Bryan Johnson
Bryan Johnson of Bryan Johnson (of Chester)
c1824 Born at Chester
1851 Bryan Johnson living at Field House, Hoole, Cheshire (age 27 born Chester), an Iron Founder. With his widow mother Elizabeth (age 69 born Chester) and his brother Thomas (age 40 born Chester), a Calico Printer, and his sister Mary (age 35 born Chester). Also Elizabeth's grand-daughter Mary Darbishire (age 2 born Ireland). Four servants. [1]
1861 Bryan Johnson living (as a lodger) at Forgate Street, Chester (age 36 born Chester), an Engine Maker employing 100 men. [2]
1863 Bryan Johnson, Hookersbrook Foundry, Chester.[3]
1868 Listed under 'Engineers and Millwrights' and 'Ironfounders' at Charles Street, Chester [4]
1869 Edward Bayzand Ellington entered into partnership with Bryan Johnson of Chester. The company, renamed Johnson and Ellington, began specializing in hydraulic machinery.
1871 Bryan Johnson living (as a lodger) at 34 King Street, Chester (age 47 born Chester), a Mechanical Engineer employing 190 men. [5]
1881 Bryan Johnson living (as a lodger) at 34 Kind Street (age 57 born Chester), a Consulting Mechanical Engineer. [6]
1891 Bryan Johnson living by himself at 9 Upper Northgate Street, Chester (age 67 born Chester), Living on own means. [7]
1901 Bryan Johnson is a boarder at 4 White Friars, Chester (age 77 born Chester), Living on own means. [8]