Robert Raynsford Jackson
Robert Raynsford Jackson (1823-1898)
1899 Obituary [1]
COLONEL ROBERT RAYNSFORD JACKSON was born in 1823, and at an early age commenced work at Blackburn in cotton mills, of which he ultimately became proprietor.
Taking a keen interest in the subject of telephones, he was chairman of the National Telephone Company in 1881, and was vice-president of the company after its amalgamation with the Lancashire and Cheshire Telephone Exchange Company and the United Telephone Company. Until within a short time of his death, on the 28th of June, 1898, he retained a seat upon the directorate of the company.
He was elected an Associate on the 9th of March, 1882, was transferred to the class of Members on the 25th of February, 1886, and from 1890 to 1893 he was a Member of Council.