Westinghouse Electric Corporation
of the USA
See Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.
See Westinghouse Electric Co and Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co for UK operations
1989 ABB acquired the electric transmission and distribution business
1995 Recognizing the potential in broadcasting, Westinghouse made further acquisitions in that area and purchased CBS in 1995.
Shortly afterwards, Westinghouse purchased Infinity broadcasting, TNN, CMT, American Radio Systems, and rights to NFL broadcasting, selling many other operations to raise the funds needed.
Siemens purchased the non-nuclear power generation business.
1996 Northrop Grumman acquired the defense and electronics business
1997 With little remaining of the company aside from its broadcasting, Westinghouse renamed itself CBS Corporation.
1998 The CBS Corporation created the Westinghouse Licensing Corporation subsidiary to manage its historic brand.
1998 CBS Corporation also sold off its nuclear power generation to British Nuclear Fuels Limited, which in turn sold the business in Toshiba in 2006. The company is now operated under Toshiba as Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, with headquarters in Cranberry Township, PA.