Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,972 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Frederick Morris

From Graces Guide

Frederick Morris (c1848-1917), accountant at W. R. M. Motors and father of William Morris

1881 Living at Spring Cottage, Hallow, Worcestershire: Frederic Morris (age 31 born Witney), Draper's Clerk. With his wife Emily Ann Morris (age 30 born Cowley) and their three children; William Richard Morris (age 3 born Hallows, Worc.); Alice Gertrude Morris (age 2 born Hallows, Worc.); and Emily Ann Morris (age 2 months born Hallows, Worc.).[1]

1891 Living at Brasenose Lane, Headington Quarry, Oxon: Frederick Morris (age 42 born Witney), Farm Baliff. With his wife Emily Morris (age 40 born Cowley) and their three children; William Morris (age 13 born Comer Garden, Hallow, Worcs); Alice Morris (age 12 born Comer Garden, Hallow, Worcs); and Emily Morris (age 10 born Comer Garden, Hallow, Worcs).[2]

1901 Living at 16 James Street, Cowley: Frederick Morris (age 53 born Witney), Cycle Agent Manager. With his wife Emily Ann Morris (age 50 born Cowley) and their three children; William Richard Morris (age 23 born Worcestershire), Cycle Manufacturer - Employer; Alice Gertrude Morris (age 22 born Worcestershire), Milliner; and Emily Ann Morris (age 20 born Worcestershire), Dress maker.[3]

1917 Frederick died.

1934 His wife Emily died.

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1881 Census
  2. 1891 Census
  3. 1901 Census