Smith and Higgs
1861 Patent application by John Smith the younger, of Coven, in the county of Stafford, Manufacturer, and John Birch Higgs, of Brewood, in the county of Stafford, Machinist, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "an improvement or improvements in thrashing machines."[1]
1862 Patent application by John Smith the younger, of Coven, in the county of Stafford, Engineer and Machinist, and John Birch Higgs, of Coven aforesaid, Engineer and Machinist, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "improvements in thrashing machines, and in mills for grinding and in apparatus for raising or moving grain in granaries and other places."[2]
1864 "NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore
subsisting between us the undersigned, John Smith the younger and John Birch Higgs, carrying on
the business of Engineers, at Coven, in the parish of Brewood,
in the county of Stafford, under the style or firm of
Smith and Higgs, has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts due to or owing by the late firm will be
received and paid by the said John Smith.—Dated the 30th
day of March, 1864.
John Smith, junr.
John Birch Higgs.[3]