Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

T. and E. Bush

From Graces Guide
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T. & E. Bush of the Bristol Iron Foundry

1846 Formerly Bush and Beddoe but changed name when Beddoe left and then carried on by Thomas Bush and Edward Bush [1]

Stationary engines. [2]

Beam engine for Coalpit Heath Colliery, Westerleigh. Cylinder 85" bore, 10' stroke. [3]

1867 Sale of the steam engines and machinery at the Bathurst Flour Mills, bear Bathurst Basin, Bristol, included two engines by T & E Bush: Lot 1 - 30 HP horizontal high-pressure engine, with 20 inch cylinder and 4ft stroke, expansion valve, wrought iron fly wheel shaft, and fly wheel, 18ft diameter, over six tons weight; complete to the end of the fly-wheel shaft. Not damaged by the fire. Lot 2 - 40 HP ditto, with 24 inch cylinder and 4 ft stroke, expansion valve, wrought iron fly-wheel shaft, and fly wheel, 18 ft diameter, over six tons weight, complete to the end of the fly-wheel shaft. Slightly damaged by fire.'[4]

1869 Became Bush and De Soyres

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Gazette Issue 20647 published on the 6 October 1846. Page 15 of 32
  2. Stationary Steam Engines of Great Britain by George Watkins. Vol 10
  3. Plate 88, 'Stationary Steam Engines of Great Britain, Volume 6: The South Midlands', by George Watkins, Landmark Publishing Ltd
  4. Bristol Times and Mirror - Saturday 18 May 1867