Robert Preston (c1761-1833) of Robert Preston and Co and Fawcett, Preston and Co
1788 Married Jenny Wilkinson in Liverpool[1]
1792 Birth of son Robert in Liverpool[2]
1823 After the dissolution of Fawcett and Littledales, Robert Preston joined the partnership in Liverpool that became Fawcett and Prestons
1833 November 19th. Died at his residence Fir Grove, West Derby, age 72.[3][4]
1833 Concerning his will. 'We the undersigned, Executors of the will of Robert Preston, late of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster Distiller, Rectifier, and Brandy-Merchant, recently deceased, do hereby give notice, that upon his decease, which happened on the 19th day of November now last past, his interest in the late three several Partnership concerns of Robert Preston and Co, Rectifiers and Brandy-Merchants, William Preston and Co, Distillers, and Fawcett Preston and Co, Iron-Founders and Engineers, all of Liverpool, entirely ceased; and that his Executors have no share or interest whatever in any of those Partnership concerns.— Witness our hands this 2d day of December 1833. Margaret Dawson. James Dawson. Hy. Holmes. John Leyland. Thomas Rodick.'[5]