William Packer
1725 Advert. 'Thefe are to give Notice, That there is lately come from the City of Briftol, to this Town of Newcaftle, one William Packer, Founder, who makes and fells all sorts of Brafs- work for Fire-Engines for the Coal works; as alfo all Sorts of Brafs-work for Wind-Mills, Water-Mills, or Water-Engines; Brafs-Engines for quenching Fire; Brafs-Cocks for Water-works, or any other Ufes; Church-Bells, Houfe-Bells of any Size; Brafs-Mortars, both large and fmall; Weights and Scales for Gold or Silver, or of larger Sizes; Brafs-Barrels or Chambers; as alfo all Sorts of Suckers or Wind-falls, belonging to Pumps of any kind; large Branches for Churches, Sconfes, or any kind of Clock-work; as alfo any kind of Brafs-work for Guns, with many other kind of Brafs-work, too tedious to mention. N. B. You may have any Thing caft or mended by the faid Perfon, who may befpoke with at his Work-houfe at the Sign of the five Bells, at the Foot of the Manour-Chair in Newcaftle upon Tine.'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Newcastle Courant - Saturday 13 March 1725