Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,975 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Frederic Eliot Duckham

From Graces Guide

Frederic Eliot Duckham (c1842-1918) Engineer, Millwall Dock Co, London, E.

c.1842 Born in Wall, Falmouth, Cornwall, the son of Alfred Benjamin Duckham (1809-1894) and his wife Elizabeth Brown (1819- )

1851 Living at New Street, Falmouth: Alfred B. Duckham (age 40 born Falmouth), Newspaper Agent. With his wife Elizabeth Duckham (age 35 born Kea) and their children; Alfred T. B. Duckham (age 12 born Falmouth); Frederick E. Duckham (age 8 born Falmouth); Sarah Duckham (age 7 born Falmouth); Fortescue Duckham (age 5 born Falmouth); Joseph H. Duckham (age 3 born Falmouth); and Julia B. Duckham (age 1 born Falmouth).[1]

1855 Engaged in the telegraph service with Latimer Clark[2]

1857-1863 Clerk of the works on Victoria Docks, London

1863-68 Superintended the construction of Hertford Lock under Mr Beardmore, of Gorleston Dock under Mr Teasdale, works at North Level Outfall under Mr Stockman

1868 Resident engineer at Millwall Docks

1869 Patent. Improvements in governors for marine engines.[3]

Invented Duckham's Hydrostatic Weighing Machine, which was produced and manufactured with help from his brother, Heber.

Practiced on his own account as civil engineer

1871 Living at Commerce Place, Poplar: Fredk E. Duckham (age 29 born Falmouth), Civil Engineer. With his brother Heber Duckham (age 19 born Falmouth), Mechanical Engineer, and his father (a visitor) Alfred Duckham (age 61 born Falmouth), general Agent. One servant.[4]

1874 Application to join Inst Civil Engineers

1874 Married at Mills Hill, Lancashire, to Maud Mary Dougall[5]

1875 Birth of eldest son Frederick William Duckham.

1877 Birth of second son Alexander Duckham[6]

1879 Birth of third son Arthur McDougall Duckham

1880 Joined I Mech.E

1881 Living at White House, Vanbrugh Fields, Greenwich: Fredk. Eliot Duckham (age 39 born Falmouth), Civil Engineer. With his wife Maud Mary Duckham (age 31 born Manchester) and their children; Fredk. Wm. Duckham (age 5 born Blackheath); Alex R. Duckham (age 4 born Blackheath); Arthur McDougall Duckham (age 1 born Blackheath); and Jane Duckham (age 3 months born Blackheath). Three servants.[7]

c.1890 Invented the pneumatic elevator,ref>The Engineer 1915/10/15</ref>

1911 Living at 2 Dartmouth Grove, Blackheath: Frederic Eliot Duckham (age 69 born Wall), Civil Engineer. With his wife Maud Mary Duckham (age 61 born Manchester) and their four daughters; Jane Duckham (age 30 born Greenwich); Alice Maud Duckham (age 27 born Greenwich); Constance Margaret Duckham (age 21 born Greenwich); and Rebekkah Margaret Duckham (age 19 born Greenwich). Three servants.[8]

1918 January 13th. Died

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1851 Census
  2. Application to join Inst Civil Engineers
  3. The London Gazette Publication date: 2 April 1869 Issue: 23484 Page: 2068
  4. 1871 Census
  5. Royal Cornwall Gazette - Saturday 12 September 1874
  6. BMD
  7. 1881 Census
  8. 1911 Census