Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Rubery Owen Messier

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Sept 1940.

of Liverpool Road, Warrington

1936 Louis Sylvio Armandias came to England with a licence from Messier in France to produce their equipment in the UK

1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers

Messier joined with Rubery, Owen and Co to set up Rubery Owen Messier in a factory at Warrington

1939 'NEW PRODUCT FOR WARRINGTON. A development of considerable interest to Warrington is taking place at the Sankey Works formerly operated by The Liverpool Refrigeration and Engineering Co., Ltd., A close connection has been formed with the well-known Midlands firm of Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., and the title of the Warrington company becomes Rubery Owen Messier, Ltd. The chief product will be Messier aeroplane retractable undercarriages and other Messier hydraulic control systems. At the same time Aviation Engineering (Messier) Co., Ltd., of London, has been amalgamated with Rubery Owen Messier, Ltd., and the technical staff brought down to Warrington. Contracts already booked will provide work for hundreds of workpeople for many months ahead, while the tube and galvanising departments hope to continue at full capacity.'[1]

WWII Manufactured Messier undercarriages for the Halifax bomber (after the war, the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors made an award to the Societe d'Inventions Aeronautiques et Mecaniques for this contribution to the war effort[2]).

1942 Armandias parted company with Rubery Owen Messier

1946 Messier Aircraft Equipment Ltd was a member of the Rubery-Owen group of companies; it designed and manufactured hydraulic and electro-hydraulic equipment for aircraft and industrial applications, including the Conveyancer fork lift truck[3]. Messier Aircraft Equipment became Electro-Hydraulics (Messier) Ltd[4]

1947 Armandias set up British Messier with Bristol Aeroplane Co owning half the shares and the remainder with Arbo Investments. Started production at Staverton close to Rotol Airscrews

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Liverpool Echo - 1 August 1939
  2. Flight 8 July 1948
  3. The Times, Mar 14, 1946
  4. The Times, May 22, 1946
  • Rotol by Bruce Stait. Published 1990. ISBN 0 9516815 0 8