Ganesh Khanderao Tipnis
Ganesh Khanderao Tipnis (1860-1921)
1922 Obituary [1]
GANESH KHANDERAO TIPNIS was born at Mahad, Bombay, India, in 1860, and was apprenticed at the Morarjee Goculdas Mills, Bombay.
He supervised the complete lay-out of several mills in Bombay Province, and was for several years Manager and Engineer of the Jumna Mills, Delhi. Returning to Bombay, he started in business on his own account as Consulting Engineer and Cotton Expert, but in 1916 took up the post of agent to the Durgapur Colliery, Chanda, C.P.
This position he held till his death, on the 5th October 1921, at the age of sixty-one years.
He was elected an Associate Member of this Institution in 1911.