John Mallet
John Mallet (1780-1868)
Baptised in North Tawton, Devon, 23 January, 1781. By 1801 he had settled in Dublin, and worked with his uncle Robert in Robert's plumbing and foundry business, which John inherited in 1804. The business thrived and moved to Ryder's Row, Dublin. In 1831, he was joined by his son Robert Mallet. The firm of John and Robert Mallet built a new foundry at Cross-Guns Bridge to the north of Dublin, c.1840, but during the 1850s business began to decline, and closed down c.1855. John Mallet remained in retirement in Dublin until his death in 1868.[1]
1804 Advert: 'JOHN MALLET, No. 62, Capel-Street, RESPECTFULLY informs the Friends his late Uncle, Mr. Robert Mallet, and the Public in general, that he intends carrying on, in the ususl extensive manner, the Plumbing, Water Closets, Fire and Garden Engines, Pumps and Cocks, of all kinds, Mangles and other Machinery. It will be his constant study to give Satisfaction to such as may honour him with their commands.'[2]