William Leslie
William Leslie ( -1940)
1940 Obituary [1]
WILLIAM LESLIE, who was born in Scotland, received his early training at the Glasgow Technical College and the Fairfield shipbuilding yard of Messrs. John Elder and Company. He was sent out to British Honduras to work on improvements of the town and harbour of Belize, and subsequently became manager of the Firhill Ironworks, Glasgow, a position which he resigned to join the Public Works Department of Western Australia.
He was in charge of the Swan River improvements and the Mundaring weir works, and succeeded Mr. C. Y. O'Connor as engineer in charge of the Fremantle harbour works. After a few years, however, he left the Government service to establish a private engineering business.
Mr. Leslie, who died in Perth on 30th June 1940, had been a Member of the Institution since 1901 and had served for a number of years as a representative in Western Australia of the Institution's Australian Advisory Committee.