Frederick Michael Green (1882- )
F. M. Green was the first recruit of Mervyn O'Gorman at the Royal Aircraft Factory.
In January 1917 he left to become the chief engineer at Siddeley-Deasy.
1922 O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E., Aeronautical and Internal Combustion Engr.; Chief Engr., Armstrong, Whitworth Aircraft Co.; b. 1882; s. of Michael A. Green. Ed. St. Paul's School, Kensington. Training: City and Guilds Tech. College, Finsbury. Career: Engr.-in-charge of Design at Royal Aircraft Factory during War; responsible for design of large numbers of Aeroplanes and Engines and. Aeroplanes which were used in large numbers during the War; Designer of Aeroplanes and Engines made and in construction by Armstrong Siddeley Motor Co., at Armstrong, Whitworth Aircraft Co. Clubs: R.A.C.R., Aero, Drapers', Coventry. Address: 26, Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W.8.