Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,962 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Samuel Ratcliff

From Graces Guide

Samuel Ratcliff (c1781-1861) of Bass, Ratcliff and Gretton

c1781 Born at Burton-on-Trent, the son of John Ratcliff and his wife Martha

1816 March 18th. Married at Wolverhampton to Sarah Holden

1841 Living at High Street, Burton-on-Trent: Samuel Ratcliff (age c60), Brewer. With his wife Sarah Ratcliffe (age c50) and their nine children; James Ratcliffe (age c25); Martha Ratcliffe (age c20); Samuel Ratcliffe (age c20); Edwin Ratcliffe (age c20); Sarah Ratcliffe (age c15); Emma Ratcliffe (age c10); Richard Ratcliffe (age c10); William Ratcliffe (age c7); and Robert Ratcliffe (age c5).[1]

1845 Mention as Samuel Ratcliff, brewer, Burton-on-Trent, (Messrs. Bass, Ratcliff and Co).[2]

1851 Living at High Street, Burton-on-Trent: Samuel Ratcliff (age 70 born Burton-on-Trent), Common Brewer, Main firm of 3 employing 338 men and 9? boys. With his wife Sarah Ratcliff (age 60 born Hornington, Staffs.) and their five children; Martha Ratcliff (age 32 born Burton-on-Trent); Sarah Ratcliff (age 27 born Burton-on-Trent); Emma Ratcliff (age 23 born Burton-on-Trent); Richard Ratcliff (age 20 born Burton-on-Trent); and Robert Ratcliff (age 15 born Burton-on-Trent). Two servants.[3]

1860 Death of his son John where the firm of Bass, Ratcliff and Gretton is named.[4]

1861 Living at 181 Honninglow Street, Burton-on-Trent: Samuel Ratcliff (age 79 born Burton-on-Trent), Brewer. With his wife Sarah Ratcliff (age 70 born Burton-on-Trent) and their six children; Martha Ratcliff (age 43 born Burton-on-Trent); Sarah Ratcliff (age 37 born Burton-on-Trent); Fredrick Ratcliff (age 35 born Burton-on-Trent); Emma Ratcliff (age 33 born Burton-on-Trent); Richard Ratcliff (age 30 born Burton-on-Trent); William H. Ratcliff (age 28 born Burton-on-Trent); and Robert Ratcliff (age 25 born Burton-on-Trent). Two servants.[5]

1861 April 13th. Died age 79. Of the firm of Bass and Co.[6]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1841 Census
  2. Wolverhampton Chronicle and Staffordshire Advertiser - Wednesday 15 October 1845
  3. 1851 Census
  4. Staffordshire Advertiser - Saturday 10 November 1860
  5. 1861 Census
  6. Staffordshire Advertiser - Saturday 13 April 1861