Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Max Byng

From Graces Guide
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Max Binswanger (c1862-1936) later Max Byng. Brother of Gustav Byng

C1862 Born in Osterberg the son of Isaac Binswanger and his wife Mina 1889 August 12th. Became a naturalised British subject.[1]

1891 Boarding at 10 Chasefield Road, Hampstead: Max Binswanger (age 29 born Bavaria), Electrical Engineer.[2]

1891 Married at Prestwich to Ada Rose Dreschfeld

1893 Max Binswanger, of 69 and 71, Queen Victoria street, E.C., held a general power of attorney from the General Electric Company Limited[3]

1911 Living at 20 Kensington Gore, London: Max Byng (age 47 born Germany - naturalised British subject), Electrical Engineer and Employer. With his wife Ada Byng (age 38 born England) and their two children Doris G. Byng (age 16 born England) and Edna L. Byng (age 9 born England). Married 19 years with three children. Also a visitor. Seven servants.[4]

1915 Director of the Radium Co.[5]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Naturalisation Certificate
  2. 1891 Census
  3. The London Gazette 7 November 1893
  4. 1911 Census
  5. West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser - Thursday 02 September 1915