Fieldhouse, Elliott and Co
1866 Previously Fieldhouse, Kelley, Elliott and Co
1871 John Wilkinson Spencer, John Cowman, and Esau Cort left the Partnership with John Elliott, John Crossfield, John Fieldhouse, as Ironfounders, Engineers, Millwrights, and Machine Makers, at Otley, under the style or firm of Fieldhouse, Elliott, and Company. All debts due to and from the said partnership will be received and paid by the said John Elliott, John Crossfield, and John Fieldhouse, by whom the said business was carried on.[1]
1887 Dissolution of the Partnership between John Fieldhouse, John Elliott, and John Crossfield, under the firm of Fieldhouse, Elliott, and Company, at Otley, in the county of York, in the trade or business of Iron-founders, Engineers, Millwrights, and Machine Makers, so far as concerns John Elliott. Alldebts and liabilities due from and to the said firm will be paid and received by the said John Fieldhouse and John Crossfield.[2]
Later became Fieldhouse, Crossfield and Co