The Engineer 1908/04/24
1908 April 24th 14.0Mb PDF
Main Subjects
- Antwerp Docks
- Bechem and Keetman - Electric Tower Crane for the Bremer-Vulkan Shipbuilding Yard(Illustrated)
- Caledonian Railway - Railway Trolley (Illustrated)
- Catalogues
- Cataract Dam, New South Wales (Illustrated)
- C. and A. Musker - Double Cantilever Crane for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway at Liverpool (Illustrated)
- Collapse of the Quebec Bridge
- Gas-Firing of Steam Boilers - Babcock and Wilcox
- Editorial
- Shrewsbury Railway Accident
- Torpedo and Anti-Torpedo Armament
- Boiler Efficiency
- Railway Conciliation Boards
- Governing and the Regularity of Gas Engines - James Atkinson
- Great Central Railway - Compound Engines nd their Work - Charles Rous-Marten
- HMS Agamemnon (Illustrated)
- HMS Indomitable (Illustrated)
- Institution of Naval Architects
- Iron and Steel Institute
- Mesuration of Small Angles and Minute Lengths - John G. A. Rhodin
- Obituaries
- Schaffer and Budenberg - Equilibrium Stop valve
- Shrewsbury Railway Accident
- Wireless Telephony - Valdemar Poulsen