William Richard Thomas Cottrell
- Horace Wilkinson Coulson
- William Coulthard
- William Robson Coulthard
- John Duncan Campbell Couper
- John Coupland
- Edward Cousins
- R. W. H. Couzens
- Edward Woodrowe Cowan
- John Cowan
- Peter Chalmers Cowan
- Percy John Cowan
- Edward Coward
- Noah Coward
- George Cowen
- Robert Cowen
- John James Cowley
- Joseph Glass Cowley
- Charles Cowper
- Edward Alfred Cowper
- Edward Shickle Cowper
- Sherard Osborn Cowper Coles
- Charles Leslie Cox
- Henry Ashley Cox
- Hubert Eustace Cox
- Ivor Richard Cox
- Norman Stewart Cox
- Reginald Charles Cox
- Samuel Fitzhugh Cox
- William T. Cox
- Alexander George Cox
- John Henry Cox
- Benjamin Payne Coxon
- Samuel Bailey Coxon
- Joseph Prendergast Coy
- Henry Crabtree
- William Crabtree (1826-1896)
- William Henry Robinson Crabtree
- Edward Charles Cracknell
- James Craig (1844-1897)
- William Craig
- Thomas Russell Crampton
- George Crane
- Charles Samuel Craven
- Alfred Wingate Craven
- Albert William Craven
- John Chester Craven
- Walter Coulton Crawford
- William Frederick Crawford
- William Francis Henry Creber
- Charles Chree
- George Belben Cresswell
- Ferdinand Leslie Creswell
- Edward Cresy
- Frederick James Cribb
- Robert Crichton
- Charles Edwin Crighton
- William Santo Crimp
- Henry Criswell
- John Ernest Croasdaile
- John James Robertson Croes
- Cyril Murton Croft
- Charles James Crofts
- H. J. Crofts
- John Charles Thurston Crofts
- Frank William Croley
- Alexander Angus Croll
- Rookes Evelyn Bell Crompton
- Henry F. Cronin
- Charles Richard Ernest Crook
- Percy Croom-Johnson
- James Foyell Lovelock Crosland
- William Mann Crosland
- William Crosley (1819-1874)
- Douglas Cleave Cross
- Edgar Algernon Cross
- Frederick William Cross
- James Cross
- James Cross (1905-1853)
- William George Cross
- William Cross (1843-1899)
- William Cross (1850-1916)
- John Sydney Crossley
- Louis John Crossley
- Charles Hutton Croudace
- William Milner Crowe
- Foster Crowell
- Thomas Burnside Crowther
- Alfred Brace Cruse
- George Edward Wilson Cruttwell
- Thomas Melville De Cruz
- Leandro Cubillo
- Benjamin Cubitt
- Joseph Cubitt
- Lewis Cubitt
- Thomas Cubitt
- William Cubitt
- William Cubitt (1791-1863)
- William Cudworth
- William John Cudworth
- Edward Alexander Cullen
- Alfred Edwin Culley
- Herbert Sydney Culverhouse
- George Parnall Culverwell
- James Hening Cuming
- Robert Augustus Cummings
- John Cundy
- Granville Carlyle Cuningham
- David Cunningham
- Harry Cunningham
- Brysson Cunningham
- William Henry Richards Curll
- Harry Curphey
- Edward Percy Currall
- Isaac Curran
- Henry Currey
- Charles Currey
- Russell Mackenzie Currie
- Gerald Curry
- Thomas Archibald Curry
- Ardaseer Cursetjee
- Charles Berwick Curtis
- John George Cockburn Curtis
- Timothy Abraham Curtis
- Ardiseer Cussijee
- Edwin Cuthbert
- George Blythe Cuthbert
- James Gibson Cuthbert
- Henry Albert Cutler
- Samuel Cutler
- Samuel Cutler (1869-1937)
- Patrick Walter D'Alton
- Elim Henry D'Avigdor
- Eustace Tennyson D'Eyncourt
- Benjamin Baines Dadley
- Jamsetjee Nesserwanjee Dady
- Thomas Barnabas Daft
- Robert Daglish (1809-1883)
- Robert Daglish
- William Ernest Dalby
- Thomas Dale
- Grant Samuel Dalrymple
- Harley Hugh Dalrymple-Hay
- Robert Washington Dana
- Arthur Ernest Darby
- William Danby
- George James Atchison Danford
- Edward Dangerfield
- Henry Dangerfield
- John Henry Darby
- Henry Harvey Dare
- Bernard D'Olier Darley
- Cecil Hill Darley
- Cecil West Darley
- George Johnstone Darley
- Gerald Meredith Darwin
- Samuel Brothers Darwin
- Thomas Alexis Dash
- Edward Gershom Davenport
- George Robert Davenport
- Henry Davey
- Richard Evan David
- William Thomas David
- Alfred Davidson
- John George Davidson
- Jonathan Roberts Davidson
- John Rankin Davidson
- Charles Davies (1818-1879)
- David George Davies
- Edward Ayerst Davies
- Francis Henry Davies
- John Vipond Davies
- Morgan William Davies
- Stanley John Davies
- Thomas Davies (1862-1942)
- William Davies
- Charles Lennox Davies
- Rowland Lyttelton Archer Davies
- W. B. Davies
- Alfred Thomas Davis
- Clement Frederick Davis
- Frederick Davis
- Henry Wheeler Davis
- Maurice Albert Davis
- Francis Gordon Davis
- John Davis (1834-1902)
- John Henry Davis
- Joseph Davis (1854-1932)
- W. Davison
- Robert Davison
- Robert Davison (2)
- William James Davy
- Robert Arthur Dawbarn
- Thomas Frermas Dawden
- John Nanscawen Dawe
- William Boyd Dawkins
- Charles Dawney
- Arthur Trevor Dawson
- Ernest Frederick Dawson
- John Wilding Dawson
- Lionel Edward Dawson
- Oliver Dawson
- Robert Kearsley Dawson
- William Alfred Dawson
- William Bell Dawson
- William Maurice Grant Dawson
- Francis Dawson
- George James Crosbie Dawson
- William Dawson (1840- )
- Edward Hugh Day
- John Day (of Wandsworth)
- Stanley De Brath
- Thomas Fletcher Chappe De Leonval
- Antonio Gomes De Mattos
- Kali Churun De
- Maurice Deacon
- George Frederick Deacon
- George Welsby Deakin
- Arthur Creswell Dean
- William James Dean
- William Dean
- Henry Deane
- James Deas (1859-1910)
- James Dees
- Edward Magdelen Joseph Delaney
- Joseph Francis Delany
- William Dempsey
- Alexander Dempster
- Charles Henry Denham
- Henry Mangles Denham
- Henry Mangles Denham (1868-1940)
- William Denison
- Henry Dennis
- Nelson Frederick Dennis
- William Denny (1847-1887)
- Archibald Denny (1860-1936)
- Maurice Edward Denny
- Peter Denny
- Robert Denny
- Charles Denroche
- Hastings Charles Dent
- Edward John Dent
- John Bailey Denton
- Charles Lambert Depree
- William Eugene Desbruslais
- Pedro Nolasco Desoto
- Fitzherbert Ruxton Despard
- Richard Carden Despard
- Jean Marie Antony Despeissis
- George Deuchars
- Basil Devenish-Meares
- James Deville
- Thomas Easton Devonshire
- Alexander Dewar
- John Dewrance
- Birendra Nath Dey
- Augustus Julius Dezoysa
- Frederick Lewis Dibblee
- Charles Dick
- Gavin Gemmel Dick
- William Dick
- Alfred Dickenson
- Walter H. Dickenson
- George Frederick Robert Dickinson
- Reginald Ernest Dickinson
- Richard Elihu Dickinson
- A. Dickinson
- John Dickinson (1782-1869)
- George Workman Dickson
- John Dickson (1853-)
- Norman Bonnington Dickson
- James Dillon
- Paul Auguste Dimier
- George M. Dingwall
- John Dinnen
- Francis Russel Dinnis
- Henry Dircks
- Justus Dirks
- Harry Arthur Dix
- Charles Dixon
- Edward Keville Dixon
- Edward Wilson Dixon
- Ernest Dixon
- Francis Charles Dixon
- Frederic John Dixon
- Frederick Richard Dixon
- James Rush Dixon
- John Dixon (1835-1891)
- Roden Dixon
- Stephen Mitchell Dixon
- Charles William Dixon
- Edward Dixon (1809-1877)
- Walter James Doak
- Bryan Donkin (1903-1964)
- Edward Dobson
- Ernest Dobson
- James Murray Dobson
- Sydney Thornton Dobson
- George Clarisse Dobson
- Samuel Dobson
- Robert Benson Dockray
- Randolph Edward Docwra
- Peter Dodd
- George Dodds
- I. W. Dodds
- Isaac Dodds
- Thomas Weatherburn Dodds
- Arthur John Dodson
- Frederick Bernard Doering
- William James Doherty
- Ernest Richard Dolby
- Guillermo Federico Jorge Dominico
- Alan Campbell Don
- John Donaghue
- John Donaldson
- George Gardner Donaldson
- Hay Frederick Donaldson
- Thornycroft Donaldson
- Bryan Donkin (1809-1893)
- Bryan Donkin (1768-1855)
- Bryan Donkin (1835-1902)
- John Donkin
- Sydney Bryan Donkin
- William Edward Donohue
- James Doquemin
- James Goddard Doran
- Richard Henry Dorman
- William Stewart Hobart Dorman
- Elias Dorning
- Wilfred Braybrook Dorsett
- John Douglas
- L. Douglass
- William Tregarthen Douglass
- James Nicholas Douglass
- Henry Doulton
- Frederick Jonathan Down
- Alfred Christian Downey
- Andrew Marshall Downie
- Arthur Edward Downing
- Samuel Downing
- Samuel Forbes Downing
- Robert Downing
- Ernest MacLeod Dowson
- William Thomas Doyne
- John Drake
- Thomas Drane (1818-1890)
- Carter Draper
- Charles Frederick Draper
- James Dredge
- James Dredge (1848-1876)
- Frederick Dresser
- Napoleon Edward Drew
- Edward Alexander Drew
- Charles Stewart Drewry (1805-1881)
- William Tillotson Drewry
- Charles Henry Driver
- George W. Drory
- Charles Lambert Druitt
- Dugald Drummond
- Richard Oliver Gardner Drummond
- Walter James Drummond
- Alfred Dryland
- Alexander Drysdale
- Joseph Napoleon Du Barry
- Charles George Du Cane
- Francis Maurice Gustavus Du-Plat-Taylor
- Walter Mardon Ducat
- Arthur McDougall Duckham
- Sidengham Duer
- David Kerr Duff
- William Aitken Duff
- Hugh Johnston Duffield
- Edwin Merle Duggan
- George Herrick Duggan
- Alexander Turner Duguid
- Bernard Arthur Duncan
- George Smith Duncan
- Robert Dundas Duncan
- Thomas Duncan (1855-1892)
- Thomas Duncan
- Alexander Duncanson
- Thomas Duncanson
- Robert Dundas
- Stanley Dunkerley
- Alexander Milne Dunlop
- Charles Blackburn Dunlop
- Herbert Henry Grahame Dunlop
- David John Dunlop
- Samuel John Dunlop
- James Benjamin Dunn
- Thomas Dunn
- Thomas Edward Dunn
- John Dunning
- Nicholas Dunscombe
- Clement Dunscombe
- Arthur Culham Dunsdon
- Charles Dupin
- Augusto Duprat
- Frank Rogers Durham
- Francis Durkin
- Richard John Durley
- Edwin Durning-Lawrence
- Albert John Durston
- Francis Stacker Dutton
- William Dyack
- Clement Swinnerton Dyer
- Joseph Chessborough Dyer
- Thomas Dyke
- David Stewart Dykes
- Archibald William John Dymond
- Edmund Robert Dymond
- George Dyson
- Thomas Dyson
- George Eedes Eachus
- James Buchanan Eads
- George Griffin Eady
- Thomas Henry Eagles
- John Eaglesome
- Hardman Arthur Earle
- John Bernard Earle
- Percy Harry East
- Frederick East
- Arthur Montefiore Wire Easten
- Horace Albert Eastman
- Ian Cecil Easton
- John Easton
- Alexander Easton
- James Easton, Junior
- William Cecil Easton
- James Eastwood
- Edward Michael Eaton
- George Eaton-Shore
- John James Eaton-Shore
- Cornelius Willes Eborall
- Josiah Eccles
- William Eckersley
- William Alfred Eckersley
- Edward Miller Gard Eddy
- Joseph Eden
- William Henry Edgcome
- William Edgeworth
- Howard Maurice Edmunds
- Henry Edmunds
- Walter Henry Edridge
- John Edstrom
- A. Geoffrey Edwards
- Angelo Emanuel Edwards
- Charles Walter Edwards
- George Edwards
- Guilford Lindsay Edwards
- John Hyde Edwards
- Osborne Anthony George Edwards
- Roy Hartley Edwards
- Frederick Edwards
- Henry Hinde Edwards
- Osborne Cadwallader Edwards
- James Eldridge
- William Henry Eley
- Ernest John Elford
- Francis Elgar
- H. A. Elgee
- Whately Eliot
- John Hosking Ellacott
- Edward Bayzand Ellington
- Edmund Colvile Elliot
- Michael Elliot
- Norman Garstang Elliot
- William Elliot (1856-1893)
- George Elliot
- James Duncan Elliot
- Liddle Elliot
- Ralph Elliot
- William Elliot (1827-1892)
- Archibald Campbell Elliott
- Harry Horne Elliott
- John Elliott (1822-1906)
- Donald George Elliott
- Robert Elliott-Cooper
- Basil Pym Ellis
- Henry Disney Ellis
- John Devonshire Ellis
- Somers Howe Ellis
- Thomas Charles Ellis
- William Henry Ellis
- Bernard Pemberton Ellis
- George Ellis (d.1857)
- Henry Samuel Ellis
- George Ellson
- James Elmes
- Frank Vincent Elsden
- William Elsdon
- William Elsdon-Dew
- Joseph Elston
- Charles Tierney Elton
- Cyril Horace Mortimer Elwell
- Paul Bedford Elwell
- Richard Gervase Elwes
- Theodore Newel Ely
- Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emanuel
- Barrow Emanuel
- Ambrose Emerson
- Ralf Billing Emerson
- Charles Edward Emery
- Walter Wilfred Emm
- John England
- John England, Junior
- Henry English
- Thomas Alfred English
- Alexander Robert Entrican
- John Samuel Enys
- George Eraut, Junior
- John Edward Errington
- George Holland Erskine
- Edward Rice Sweet Escott
- William Beedie Esson
- Joseph Estridge
- Ernest Fiander Etchells
- Henry John Eunson
- John Eunson
- David Evans
- Edward Arthur Evans
- Francis Henry Evans
- John Tulle Evans
- Mortimer Evans
- Walton White Evans
- Frederick John Evans
- John Evans (1818-1872)
- Thomas Evans (c1800-1846)
- William Evans (1843-1915)
- John Leonard Eve
- Lewis Frederick Evelegh
- William Teague Everall
- Francis Over Everard
- John Breedon Everard
- Sydney Albert Everett
- Edgar Isaac Everett
- Graves William Eves
- John Francis Eves
- William Evill
- Herbert Evington
- James Alfred Ewing
- Ludovic Stewart Rudolph Ewing
- Alfred Ewing
- William Exall
- George Lancelot Eyles
- Oscar Faber
- Charles Wilson Faber
- James Faden
- Henry Faija
- William Fairbairn
- Josiah Forster Fairbank
- John Fairey
- William Fairley (1891-1964)
- Travers Hartley Falkiner
- James Falshaw
- Walter Paul Frederick Fanghanel
- Michael Faraday
- Joseph Farey
- Barnard William Farey
- John Farey
- John Stinson Farmer
- James Farrar
- Charles Arthur Richards Farrell
- James Barry Farrell
- George Farren
- Thomas Booth Farrington
- William Frederick Faviell
- Edmund Alderson Sandford Fawcett
- John Weller Sandford Fawcett
- George Henry Fawcus
- William Paul James Fawcus
- Neville Alexander Thomas Nix Feary
- Charles Conrad Adolphus Du Bois De Feffieres
- John Barraclough Fell
- Arthur Cecil Fellows
- Gordon Rattray Fenton
- James Fenton (1815-1863)
- Thomas Fenwick
- John Fenwick
- Harry John Fereday
- Henry Tanner Ferguson
- John Dunn Ferguson
- John Ferguson
- John Fernie
- Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti
- Walter Inglis Ferrar
- Robert Muir Ferrier
- Albert Cecil Fewtrell
- James Fforde
- Walter Fiddes
- Walter William Fiddes
- Alfred Fidler
- Henry Fidler
- Joshua Field (1829-1904)
- Michael Birt Field
- Arthur Field
- Joshua Field
- Rogers Field
- John Fielding
- Ernest Edward Finch
- James Fincham
- Charles Farquhar Findlay
- George Findlay
- James Robertson Finniecome
- Ralph Firbank
- Charles Turner Firth
- Arthur Firth (1925-1967)
- Thomas Rhodes Firth
- Charles Caulfeild Fishe
- Frederick George Fishenden
- Alfred Francis John Fisher
- Ben James Fisher
- George Fisher
- Reginald John Fisher
- Sackville Fisher
- William Dixon Fisher
- Joseph Fisher
- Bennett Fitch
- Abraham Coates Fitz-Gibbon
- Gerald Fitz-Gibbon
- Frank Fitzjames
- Maurice Fitzmaurice
- Thomas John Hamilton Fitzmaurice
- Terence Woulfe Flanagan
- Harold Fortescue Flannery
- James Fortescue Flannery
- Leslie Neeve Flatt
- Sandford Fleming
- Adam Gordon Fletcher
- Henry Allason Fletcher
- Herbert Phillips Fletcher
- James Richard Fletcher
- Thomas Fletcher (of Stroud)
- Henry Alcock Fletcher
- Lavington Evans Fletcher
- Frederick Flood
- Ernest Hubert Flower
- James John Alexander Flower
- Arthur Floyd
- George Wadham Floyer
- Patrick John Flynn
- Joseph Fogerty
- Robert Fogg
- William Foggin
- John Foley
- Arthur Crouch Folkard
- Alfred Montague Foord
- George Foot
- Harry Erlegh Footner
- Harry Footner
- James Staats Forbes
- William Nairn Forbes
- David Forbes
- Fergus Robert Forbes
- Joseph Samuel Forbes
- Ernest Hone Ford
- James Thomas Ford
- Arthur William Forde
- Henry Charles Forde
- Elias P. Fordham
- Charles de Neuville Forman
- James Richardson Forman
- Alfred Forrest
- Jacob Forrest
- James Forrest
- Frank Forrest
- William John Forrest
- Frank Forster
- George Baker Forster
- Thomas Emerson Forster
- Hugh Ebrington Fortescue
- Leslie Eric Fortune
- Thomas Andrew Steel Fortune
- Arthur Champagne Widenham Fosbery
- Henry Llewellyn Thomas Foster
- John Francis Foster
- Robert Foster
- William Ainslie Foulis
- William Foulis
- Charles Fouracres
- Thomas Manning Fowke
- Francis Fowke
- Alexander Farquharson Fowler
- Colin Proud Fowler
- Francis Fowler
- William Henry Fowler
- Alpin Grant Fowler
- Alfred Mountain Fowler
- Henry Fowler (1821-1854)
- Henry Fowler
- John Fowler
- John Fowler (1824-1888)
- Percival Fowler
- John Fowls
- Samuel Fowls
- Charles Beresford Fox
- Frederick Leopold Fox
- Walter Ernest Fox
- William Henry Fox
- Charles Douglas Fox
- Charles Fox
- Daniel Makinson Fox
- Francis Fox (1818-1914)
- Samson Fox
- William Fox (1847-1913)
- William Theodore Foxlee
- Philip Tillard Foyster
- Trevethan Claude Frampton
- Dudley Collins Francis
- George Blinn Francis
- Harry Francis
- Joseph Francis (d.1934)
- Ronald Joseph Francis
- Thomas Phillip Francis
- Walter Joseph Francis
- William Francis
- Charles Larkin Francis
- Edward Franckel
- Reginald Alexander Frank
- Thomas Peirson Frank
- Edward Frankland
- Frederick Augustus Franklin
- Alexander Fraser
- Alfred Fraser
- Henry John Fraser
- James Fraser (2)
- James Grant Fraser
- John Fraser
- John Robertson Fraser
- Thomas Fraser
- William Alexander Fraser
- William Fraser
- Alister Fraser
- Edward Fraser
- James Fraser (3)
- Robert Samuel Fraser
- Edwin W. F. Fraser-Smith
- Ian R. Frazer
- S. Alfred Frech
- Sigismund Alfred Frech
- Robert James Frecheville
- Frank Richard Freeman
- John Garney Freeman
- Sterry Baines Freeman
- William Freeman
- William George Freeman
- John Russell Freeman
- Joseph Freeman
- Ralph Freeman
- Ralph Freeman (1911-1998)
- Samuel Tate Freeman
- Douglas Gordon French
- James French
- William Arthur Frend
- Alexander Frew
- Charles Frewer
- Charles Frodsham
- William Froggatt
- Edward Frome
- James Frost (2)
- William Froude
- Lawford Howard Fry
- George Leedham Fuller
- Angus Robertson Fulton
- Arthur Robert William Fulton
- Hamilton Henry Fulton
- Herbert Nicholas Funnell
- Frederick William Furkert
- George Furness
- Henry David Furness
- Willoughby Charles Furnivall
- Alfred Fyson
- Edmond Rich Gabbett
- Francis Sebastian Burke Gaffney
- John Galbraith
- William Robert Galbraith
- Henry Gale
- William Willis Gale
- James Morris Gale
- Robert Richard Gales
- Emmanuel Lewis Galizia
- Charles John Galloway
- John Alexander Galloway
- Lionel Philip Payne Gallwey
- Douglas Strutt Galton
- William Galwey
- William St. John Galwey
- Sidney Gompertz Gamble
- John George Gamble
- William Gammon
- John Gandell
- John Gandell (2)
- John Gandon
- Charles Gandon
- Alec Gardiner
- Athelstan Norman Gardiner
- Robert Barlow Gardiner
- Alfred Charles Gardner
- Charles Turville Gardner
- John Davidson Gardner
- John Gardner
- John Gardner (1883- )
- Thomas William Gardner
- Joseph Garfield
- William Edward Garforth
- Joseph Garland
- Thomas Bland Garland
- Edward Garlick
- Frank George Garnett
- George Garnett
- John Jervis Garrard
- Frank Garrett
- Gilbert Henry Garrett
- Richard Garrett (1829-1884)
- Robert Garrett
- Edward Garside
- George Garson
- Alfred Edward Garwood
- Percy Tillson Gask
- Tom Ernest Gatehouse
- William Hayden Gates
- Harold Donovan Gauntlett
- Samuel Castle Gaut
- William Percy Gauvain
- George Edward Gavey
- Joseph Merricks Gavin
- William Hay Gavin
- James Gaw
- H. P. Gaze
- Harry Philip Gaze
- Charles Geach
- Frank St. John Gebbie
- Nicholas George Gedye
- William Gee (1852-1905)
- Albert Burnard Geen
- Frank Alexander Brown Geneste
- John Rees George
- Richard Lloyd George
- Richard Westropp George
- Robert John George
- Charles Frederic Gettings
- Alexander Easton Gibb
- Alexander Gibb (1804-1867)
- Michael Edward Gibb
- Alexander Gibb
- John Gibb
- William Coulthurst Gibbons
- Thomas Hughes Gibbons
- Joseph Gibbs
- Alexander James Gibson
- George McLean Gibson
- Samuel Cameron Gibson
- Thomas Sydney Fletcher Gibson
- Arnold Hartley Gibson
- Norman Walter John Gibson
- Thomas Gibson (1843-1899)
- William Gifford
- Charles Frederic Gilbert
- Davies Gilbert
- William Gilbertson
- William Gilchrist Gilchrist
- Percy Carlyle Gilchrist
- Alfred Sharman Giles
- Frank Giles
- George Frederick Lee Giles
- Humphrey Noel Giles
- Alfred Giles
- Edward Giles (1842-1878)
- Francis Giles (1806-1884)
- Francis John William Thomas Giles
- George Giles
- Gilbert Gilkes
- Frank Gill
- Henry Dudley Gill
- John Charles Gill
- Raymond Gill
- William Gill
- Henry Gill
- Robert Gillham
- Francis Gillham
- Arthur Hewitt Gilling
- George Gilroy
- William Gilbert Ginty
- Henry John Girdlestone
- Harry Percy Girling
- Lionel Gisborne
- Ernest Cranston Given
- Sidney Charles Gladwyn
- Herbert Glaser
- James George Henry Glass
- Richard Atwood Glass
- Thomas Henry Glasscoe
- Richard Tetley Glazebrook
- Donald Macleod Glendinning
- George James Hervey Glinn
- Arthur Stanley Glover
- George Tertius Glover
- Ralph Stephen Glover
- Guy Godfrey Glyn
- Joseph Glynn
- Ebenezer Goddard
- William Cory Goddard
- Arthur Hill Godfrey
- Bernard Godfrey
- Charles Henry Godfrey
- Frederick William Godfrey
- George Cochrane Godfrey
- John Godfrey Hochstaetter Godfrey
- Robert Godfrey
- William Bernard Godfrey
- Jose Manuel Farfan de los Godos
- Henry Colthurst Godwin
- John Godwin
- Thomas Hardinge Going
- Alfred Joseph Goldsmith
- Lucien Alexander Golla
- George Gooch
- John Viret Gooch
- Thomas Longridge Gooch
- William Frederick Gooch
- William Good
- Hamilton Goodall
- Stanley Vernon Goodall
- Thomas Edward Goodall
- Charles Edward Goodfellow
- William Oliver Gooding
- William George Toop Goodman
- John Goodman
- Simon Goodrich
- Camillo Joseph Goodwin
- George Abraham Goodwin
- Gilbert Smith Goodwin
- Singleton Goodwin
- Henry Goodwyn
- Walter Thomas Goolden
- Albert Gordon
- George Gordon
- James Edward Henry Gordon
- Sholto Hamilton Gordon
- Vivian Gordon
- Alexander Gordon
- George Francis Carter Gordon
- Henry Herman Gordon
- John William Gordon
- Joseph Gordon
- Lewis Dunbar Brodie Gordon
- William Gossage
- Herbert Charles Gostling
- Charles Henry Gott
- James Murly Gotto
- Nathan Gough
- Thomas Goulden
- Harold John Frederick Gourley
- George Granville William Sutherland Leveson Gower
- Alexander Gracie
- Alexander Grafton
- Alfred Henry Irvine Graham
- Cyril George Graham
- Malcolm Graham
- Robert Wilfred Graham
- Theodore Graham-Gribble
- George Graham (1822-1899)
- James Graham
- William Vaux Graham
- Cyril Graham-Smith
- William Henry Grahame
- Thomas Grainger
- John Prowett Le Grand
- William Granger (1856-1912)
- Alexander Grant (1870-1964)
- George Campbell Grant
- John Duncan Grant
- John Grant
- John Maitland Grant
- Malcolm Grant-Dalton
- Richard Boxall Grantham
- John Grantham
- Richard Fuge Grantham
- William Gravatt
- David Gravell
- Alexander Gray
- Charles Curtis Gray
- Henry Alfred Gray
- John William Gray
- Matthew Gray (b.1821)
- Robert Kaye Gray
- William Ernest Gray
- James Henry Greathead
- Albert Daniel Greatorex
- Charles Greaves
- Frederick Alfred Greaves
- James Henry Greaves
- Peter Greck
- Charles Frederic Green
- Douglas Harold Green
- Edward Baker Green
- Francis Green
- George Green (1861-)
- Henry Green (1834-1908)
- Henry John Green
- Joseph Green (of Exeter)
- Robert Green
- Wilfred Arnold Green
- Frederick Michael Green
- James Green
- John Green
- John-Baptist Robert Green
- Robert Wood Everett Green
- Robert Rowan Greene
- William Henry Greene
- Louis Greene
- John Henry Greener
- William Greener
- Thomas Challen Greenfield
- Thomas Arthur Greenhill
- George Clementson Greenwell
- Edwin Walter Greenwell
- George Greenwood
- Henry Smith Greenwood
- John Greenwood (2)
- Arthur Greenwood
- Thomas Greenwood
- William Henry Greenwood
- Charles Hutton Gregory
- Reginald Victor Gregory
- Olinthus Gilbert Gregory
- Irwin Montgomery Greig
- James Gresham
- Herbert Nigel Gresley
- Antoine Greve
- Nathaniel Grew
- William Charles Grey
- Conrad Gribble
- Edwin James Grice
- William Magee Grier
- John Grierson
- William Wylie Grierson
- James Grierson
- Charles Archibald Grieve
- Albert Edwin Griffin
- Eugene Griffin
- Edwin Griffith
- Nathanael Robert Griffith
- William Charles Easton Griffith
- Frederick Griffith
- John Purser Griffith
- Richard Griffith
- Edwin Griffiths
- Griffith John Griffiths
- John Grifrel
- James Griggs
- Helen Grimshaw
- Conway Osborne Grimshaw
- John Joseph Grinlinton
- Thomas Carlyle Grisenthwaite
- Henry Grissell
- Thomas Grissell
- Cyril Reynold Grixoni
- Frederick Simmons Grogan
- Daniel Gallagher Grose
- Richard De Aquila Grosvenor
- Albert Grothe
- Charles Edward Grove
- George Grove
- William Robert Grove
- Edmund Grove
- Frank Grove
- George Edward Grover
- John William Grover
- Frederick Grover
- Geoffrey Lancaster Groves
- Conrad Henry Walter Grundtvig
- Robert Grundy
- Henri Edward Gruner
- Hartley Grunwell
- Arthur Edward Guest
- John Josiah Guest
- Alexander Eddie Guid
- Hector Freeman Gullan
- William Gumbley
- Charles James Gunyon
- Thomas Percy Gunyon
- Thomas Richard Guppy
- Harold John Frederick Gurlay
- Wilfred Eric Randall Gurney
- George Gutch
- Oscar Guttmann
- John Gwynne
- Reginald Duncan Gwyther
- Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski
- Thomas Hack
- Richard Hack
- William Hackney
- John Lawton Haddan
- Andrew Aitken Haddin
- Henry Edmunds Haddon
- George Haden
- Henry Burdett Haderstedt
- Robert Abbott Hadfield
- Frederick Austen Hadow
- Robert Hood Haggie (1870-1927)
- Augustus Haghe
- Charles Townshend Hargrave
- Joseph Hague
- John Hague
- Daniel Meinerts Hahn
- Arthur Gordon Haigh
- Frank Fraser Haigh
- Arthur Harry Haigh
- Bernard Parker Haigh
- Jonathan Haigh
- Walter Henry Haile
- Joseph Richard Haines
- Robert Haire
- Henry Hakewill
- William Thomson Halcrow
- John Wilton Cuningham Haldane
- Albert Francis Hall
- Charles Hall
- Charles Leavers Hall
- Harry Hall (1861-1931)
- John Francis Hall
- John Green Hall
- John Willim Hall
- Joseph Hall (1851-1914)
- Lionel Cuthbert Hall
- Philip de Havilland Hall
- Richard Thomas Hall
- Roland Charles Hall
- Sydney Hall
- Thomas Andrew Hall
- William Bancks Hall
- William Compton Hall
- William Jeremiah Hall
- Arthur Henry Hall
- John Hall (2)
- Richard Hall (1806-1878)
- William Silver Hall
- Ebenezer Hall-Brown
- James Percy Hallam
- Ambrose Hallen
- Holt Samuel Hallett
- John Harry Hallett
- John Halliday
- George Halpin
- Druitt Halpin
- Arthur Samuel Hamand
- Thomas Crump Hambling
- Edmund Cadbury Hambly
- Herbert Hamer
- William Henry Hamer
- Edward Dames Hamill
- George Ernest Hamilton
- Stanley Baines Hamilton
- Thomas Daniel Hamilton
- Archibald Hamilton
- John Hamilton
- Ernest John Hamlin
- Roy Hesseltine Hammett
- Bertram Charles Hammond
- Reginald Egbert Rolt Hammond
- John Hammond
- Robert Hammond
- Herbert Wood Hanbury
- Henry Lipson Hancock
- Joseph Hancox
- W. Handingue
- Henry William Handcock
- Robert Handcock
- William Erskine Fraser Handcock
- Henry Handley
- William Handyside
- William Alers Hankey
- Francis Baker Hanna
- Edmund Phillips Hannaford
- Robert Hannay
- John Horace Hannay-Thompson
- C. R. Hanson
- Edward Beversham Hanson
- Conrad Abben Hanson
- Joshua F. Hanson
- Carl Thomas Alfred Hanssen
- John Hanvey
- John Edward Harben
- John Alfred Hardie
- Oswald Hardie
- Thomas Girdwood Hardie
- William Joshua Harding
- Wyndham Harding
- George Hardinge
- George Gatton Melhuish Hardingham
- Francis William Hardwick
- Philip Hardwick
- Charles Chetwode Hardy
- Samuel Hare
- Henry James Bennett Hargrave
- Grainger Hope Hargreaves
- Harold Hargrove
- James Sidney Hargrove
- John Edward Hargrove
- Herbert Septimus Harington
- Bernard Brotherton Harker
- Harold Hayes Harker
- William Harker
- James McNair Harkness
- John Harley Harley-Mason
- Edward Alfred Harman
- Harry Jones Harman
- Henry Drury Harness
- Edmund Lincoln Harper
- Louis Harper
- William Harpur
- Samuel Harpur
- Charles William Harris
- George William Harris
- Henry Graham Harris
- Robert Harris
- Robert Lewis Harris
- Robert William Leslie Harris
- John Harris
- Alfred Reid Clanny Harrison
- Charles Augustus Harrison
- George Harrison (1830-1898)
- George Harrison (1880-1907)
- Henry Harrison
- John Harrison (1828-1894)
- Joseph Harrison
- Percival Tripp Harrison
- Robert John Harrison
- William Stuart Harrison
- George Harrison
- Hugh Erat Harrison
- John Atkinson Harrison
- John Thornhill Harrison
- Thomas Elliot Harrison
- H. D. Harrop
- Cecil Augustus Hart
- Charles Frederick Hart
- Charles Hart
- John Henry Eustace Hart
- Henry Sebastian Hart
- Charles Augustus Hartley
- Charles Hartley
- James Hartley
- John Edward Hartley
- John Hartley (of Liverpool)
- Richard Frederick Hartley
- Arthur Clifford Hartley
- Frederick William Hartley (1829-1885)
- John Bernard Hartley
- Jesse Hartley
- Sidney Hartley
- Cuthbert Hartnell
- William Hartree
- John Henry Hartwright
- Alfred Laird Harvey
- Henry Nicholas Harvey
- Percy Edgar Harvey
- Nicholas Oliver Harvey
- Robert Harvey (1847-1930)
- Hamilton Edward Harwood
- Charles Alfred Hasbrouck
- Eugene Kinnaird Haselden
- John Francis Haseldine
- Godfrey Sinclair Hasell
- William Haskins
- Charles Aaron Haslett
- Richard Hassard
- Arthur Hassard
- Harold Hastings
- Charles Haynes Haswell
- Frederick Henry Hatch
- George Hatton
- Charles George Hawes
- William Hawes
- Roger William Hercules Hawken
- John Raymond Stuart Hawker
- Charles J. Hawkes
- Edward Claude Hawkes
- Francis Hawkes
- Edward Jackson Hawkins
- George Hawkins
- John Charles Hawkins
- John Hawkins
- John Hawkins (2)
- Percy Hawkins
- Rhode Hawkins
- Rupert Skelton Hawkins
- Sydney Sanderson Hawkins
- T. Harold Hawkins
- Charles William Hawkins
- John Isaac Hawkins
- Mr Hawksley
- John Clarke Hawkshaw
- John Hawkshaw
- Charles Hawksley
- Joseph Hawksley
- Joseph Hawksley (2)
- Kenneth Phipson Hawksley
- Thomas Hawksley
- John Prentis Hawley
- Robert Hawthorn
- Peter Seton Hay
- David Hay
- Douglas Hay
- James Hay
- Stanley Muirhead Haycraft
- Harold St. George Bown Hayes
- Richard Frederic Fitz-Edmund Hayes
- Robin Arden Hayes
- Edward Hayes
- Henry Sidney Freeman Haynes
- Robert Henry Haynes
- William Bennett Hays
- Harrison Hayter
- Arthur Ernest Hayward
- Thomas Hayward
- William Hayward
- William Haywood
- Archibald Potter Head
- Benjamin Wrightson Head
- Jeremiah Head (1835-1899)
- John Head
- John Head (1839-1893)
- Thomas Howard Head
- James Healey Johnson
- Oswald Healing
- Thomas Musgrave Heaphy
- Edward Beresford Hearne
- Thomas Hearney
- Ashton Marler Heath
- William Jerry Walker Heath
- John Heathcoat
- Thomas Bridges Heathorn
- Henry Heathorne
- George Heaton (1840-1910)
- Harley Heckford
- Henry Burdett Hederstedt
- William Robert Paul Hederstedt
- Philip Hedger
- Killingworth William Hedges
- Edward Hedley
- Riddle Hedley
- August Werner Hugo Von Heidenstam
- Charles Edwin Heinke
- John William Heinke
- Henry Selby Hele-Shaw
- Bo Manne Hellstrom
- Hermann von Helmholtz
- James William Helps
- George Willoughby Hemans
- Robert Cadding Hemberow
- William Hemingway
- Samuel Hemming
- David Henderson (1884-1954)
- David Marr Henderson
- Herbert Henderson
- James Henderson (1821-1903)
- Peter Henderson
- Peter Lindsay Henderson
- Robert Henderson (2)
- William Henderson (1885-1962)
- William Scott Henderson
- Andrew Henderson
- Brodie Haldane Henderson
- George Henderson (1783-1855)
- John Macdonald Henderson
- Philip Henderson
- William Henderson
- George Hennet
- Ernest Olaf Henrici
- Edward Cecil Quixano Henriques
- David Henry
- David Henry (2)
- John Henschel
- Albert Mayon Henshaw
- Charles Lorimer Hensman
- Henry Hensman
- William Jury Henwood
- Charles George Henzell
- George Hepburn
- John Mortimer Heppel
- Herbert Raikes Hepworth
- Joseph Hepworth
- Spencer Herapath
- David William Herbert
- Edward Dave Asher Herbert
- Frederick Benbow Hebbert
- Arthur William Herbert
- Gerald Maitland Heriot
- Walter Ralph Herring
- William Scott Herriot
- John Frederick William Herschel
- Thomas Hind Blumer Heslop
- Roger Gaskell Hetherington
- Roger Le Geyt Hetherington
- Thomas Ridley Hetherington
- John Muir Hetherington
- Charles Louis Hett
- Bertram Henry Majendie Hewett
- Daniel Pinkney Hewett
- Abram Stevens Hewitt
- John Richardson Hewitt
- Frank Hibbert
- John Hick
- Benjamin Hick
- Robert Rowan Purdon Hickson
- William Seymour Hide
- George Ernest Hider
- Thomas Waghorn Elford Higgens
- George Higgin
- John Lane Higgins
- Harry Pasley Higginson
- Gerald Whitehouse Higgs-Walker
- Richard William Henry Paget Higgs
- Henry Joseph Higgs
- George William Higham
- David John Highet
- Robert Swan Highet
- Edward Highton
- Thomas Higinbotham
- Jacob Higson
- Henry Thomas Hildage
- Jesse Hildred
- Alfred Hiley
- Alfred John Hill
- Ernest Prescot Hill
- Frederick Guy Hill
- Harry Prescot Hill
- Lionel George William Hill
- Arthur Hill
- George Henry Hill
- Henry Ashton Hill
- Henry Ellis Hill (b.1886)
- John Hill (1812-1894)
- Vincent Walker Hill
- William Harold Hillier
- Edward George Hiller
- Charles La Fletcher Hillman
- Graham Hewitt Hills
- Harold Thornthwaite Hincks
- William Henn Hinde
- Joseph Hindle
- Clement Daniel Maggs Hindley
- Oliver Walter Hindley
- Ralph Frederick Hindmarsh
- Thomas Hindmarsh
- Herbert Hinds
- Charles Hilton Hingeston
- Henry Leonard Hinnell
- William Edward Hipkins
- Edward Townsend Hippisley
- Max Hjortsberg
- Arthur Hoare
- Charles James Hobbs
- William Fisher Hobbs
- Harold Hobson
- John Falshaw Hobson
- Anthony Grant Hobson
- George Andrew Hobson
- Samuel Hocking
- Edward Hodges
- William Henry Hodges
- Philip Eliot Hodgkin
- Eaton Hodgkinson
- Edward Hodgson
- John Lawrence Hodgson
- John Hodgson (1814-1857)
- Robert Hodgson
- G. W. Hodsman
- Charles William Hodson
- Richard Hodson
- Thomas William Horn (1864-1897)
- John Isidore Hoffmann
- John Poictevin Lemon Hogan
- David Francis Hogarth
- William Hugh Hogarth
- Alexander Lauder Hogg
- John Mackintosh Hogg
- Peter Hogg
- Thomas Henry Hogg
- Arthur Montague Holbein
- Otto Holden
- Drummond Holderness
- Arthur Howe Holdsworth
- Frank Arthur Holdsworth
- George Roland Holgate
- Thomas Holgate
- William Henry Holland
- Alexander Lyman Holley
- Reginald John Hollisbee
- Ernest Holloway
- Stephen Holman
- Arthur Hill Holme
- Arthur Wyndham Holmes A Court
- Philip Harrison Holmes
- Robert Blake Worsley Holmes
- Robert Gerard Addison Holmes
- Robert West Holmes
- Samuel Furness Holmes
- Arthur Bromley Holmes
- James Archibald Hamilton Holmes
- Arthur Follett Holt
- George Henry Holt
- Henry Percy Holt
- Alfred Holt
- William Henry Holttum
- John Jacob Holtzapffel (1836-1897)
- Charles Holtzapffel
- Gustave Holtze
- John Benjamin Holy
- Charles James Homer
- Samuel Collett Homersham
- Samuel George Homfray
- David Wilson Hood
- Thomas Christie Hood
- James Hoof
- John Albert Hookham
- Edgar Purnell Hooley
- Edward Hooper (b.1861)
- George Ernest Hooper
- Henry Hooper (1822-1882)
- Herbert Ross Hooper
- William Wills Hooper
- Edward Hooper
- Ralph Hopkins
- Thomas Hollis Hopkins
- Evan Hopkins
- James Innes Hopkins
- Rice Hopkins
- Thomas Hopkins
- Walter Bernard Hopkins
- Charles Herbert Hopkinson
- William Henry Hopkinson
- Charles Hopkinson (1854-1920)
- Edward Hopkinson
- John Hopkinson (1824-1902)
- John Hopkinson (1849-1898)
- David Bayne Horn
- Joseph Horn
- Thomas William Horn
- George William Horn
- Alexander Robert Horne
- Arnold Horne
- William James Adam Edward Horne
- James Horne
- George Bruce Howden
- Charles Horsley
- Charles Cressy Horsley
- John William Horton
- John Howell Hosgood
- Richard Hosken
- Dugdale Houghton
- Henry Houghton
- Robert Harold Houghton
- Thomas Harry Houghton
- George Houghton
- Sidney Alexander Houghton
- John Houldsworth
- Julian St. John Hovenden
- William Field How
- Thomas Howard (1816-1896)
- Thomas Howard
- Andrew Howatson
- Thomas Montague Howden
- Andrew Cassels Howden
- James Howden
- Clarence Decatur Howe
- William Weston Howe
- Henry Howe
- Harry Howell
- James Howell
- John Drysdale Howkins
- John Howkins
- Richard J. Howley
- Richard Joseph Howley
- George Eric Howorth
- Richard Howson
- Norman Bell Hoy
- Henry Albert Hoy
- John Arthur Hoyle
- James Rossiter Hoyle
- Kan Htu
- Alfred Harry Huddart
- Andrew John Hudleston
- Frederick William Hudson
- John George Hudson
- Evan Bonnor Hugh-Jones
- Frederic Selby Hughes
- John Ellis Hughes
- Samuel Hughes
- Thomas William Robert Hughes
- Arthur John Hughes
- Edward Hughes
- George Hughes
- John D'Urban Hughes
- John Hughes (of Birmingham)
- Robert Hughes
- Walter Charleton Hughes
- Charles Frederick Hughes-Hallett
- Henry George Hulbert
- Henry Adin Hull
- Frances Reginald Hull
- William Wilson Hulse
- William Humber
- Edward Barber Humble
- Henry George Humby
- George Humfress
- John Hambly Humfrey
- Herbert Alfred Humphrey
- Cecil Lee Howard Humphreys
- George William Humphreys
- Guy Howard Humphreys
- Henry Temple Humphreys
- Henry Howard Humphreys
- Norton Henry Humphrys
- Edward Humphrys
- Alfred Ephraim Hunt
- Henry Arthur Hunt
- Henry Arthur Hunt (1836-1904)
- Herbert Edgell Hunt
- William Hunt (1843-1897)
- Edward Hunt
- Adam Hunter
- Holiday Leycester Hunter
- James Hunter (1818-1886)
- Thomas Briggs Hunter
- William Havard Hunter
- James Hunter
- James Bernard Hunter
- Summers Hunter
- Walter Hunter
- Walter Hunter (1840-1914)
- William Henry Hunter
- John Barker Huntington
- Frederick Arthur Hurley
- Thomas Grainge Hurst
- Bertram Lawrance Hurst
- Arthur Cameron Hurtzig
- George Hurwood
- H. C. Husband
- William Husband
- Charles Arthur Hutchings
- Henry Burdon Hutchings
- George Albert Hutchins
- Christopher Clarke Hutchinson
- Daniel Lean Hutchinson
- George Hanley Hutchinson
- John Houseman Hutchinson
- Charles Scrope Hutchinson
- Harold Vernon Hutt
- George Watkins Hutton
- William Rich Hutton
- Robert Joseph Hutton
- Hortensius Huxham
- Herbert George Huxley
- George Herbert MacCarthy Hyde
- George Hyde
- Mark Hyde
- Henry Hyde
- Frederick Margarson Hynes
- Peter Sharp Hyslop
- William I'Anson (1846-1915)
- William Mangles I'Anson
- Thomas Illman
- John James Impett
- John Imray
- William Ingham
- Edward Cecil Ingleby
- Cyril James Inglis
- James Charles Inglis
- John William Inglis
- Robert John Mathison Inglis
- William Inglis
- William Inglis (1856-1908)
- Charles Edward Inglis
- Eric Ingoldby
- William Ingram
- Thomas Inman
- William Southcotte Inman
- Cosmo Innes
- Edward Arthur Robert Innes
- William Innes
- John Irvine
- Archibald Irvine
- Lewis Henry Isaacs
- William Collenson Isle
- Arthur Werner Itter
- Fletcher James Ivens
- Thomas Edward Ivens
- Harry William Maclean Ives
- G. H. Ivory
- Richard Carruthers Ivy
- Alexander G. M. Jack
- Arnold Chater Jack
- Gavin Heynes Jack
- Edward Rainford Jackson
- Edward Wilthew Jackson
- George Briant Wheeler Jackson
- Henry James Jackson
- James Sinclair Jackson
- Ralph Ward Jackson
- William Jackson (Died 1885)
- John Jackson (1834-1891)
- John Jackson (1843-1899)
- Samuel Jackson
- William Jackson (1805-1876)
- Arthur Jacob
- Augustus Hamilton Jacob
- Charles Ryder Jacob
- Lionel Montague Jacob
- Paul George Jacobs
- John Wykeham Jacomb-Hood
- William Jacomb
- Robert Jacomb-Hood
- William Jaffrey
- J. Jagger (1899- )
- Jabez James
- Arthur James
- Julian Henry James
- John William Henry James
- John William James (1820-1908)
- William James (1854-1889)
- Alexander Hope Jameson
- James Wardrop Jameson
- Andrew Jamieson
- Mathew Buchan Jamieson
- Ailsa Janson
- Henry Japp
- William Henry Jaques
- Alexander Jardine
- James Jardine
- Edward Worrell Jarvis
- William Jeakes
- Thomas Jeans, Junior
- George Robert Jebb
- Alfred Stanistreet Jee
- Parkin Jeffcock
- Henry Homan Jeffcott
- Thomas Jefferies
- Robert Jeffrey
- Edward Alexander Jeffreys
- Henry Holmes Jellett
- John Holmes Jellett
- Silvanus William Jenkin
- Charles Frewen Jenkin
- Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin
- William Alfred Jenkin
- Henry Charles Jenkins
- Walter Jenkins (1868-1900)
- Charles Morris Jenkins
- William John Jenkins
- Joseph William Jenkinson
- C. H. Jennings
- George Alfred Jermyn
- Robert Norrie Jervis
- George Ritso Jervis
- William Francis Drummond Jervois
- George Jessop
- John Henry Jevons
- Thomas Jevons
- Thomas Bowen Jex-Blake
- Robert Jobson
- Sigvald Johannesson
- John Linacre
- John Henry Johns
- William Arthur Johns
- Charles Cuthbert Johnson
- Henry Arthur Johnson
- John Butler Johnson
- John Thewlis Johnson
- John William Johnson
- Robert Johnson (b.1829)
- Sheriff Johnson
- William Arnold Johnson
- William Johnson (3)
- Algernon Edward Johnson
- Francis Robert Johnson
- Henry Croom Johnson
- John Henry Johnson
- Richard Johnson
- Samuel Waite Johnson
- Thomas Marr Johnson
- Warwick Huson Johnson
- William Robert Johnson
- William Johnson (1823-1864)
- Andrew Johnston
- Henry Joseph Johnston
- James Arthur Johnston
- John Montgomery Johnston
- Robert Edward Johnston
- Charles Johnston
- Edward Johnston
- James Johnston (1863-1922)
- Thomas Masterman Hardy Johnston
- Ronald Henry Johnstone
- William Henry Johnstone
- William Johnstone
- William Johnstone (1844-1879)
- John Joicey
- Henry Joll
- Alfred Illtyd Webber Jones
- Arthur Ewart Jones
- Cosmo Reynold Jones
- David Charles Jones
- Frank Harding Jones
- Frederick James Jones
- Harry D. Jones
- James Jones (2)
- John E. Jones
- John Hodgson Jones
- Percy Lewis Jones
- Peyton Jones
- Thomas Jones (1843-1927)
- Arthur Daniel Jones
- Alfred S. Jones
- Charles Jones (2)
- Charles Jones (1830-1913)
- Elias William Jones
- Evan Davies Jones
- Edward John Jones
- Harry David Jones
- Hodgson Monteith Layard Jones
- Harry Edward Jones
- James Jones
- John Cyril Jones
- Mark Jones
- Rhys William Jones
- Richard Lionel Jones
- Robert Jones (1812-1895)
- Thomas Jones (1775-1852)
- William George Jones
- William Henry Jones
- William John Jones
- Frederick Jopling
- Joseph Jopling
- Charles Michael Jopling
- Joseph Jopling (1)
- Charles Jopp
- William Leighton Jordan
- Frederick Jorgensen
- Thomas Joseph
- Henry Batson Joyner
- Robert Batson Joyner
- Lieut. Jubb
- Ashley Juler
- John Jurd
- Francis Edgar Kanthack
- Henry Kater
- William Kaye-Parry
- Edward Henry Keating
- William Gregory Keay
- George Alexander Keefer
- Samuel Keefer
- Thomas Coltrin Keefer
- Thomas William Keele
- Hugh Trowbridge Keeling
- George William Keeling
- Herbert Howard Keeling
- Percy Edward Keene
- James Keith
- John Duncan Keith
- George Ormond Kekewich
- John Kelk
- Thomas Kell
- Howard G. Kelley
- Howard George Kelley
- Alexander Edward Kelso
- John Robert Kemp
- William Henry Coryton Kempe
- Henry Kemp
- Harry Robert Kempe
- Edward Nicholas Kendall
- John Anthony Kendrew
- Howard John Kennard
- Charles Dugald Kennedy
- Henry Kennedy
- Neil Kennedy
- Thomas Stuart Kennedy
- Alexander Blackie William Kennedy
- John Pitt Kennedy (1796-1879)
- John Pitt Kennedy (1824-1897)
- John Macfarlane Kennedy
- John P. Kenrick
- Frederick Kensington
- Francis Edward Alphonsus Kenyon
- George Cecil Kenyon
- Richard Kepp
- Charles Buchanan Ker
- Hugh Torrance Ker
- Maurice Edwin Kernot
- Wilfrid Noyce Kernot
- William Charles Kernot
- Joseph Malcolm Kerr
- Durand Kershaw
- Frederick Templeton Manheim Kessel
- Anthony Henry Kessner
- Henry George Clopper Ketchum
- Marcus Merwan Ruttonjee Khareghat
- Hector Kidd
- William Walter Kiddle
- Alfred Egerton Kidner
- Martin Hamilton Kilgour
- Harry Birch Killon
- William Kilvington
- James Kimber
- Joseph Kincaid
- Thomas William Kinder
- Arthur Edward Kindersley
- Charles John Stuart King
- Maurice King
- Nicholas King
- Samuel King (2)
- Alfred King
- Francis Alexander Stuart King
- William King (1839-1916)
- William King-Noel
- Zachary Harris Kingdon
- William Joseph Kingsbury
- Walter Robert Kinipple
- Alexander Kinnes
- Frederick Hall Kirby
- John Frederick Campbell Kirby
- Samuel Alexander Kirkby
- Alexander Carnegie Kirk
- Leslie Kirk-Greene
- David Kirkaldy (1820-1897)
- John Kirkaldy (1853-1920)
- William George Kirkaldy
- Henry McKenzie Kirkby
- Percy St. George Kirke
- Reginald Herbert Honley Kirkham
- Thomas Kirkland
- Cyril Reginald Sutton Kirkpatrick
- Philip Kirkup
- Herbert Kitchener
- Frank Barnsdale Kitchin
- John Hawthorn Kitson
- Frederick William Kitson
- James Kitson (1835-1911)
- Charles George Kleberg
- Bernard Howard Knight
- Bertrand Thornton Knight
- Ernest Richard Knight
- Hamilton Stephen Langley Knight
- John Knight (1850-1899)
- John Peake Knight
- Patrick Knight
- Samuel John Knight
- Thomas Knight (1883-1958)
- William Knight
- Joseph Godber Knighton
- Charles Benjamin Knorpp
- Charles Edward Knowles
- John Knowles
- Archibald Septimus Knox
- Edward Baldwin John Knox
- Herman Kohler
- Charles Lazur Kottler
- Siegerich Christopher Kreeft
- Alfred Krupp
- Harris Jurgen Carl Kuhl
- Arthur Lund
- Henry Geffcken Kunhardt
- Christian Kussmaul
- Alexander Anderson Kyd
- John Kyle (1861-1911)
- John Kyle
- Charles La Lievre
- Louis Auguste De Jacques De Labastide
- Hugh Roland Labatt
- John Bagot Labatt
- Paul Fulcrand Delacour De Labillere
- F. W. Lacey
- Frederick William Lacey
- Joseph Melville Lacey
- Stephen Lacey
- William Walker Lackie
- Richard Lawson Laffere
- Gustaff Lagerheim
- David Laing
- Andrew Laing
- Thomas Elcoat Laing
- Hector George Lakeman
- Rai Bahadur Kanhaya Lal
- Thomas Trajan Lambe
- Anthony P. Lambert
- Arthur Poignand Lambert
- George Nugent Reynolds Lambert
- Anthony Piognand Lambert
- Edward Tiley Lambert
- William Blake Lambert
- Edward William Lancaster
- Charles William Lancaster
- Wilfrid Drake Lancaster
- Charles Landale
- George Thomas Landmann
- Will de Manoel Landon
- Alexander Maurice Lane
- George Morgan Lane
- William Lane
- Christopher Bagot Lane
- Michael Lane
- Oliver Lang
- Edward Tickell Lang
- William Lang
- Fritz Langbein
- Frederick Guy Langdon
- James Cornwall Langdon
- Hermann Ludwig Lange
- Frederick Montague Townshend Lange
- James Langmuir
- Charles Lanyon
- John Lanyon
- Herbert Lapworth
- Charles Edward Larard
- Nathaniel John Larkin
- George Larmer
- Jorgen Daniel Larsen
- Ernest Courthope Last
- Victorino Aurelio Lastarria
- William Isaac Last
- Edwin Davenport Latham
- Albert Latham
- Baldwin Latham
- John Herbert Latham
- William Knox Laurence
- Gordon Colet Laurie
- Kenneth Smale Laurie
- Edgar De Lautour
- Alexander Theodore Lavalley
- John Henry Wales Laverick
- Richard Aloyslus Lavertine
- John Hardy Lavery
- Alexander Henry Law
- Henry Law
- Herbert Henry Law
- William Lawford
- George Maxwell Lawford
- Arthur Lyndon Lawrence
- Frederick Lawrence (1828-1864)
- Alexander Lawrie
- Hubert Laws
- William George Laws
- James Ibbs Lawson
- John Lawson (1837-1895)
- Wilfrid Lawson
- Allan John Lawson
- John Lawson
- Richard Laybourne
- William Richard Le Fanu
- Charles Le Maistre
- Frederick Charles Lea
- Henry Lea
- Measham Lea
- Frederick Mackenzie Lea
- Stephen William Leach
- Patrick Leahy
- Charles Lean
- Joel Lean (1859-1904)
- John Lean
- Walter Burditt Leane
- John Towlerton Leather
- Samuel Petty Leather
- George Leather
- John Wignall Leather
- Cyril D'Arcy Leaver
- Erasmus Darwin Leavitt
- James Campbell Ledger
- George Alexander Ledingham
- Donovan Henry Lee
- George B. Lee
- John James Lee
- Henry Lee
- Hamilton Lee-Smith
- Joseph Leece
- William Carey Leechman
- Ernest Leonard Leeming
- Robert Arthur Leeming
- Ebenezer Antony Lees
- George Lees
- Arthur Watson Legat
- George Legg
- William Andrew Legg
- Alexis Victor Legrand
- Lucien Alphonse Legros
- Henry Harington Leigh
- Evan Leigh
- Frederick Augustus Cortez Leigh
- Arthur Leighton
- Leopold Leighton
- Archibald Leitch
- Percy Arthur Rupert Leith
- Percival Arthur Rupert Leith
- Serge N. Leliavsky
- Guy Talbot Lemon
- James Lemon
- Hugh Leonard
- Richard Herbert Lapage
- Bradford Leslie
- Frederick Leslie
- Henry Haworth Leslie
- Alexander Leslie
- James Leslie
- Robert Fletcher Leslie
- Ferdinand de Lesseps
- John Lethbridge
- Algernon Leventhorpe
- Granville George Leveson-Gower
- Henry Corbyn Levinge
- Alfred David Lewis
- George Lewis (1836-1905)
- James Bannatyne Lewis
- John Milton Lewis
- John Thorpe Lewis
- Llewellyn William Lewis
- Sidney C. Lewis
- Thomas Lawrence Lewis
- William Bourne Lewis
- William Kennedy Lewis
- John Lewis
- Joseph Slater Lewis
- William Thomas Lewis
- William Yorath Lewis
- George Hilder Libbis
- Andrew Liddell
- Ernest Edward Light
- John Scott Lilie
- George Ernest Lillie
- John Lilly
- Herman Peter Thygesen Lind
- Charles de la Poire Crawford Lindesay
- Joseph Lindley
- Robert Charles Lindley
- William Lindley
- William Heerlein Lindley
- Gordon S. Lindsay
- Charles Coxhead Lindsay
- John Barber Lindsell
- Edward Sargint Lindsey
- Wilfrid James Lineham
- Samuel Robert Linging
- George Lingwood
- Alexander Grainger Linn
- Alfred James Linnell
- Antoine Lipkens
- John Joseph Liptrott
- Francis Vivian Lister
- John Edward Lister
- David Michael Litster
- Christopher Little
- Thomas David Little
- G. Little
- Edmund Harold Littledale
- Trevor John Livesey
- Frank Livesey
- George Thomas Livesey
- John Llewellin
- David Llewellin
- William Llewellin
- David Ernest Lloyd-Davies
- Edward John Lloyd
- Geoffery Dillworth Lloyd
- George Braithwaite Lloyd
- Harry Leopold Lloyd
- John Horatio Lloyd
- Richard Lloyd
- Robert Samuel Lloyd
- Thomas Lloyd (1803-1875)
- William Edward Lloyd
- Ernest Herbert Lloyd
- Frederick Lindsay Lloyd
- John Augustus Lloyd
- Sampson Lloyd
- William Lloyd
- Cyril Walter Lloyd-Jones
- Charles Henry Lobban
- Frank J. Lobley
- Henry Denzil Lobley
- Joseph Lobley
- Frederick Lobnitz
- Joseph Locke
- William Stronach Lockhart
- Peter Logan
- Robert Patrick Tredennick Logan
- David Logan
- David Logan (c1786-1839)
- George Nicholas Loggin
- Thomas Login
- Charles James Lomax
- Edward Lomax
- Walter Frederick Long
- Francis Maddison Long
- Jonathan Longbotham
- John Alfred Longden
- Richard William Frederick Longfield
- Richard Longlands
- Robert James Longley
- Alexander Longmuir
- James Atkinson Longridge
- Michael Longridge
- Alfred Longsdon
- Thomas H. Longstaff
- Albert Edward Loos
- George Lopes
- George Edward Louth
- Samuel Henry Louttit
- Edwin James Lovegrove
- James Lovegrove
- Thomas Lovell
- Duncan Whyte Low
- Thomas Bell Low
- Sidney Richard Lowcock
- John Edgar Lowe
- John Landor Lowe
- Charles Harlowe Lowe
- George Lowe
- William Lowe Lowe-Brown
- Charles Lowinger
- William Lowther
- Edward Loysel
- Edward Sydney Luard
- John William Lubbock
- Arthur Charles Lucas
- Frederic Horace Faviell Lucas
- Charles Thomas Lucas
- Thomas Lucas
- Ferdinand Wilhelm Weghorst Luders
- Luigi Luiggi
- Arthur George Luke
- Philip Edward Luke
- William Joseph Luke
- Tom Gallon Lumb
- Hugh David Lumsden
- Cornelius Lundie
- George Archibald Lundie
- Herbert Edgar Lunn
- Robert Watson Lunn
- George Harry Lunt
- John Lunt
- Arnold Lupton
- Stephen Lushington
- James Lusk
- Horace Campbell Lusty
- Edwin Landseer Lutyens
- Albert Jonathan Lyddon
- David Lyell
- Francis John Lynam
- G. T. Lynam
- Francis Joseph Lynch
- Joseph Lynch
- Edward James Lynch
- Gerald Gascoigne Lynde
- James Gascoigne Lynde
- James Henry Lynde
- Charles Lindsay Claude Bowes Lyon
- John Lyons
- George Fosbery Lyster
- Anthony George Lyster
- Norman Nathan Maas
- Philip Henry Macadam
- Robert John Dudley MacAllister
- William Allan Macartney
- William Allen Macartney
- Frederic Julius Macaulay
- Frederic William Macaulay
- Thomas Babington Macauley
- Arthur Cameron Macdonald
- Donald Macdonald (1865-1932)
- James Ouchterloney MacDonald
- Jeremiah James Macdonald
- Murdoch MacDonald
- Robert Cowan Macdonald
- Alan MacDougall
- Manoel Buarque de Macedo
- Thomas Milbourne Macfarlaine
- John Macglashan
- John Macglashan (2)
- William Macglashan
- John Cameron MacGregor
- John Graham MacGregor
- Charles John Grahame MacGuckin
- John A. Macintyre
- John Stevenson Macintyre
- George Henderson Mackail
- Daniel Mackain
- David Mackain
- Robert Gordon Mackay
- John Mackay (1822-1906)
- Archibald Thomas MacKenzie
- Arthur Cecil Mackenzie
- Aubrey Duncan Mackenzie
- John Mackenzie
- Lynedoch Archibald Mackenzie
- Nicol Finlayson MacKenzie
- John Bower Mackenzie
- William Mackenzie
- William Mackenzie (1886-1966)
- John Mackinlay
- Frederick Mackinley
- Alexander Kendall Mackinnon
- Alister Mackinnon
- Lauchlan Alexander Entwistle Mackinnon
- William Macleod Mackinnon
- Alexander Mackintosh
- James MacDougal Mackintosh
- Peter Arthur Mackintosh
- Francis Mackison
- James Walls Mackison
- Hubert Alfred Mackrill
- Herbert Francis Mackworth
- John Campbell McColl MacLagan
- James Waddell Boyd MacLaren
- Francis William Maclean
- Francis William MacLean
- James B. Maclean
- Loudoun Francis Maclean
- Duncan McLeod
- Hugh Pattison Macmillan
- Alexander Macnab
- Alexander Hill Macnair
- Hugh John MacNamara
- Daniel Macnee
- John Macneill
- William Gibbs MacNeill
- John Macnie
- Duncan Macpherson
- Peter Macquisten
- John Macrae
- James MacRitchie
- Robert Valentine Macrory
- James Graham John MacSheehy
- James Mactear
- Henry Dacre Madden
- Arthur Percy Maddocks
- James Chatburn Madeley
- James Welby Madeley
- James Maden
- Arthur John Maginnis
- Gustave Magnel
- Gustave Paul Robert Magnel
- John Joseph Maguire
- Stanley Mahew
- John Frederic Main
- John Murdoch Main
- Robert Alexander Maingy
- George Pascoe Mair
- Henry Coathupe Mais
- Robert Lindley Maitland
- Eardley Maitland
- Alexander Woodlands Makinson
- Thomas Henry Makinson
- Joseph Mallagh
- Robert Trefusis Mallet
- Robert Mallet
- John Manby
- Charles Manby
- Aaron Manby
- Edward Oliver Manby
- John Richard Manby
- Joseph Lane Manby
- Henry Christopher Mance
- William Manghan
- Edward Manisty
- Godfrey Oates Mann
- Isaac John Mann
- Thomas Clifford Mann
- John Waddington Mann
- Horace John Mannering
- Robert Manning
- John Richards Manning
- Alfred John Mansell
- James Mansergh
- Walter Leahy Mansergh
- Ernest Lawson Mansergh
- David Manuel
- Frederick Thorpe Mappin
- Alexander Marcet
- James Marchbanks
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Peter John Margary
- James Constantien Marillier
- Robert Aspland Marillier
- Charles Markham
- Edward Charles Robert Marks
- Henry Capner Marks
- George Croydon Marks
- Thomas Thomas Marks
- Alfred Herbert Dorlencourt Markwick
- John Marley
- Frederick Marrable
- William Wright Marriner
- William Marriott
- Hugh Frederick Marriott
- Charles William Earle Marsh
- Henry Marsh
- John George Ralph Marsh
- Leonard Swaine Mortlock Marsh
- Arthur Marshall
- Francis Carr Marshall
- Frank Theodore Marshall
- Jenner Guest Marshall
- William Bayley Marshall
- William Prime Marshall
- Edwin Marshall
- James Garth Marshall
- Gilbert Gould Marsland
- Charles Frederick Marston
- George Dallas Marston
- William Dallas Marston
- Benjamin Martell
- Edward Bindon Marten
- Henry John Marten
- Hubert Bindon Marten
- Albinus Martin
- Edward James Martin
- Edward Pritchard Martin
- Ernest Branwhite Martin
- Henry Robert Howells Martin
- Henry Thorpe Martin
- James Ernest Martin
- Nathaniel Martin
- Walter Richards Martin
- Henry Daniel Martin
- Harold Medway Martin
- Richard Harington Martin
- Samuel Dickinson Martin
- Thomas Martin
- Warine Ben Hay Martindale
- John Martineau
- Louis Martineau
- William Martineau
- William Martley
- Horace Richard Marwood
- Clayton Turner Mason
- William Mason
- William Henry Massey (2)
- James Massie
- Charles Edward Masterman
- Henry Masterton
- Arthur Harold Matheson
- Edmond George Matheson
- Norman Alastair Matheson
- Ewing Matheson
- Henry Cripps Matheson
- Francis Mathew
- Charles Bernard Mathews
- Edward D. Mathews
- Ernest Gordon Dewar Mathews
- Henry Montagu Mathews
- James Mathias
- John Mathieson
- Frank Henry Matthew
- John Matthew
- Ernest Romney Matthews
- Robert Matthews
- William Matthews
- William McDonald Matthews
- Richard Borlase Matthews
- Thomas Matthews
- William Matthews (2)
- George Matthey
- Henry Mattinson
- Thomas James Maude
- Henry Maudslay, Junior
- Henry Maudslay
- Joseph Maudslay
- James Archibald Maughan
- Nicholas Maughan
- George Benjamin Maule
- Frederick William Maunsell
- Guy Anson Maunsell
- Charles James Kindersley Maurice
- Percy William Mavor
- Henry Alexander Mavor
- William Henry Maw
- Enoch George Mawbey
- Maurice Bryham Mawson
- George Vincent Maxted
- William Henry Maxwell
- William John Maxwell
- Joseph Prime Maxwell
- James Thomson Maxwell
- Charles Ramsden May
- Francis John Charles May
- Charles May
- George May
- James May
- Robert Charles May (1829-1882)
- Robert Charles May (1802-1881)
- Henry Percy Maybury
- William Frederick Mayes
- William Maylor
- Frank Henry Maynard
- John Clarkson Phillips Maynard
- Robert Hobart Mayo
- Malcolm McAlpine
- William Jarvis McAlpine
- James Braddon McCallum
- Frank McClean (1837-1904)
- John Robinson McClean
- Walter Simpson McClelland
- A. McClure
- James Edward McConnell
- John McConnochie
- James Adair McConnochie
- John McCormick
- John Benjamin McCrea
- Alexander McCulloch
- Frederick William McCullough
- John Martin McCurrich
- Alexander Beith McDonald
- Alexander McDonald (1903-1968)
- George Champion McDonald
- John Alexander McDonald
- John Allen McDonald
- Alexander McDonnell
- Ian Alister McDonnell
- James McDougall (1853-1908)
- Hugh George McEwen
- James Macnaghten Mcgarel-Hogg
- George Duncan McGlashan
- John McGlashan (1874-1948)
- John McGlashan (3)
- John Graham McGregor
- Stuart William Buchanan McGregor
- Malcolm Gordon John McHaffie
- George Mcildowie
- Joseph Henry McIlvenna
- Thomas McIlwraith
- Arthur John White McIntosh
- Arthur John Whyte McIntosh
- William Andrew McIntosh Valon
- David McIntosh
- Robert Ferrier McKay
- Robert Thomas McKay
- James McKechnie
- Alexander George McKenzie Jack
- John Graham McKerlie
- Hugh Unsworth McKie
- John Mckie
- Alasdair D. McKillop
- Hugh Giffen McKinney
- William McLandsborough
- William Dick McLaren
- John David McLauchlan
- David Bird McLay
- William Hannah McLean
- Magnus Maclean
- Robert Chalmers McLellan
- Geoffrey McLeod
- John Joseph McMahon
- Bryce McMaster
- Duncan McMillan (d.1947)
- David McMordie
- Archibald McMurdo
- William Montagu Scott McMurdo
- Alexander McNab
- John Frederick Adolphus McNair
- George Matthew McNaughton
- John McNee
- Bedford McNeill
- John Ambrose McPherson
- Norman McPherson
- John McVeagh
- Frank Mead
- John Clement Mead
- Clement John Mead
- Alwyne Meade
- Thomas De Courcy Meade
- William Oliver Evelyn Meade-King
- John Willoughby Meares
- Julius George Medley
- Joseph Bertram Lloyd Meek
- Sturges Meek
- Sydney Hownam Hownam-Meek
- Charles Scott Meik
- Patrick Walker Meik
- Thomas Meik
- David Meiklereid
- Joseph Meilbek
- James Meldrum
- Giulio Cesare Melisurgo Di Melissenos
- John Charles Melliss
- Geoffrey Henry Jenner Mellsop
- William Melville (1893- )
- William George Melvin
- Richard Robert Menneer
- Holberry Mensworth
- John Menzies (1846-1907)
- William Duncan Graham Menzies
- Wilfred Merchant
- Michael Meredith
- George Meredith
- John Bult Meredith
- Walter Merivale
- George Merrett
- Frank Merricks
- Charles Hesterman Merz
- Philip John Messent
- Charles Benjamin Le Mesurier
- Henry Peveril Le Mesurier
- John William Metcalf
- William Metcalf
- Charles Herbert Theophilus Metcalfe
- William Ellis Metford
- John Methven
- Christian Hendrick Meyer
- Harry Stephen Meysey-Thompson
- Richard Edward Michael
- Bleamire Moody De Michele
- Vitale Domenico De Michele
- Norman Henry Michell
- Theophilus Michell
- John Ellis Middleton
- John Harrison Middleton
- Reginald Empson Middleton
- Richard Henry Middleton
- Harold Edward Midgley
- Francis Charles Miers
- John William Miers
- George Miles
- Harry Powell Miles
- Thomas William Miles
- William Millar
- William Millar (2)
- Boyd Archibald Miller
- Henry Miller
- James Miller (1860-1947)
- John Miller
- Thomas Miller (1841-1928)
- William Aitken Miller
- Daniel Miller
- George Mackay Miller
- John Fletcher Miller
- Joseph Miller
- Thomas Lodwick Miller
- Thomas Edward Milles Marsh
- Robert Milligan
- William Ernest Wyatt Millington
- Ernest Arthur Mills
- Francis J. Mills
- Frederick Leighton Victor Mills
- Harry Mills
- James Mills (2)
- George Mills
- William Mills (1818-1891)
- David Croll Milne
- Robert Murray Milne
- James Milnes
- George Percival Milnes
- John Milroy
- Thomas Milton
- James Tayler Milton
- Kiyoshi Minami
- Albert Ernest Sculthorpe Minett
- Ernest Minors
- Thomas Edward Minshall
- Thomas Herbert Minshall
- Alexander Mitchell
- Archibald Robertson Mitchell
- George Mitchell
- George Porteous Mitchell
- Herbert Edward Mitchell
- Hugh McPherson Mitchell
- Hugh Mitchell
- Joseph Mitchell (1840-1895)
- Kenneth Grant Mitchell
- William Michell (1853-1899)
- Joseph Mitchell
- Thomas Telford Mitchell
- Charles Henry Moberly
- James Scott Duncan Moffat
- Ernest William Moir
- Robert Bridges Molesworth
- Guilford Lindsey Molesworth
- Henry Bridges Molesworth
- Lewis Pritchard Moline
- Alex Moller
- Frederick Herbert Mollett
- Ambrose James Molloy
- Harry James Molloy
- Thomas Molyneux
- John Monash
- Claud Monckton
- Alexander Bain Moncrieff
- John Mitchell Moncrieff
- J. W. Moncur
- Julian Money Vernon Money-Kent
- Hugh Lewin Monk
- Edward Wyndham Monkhouse
- Thomas Monro
- Edward Langlois Montagnon
- Edward Langois Montagnon
- John Russell Montague
- Patrick Montgomerie
- John James Montgomery
- James Edward Montgomrey
- Charles Edward Cage Montresor
- Richard Clement Moody
- Richard Charles Moon
- William Henry Moorby
- Alexander William Moore
- Alfred Moore
- Benjamin Theophilus Moore
- Everett William Moore
- George Moore (2)
- John Alexander Moore
- Thomas Ivor Moore
- William Moore (1834-1889)
- James Michael Moore
- Richard St. George Moore
- Robert Bradshaw Moorhead
- Lewis Henry Moorsom
- William Scarth Moorsom
- Alfred William Morant
- Ernest Frederic Morant
- John Hemphill Morant
- James Law Lushington Morant
- Adalbert Morawski
- Alfred Morcom
- Reginald Keble Morcom
- John Rhys More
- Algernon Henry Moreing
- Charles Algernon Moreing
- Edmund Morel
- Richard Moreland
- Charles William Morgan
- James Morgan
- Joseph Bond Morgan
- Llewelyn Morgan
- William Henry Morgan
- Charles Langbridge Morgan
- Godfrey Ewart Morgans
- Sidney George Morgan
- Edward Orpen Moriarty
- Arthur Jules Morin
- George Shattuck Morison
- Robert Bellechasse Morison
- Henry Morland
- Aristides Andrew De Morney
- Henry Vereker Lloyd Morony
- Brian Harold Morphy
- Humphrey Alan Walter Morrice
- Arthur Percy Morris
- David Morris
- E. W. Morris
- James Hulbert Morris
- William Morris (1836-1886)
- William Morris (1897- )
- William Morris (1837-1915)
- William Richard Morris (1808-1874)
- John Walter Morrison
- Gabriel James Morrison
- Robert Morrison
- William Henry Morrow
- Andrew Morton
- David Home Morton
- Robert Morton (1834-1911)
- William Morton
- Moses Moses
- Richard Moses
- Henry Allan Moss
- Kenneth Neville Moss
- Louis Samuel Moss
- Thomas James Moss-Flower
- James Robert Mosse
- Basil Mott
- Edward Septimus George De La Motte
- Thomas Moulding
- John Chapman Mount
- Magnus Mowat
- Edgar Moxon
- William Arthur Moyers
- William Morgan Moylan
- Samuel Moyle
- Thomas Mudd
- Edwin Muir
- James Muir
- Matthew Andrew Muir
- John Muirhead
- Johan Viggo Sigvald Muller
- Henry Arthur Caspersz Muller
- George Phillips Mulock
- George James Munday
- John Macintosh Mackay Munro
- Daniel Murcott
- George Brown Murdoch
- Samuel Lees Murgatroyd
- George Brooke Muriel
- Philip Frederick Murphy
- Henry De La Poire Murphy
- James Murray (Chronometer Maker)
- John Edwards Murray
- Lee Lathrop Murray
- Stewart Binny Murray
- Andrew Murray
- Edward Francis Murray
- John Murray (1804-1882)
- Robert Stribley Murt
- Frederic Murton
- Joseph Musgrave
- David Mushet
- Arthur Musker
- Henry Hawkins Myburgh
- William Chadwell Mylne
- William Chadwell Mylne (1821-1876)
- Karl Emil Nabholz
- Maurice Nachshen
- Charles Cameron Nairn
- William Nairn
- J. E. Naismith
- Hormusji Naoroji
- James Ignatius Napier
- James Murdoch Napier
- John Napier (1832-1883)
- William Henry Edward Napier
- Charles George Napier
- Francis Napier
- George Napier
- John Napier
- Robert Napier
- F. Donald Napier-Clavering
- Rustum Kaikhushro Nariman
- Fountain Okey Colborne Nash
- Philip Arthur Manley Nash
- George Nasmyth
- Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier
- Arthur Holden Naylor
- William Naylor (5)
- James Henry Neal
- Deodatus Hilin Neale
- Charles Neate
- Egbert Stephen Needham
- William Hardcastle Neilson
- James Beaumont Neilson
- James Neilson
- Walter Montgomerie Neilson
- Walter Neilson
- Thomas Boustead Nelson
- William Nethersole
- Hugh Nettlefold
- Hugh Nettleton
- George Neumann
- Percy Nevill
- Parke Neville
- Henry James Walton Neville
- Hugh Hamilton Newall
- John Gibson Newbigging
- Thomas Newbigging
- Henry Thornton Newbigin
- Edward Newcombe
- Edward Newdigate
- Albert Lewis Newdigate
- Thomas Monk Newell
- Joseph Newey
- William Edward Newham
- Alexander Newlands
- John Eric Newlands
- James Newlands
- Frederick Newman
- John Newman
- Thomas Garrett Newnham
- Alfred Howard Vincent Newton
- Charles Butterworth Newton
- Charles E. Newton
- George Bolland Newton
- John Newton (1829-1896)
- Samuel Barton Newton
- Francis Murray Newton
- William Newton
- Charles Edward Nicholas
- Theophilus Nicholls
- Walter James Nicholls
- Albert Edward Nichols
- Harry Bertram Nichols
- Herbert John Nichols
- Nathaniel Nichols
- John Hedley Nicholson
- John Rumney Nicholson
- John Thomas Nicolson
- Richard Nicholson
- Robert Nicholson
- Walter Sery Nicholson
- William Wilkinson Nicholson
- George Gordon Nicol
- Robert Gordon Nicol
- Donald Nicoll
- Henry Nimmo
- William Hogarth Robertson Nimmo
- Alexander Nimmo
- William David Nisbet
- Ernest Cummings Niven
- Alexander Kennedy Nixon
- Charles Nixon
- Andrew Noble
- Thomas Richard Nolan
- Thomas Lord Norfolk
- Tom Lord Norfolk
- Jacques-Augustin Normand
- Charles M. Norrie
- Charles Matthew Norrie
- Richard Stuart Norris
- Frederick William Norton
- William Barron Norton
- William John Norton
- Louis Philip Nott
- John Nowlan
- Philip Algernon Herbert Noyes
- Francis Crumpton Nunn
- Edmund Keith Nuttall
- Edmund Nuttall
- Thomas Nuttall
- Francis Langford O'Callaghan
- John O'Connell
- Peter Pierce Lyons O'Connell
- Charles Yelverton O'Connor
- Henry O'Connor
- Frank Ronald Escott O'Connor
- John Patrick O'Donnell
- Florence O'Driscoll
- Mervyn O'Gorman
- Henry O'Hagan
- Thomas Francis O'Meara
- Patrick O'Meara
- Walter Alfred John O'Meara
- W. Purcell O'Neill
- William Purcell O'Neill
- James Edward O'Shaughnessy
- Richard Gorman O'Shaughnessy
- Ernest John Oakley
- Henry Oakley
- Joseph Oates
- Francis James Odling
- Alexander Ogilvie
- Arthur Graeme Ogilvie
- Charles Edward Walker Ogilvie
- Charles Brown Ogilvie
- Robert Ogilvie
- Robert Charles Frederick Ogilvie
- James Norman Ogston
- Magnus Ohren
- James Smith Okell
- Thomas Okes
- Edmund Olander
- John Rawdon Oldfield
- George Alfred Oldham
- James Oldham
- John Oldham (2)
- Leslie William Searles Oldham
- Richard Soulby Oldham
- Thomas Oldham
- John Oldham
- Robert Augustus Oldham
- Robert Stewart Oliver
- Elihu Henry Oliver
- Olliiff Olliff-Lee
- Walton Noel Olliff-Lee
- Joseph Salter Olver
- George Willes Ommanney
- Henry John Oram
- Cuthbert Knightley Orlebar
- George Holt Ormerod
- George Edward Ormiston
- Thomas Ormiston
- Arthur Sydney Ormsby
- Henry Adair Govett Orr
- John Orr
- Gordon Osmand
- John Oswald (1884-1946)
- Francis William Otter
- Drewry Gifford Ottley
- John Walter Ottley
- Samuel Hurst Robert Ottley
- Arthur Oughterson
- Frank Owen
- Jeremiah Owen
- Oswald Owen
- Thomas Ellis Owen
- William George Owen
- William Lancaster Owen
- William Owen (1810-1881)
- William Henry Owen
- John Switzer Owens
- Arthur Hatsell Owles
- Benjamin George Oxford
- James Abbott Oxley
- Alfredo Henrique Pacheco
- Algernon Dunbar Pack-Beresford
- Savile Packshaw
- George Paddison
- John Birch Paddon
- John Falkner Paddon
- William Vye Paddon
- John Pagan
- William Pagan
- Frederick Page
- George Edward Page
- George Gordon Page
- George Thomas Page
- Thomas Page (1803-1877)
- Berkeley Paget
- Claude Pain
- John Davis Pain
- William Pakenham
- Harry George Palliser
- William Palliser
- Arthur Charles Pallot
- Alfred George Benjamin Palmer
- Frederick Palmer
- George Holsworthy Palmer
- Henry Spencer Palmer
- John Palmer (2)
- M. F. Palmer
- Philip Henry Palmer
- William Palmer (2)
- Henry Robinson Palmer
- John Percival Masterman Pannell
- Edward Matthew Park
- James Crawford Park
- John Carter Park
- Charles Donald Napier Parker
- Charles Rowley Parker
- Francis George Shirecliffe Parker
- George Charles Parker
- James Alexander Parker
- John Dunlop Parker
- John Parker (1849-1910)
- Leslie Preston Parker
- William Alexander Parker
- William Parker (1878-1959)
- Thomas Parker
- Thomas Parker (1829-1903)
- A. J. Parkes
- Thomas Farmer Parkes
- William Parkes
- Charles Reginald Parkes
- Josiah Parkes
- Joseph Parkin
- Richard Marion Parkinson
- Henry Parnell
- Francis Parr
- Albert Woodward Parry
- Edward Parry
- Francis Alexander Parry
- Henry Blackburne Parry
- William Edward Parry
- William Kaye Parry
- William Parsey
- Horace Field Parshall
- John Parson
- Geoffry Lawrence Parsons
- Perceval Moses Parsons
- Richard Clere Parsons
- William Parsons (1796-1857)
- Charles Algernon Parsons
- John Meeson Parsons
- William Parsons (1800-1867)
- William Barclay Parsons
- Gerald William Partridge
- James Alkin Paskin
- Charles Pasley
- Charles William Pasley
- Frank Bailey Passmore
- William Henry Patchell
- Alexander McCulloch Paterson
- David Eric Paterson
- John Paterson
- Leslie Martin Paterson
- Clifford Copland Paterson
- Murdoch Paterson
- Peter Alexander Peterson
- Thomas Paterson (1830-1869)
- John Paton (1861-1902)
- John Paton (1822-1883)
- John Andrew Patrick
- Thomas Patrick
- Charles Patterson
- Robert Charles Patterson
- Robert Harold Scott Patterson
- Michael Patterson
- John Henry Alexander Patton
- Paul Wynch Willis
- Henry John Pauling
- Harold William Pauling
- Henry Richard Clarke Pauling
- Webster Paulson
- Richard Pawley
- James Noah Paxman
- Henry Payne
- Lindley William Paynter
- Julius Pazzani
- William Peacan
- Alfred Lindley Peace
- Thomas Fladgate Peachey
- James Alfred Peacock
- Richard Peacock
- Algernon Peake
- Edward R. Peal
- Alfred Pearce
- John Charles Pearce
- William Pearce (2)
- Standen Leonard Pearce
- Langdon Pearse
- Geddie Pearse
- William Monro Pearse
- Alfred Pearson
- Fred Stark Pearson
- Henry Lawrence Pearson
- Henry William Pearson
- Thomas William Pearson
- William Pearson (Rev.)
- Frederick Peck
- George Peel
- William De Winton Peel
- Robert Peel (1788-1850)
- Henry Villiers Pegg
- Reginald Noel Pegg
- James Wallace Peggs
- Frederick Weston Peile
- James Norman Peirce
- Apsley Pellatt
- John Pendlebury
- William Penman
- John Penn
- John Penn (1848-1903)
- John Penn, Senior
- Alfred Penny
- Frederick Gaston Penny
- Louis Penny
- Thomas Penson
- Augustus Tichborne Pentland
- Frederick S. Peppercorne
- Harry Leonard Percy
- John Percy
- Auguste Perdonnet
- Thomas Perham
- Angier March Perkins
- Jacob Perkins
- Loftus Perkins
- George James Perram
- Josiah Richard Perrett
- Roland Perrier
- John Shae Perring
- Samuel Wright Perrott
- Alfred Perry
- James Perry (1845-1906)
- Paul Telford Petrie
- Gerrard Hatfield Perryn
- Thomas Person
- Joseph Ernest Petavel
- Neil J. Peters
- Neil James Peters
- Samuel Morton Peto
- Marshall Petree
- Arthur Edward Pettit
- Louis Francois de Peyrecave
- Frederick Molesworth Pfeil
- George Ingram De Brissac Phelps
- Alfred Phillips
- Arthur Frederick Phillips
- Charles George Washington Phillips
- David Phillips
- Geoffrey John Phillips
- Henry Parnham Phillips
- John Arthur Phillips
- Joseph Phillips
- Robert Edward Phillips
- Christopher Edward Phipps
- George Henry Phipps (1807-1888)
- George Henry Phipps (1840-1884)
- Wilson Weatherley Phipson
- Joseph Spiers Pickering
- William Cullin Pickersgill
- Daniel Pidgeon
- Josiah Pierce
- Norman Augustus Victor Piercy
- Robert Piercy
- Benjamin Piercy
- Stephen Joseph Pigott
- Carl Abraham Pihl
- James Pilbrow
- Herbert Pilkington
- Edward Pillow
- Bedford Pim
- James Pim
- Joaquim Galdino Pimentel
- John Pinch, Junior
- Robert Pinchin
- Frederick George Augustus Pinckney
- William Edwin Pincombe
- Thomas Piper, Junior
- William Piper (1818-1900)
- John Sinclair Pirrie
- William James Pirrie
- Robert Brindley Pitt
- Walter Pitt
- G. F. Pittar
- Joseph Pitts
- Balzar von Platen
- Wilfred Platt
- James Platt
- John Joseph Platts
- William Plender
- John Plews
- John Oliver Plunkett
- William Pole
- William Pole (1)
- Charles Pollard
- Montagu Alexis Pollard
- Thomas Sydney Pollard
- William Pollock
- Charles Albert Pollock
- John Pollok
- John Archibald Polwhele
- James Ponsford
- George Victor Pont
- Edmund Alfred Pontifex
- Samuel Pontifex
- Moses Poole
- Henry Pooley
- Henry Pooley (1892-1964)
- John Pope
- Richard Popkiss
- William Janvrin Du Port
- Adrian Benson Porter
- Eustace William Porter
- Geoffrey Porter
- John Bonsall Porter
- Reginald Porter
- John Francis Porter
- John Porter
- John Henderson Porter
- Alexander Brown Portus
- John Davy Postle
- George Pothecary
- William Aubone Potter
- William Furniss Potter
- James Potter
- Arthur Potts
- Benjamin Langford Forster Potts
- George Edward Luther Poulden
- Edward John Powell
- William Powell
- John William Power
- Samuel Power
- Henry Handley Pridham Powles
- Arthur Poynting
- Balkrishna Bhasker Pradhan
- Philip Louis Pratley
- Adolf Camden Pratt
- Mervyn James Butler Pratt
- Ernest Prebble
- Robert Prechous
- Arthur Henry Preece
- William Henry Preece
- Patrick Joseph Prendergast
- William Hilary Prendergast
- Alexander Prentice
- William Henry Prescott
- Sydney Prestige
- Francis John Preston
- Frederick Charles Preston
- Frederick Kennerley Preston
- John Preston (2)
- Sidney Preston
- Robert Berthon Preston
- Joseph Prestwich
- George John Price
- James Price (1831-1895)
- John Price (1846-1913)
- John Price (1855-1906)
- Joseph Price
- William Henry Price
- Astley Paston Price
- Edward Price (1805-1871)
- Edward Bellingham Price
- Henry Habberley Price
- John Price
- Lancelot George Prickett
- Frank Edward Priest
- Alfred Coveney Priestley
- Charles Henry Priestley
- Charles Prime
- Francis Archibald Primrose
- Henry Prince
- Reginald Seymour Prinsep
- Jonathan Charles Prior
- Edward Pritchard
- Philip Morris Pritchard
- Daniel Baddeley Pritchard
- Fred Pritchard
- H. T. Procter
- Jonas Proctor
- Richard Proctor-Sims
- Herbert Tatham Proctor
- David Thomas Rhys Protheroe
- Henry Provis
- Henry Thomas Provis
- Richard Provis
- John Provis
- William Alexander Provis
- Thomas Charles Pulman
- Samuel Guyon Purchas
- Frederick Purdon
- Wellington Purdon
- Edward James Purnell, Junior
- Edward Purser
- John Purser
- Frank Prior Purvis
- Leonard Watson Pye
- Leslie Pyke
- Edward Radcliff
- John Alexander Radcliffe
- George Kent Radford
- William Radford (1817-1897)
- William Radford (3)
- William Radford
- William Henry Radford
- William Archibald Radice
- Sidney Robert Raffety
- Alfred Stansfield Rake
- Ganga Ram
- Charles Rammell
- Hugh Gold Ramsay
- John Ramsbottom (1814-1897)
- James Ramsden
- John Ramsden
- David Ramsay
- James Ramsey (1839-1912)
- Henry Randall
- Mark Henry Randall
- William Sancroft Randall
- John William Randell
- George Rankin
- William Humfrey Rankin
- Robert Bolton Ransford
- Herbert Byrom Ransom
- Allen Ransome
- Frederick Ransome
- James Ransome
- James Allen Ransome
- James Stafford Ransome
- Robert Ransome (1795-1864)
- Robert Gill Ranson
- Kekobad Hormasjee Rao
- John Charles Dodgson Raper
- Richard Christopher Rapier
- Frederick Harvey Rapley
- William Stuart Rashleigh
- John Urpeth Rastrick
- Vincent Litchfield Raven
- John Richard Ravenhill
- Richard Ravenhill
- Maurice A. Ravenor
- Henry Willock Ravenshaw
- George Bromley Rawlins
- John Rawlins
- Robert Rawlinson
- William Rawlinson
- Henry Charles Rawnsley
- Alfred Raworth
- John Smith Raworth
- Frederick Lawrence Rawson
- Thomas Harold Rawson
- Frank Alan Rayfield
- Middleton Rayne
- Thomas Cheveley Rayner
- Richard Stanley Read
- Frederick Thomas Reade
- James Francis Reade
- Thomas Mellard Reade
- Hudson Reah
- Thomas Purvis Reay
- Samuel Rebesch
- Richard James Redding
- Gilbert Richard Redgrave
- John Baldry Redman
- Richard Augustine Studdert Redmayne
- Francis Thomas Rednall
- Thomas Boverton Redwood
- Stanley John Reed
- Stephen Reed
- William Edward Reed
- Edward James Reed
- Henry Ashman Reed
- William Reed
- Ithel Treharne Rees
- Joseph Newell Reeson
- Alfred George Woodward Reid
- E. C. M. Reid
- Edward Alexander Reid
- Harold Reid
- Robert Carstairs Reid
- Samuel Reid
- David Reid (1841-1892)
- George Lowe Reid
- Henry David Alexander Reid
- Hugh Reid
- James Reid
- Robert Newby Hartley Reid
- William Reid (of the Royal Engineers)
- Callcott Reilly
- Frederick Reilly
- Charles Remfry
- Douglas Henry Remfry
- George Wightwick Rendel
- Henry Wedgwood Rendel
- Alexander Meadows Rendel
- James Meadows Rendel
- Richard Smith Rendle
- Thomas Rolls Renfree
- William Coupar Rennie
- George Banks Rennie
- George Rennie
- John Douglas Rennie
- John Rennie
- Amherst Hawker Renton
- Henry Renton
- J. M. C. Renwick
- James William Restler
- Archibald Campbell Rettie
- Kenneth Claude Revis
- Julian John Revy
- C. H. Reynolds
- Donald Hugh Baillie Reynolds
- Edward Reynolds
- Frank Oswald Reynolds
- John Francis Jodrell Reynolds
- John Reynolds (of Bristol)
- Robert Reynolds
- Walter Ross Reynolds
- William Frederick Roger Reynolds
- Frederic Cornell Reynolds
- George Bernard Reynolds
- John Reynolds (1796-1847)
- Osborne Reynolds
- James Rhind
- Alexander Rhodes
- Ben Albert Rhodes
- George Ewart Rhodes
- H. Rhodes
- William Rhodes (1820-1885)
- Charles Edward Rhodes
- Samuel Coley Rhodes
- Thomas Rhodes
- Harry Ralph Ricardo
- Eustace Meredith Rice
- Montague Keith Rice-Oxley
- William Edmund Rich
- Bertram Darell Richards
- Edwin Percy Richards
- Frederick William Richards
- George Richards (1869-1951)
- Guy Richards
- Harold Edmund Griffiths Richards
- Henry Fines Richards
- Thomas Richards (1844-1916)
- Josiah Richards
- C. J. Richardson
- Cecil Richardson (1867-1931)
- Charles Richardson
- Harry Richardson (b.1863)
- J. Richardson (of Leeds)
- John Richardson (1841-1920)
- Joshua Richardson
- William Augustus Richardson
- William Pelham Richardson
- Henry Parker Richardson
- John Richardson (1831-1908)
- Robert Richardson
- Thomas Richardson (c1817-1867)
- Tom Hurry Riches
- David Richmond (1858-1903)
- James Richmond
- Wilfrid Stanley Richmond
- Percy Rickard
- Thomas Miller Rickman
- William Charles Rickman
- John Rickman
- John Ormond Riddel
- Robert Riddell
- John Hall Rider
- Isaac Althorp Ridgway
- Leopold Penrose Ridgway
- Henry Saddler Ridings
- Thomas Dawson Ridley
- William Ridley
- Richard Rigaud
- Herbert Peter Barrow Rigby
- Jason Rigby
- John Lambe Rigden
- Frederick James Rigg
- Henry Rigg
- Edward Johnson Rimmer
- Franz Rinecker
- Robert Ring
- William Ripper
- John Rirtall
- Frank Sharman Rishworth
- Edgar Gower Ritchie
- Robert Ritchie
- Henry R. Rivers-Moore
- William Rivet
- Henry Ernest Robarts
- A. W. Robe
- Robert Blackburn
- Robert Faulds Miller
- Alfred Henry Roberts
- Cecil Henry Roberts
- Charles Warren Roberts
- Cyril Humphrey Roberts
- David Evan Roberts
- Frank Roberts (2)
- Griffith Roberts
- Hamlet Roberts
- John Roberts (1850-1916)
- Martin Roberts
- Peter Roberts
- Reuben William Roberts
- Robert William Roberts
- Samuel Ussher Roberts
- Thomas David Roberts
- Thomas Roberts (1837-1900)
- William Chandler Roberts-Austen
- Gervase Henry Roberts
- Richard Roberts
- Robert Coryton Roberts
- William Roberts (1844-1904)
- William Milnor Roberts
- James Melville Robertson
- John Kerr Robertson
- Leslie Stephen Robertson
- Robert Bruce Robertson
- Robert Robertson (1875-1965)
- Frederick Ewart Robertson
- George Robertson
- Henry Robertson
- James Robertson
- James Robertson (1818-1889)
- James Robertson (1835-1876)
- Robert Andrew Robertson
- Edward Robins
- William Henry Robins
- Charles Robins
- Arthur Wells Robinson
- Charles Robinson (2)
- Francis Bertram Robinson
- Frank Herbert Robinson
- Isaac Vincent Robinson
- James Clifton Robinson
- John Robinson (1829-1912)
- John Robinson (1832-1909)
- Joseph Robinson (1818-1883)
- Mark Heaton Robinson
- Matthew Alexander Robinson
- Murrell Robinson Robinson
- Philip Robinson
- Stephen Robinson
- Thomas Rowney Robinson
- William Percival Robinson
- William Robert Robinson
- William Robinson (1858-1931)
- Albert Robinson
- Henry Robinson
- Henry Oliver Robinson
- James Robinson (1852-1896)
- John Robinson
- John Robinson (of Barry)
- John Smyth Robinson
- John George Robinson
- Leonard Leslie Robinson
- Mark Robinson
- R. Robinson (of Darlington)
- Robert Robinson (1839-1915)
- Thomas Romney Robinson
- John James Robson
- Richard Oswald Robson
- Neil Robson
- Oliver Claude Robson
- Emile Theodore Quinette De Rochemont
- Theodore Anthony Rochussen
- Lionel Gordon Baynes Rock
- Kenneth Harry Roscoe
- Edward Charles Rodda
- John Marshall Rodger
- John Arthur Rodwell
- John Phanuel Roe
- John Roe
- Richard Hugo Oswald Roehricht
- Gerhard Morris Roentgen
- Henry Rofe
- James Peat Firth Lindsay Roger
- Archibald Colin Campbell Rogers
- Arthur Burden Campbell Rogers
- Charles Henry Rogers
- Frank Rogers
- William Rogers
- Albert Chorley Rogerson
- John Rogerson
- Peter Roget
- Peter Mark Roget
- Charles Rolfe
- Charles Spencer Rolfe
- William Romaine
- Edward L. De Romana
- David Ronald
- Joseph Philip Ronayne
- Thomas Rooke
- Walter Osmond Rooper
- John Simpson Roper
- Richard Steven Roper
- Eric Olding Rose
- Frederick Campbell Rose
- Frederick Rose
- George Pringle Rose
- Harold Greenwell Rose
- Jessel Rosen
- Edward Rosenbusch
- J. C. A. Roseveare
- David James Ross
- G. D. Ross
- George Hennet Ross
- George McLeod Ross
- George Murray Ross
- George Percy Ross
- Henry Francis Ross
- James Frederick Stanley Ross
- John Keith Ross
- Leathom Earle Ross
- Owen Charles Dalhousie Ross
- Percival Ross
- Robert Lyon Mackenzie Ross
- Alexander Ross
- Archibald John Campbell Ross
- William Rossbach
- William Rosser
- John Couch Adams Rosveare
- Thomas Forth Rotheram
- Edmund Rothwell
- Peter Rothwell
- Alexander George Rotinoff
- George Alexander Rotinoff
- Henry Beadon Rotton
- Alexander MacDonald Rouse
- Henry James Rouse
- Henry George Archibald Rouse
- James Routh
- Reginald Sigmud Routh
- William Pole Routh
- Thomas Routledge
- Frederic Charles Rowan
- James Rowan
- David Rowan
- Richard Reynolds Rowe
- Gilbert Rowe
- Alfred Rowland
- Arthur Rowland
- Douglas Mayhew Rowland
- Ratcliffe William Rowland
- Henry Rowles
- Ernest Oswald Rowley
- Arthur Albert Rowse
- James Leishaman Roy
- Norman William Roy
- Thomas Roy
- Frederick George Royal-Dawson
- Edward Alington Royds
- Frederick Murray Royle
- Christopher Clarke Royston
- Louis Charles Do Rozario
- Harry Arthur Ruck-Keene
- Mark Ruddle
- Alfred Rumball
- Thomas Rumball
- Frederick Rumble
- Thomas William Rumble
- James William Rundall
- Cubit Sparkhall Rundle
- James Raine Rushton
- William Russ
- Macnamara Russel
- Robert Guthrie Russel
- Charles Russell (1786-1856)
- Thomas Guthrie Russell
- William Russell (1850-1915)
- John Scott Russell
- Stuart Arthur Russell
- David Livingston Rutherford
- Henry Norlande Ruttan
- C. H. Rutter
- Charles Herbert Rutter
- Henry Fillmer Rutter
- Jeremiah Ryan
- John Henry Ryan
- Mervyn Frederick Ryan
- Robert Henry Ryan
- Thomas Tenison Ryan
- Thomas Manson Rymer-Jones
- Alexander Manson Rymer-Jones
- Alfred Louis Sacre
- Charles Sacre
- Edward Antoine Sacre
- Hurrychund Sadasewjee
- Jagannath Sadasewjee
- Rafael Cerero Y Saenz
- Walter Saise
- Thomas Henry Sale
- Henry Rodolph de Salis
- John Salkeld
- Tom Salkield
- Ernest Hinkly Salmon
- John Mitchell Salmond
- David Salomons (1797-1873)
- C. W. Salt
- Frank Salter
- John Maitland Salusbury-Trelawny
- Edward Richard Salwey
- Joseph d'Aguilar Samuda
- Reginald John Samuel
- James Samuel
- Christopher Green Wood Samuels
- Martin Samuelson
- Alexander Samuelson
- Bernhard Martin Samuelson
- Ernest Samuelson
- Felix James Samuely
- Bernhard Samuelson
- Christer Peter Sandberg
- Christer Peter Sandberg (1876-1941)
- Nils Percy Patrick Sandberg
- Oscar Fridolf Alexander Sandberg
- Charles Vaughan Sandeman
- Edward Sandeman
- William Young Sandeman
- Evelyn Francis Sanders
- James Lawrence Sanders
- Richard Barnsley Sanders
- Charles Steuart Bell Sanderson
- Charles Sanderson (1824-1870)
- George S. Sanderson
- John Arthur Saner
- George Edward Langham Somerset Sanford
- Daniel Adolphus Plenger Sanftleben
- William Peter Sangster
- Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey
- R. C. Sansom
- Robert Arthur Sarge
- Edward Frank Sargeant
- Samuel John Sarjant
- W. Wilson Saunders
- George Henry Saunders
- Richard James Harris Saunders
- Frederick Saunderson
- John Burn Anstis Du Sautoy
- Albert Sauvee
- James Savage
- Leopold Halliday Savile
- William Henry Bourchier Savile
- John Stanley Sawdon
- Edward Kenneth Sawdye
- Alfred Saxon
- William Sayce
- Samuel Sayer
- Josiah Sayers
- Maximilian Hjortsberg
- Robert Thomas Scaldwell
- William Scamp
- Charles Schafeutl
- Henrique Scheid
- Leopold Barrie Schepens
- Georgio Constantino Schinas
- Benjamin Schlick
- James Benjamin Schlick
- Alfred Ewald Schmid
- Bernhard Schmidt
- Charles Eugene Schneider
- Henri Adolphe Eugene Schneider
- Henry William Schneider
- Henry Schrader
- James Dix Schuyler
- Carl Louis Schwendler
- John Edward Schwitzer
- Walter Alfred Scoble
- Robert Julian Scoll
- Henry Archibald Kerr Sconce
- Norman Scorgie
- John Parry Scotland
- Adam Scott
- Alexander De Courcy Scott
- David Scott
- James Scott (1846-1903)
- Jesse French Scott
- John Scott (1830-1903)
- Percy Gilbert Scott
- Philip Benjamin Scott
- Robert Julian Scott
- Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott
- Walter Henry Scott
- William Archibald Scott
- William Booth Scott
- William George Scott
- William Henry Walter Scott
- William Leslie Scott
- Charles William Scott
- Charles Victor George Scott
- Edward Baliol Scott
- Frank Walter Scott
- Henry Young Darracott Scott
- Michael Scott (1818-1890)
- George Scott-Moncrieff
- John Richard Scram
- William Harry Scriven
- William Henry Scriven
- Lionel Sealy-Allin
- George Samuel Searight
- John Coombe Searle
- John Edward Sears
- Robert Humphry Sears
- George Seaton
- Thomas Hardman Seaton
- John Seaward
- Samuel Seaward
- Charles G. Seeley
- John Einar Selander
- Norman Selfe
- William Sellers
- Coleman Sellers
- Carlo Semenza
- Alfred Richard Sennett
- Richard Sennett
- Herbert Martin Setchell
- Henry Augustus Severn
- John Severs
- John Sewell
- Richard Ernest Sexton
- George Seymour
- Luke George Sgouta
- William Shackleton
- James Shand
- Arthur Shanks
- James Davies Shannon
- John Roxburgh Sharman
- Frederick Sharp
- Joseph Fox Sharp
- Joseph George Sharp
- Robert Sharpe
- Charles Shaw-Lefevre
- Francis Blewett Shaw
- James Cresant Shaw
- James Shaw (1836-1883)
- Royle Herbert Shaw
- William Barbour Shaw
- John Shaw (1839-1887)
- Henry Russell Shaw
- William Edwards Shaw
- Richard Underdown Shaxby
- Percy John Sheldon
- William Shelford
- Charles Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Walter Shellshear
- James Hoseason Shennan
- John Rognvald Shennan
- Herbert Gurney Sheppard
- Frederick Augustus Sheppard
- Henry Alexander George Sherlock
- William Hanbury Pettingal Sherman
- James Corry Sherrard
- Alexander Clunes Sherriff
- James Sherriffs
- Thomas Robert Shervinton
- Arthur Hindhaugh Shield
- Henry Shield
- Frank Walter Shilstone
- William Powell Shinn
- William Shipp
- Francis Henry Eldred Shipton
- James Nelson Shoolbred
- Harry Shoosmith
- James Rew Shopland
- John Wallis Shores
- Martin Hubert Shorto
- William Hamilton Shortt
- Charles Henry Shortt
- Harry Oliver Baron Shoubridge
- James Sibbald
- George Thomas Sibbering
- George Sibley
- Robert Sibley
- Augustus Siebe
- Alexander Siemens
- Carl Siemens
- Werner Siemens
- William Siemens
- Herbert Alfred Sieveking
- Albert Marcius Silber
- Edward John Silcock
- Albert Edward Silk
- Thomas Hugh Silk
- Arthur Molyneux Sillar
- Hugh Adams Silver
- Arthur Silverthorne
- Charles Louis Sim
- Lionel Barrington Simeon
- John Frederick Simmance
- Sophus Simmelkjoer
- John Lintorn Arabin Simmons
- John Simmons
- David Simms
- Frederick Walter Simms
- William Simms
- Ernest Darwin Simon
- Henry Gustav Simon
- Henry Minchin Simons
- Gerrit Simons
- William Simpkins
- Arthur Telford Simpson
- Augustus John Simpson
- David Lees Simpson
- Frank Robert Simpson
- Henry Edwin Simpson
- Matthew Henry Simpson
- William Simpson
- Edward Taylor Simpson
- James Simpson
- James Simpson, Junior
- James Carrington Simpson
- Lightly Stapleton Simpson
- William Simpson (1809-1864)
- David Simson
- John Sinclair (1789-1863)
- Robert Sinclair
- Robert Sinclair, Senior
- John Godfree Single
- Robert Skelton
- F. G. Sketch
- Harry Ross Skinner
- Herbert Wilfrid Skinner
- Charles Felix Slade
- Frederick Slade
- Robert Holroyd Slade
- Edward Lambart Sladen
- Charles Slagg
- John Slate
- Archibald Slate
- Edward Slaughter
- Frederick Slaughter
- Frederick William Slaughter
- John Montgomery Sleater
- Frederick George Slessor
- Percy George Smales
- Richard Smallman
- William Smallpiece
- William George Smart
- George Smart
- Mortimer Knight Smart
- John Smeaton (1806-1842)
- Stirling Smeaton
- George Smellie
- Hugh Smellie
- Frederick Henry Smiles
- Alan Thomas Cockburn Smith
- Albert Casson Smith
- Alexander Arthur Dalrymple Smith
- Alexander Gibson Smith
- Alexander Sinclair Macdonald Caldwell Smith
- Alexander Smith (3)
- Alfred Travers Fairtlough Smith
- Archibald Colin Hamilton Parker Smith
- Arthur Keen Smith
- Arthur Macklow Smith
- Arthur Toulmin Smith
- Basil Eustace Smith
- Bernard Frederick Smith
- Cecil Archibald Smith
- Cecil Brunswick Smith
- Cecil Herbert Blomfield Smith
- Charles Clemesha Smith
- Charles Edward Winward Smith
- Charles Smith (1843-1909)
- Charles Walter Smith
- Clive Smith
- Donald Alexander Smith
- Donald Elliott Smith
- Edgar Martin Smith
- Edward Blakeway Smith
- Edwin William Frederick Smith
- Eric Roskilly Smith
- Ewen Ross Smith
- Francis Marchant Roper Smith
- Francis Stafford Smith
- Frank Martin Smith
- Frederick Smith
- Gavin Trotman Brodie Smith
- George Henry Smith (2)
- George Smith (Royal Navy)
- Guy Smith
- Harold Duke Smith
- Harold John Smith
- Harry William Smith
- Henry Robert Smith
- Henry Smith (1849-1924)
- Herbert Blomfield Smith
- John Nidd Smith
- John Smith (3)
- Julian Cleveland Smith
- Lawrence Gilling Smith
- Leonard Mountford Smith
- Marcus George Russell Smith
- Percy Guillemard Lewellin Smith
- Peter Smith
- Robert Melville Smith
- Robert Smith (3)
- Thomas Macdougall Smith
- Thomas Smith (5)
- Urban Armstrong Smith
- W. Smith (7)
- Walter Alexander Smith
- Walter Smith (2)
- William Archibald Smith
- William Joseph Howard Smith
- William Smith (1825-1911)
- Charles Frederic Stuart Smith
- C. Clemesha Smith
- Charles Henry Graham Smith
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Edmund James Smith
- Edward Pease Smith
- Francis Pettit Smith
- Hamilton Smith
- Henry Joseph Trivess Smith
- Harold Charles Smith
- James Dunlop Smith
- James Smith (1789-1850)
- James Thornloe Smith
- James William Smith
- John Mark Frederick Smith
- John Pigott Smith
- Josiah Timmis Smith
- John Chaloner Smith
- John Thomas Smith
- John Reney Smith
- Marcus Smith
- Octavius H. Smith
- Robert Henry Smith
- Roger Thomas Smith
- Sydney Arthur Smith
- Stanley Livingston Smith
- Stanley Parker Smith
- Thomas Hitchins Smith
- Thomas Reader Smith
- William Boulton Smith
- William Smith (1823-1892)
- William Warren Smith
- William Smith (1825-1878)
- Robert William Smith-Saville
- Edmund Du Cane Smithe
- William Stopford Smyth
- Thomas Dixon Smythe
- Arthur James Hamilton Smythe
- John Palmer Smythies
- Alfred Ernest Snape
- John Francis Cleverton Snell
- Henry Francis Sneyd-Kynnersley
- Thomas Ralph Sneyd-Kynnersley
- Donald Gardner Snodgrass
- George Day Buckworth Herne Soame
- Peter Soames
- Plotino Soares
- Hubert Le Gay Solly
- John Somerville (1832-1892)
- Thomas Sopwith (1803-1879)
- Thomas Sopwith (1838-1898)
- Khan Bahudur Bomanji Sorabji
- Robinson Souttar
- William Sowerby
- Charles Ernest Paolo della Diana Spagnoletti
- Percy Alfred Spalding
- Charles Henry Sparkes
- Charles Pratt Sparks
- John Barnes Sparks
- Michael Spartali
- William Forbes Spear
- James Morton Spearman
- Thomas Samuel Speck
- Richard Speight
- Arthur William Spence
- Charles Thomas Spencer
- George Spencer (1810-1889)
- Samuel Spencer
- Charles Innes Spencer
- John Frederick Spencer
- Reginald John Spencer-Phillips
- Colin Hope Spens
- Robert Paulson Spice
- Claude Meyer Spielman
- Joel Spiller
- Bernard Splitter
- Ernest Spon
- Charles Edwin Spooner
- Henry John Spooner
- William Spottiswoode
- Frank Julian Sprague
- Francis Joseph Edward Spring
- John Barret Squire
- William Wilkinson Squire
- Francis John Rothe Toby St George Caulfeild
- Lockhart Matthew St. Clair
- Henry Leonard Stables
- Frederick Stafford
- John Edward Stafford
- Thomas William Stainthorpe
- William Lawrence Stallworthy
- John Standfield
- Richard Stanfield
- Walter Halsted Cortis Stanford
- Reginald Harry Hursthouse Stanger
- William Harry Stanger
- Julius Stanke
- Douglas Austhwaite Stanley
- Owen Geoffrey Stanley
- Rupert Stanley
- William Henry Stanley (2)
- Albert Henry Stanley
- Arthur Stannard
- Harry Laurie Stannard
- John Stansfield
- Frederick Smith Stanton
- Frederick W. S. Stanton
- Thomas Ernest Stanton
- Walter Starbuck
- Alexander Stark
- Frank Starkey
- William Starling
- Martin Joseph Stately
- Thomas Henry Statham
- James Samuel Statter
- Thomas Statter
- John Grice Statter
- Jonas Stawell
- G. H. Stayton
- Edward John Stead
- Ernest Walter Steadman
- Hugh John Harry Stedman
- John Steedman
- William Heron Steel
- Edward Steel
- Thomas Dyne Steel
- Clive Selwyn Steele
- William Jones Steele
- Thomas Ennis Steele
- John Steell
- Edwin Charles Steer
- John William Abbott Steggall
- Herbert Edward Steinberg
- James Stelfox
- D. Hepburn Stent
- Frederick Robert Stent
- Sydney Stent
- Evan Stephens
- Frederick Cook Stephens
- Frederick Orlando Stephens
- Holman Fred Stephens
- Arthur Frederick Vere Stephenson
- George Robert Stephenson
- Rowland Macdonald Stephenson
- Henry Palfrey Stephenson
- Robert Stephenson
- Teodore Henry Stern
- Kenneth Maurice Steven
- Frederick William Stevens
- Theodore Stevens
- Cecil Young Stevenson
- Edmund Herbert Stevenson
- Francis Stevenson
- Alan Stevenson
- David Stevenson
- George Wilson Stevenson
- George Ernest Stevenson
- Robert Stevenson
- Alexander Forrester Stewart
- Alexander Stewart
- Alexander Stewart (1856-1927)
- Allan Duncan Stewart
- Charles Edward Stewart
- Houston Stewart Stewart
- James Stewart (1833-1914)
- John Tiffin Stewart
- Thomas Stewart
- William Stewart (1)
- James Stewart
- John Heron Maxwell Shaw Stewart
- Frank Stileman
- Francis Croughton Stileman
- Henry Edward Stilgoe
- James Stirling (1800-1876)
- James Stirling
- Patrick Stirling
- Harry Read Stockman
- George Gabriel Stokes
- James Folliott Stokes
- John Stokes (1825-1902)
- Francis William Stokes
- George Stokes
- Wilfrid Stokes
- Andre Blasini Stollmeyer
- Charles Stone
- Edward Herbert Stone
- Ernest Albert Stone
- Thomas William Stone
- Bindon Blood Stoney
- Edward Duncan Stoney
- Edward Waller Stoney
- Francis Goold Morony Stoney
- George Gerald Stoney
- Henry Francis Storey
- Thomas William Patrickson Storey
- Thomas Storey (1789-1859)
- William Storrie
- Hubert Townsend Storrs
- John Somes Story
- Richard Hugh Stotherd
- John Lum Stothert
- Percy Kendall Stothert
- George Kelson Stothert
- Athelstan Philip Joseph Stourton
- George Stow
- Arthur Stowers
- Herbert James Stracey
- John Henry Strachan
- George Richardson Strachan
- Richard Sholto Strachey
- Ralph Strachey
- Reginald Edward Stradling
- John Strain
- William Guthrie Strang
- William Strang
- Charles Leopol Strapp
- John Strapp
- Charles Frederick Street
- Ralph Strick
- William Strickland
- Harold Stringer
- Joseph Frank Strong
- Edward Gray Strong
- William Stroudley
- Rudolph Stroyer
- Arthur Marinus Alexander Struben
- John Struthers
- William Price Struve
- William George Strype
- Andrew M. Stuart
- James Stuart
- John Matthew Blackwood Stuart
- John Percy Stuart
- Thomas Stuart
- William Stuart
- William Henry Stubbs
- Arthur James Stubbs
- Henry Curran Sturgeon
- John Sturgeon
- William Swainson Suart
- Yman D. C. Suermondt
- Thomas Sugden
- William Thomas Sugg
- Arthur Sulivan
- Frederick William Sully
- Thomas Summers
- Thomas Summers (1855-1889)
- Frank Sumner
- George Harlowe Sumner
- Joseph Sutcliffe
- Frederic John Ramsbottom Sutcliffe
- Douglas G. Sutherland
- Martin George Sutherland
- Archibald Sutter
- James Walker Sutton
- John William Sutton
- John Henry Swainson
- John Kirby Swales
- James Stuart Swallow
- Andrew Don Swan
- Archibald Alexander Swan
- George Martin Swan
- Hugh Henry Swan
- Henry Frederick Swan
- Frederick Swanwick
- Samuel Swarbrick
- William Swernsborough
- George Swetenham
- William Norman Swettenham
- George Swinburne
- William Swinburne
- James Swinburne
- Rupert Swindells
- Benjamin Sykes
- William Sykes (1815-1872)
- Charles Sylvester
- James Joseph Sylvester
- John Sylvester
- James Page Symes
- David McTaggart Symmers
- John Symonds
- Robert Harry Inglis Synnot
- Charles David Szlumper
- Alick Lionel Tackley
- William Ironside Tait
- William Archer Porter Tait
- Ernest Talbot
- Field Talfound
- James John Talman
- Henry Thomas Tanner
- John Edward Tanner
- Thomas Lanfear Tanner
- Mariott Ogle Tarbotton
- Percy Frederick Tarbutt
- John Lewis Felix Target
- Charles Tarrant
- James Hunter Tasker
- Edward John Tatum
- John Hooke Taunton
- Alexander James Wallis Tayler
- Edward Brough Taylor
- Frederick Nicholas Glover Taylor
- James Gilbert Taylor
- William James Taylor (1884-1936)
- Arthur Cuthbert Brooke Taylor
- Arthur Joseph Taylor
- Charles Taylor (1836-1903)
- Charles Percy Taylor
- Frederick William Taylor
- George Taylor (1820-1875)
- Godfred Midgley Taylor
- George Taylor (1879-1909)
- George Ledwell Taylor
- Guy Noble Taylor
- Henry Enfield Taylor
- Herbert Arnand Taylor
- John Taylor (1817-1891)
- John Taylor (of Walsall)
- John Taylor (1808-1881)
- Joseph Jex Taylor
- Norman Maughan Taylor
- Richard Cowling Taylor
- Thomas F. Taylor
- Thomas Hardy Taylor
- Cyril Tedman
- Alexander McMenegal Telford
- Thomas Telford
- John Charles Telford
- Percy Crosland Tempest
- Frederick Charles Temple
- Leonard Temple
- Charles Tennant (1768-1838)
- John Terrace
- Stephen Harding Terry
- Alfred Terry
- Karl Terzaghi
- Oliver Henry Teulon
- A. C. Thirtle
- William Thom (1872- )
- Robert Thom
- Charles Henry Thomas
- George Ebenezer Thomas
- Hubert Thomas
- James Bertram Thomas
- James Donnithorne Thomas
- James Henry Thomas
- John Thomas (2)
- Reginald William Thomas
- Robert John Thomas
- William Edmond Clason Thomas
- William Ewart Thomas
- William Matthews Thomas
- William Norman Thomas
- Arthur Drew Thomas
- Edward Croft Greenway Thomas
- Edwin Thomas
- Elijah Thomas
- Joseph Thomas
- John Frederick Ivor Thomas
- William Henry Thomas
- Walter Thomas (1853-1896)
- William Thomas (of Camborne)
- Richard D. Thomas-Jones
- David Halton Thomson
- Rowland Maxwell Thomason
- Lucas Thomasson
- John Hutton Thomlinson
- Geoffry Barry Poole Thompson
- George William Thompson
- Harry James Thompson
- Henry Edgar Thompson
- John Hannay Thompson
- John Henry Thompson
- John Taylor Thompson (1891-1964)
- Reginald William Scott Thompson
- Thomas Jefferson Thompson
- William George Macneill Thompson
- Alfred Thompson
- Arthur Moore Thompson
- George Thompson (1839-1876)
- John Thompson (1846-1900)
- John Thompson (2)
- Thomas Raikes Thompson
- William Thompson (1793-1854)
- William Percy Thompson
- George Thomson (1859-1928)
- John Thomson (1816-1907)
- Michael Nicholson Thomson
- Thomas Frame Thomson
- William Thomson (1850-1905)
- David Thomson (1816-1886)
- Elihu Thomson
- James Thomson (1822-1892)
- James Thomson (4)
- James Thomson (of Shifnal)
- John Geale Thomson
- Peter Thomson
- William Thomson
- William Thorburn
- George Benjamin Thorneycroft
- Edward Baylies Thornhill
- John Thornhill
- George Thornton
- Henry Worth Thornton
- John Arthur Thornton
- John Edward Thornycroft
- John Isaac Thornycroft
- William Thorold
- William George Preston Thorold
- Richard Fenwick Thorp
- H. C. Thorpe
- Robert Henry Thorpe
- William Thow
- Edward Henry Thorman
- Edgar Charles Thrupp
- Percy Thursby
- Francis Thursfield
- James Henry Thurstan
- Benjamin Warnes Thurston
- George Thurston
- Thomas George Owens Thurston
- Benjamin Howarth Thwaite
- Richard Alan Stuart Thwaites
- William Thwaites
- Henry Thwaites
- Richard Eustace Tickell
- Richard Hugh Tickell
- Ernest George Tidd
- Hubert Royds Tidswell
- John Wilbur Tierney
- William Tijou
- William Spooner Till
- Arthur Timmins
- Illius Augustus Timmis
- William Upton Tinney
- Richard Clement Tiplady
- Richard Tiplady
- Russell Tippets
- George Frederick Tippett
- Arthur May Tippett
- Charles Jerome Tisdall
- William Tite
- Alfred Reginald Tocke
- Edward Francis Todleben
- John Morton Toler
- Julian Horn Tolme
- Eric Hinton Griffith Tomblings
- William Graeme Tomkins
- Joseph Tomlinson
- Charles Tomlison
- Henry Tomlison
- Armand Huon Toms
- John Furness Tone
- William Tooke
- Robert William Lyons Toozs
- John Topham
- William Topley
- Gerard Philip Torrens
- Hamilton Tovey
- Beauchamp Tower
- Hamilton Ela Towle
- Francis Edward Townsend
- Thomas Charles Townsend
- George Barnard Townsend
- Harry Townsend
- Richard Townshead
- Benjamin Townshend
- Bernard O'Driscoll Townshend
- Richard Townshend
- John Cumberland Landale Train
- James Jenkin Trathan
- Edwin Treacher
- William A. Treacy
- Arthur Francis Tredcroft
- Thomas Tredgold
- Kenneth Hannibal Tredinnick
- Edmund Treherne
- George Borlase Tremenheere
- George Tremenheone
- William Launcelot Crosbie Trench
- Ernest Frederic Crosby Trench
- Henry Trencham
- Charles Alfred Trery
- Henri Tresca
- Albert Stewart Tresilain
- Frederick Henry Trevithick (Junior)
- Frederick Harvey Trevithick
- Richard Francis Trevithick
- Richard Trevithick
- John Salusbury Trevor
- Arthur Trewby
- George Careless Trewby
- Francis James Trewent
- Charles Robert Trewhella
- John Trickett
- William H. S. Tripp
- Seymour Biscoe Tritton
- Frederic Foster La Trobe-Bateman
- Edward Troughton
- Henry James Troughton
- Herbert Trounson
- Charles Kenneth Trubshaw
- James Trubshaw
- Arthur Smith Truman
- Joseph William Trutch
- Charles Brandon Trye
- Constantine Tscheffkine
- Edward Henry Tuck
- John Scott Tucker
- Thomas William Townsend Tuckey
- John Henry Tudsbery Tudsbery
- James Edward Tuit
- Albert Tulip
- John Tulley
- Norman Leslie Tunbridge
- John Tunstall
- Harold Richard Tuppen
- George Turnbull (1809-1889)
- George Turnbull (of Cardiff)
- Leslie Dudley John Turnbull
- Nicholas King Turnbull
- Walter Alexander Turnbull
- Walter James Turnbull
- J. H. W. Turner
- W. G. A. Turner
- Albert Harrison Turner
- Barrow Turner
- Edward Rush Turner
- Frederick Thomas Turner
- Leslie Turner
- Samuel Lucas Turner
- Thomas Turner (2)
- Vincent Turner
- William Barrow Turner
- Edmund Turrell
- Ralph Hart Tweddell
- Rathlin John Clinton Tweed
- William Tweedie
- Robert Naudin Tweedy
- Robert Harkness Twigg
- John Wulstan Twinberrow
- James Denis Twinberrow
- Rennie Charles Augustus Twyford
- George Albert Twynam
- William Francis Tye
- Charles Tylden-Wright
- Edward Henry Tyler
- Henry Whatley Tyler
- John Francis Sherwood Tyler
- John Franklyn Tyler
- Edward Tyer
- Joseph John Tylor
- George Reavely Tyndall
- James Henry Tyrell
- Joseph Tysoe
- Arthur Valentine
- John Sutherland Valentine
- Walter Arthur Valon
- Henry Valpot Francis Valpy
- John Pennefather Vansittart
- Richard Varden
- Samuel Alfred Varley
- Cromwell Fleetwood Varley
- Michael Noel Varvill
- Alec George Vaughan-Lee
- Cedric Vaughan
- Henry Hague Vaughan
- John Vaughan
- William Steains Vaughan
- Josiah Vavasseur
- Robert William Vawdrey
- William Vawdrey
- Robert Vawser
- Pedro Pascual De Uhagon Y Vedia
- Harrison Veevers
- Douglas D'Arcy Wilberforce Veitch
- Arthur John Venables
- Arthur Vincent Venables
- William Beattie Venters
- William Vere
- Foley Charles Prendergast Vereker
- C. E. H. Verity
- Herbert Charles Erskine Vernon
- Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt
- Beresford St. George Verschoyle
- John Stuart Ellis de Vesian
- James Vetch
- James Vicars
- Hugh Vickerman
- George Naylor Vickers
- Thomas Edward Vickers
- Albert Vickers
- Major Vidler
- B. E. A. Vigers
- Robert Vigers
- Hutton Vignoles
- Charles Vignoles
- Henry Vignoles
- Josias Edward De Villiers
- Henry Vint
- Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya Kue
- Henry Andrew Vivian
- George William Volckman
- George Frederick Vollmer
- Henry Voss
- Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy
- James Waddell (of Glasgow)
- William Waddell
- John Waddington (1822-1910)
- Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade
- J. C. Wade
- Edward Hyde Roberts Wybrants Wade
- Leslie Augustus Burton Wade
- William Burton Wade
- Edward Wadham
- Nowrosjee Nesserwanjee Wadia
- Cecil Holmes Waghorn
- William Wainwright
- John Hooper Wait
- D. M. Waite
- F. Waite
- Henry Hay Wake
- Henry Wakefield
- T. P. Wakeford
- John Wakeford
- T. G. Wakley
- Thomas Finsbury Septimus Wakley
- Alexander Walker
- Archibald Craig Walker
- Archibald Galbraith Walker
- Benjamin Walker
- Benjamin Walker (2)
- Edward George Walker
- Francis Blennerhasset Walker
- G. Dutton Walker
- James Scarlett Ascroft Walker
- James Walker (1873-1916)
- John Walker (of London 3)
- John Walker (of Maidstone)
- John Walker (of Wakefield)
- K. E. Walker
- Stanley Walker
- Thomas Andrew Walker
- William Percy Walker
- Alexander Thomson Walker
- Alfred James Walker
- Frank Egerton Walker
- George Blake Walker
- Henry Claude Walker
- James Ralph Walker
- James Walker
- James Walker (1853-1910)
- James Penman Hugh Walker
- Joah Haigh Walker
- William John Walker
- Jonah Walker-Smith
- Benson Parsick Wall
- Philip William Wall
- David Wallace
- James Wallace
- John Henry Wallace
- John Wallace (2)
- James Douglas Wallace
- William Wallace
- James Henry Waller
- John Edward Waller
- George Ambrose Wallis
- James John Wallis
- Reginald John Wallis-Jones
- Arthur Thomas Walmisley
- Arthur Cliffe Walsh
- Henry Nicholas Walsh
- Thomas Lister Walsh
- Ernest Victor Walshe
- Louis Heathcote Walter
- William Walters (1878-1908)
- Rupert Cavendish Skyring Walters
- Alfred Henry Walton
- Frederick Thomas Granville Walton
- Rienzi Giesman Walton
- S. Walton-Brown
- Frederic Lumb Wanklyn
- William Warcup
- David Ward
- Henry Thomas Simpson Ward
- John Ward (of Derby)
- Thomas Robert John Ward
- Henry Ward (1849-1936)
- John Ward (1811-1858)
- Richard James Ward
- Thomas R. J. Ward
- William Ward-Smith
- William Wilkinson Wardell
- William Marston Warden
- A. J. B. Wardle
- Stanley Gordon Wardley
- Jan Kanty Wardzala
- Charles Edwin Ware
- John Robson Warham
- Charles Henry Waring
- Francis John Waring
- George E. Waring, Junior
- Henry Robert Waring
- Herbert Francis Waring
- Thomas Waring
- Charles Waring
- Robert Warner (1815-1896)
- John Alexander Warren
- William Henry Warren
- John Neville Warren
- Henry Warriner
- Edwin Frederick Warth
- John Washington
- John Waterhouse
- Theodore Heinrich Watermeyer
- Arnold Horace Santo Waters
- William Waters (1878-1908)
- John James Waterston
- Francis Watkins (1800-1847)
- Thomas Henry Watkinson
- G. N. Watney
- Frank Wilmot Watson
- Graham Launder Watson
- John Duncan Watson
- Thomas Colclough Watson
- William Law Watson
- William Stephen Watson
- Charles Watson
- Claud Robert Watson
- Frank Leslie Watson
- George Watson
- James Watson (1844-1919)
- John Watson (1816-1890)
- Robert Watson (1822-1891)
- Thomas Parker Watson
- William Watson (1804-1883)
- Henry Charles Watts
- Philip Watts
- Ehret Way
- Richard Attwoll Way
- Robert Attwooll Way
- Edward John Way
- James Waylen
- Harry Morton Waynforth
- Henry Morton Waynforth
- William Weallens
- William Wearing
- Patrick Lambert Weatherhead
- Eric Norman Webb
- George Winn Webb
- Edward Brainerd Webb
- Frederick Charles Webb
- Francis William Webb
- Theodosius Webb
- Charles Edmund Webber
- Christian Philip Max Maria von Weber
- Charles Webster
- Frederick Webster
- John James Webster
- Richard Everard Webster
- Thomas Webster
- William Webster
- Robert Willsher Weekes
- Thomas Samuel Weeks
- Walter James Weightman
- Thomas Duncan Weir
- Arthur Herring Weir
- William Park Weir
- Charles Weiss
- Richard Flint Welby
- Richard Hubbard Welch
- Henry Welch
- John Joseph Welch
- Arthur Wellesley
- Arthur Mellen Wellington
- George James Wells
- George Stanley Wells
- Major Wells
- John Neave Wells
- Charles Gorden Wellsted
- Francis Ernest Wentworth Sheilds
- Francis Webb Wentworth-Sheilds
- Matthias Erasmus Wesley
- Arthur Anderson West
- Francis William Isherwood West
- Frank Adamson West
- Frederick Joseph West
- Henry Hartley West
- John West
- William West (1792-1851)
- William West (1801-1879)
- Percy Westacott
- Charles Robert Western
- Maximilian Richard Western
- Percy Graham Buchanan Westmacott
- James Roger Western
- Joseph Westwood
- George Whale
- William James Lloyd Wharton
- A. R. Wheatley
- Charles Wheatstone
- Jack Leslie Wheeler
- William Henry Wheeler
- William Herbert Wheeler
- William Whewell
- James Morgan While
- Arthur Henry Whipham
- Francis Whishaw
- Charles Woodley Whitaker
- George Reginald Whitaker
- Harry Whittaker
- William Butler Whitaker
- Archibald Muir White
- Charles Stanley White
- George White (1849-1916)
- James Bowie White
- Lawson Scott White
- Matthew Cochrane White
- Charles Fitzwilliam White
- Charles Harcourt White
- George White
- George White (1)
- George Frederick White
- John Grove White
- John White (1867-1898)
- John Bazley White (1814-1893)
- Lawrence Fletcher White
- Leedham White
- Robert White
- Robert Henry White
- William Henry White
- Herbert Cecil Whitehead
- Smith Whitehead
- Edgar Whitehouse
- George Whitehouse (1857-1938)
- William Henry Whitehouse
- John Whitfield
- William R. G. Whiting
- William Henry Whiting
- Henry Michell Whitley
- Henry Mitchell Whitley
- Richard George Whitley
- William Richard Whitmore
- Willis Bevan Whitney
- John Whitton
- Peter Isles Whitton
- Thomas Whittow
- Irwine John Whitty
- Stedman Whitwell
- Thompson Whitworth
- Henry Gilbert Whyatt
- Henry Frederick Whyte
- Peter Whyte
- Thomas Haines Wickes
- William Henry Wickham
- John Avenel Wickham
- Gerald Hamilton Wicks
- John Hamilton Wicksteed
- Joseph Hartley Wicksteed
- Thomas Wicksteed
- Leonard Wigan
- Theophilus George Wight
- Arthur Wightman
- William Fawcett Wightman
- Reginald Wigram
- Charles Froggartt Wike
- Francis Samuel Wilde
- William Crane Wilkins
- George Wilkie
- James Gilbert Wilkin
- Robert Wilkins
- Frank Gerald Wilkinson
- George Beck Wilkinson
- James Pickles Wilkinson
- John Sheldon Wilkinson
- Joseph Loftus Wilkinson
- Lionel St. George Wilkinson
- Clement Wilks
- Peter William Willans
- George Waller Willcocks
- John Willcocks
- John Joseph Willcox
- Joseph Edward Willcox
- William Willcox
- Archibald William Willet
- John Willet
- Edward Willey
- Henry Alfred Willey
- Charles Cave Williams
- Evan Owen Williams
- Frederick Herbert Williams
- H. C. Williams
- Owen Richard Williams
- Stephen Maynard Jenour Williams
- David Williams Armstrong
- Alfred Williams (1821-1901)
- Charles Stroud Williams
- Charles Wye Williams
- Ernest Williams
- Edward Williams (1826-1886)
- Edward Bentinck Williams
- Edward Leader Williams
- Edward Leader Williams (1828-1910)
- Frederick Martin Williams
- George Phipps Williams
- Herbert Geraint Williams
- John Avery Branton Williams
- John Williams (1818-1887)
- John Evelyn Williams
- Morgan Bransby Williams
- Rees J. Williams
- Stephen George Williams
- William Cyril Williams
- William Hugh Williams
- William Lawrence Williams
- George William Williamson
- James Williamson
- John Richard Hutchinson Williamson
- Richard Williamson (1855-1939)
- Edward Willis
- Robert Willis
- Charles Willman
- Joseph William Willmot
- Harry Borlase Willock
- Percival Robert Augustus Willoughby
- Horace Wilmer
- Frank Wilshere
- Charles Arthur Wilson
- Colin Buchanan Wilson
- Frederick James Wilson
- George Wilson (1854-1910)
- James Kelman Cunningham Wilson
- Maurice Fitzgerald Wilson
- R. J. W. Wilson
- Reginald Page Campbell Wilson
- Thomas Urie Wilson
- Walter Henry Wilson
- Arthur Henry Wilson
- Alexander Wilson (1776-1866)
- Alexander Wilson (1837-1907)
- Alexander Basil Wilson
- Allan Wilson
- Charles George Wilson
- Charles Louis Napoleon Wilson
- Daniel Wilson
- Ernest Wilson (1863-1932)
- George Wilson
- George Wilson (1871-1905)
- Guillermo Andres Wilson
- Guthlac Wilson
- Henry Charles Wilson
- John Wilson (1846-1922)
- John Sigismund Wilson
- James Wilson (1831-1906)
- James Wilson (1842-1900)
- James Wilson (c1823-1904)
- John Wilson (1787-1851)
- Joseph Miller Wilson
- Joseph William Wilson
- Joseph William Wilson (1851-1930)
- Lawrence Trench Wilson
- Norman Forster Wilson
- Robert Wilson (3)
- Robert MacDonald Wilson
- Robert Wilson (1803-1882)
- Robert Wilson (1851-1898)
- Robert Wilson (2)
- Ronald Edward Wilson
- T. U. Wilson
- Thomas Bright Wilson
- Thomas Perceval Wilson
- Walter Gordon Wilson
- William Wilson (1822-1898)
- William John Wilson
- William Rowan Wilson
- Francis Wilton
- John Steddy Winbolt
- Thomas Robert Winder
- James Fitzgerald Windle
- Douglas Haliburton Windsor
- Robert Wingate
- Charles Humphrey Wingfield
- Sidney Beaufoy Winser
- Nicholas Winsland
- Frederick Albert Winsor (1797-1874)
- Oliver Ernest Winter
- George Bliss Winter
- George Kift Winter
- Thomas Bradbury Winter
- Henry Winteringham
- Berkeley Deane Wise
- Julian Stanton Wise
- William Lloyd Wise
- W. R. Baldwin Wiseman
- William Wiseman
- Arthur Witheford
- John Withers
- John Edward Wolfe
- Charles Ernest Wolff
- Albert Wollheim
- Jeremiah Wolstenholme
- Edward Frederick Lindley Wood
- Ernest Seymour Wood
- Francis Wood (1864-1960)
- John Egerton Wood
- John Wood (1880-1952)
- Ronald McKinnon Wood
- Walter Gunnell Wood
- Alfred Hope Wood
- Charles Wood (1834-1901)
- Charles Wood (2)
- Edward Walter Nealor Wood
- Henry Wood
- John Thomas Wood (1849-1932)
- John Wood
- Nicholas Wood
- Sancton Wood
- Arthur Wood-Hill
- Corbet Woodall
- William Woodcock
- William Hugh Woodcock
- Harold Lister Woodhouse
- Thomas Walter Woodhouse
- John Thomas Woodhouse
- Otway Edward Woodhouse
- Thomas Jackson Woodhouse
- Matthew Woodifield
- Thomas Hale Woodroffe
- Arthur Woods
- Herbert Frank Gunnell Woods
- Edward Woods
- Joseph Woods (2)
- Vincent Sydney Woods
- John Harold Woodward
- Henry Robert Woolbert
- Henry Woolcock
- Joseph Henry Woolcock
- Frank Leslie Wooldridge
- Arthur Woolf
- Herbert Charles Palairet Woolmer
- Charles Henry Wordingham
- Charles Favell Forth Wordsworth
- John Wormald
- Richard Wormell
- Thomas William Worsdell
- Wilhelm Adolph Worsoe
- Edgar Worthington
- Samuel Barton Worthington
- William Barton Worthington
- Henry Bell Wortley
- Edmund Wragge
- Romulus Paul Wray
- Harry Wreathall
- John Mervyn Wrench
- Gerald Bourchier Sherard Wrey
- F. R. Wright
- George Ward Wright
- Henry Troubridge Wright
- John James Wright
- Alexander Wright
- Benjamin Frederick Wright
- George Hustwait Wright
- John Wright
- John Wright (of Brighton)
- John Wright (of Dover)
- Johnstone Wright
- K. B. Wright
- Robert Edwin Wright
- Thomas Wright (1812-1891)
- Thomas Wright (1866-1919)
- Thomas Wrightson
- Henry Wrixon
- Travers Carey Wyatt
- James William Wyatt
- Matthew Digby Wyatt
- Thomas Henry Wyatt
- George Digby Wybrow
- James Wyld
- Robert Stodart Wyld, Junior
- Alexander Forrest Wylie
- George Wylie
- Henry Johnston Wylie
- A. A. W. Wynne
- Albert Augustus Wynne
- Trevredyn Rashleigh Wynne
- Thomas Wynne
- Gerald Merrett Wynter
- George Wythes
- George Edward Wythes
- Harold Edgar Yarrow
- Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
- Thomas Alfred Yarrow
- William Yates (2)
- Morgan Edward Yeatman
- George Jope Yeo
- Ralph Richmond Yerburgh
- Harry Edward Yerbury
- Samuel Hansard Yockney
- Sydney William Yockney
- John Oliver York
- Alfred Ernest Young
- J. M. Young
- John Stevenson Young
- Wilfrid E. Young
- Barclay Hughes Young
- Francis Mortimer Young
- George Scholey Young
- Herbert James Young
- Henry William Young (1840-1903)
- James Young (1845-1906)
- John Young (1826-1895)
- R. Young
- Robert George Young
- Smelter Joseph Young
- Oswald Younghusband
- Gilbert Kennedy Trench