Nicholson, Pegler and Co
of North Bridge Iron Works, Ripon
NICHOLSON, PEGLER AND CO., beg to call the attention of Gentlemen to their improved method of Heating Conservatories, Entrance Halls, Greenhouses, Hot-houses, Forcing Pits, Churches, &c., by their IMPROVED BOILERS, HOT WATER PIPES, and FITTINGS.
Plans and Estimates on Application.
NICHOLSON, PEGLER, AND CO., are Manufacturers of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, including Fixed and Portable Steam Engines, Corn Mills, Chaff Cutters, Oilcake Breakers, Turnip Cutters, MOWING and REAPING MACHINES, Kibbling Mills, Root Pulpers, Harrows, Double Furrow Ploughs, Saw Benches, &c., &c.
Cisterns in Wrought, Cast, or Galvanized Iron.
Sole Makers of the Improved VERTICAL ENGINES and BOILER combined, with or without wheels.
Estimates and Prices furnished on Application.'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Richmond & Ripon Chronicle - Saturday 20 July 1872