Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,824 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

John Batley

From Graces Guide

of Greenwood and Batley

c1823 Born in Holmfirth

1851 Not found in census so may have been in France (his wife was from Lille)

1861 Living at Shapscarr Lodge, Leeds (age 38 born Holmfirth), Machine Maker employing 270 men and 112 boys. With wife Marie Louise (age 28 born Lille, France) and children Louisa Mary (age 7), Annette Noel (age 6), John Armtage (age 4), Edith Bousar (age 3), Blanche Morris (age 1). Four servants and a visitor. [1]

1871 Living at Kensington Park Gardens, London (age 47 born Holmfirth), Ammunition Manufacturer. With wife Marie L. (age 37) and children (Loisa M. (age 17), Annelle N. (age 16), Edith B. (age 13), Blanche M. (age 11), Agnes E. (age 9) and Ralph C. (age 8). Plus six servants and a visitor. [2]

1888 Alive but not actively involved with the business

1891 April 7th. Died. 'Yesterday, Mr. John Batley of Scarborough Court, Crewkerne, Somerset, died suddenly at Huddersfield where he was on a visit to some friends. The deceased gentleman, who was sixty-eight years old, was born at Armitage Place, Huddersfield. Going to Leeds, early in life, he and the late Mr. Thomas Greenwood commenced business as machine makers. Several years ago Mr. Batley retired from the firm, whose business had then grown to very large dimensions. . . . . the deceased gentleman has left a widow, two sons ans several daughters.' [3]

1891 Will. He died at Gledholt, Huddersfield. Mentions Marie Louise Batley, his widow, and John Armitage Batley and Ralph Cecil Batley, his sons, and George Lewis Batley, his nephew. [4]

1899 Q4. Death of Marie Louise Batley

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1861 Census
  2. 1871 Census
  3. The Leeds Mercury, Wednesday, April 8, 1891
  4. The Belfast News-Letter, Friday, July 3, 1891