Joseph Beck (1829-1891) of Smith, Beck and Beck and R. and J. Beck
1829 Born in London son of Richard Low Beck and his wife Rachel[1]; Richard Low was a nephew of the pioneering microscopist Joseph Jackson Lister.
1846 Indentured as apprentice to William Simms of Fleet Street, optician[2]
1851 Richard Lau Beck 58, wine merchant, lived in Stoke Newington with Rachael Beck 48, William Beck 27, merchant and lawyer, Sophia Beck 25, Richard Beck 23, optician, Joseph Beck 21, optician, Rachael Beck 18, Elizabeth Anna Beck 11, Ernest Beck 8[3]
1851 Joined his brother and James Smith at Smith and Beck
1857 Was made a partner in the firm.
1859 Patent on the invention of "improvements in stereoscopes."[4]
1861 Joseph Beck 31, optician, lived in Stoke Newington with Emma E Beck 32, Theodore Beck (b.1859), Emma J Beck 3 months[5]
1872 Joseph Beck, of No. 31, Cornhill, in the city of London, Gentleman, was executor of the estate of Robert John Fowler, late of No. 11, Rue d'Enghien, Paris, in the Republic of France[6]
1881 Joseph Beck 57, manufacturer, lived in Hackney with Emma E. Beck 57, Emma J. Beck 20, Elizabeth Beck 18, Conrad Beck 17, Hannah Beck 15, Alice Beck 12, Horace Beck 7[7]
1891 Living at 233 Albion Road, Stoke Newington (age 61 born Stamford Hill, London), a Manufacturing Optician and Employer. With his son Conrad (age 27 born Stoke Newington), also a Manufacturing Optician and Employer; his daughter Hannah (age 25 born Stoke Newington) and his son Horace C Beck (age 17 born Stoke Newington) . [8]
1891 Died at Stoke Newington[9]; his wife and son continued the business.