Frederick Walter Hadwen
Frederick Walter Hadwen (1850-1921)
1922 Obituary [1]
FREDERICK WALTER HADWEN was born on the 12th April 1850, and was educated at the Royal High School, Edinburgh, and at King's College, London.
He was apprenticed at the Atlas Works of Sharp, Stewart and Co., of Manchester, and subsequently worked as an improver at the Great Eastern Railway Works, Stratford.
Due to delicate health, he was unable actively to follow the profession of engineering, and joined his father as a partner in the firm of John Hadwen and Sons, Ltd., Silk Spinners, of Kebroyd Mills near Halifax. He had entire charge of the mills, maintenance, plant and extensions.
He died on 2nd July 1921, aged seventy-one years.
He was elected an Associate Member of this Institution in 1905.