Fieldhouse, Crossfield and Co
of Reliance Works, Otley.
Printing Machinery
Previously Fieldhouse, Elliott and Co
1887 Dissolution of the Partnership between John Fieldhouse, John Elliott, and John Crossfield, under the firm of Fieldhouse, Elliott, and Company, at Otley, in the county of York, in the trade or business of Iron-founders, Engineers, Millwrights, and Machine Makers, so far as concerns John Elliott. All debts and liabilities due from and to the said firm will be paid and received by the said John Fieldhouse and John Crossfield.[1]
1901 John Crossfield died and left the business to his brother Elijah Crossfield.[2]
1922 Reliance Works, Otley. Manufactures. Printing Machinery.
1932 Fieldhouse, Crossfield and Co[3] was put into voluntary liquidation[4]
1939 'Mr. Timothy Crossfield. native of Otley, and for many years a director of the printers' engineering firm of Fieldhouse, Crossfield and Co., Ltd.. has died in Australia, aged 66. A son of the late Mr. Elijah Crossfield, who was associated with the business in its earliest days, he was partner until 1921, when he emigrated to Australia. He returned five years later and again took a partnership until the business lapsed in 1932. He then returned to Australia.'[5]