Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

John Henry Lloyd (1855-1944)

From Graces Guide
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1937. Bio Note.

John Henry Lloyd (1855-1944), director of Stewarts and Lloyds

1855 Born in Birmingham, only son of George Braithwaite Lloyd, tube manufacturer, and Mary (dau. of S. Hutchinson).

1872 entered Cambridge University

1877 Gained his B.A.

Partner in Lloyd and Lloyd

Alderman of Birmingham.

1902-3 Lord Mayor of Birmingham.

A steel manufacturer; with Messrs Stewarts and Lloyds, Oldbury.

1911 John Henry Lloyd 55, wrought tube manufacturer, employer, living in Edgbaston with Gertrude Eliza Lloyd 53, Gerald Braithwaite Lloyd 25, Joan Mary Gertrude Lloyd 13[1]

1919 Lord Mayor of Birmingham

1944 Died in Birmingham

1937 Bio Note [2]

LLOYD, Alderman John Henry, J.P., City of Birmingham, 1896; M.A. (Cantab.); b. 14th April, 1855, at Edgbaston; s. of George Braithwaite Lloyd (J.P., Alderman and Mayor of Birmingham, 1870). Educ.: Grove House School, Tottenham; St. John's College, Cambridge, 1873-1876. Began business career with Tangye Bros., 1877; partner in Lloyd and Lloyd, tube manufacturers, 1878; director of Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. (amalgamation of Stewarts and Menzies with Lloyd and Lloyd), 1903-1931; hon. sec. Children's Hospital, 1881-1891; elected member Birmingham Town Council (Rotton Park Ward), 1891; elected Lord Mayor of Birmingham and Alderman, 1901; chairman of Gas Committee, 1898-1901 and again 1919-1933; chairman Water Committee, 1912-1919; president British Waterworks Association, 1917-1919; Honorary Freeman of the City of Birmingham, 1932; m. Gertrude, 3rd d. of Joseph S. Keep, 12th November, 1884; four s. one d.; chairman General Hospital, 1908; chairman Social Institutes Committee since formation; deputy pro-Chancellor University of Birmingham; ex-bailiff of Lench's Trust, Trustee of Fentham's Trust, James Lloyd's Almshouses, Ann Crowley's Charity, etc. Recreations: Travel, golf, croquet. Clubs: Reform (London), Union (Birmingham). Address: Edgbaston Grove, Birmingham, 15.


See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1911 census
  2. 1937-8 Birmingham Year Book
  • Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900