Engineering 1906 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1906 Jul-Dec: Index
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General Index
- ABEL, The late C. D., 289
- Abolition of Electrical Signs of Life by Anaesthetics, 344
- Accident Compensation. See Workmen's Compensation and Legal
- Accident to the "Deutschland" in Dover Harbour, 198
- Accidents to Machinery in 1905, 494
Accidents. Railway :
- Accident on Caledonian Railway, 534
- Accident at Grantham, 431, 534, 736, 876, 877. See Vacuum. Brake and LETTER, 593
- Accident on Highgate Tramway, 605
- Accident at Salisbury, 19, 87, 421, 464
- Accident at Stafford, 102
- Accident at Tapton Junction, 842
- Accident to s.s. "Deutschland," 234
Accumulators: See Electric
- " Achilles," H.M. Armoured Cruiser, Steam Trials of, 672
- Acts of Parliament. See Parliament and Legal
- Adams' Flying Machine, "Antoinette " Motor, 669
- Adams' Motor-Car, 35 to 90-Horse-Power Eight-Cylinder, 696
- Adamson, E., on the Influence of Phosphorus, Manganese, Aluminium, and Silicon on Chill in Cast Iron, 27
- Addresses, Presidential, 428. See also insiitu flows, Technical, and British Association
- Admiralty Policy, Naval Engineers and, 23, 500, 634
- Admiralty Naval Policy, 738
- Admiralty Policy. See Engineers, Naval, Warships, and LETTERS
- " Adriatic," White Star Liner, Launch of, 384
- A.E.G. Curtis Steam-Turbines, 675
- Aerial Locomotion, 792
- Aeroplane, " Antoinette " Engine for, 696
- Aeroplane for Flight, 792
- 'Esthetics of Engineering Structures, 633
- "Africa," H.M.S., Forced Lubrication of Engines, 12
- Africa. See South Africa
- Agricultural Machinery at Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Agricultural Show, Royal ; Derby Suction-Gas Trials, 805, 843, 865
- Agricultural Society Show at Derby, 6. See Erratum, 126
- Air-Brake, The Chapsal-Saillot, S63
- Air-Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting, 761
- Air, Compressed. See also Compressed Air and Pneumatic
- Air Compressor, The " 13oreas " Portable, 222
- Air-Compressors, Turbine, 600, 640, 669, 669, 735, 738, 744
- Air-Compressor, Two-Stage, 517
- Air-Lift Pump, Tests of, 397
- Air, Liquid, Production of, 161, 199, 234, 285, Si?
- Air-Pumps, Rotary, for Laboratory Work, 387
- Air Resistance of Trains, 293
- Air, Utilisation of Nitrogen in, by Plants, 310. See 21
- Alaskan Telegraphy, 680
- Alexandra Docks and Railway, Newport ; Coal
- Shipping Appliances, 163, 363
- Alloys, Ferro-, made by Electric Furnace, 780
- " Almirante Grau," Peruvian Cruiser," 433
- Alpha Particle of Radium 0, the Positive Charge Carried by, 216
- Alternating Current. See Electric
- Alternators. See Electric
- Aluminium, Silicon, Phosphorus, and Manganese Influence, on Chill in Cast Iron, 27
- America. See also United States
- American and Colonial Engineering Cases, 195
- American Institute of Mining Engineers. See Iron and Steel Institute
- American and Foreign Rail Specifications, 115, 170, 209, 238
- American Locomotives. See Locomotives
- American Machine-Tools. See Machine-Tools
- American Metallurgical Industry. See Iron and Steel
- American Railway Master Mechanics' Association, 350
- American Technical Colleges, 672
- Analysis, Optical, of Industrial Gases, 394
- Aniline Colour Industry, The Jubilee of, 149
- Annuals, 576, 763, 886
- Antimony. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- "Antoinette " Motor, 696
- Apparatus, Newman's, for the Study of Mechanism, 861
- Applied Chemistry, Some Imperial Aspects of, 308
- Apprentices ; Encouragement of Industry, 715. See 671
- Apprentices, Evening Study by, 715, 797, 865
- Apprentices' Prospects, 55
- Apprentices, Scheme of Advancement for, 633
- Apprenticeship Question, 65
- Apprenticeship. See also Education and Training
- Aqueduct, Repairing of Limestone Concrete, 782
- Aqueducts, Water Works and Catchment Areas, 782
- Arc-Lamps. See Electric
- Arc Spectrum of Iron under lligh Pressures, 178
- Arcs, Geodetic, Proposed Re-Measurement of British, 281
- Arch. See Bridge
- Argentine Railway Affairs, 885
- Argentine Railway Economics, 54
- Armament of Warships. See Warships
- Armour, Modern, and Its Attack, 218
- Armour. See also Warships
- Armoured Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete
- Armoured Ships. See Warships
- Aromatic, Hydro-Substances, 309
- Artificers, Engine-Room, and Stoker Mechanicians, 55, 593. See also Naval Engineers
- Artillery, Controlled Recoil for, 487
- Artillery. See Guns
- Atmospheric Nitrogen, The Fixation of, 21, 310
- Atomic Disintegration, Modern Views of, 213
- Attack of Modern Armour, 218
- Australasia. See New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, and South Australia
- Australian Patents, 765
- Australian Trans-Continental Railway, 92
- Austrian Four-Cylinder Compound Locomotive, 799
- Austrian Railway Motor Carriages, 319
- Austrian Railways, Four-Cylinder Compound Six-Coupled Locomotive, 673
- Austro-Hungarian Four-Cylinder Compound Ten-Coupled Locomotive, 566
- Auto-Cars. See Motor-Cars
- Automobiles. See Motor-Cars
- Axle-Bearings for Indian Railway Wagons, 787
- Bagdad Railway, 359
- Baikal Railway, 298
- Baker-street and Waterloo Railway, Electric Lifts for, 380
- Balakhany, Natural Gas at, 317
- Balanced Locomotives, Bodmer's, 844
- Balanced Regulator of " Adriatic" Compound Locomotive, 668
- Balancing of Engines, Experiments Illustrating, 237, 245
- Balmain's Paint, Rate of Decay of Phosphorescence, 275
- Baltic.North Sea Canal, 294, 672
- Bamber, II. K., on Axle-Bearings for Indian Railway Wagon, 787
- Bamford, II., on Moving Loads on Railway Under-Bridges, 307, 445, 619
- Banbury as a Centre for Manufactures, 294. See Erratum, 336
- Band-Saw for Ripping Deck-Planks, 623
- Barbette - Facing Machine (Napier Brothers, Glasgow), 555
- Bargoed Colliery, 182
- Barometric and Rainfall Changes of an Oscillatory Nature, 280
- Barr and Stroud, Works of, 23. See LETTERS
- Barry Docks,180
- Barry, Sir J. ., on Standardisation in British Engineering Practice, 207
- Bars, Stresses in, 668
- Basingstoke, London and South-Western Railway ; Pneumatic Operation of Points and Signals, 417
- Batteries. See Electric and Guns
- Battleships, See Warships
- Battleships, Speed of, 669
- Beams Tested by Polarised Light, 566
- Bearings, Emulsification of Oil in Turbine, 94
- Bearings, Friction Experim€ nts on, at Cooper's Hill, 594
- Bearings for Railway Axles, 787
- Beer-Making and Bottling Machinery at Brewers Exhibition, 564
- Behaviour and Strength of Ductile Materials under Combined Stress, 248
- Belgian Blast-Furnace Gas-Engine Designs, 111, 129. See also 188
- Belgian Iron Trade, 563
- Belgian Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Belgium, Workmen's Cheap Railway Fares in, 340
- Belgium, Workmen's Compensation Act, 769
- Bell, The late Imrie, 725
- Bending Rolls for Plates (Messrs. Craig and Donald), 560
- Benguella Railway, Four-Cylinder Compound Rack-Adhesion Locomotive for, 201
- Bessemer Gold Medal, 111
- Bethune Colliery, France, Pit-Head Plant at, 235
- Bibliography of Chilled Cast Iron, 30
- Billet Shears for Rolling-Mills, 313
- Birmingham New Electric Generating.Station, 498
- Blast-Furnace Blowing - Engines, Development of, 162, 440
- Blast-Furnace Gas-Engine Design, Belgian, 111 129. See also 188
- Blast-Furnace Gas-Engines. See also Engines, Gas Blast-Furnace Gases, 738, 764
- Blast-Furnace Practice and Gas-Producers, 406
- Blast-Furnace Problem in Germany and Sweden, 497
- Blast Refrigeration, 147, 332
- Blasting Explosives, Testing of, E09
- Bleach and Electrolytic Chlorine, 533 Bliss-Leavitt Turbine-Driven Torpedo, 496 Blower, 36-In. Keith-Blackman, 471
- Blowers, Turbo-, 741. See UTTERS, CCO, 669, 735, 738
- Blowing-Engines, Blast-Furnace, Development of, 162, 440
- Blowing-Engines Driven by Gas-Engines, 612 Blowing-Engines. See Engine, blowing, also Air-Compressors
- Blue-Print Washing-Machine, Halden's Con-tinuous, 640
- Board of Trade and Boiler Explosion. See Boiler Explosion
- Board of Trade Report on Highgate Tramway Accident, 605. See also Accidents, Railway
- Boats, Motor. See Motor-Launches and Motor Boats
- Bodmer's Balanced Locomotives, 844
- Bogies, Railway. See Carriages and Locomotives Boiler, The Davies Water-Tube, 415
- Boiler Explosion, Basset Mines, Redruth, 613
- Boiler Explosion at Cradley Heath, 814
- Boiler Explosion at East Greenwich, 878
- Boiler Explosion at Longridge Gas Works, 62
- Boiler Explosion at Rochdale, 99
- Boiler Explosion on the s.s. "Chelmsford," 336
- Boilers of Locomotives. See also LW:01110i i ved
- Boiler, Locomotive, The " Robert " Wo.tcr-Tube, 254
- Boiler Plant, Efficiency of, 665, 764, 765
- Boiler-Riveting Plant at Messrs. Beardmore's Works, 221
- Boiler, Semi-flash, 793
- Boilers, Steam, Natural Gas under, 507
- Boiler, Water-Tube. See also Water-Tube Boiler Boiler, Water-Tube, for Steam Wagon, 793
- Boltzmann, The Late Professor Ludwig, 360
- Bond, The Late C. R.,-559
- Bonding Tramway Track in Philadelphia, 658
- Bonte, H., on the Construction of Large Gas-Engines, 609
- Books Received, 69, 106, 242, 374, 467, 476, 517, 580, 786; 860
- "Boreas " Portable Air Compressor, 222
- Boring away the Sill of Grimsby Dock, 33
- Boring-Machine. See Machine-Tools Bottle-Washing and Filling-Machines at Brewers'
- Exhibition, 561
- Braidwater Dipper for Tow, 330
- Brake, Chapsal-Saillot Compressed-Air, 863 Brake-Testing for Small Motors, 8;7
- Brake, Vacuum, 736
- Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting Railway, 761 Breakdowns of Machinery in 1905, 494
- Breakwater at Colombo Harbour, 750 Breakwater, Ferro-Concrete, in Holland, 519
- Brewers' Exhibition at Islington, 561
- Bribery, Prevention of, 121 •
- Bridge, 1800 Ft. Cantilever Span, Across the St. Lawrence, 10
- Bridges for Cargo-Carrying at Emden Harbour, 253
- Bridges, Design and Construction of. 785 Bridges, Moving Loads on Railway Under , 307, 445, 619
- Bridge, New High-Level, over the Tyne. 53 Bridge over Nile at Cairo, 483
- Bridge, Transporter, Newport, 182
- Brinell's Hardness Test for Metals, 639 Britannia Motor-Car, 763
- "Britannia," Steam Trials of H.M.S., with Superheaters, 161, 873
British Association : 122, 177, 203, 212, 213, 275, 308, 309, 310, 312, 339, 405
- General Arrangements, 122
- Inauguration, 177
- Presidential Address, by Professor E. Ray Lankester, 177
- Section A.-illathetnat ical and Physical, 177, 212, 246, 275
- Progress in Physical Science, by Principal E. H. Griffiths, 177
- Arc Spectrum of Iron under High Pressure, by W. G. Duffield, 178
- Osmotic Pressure, Measurements of, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Berkeley, 212
- Evolution of the Elements, by F. Soddy, 213
- The Positive Charge Carried by the Alpha particle of Radium C, by F. Soddy, 216
- Radioactivity and Internal Structure of the Earth, by the Hon. R. J. Strutt, 216
- The Nature of the Radiation from Incandescent Mantles, by J. Swinburne. 217
- The Teaching of Mechanics by Experiment, by C. E. Ashford, 246
- The Rate of Decay of the Phosphorescence of Balmain's Paint, by B. J. Whiteside, 275
- Chemical and Electrical Changes Induced by Ultraviolet Light, by Sir W. Ramsay and Dr. J. F. Spencer, 276
- Researches on Nearly Pure Gaseous Ozone, by Dr. E. Ladenburg, 276
- Photographs of Thin Liquid Films, by H. Stansfield, 276
- Report of the Electrical Standards Com-mittee, 276
- A Glass of Low Resistivity, by C. E. S. Phillips, 276
- Photographic Records of the Vibrations of a String and Responsive Motions in the Air, by Professor E. H. Barton and J. Penzer, 276
- Report of the Seismological Committee, by Professor John Milne, 277
- The Irregular Motions of the Earth's Pole, by Major E. H. Hills and Professor J. .armor, 277
- A Possible Effect of Vibration on Zenith Distance Observations, with Special Refer-ence to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, by Professor H. H. Turner, 277
- Spectroscopic Observations of Solar Eclipses, by Professor F. W. Dyson, 280 -
- The Connection between Disturbed Areas of the Solar Surface and the Solar Corona, by the Rev. A. L. Cortie, S. J. 280
- The Measurement of Lunar Radiation, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosse, 280
- Note on Rainfall, by Professor A. Schuster and Professor H. H. Turner, 280
- The York Rainfall and Sun-Spots, by J. E. Clark, 280
- Barometric and Rainfall Changes of an Oscillatory Nature, by Dr. W. J. S. Lockyer, 280
- Report of the Committee for the Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere by Means of Kites, by Dr. .W. N. Shaw and W. H. Dynes, 280
- Report of the Committee on Magnetic Observations at Falmouth Observatory, 280
Report of the Coihmittee on the Magnetic Survey of South Africa, 280
- Ben Nevis Observatory, 281
- Mathematical Papers, List of, 281
- The Proposed Remeasureinent of the British Geodetic Arcs, by Major E. H. Hills, 281
- Section G.-Engineering, 203, 218, 243 Presidential Address, by, Professor J. A. Ewing, 203, 218
- Suction-Gas Plants, by Professor . W. E Dalby, 205, 248
- Standardisation in British Engineering Practice, by Sir J: Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., 207,220
- Modern Armour and Its Attack, by Ma tor W. E. Edwards, R.A• I ••• 918 •
- Removal of Dust and Smoke from Chimney Gases, by S. II. Davies and F. G. Fryer, 220
- Fracture of Iron and Steel, by W. Rosenhain, 220
- Segregation in Steel Ingots, by J. E. Stead, 220, 405
- Structural Changes in Nickel Wire at High Temperatures, by Dr. H. C. H. Carpenter, 220, 222
- Magnetic Indicator of Temperature, by W. Taylor, 220
- Edinburgh Engineering Laboratories, by
- Professor T. Hudson Beare, 220 Glow-Lamps, by Sir W. II. Preece, 213
- The Advent of Single-Phase Electric Traction, by C. F. Jenkin, 243, 573
- A General Supply of Gas for Light, Heat, and Power Production, by A. J. Martin, 245
- Experiments Illustrating the Balancing of Engines, by Professor W. E. Dalby, 237, 245
- Some Recent Developments of the Steam-Turbine, by G. G. Stoney; 246
- An Application of Stream-Line Apparatus to the Determination of the Directions and Magnitudes of Stresses in Ships' Structures, by J. Smith, 246, 436
- The Teaching of Mechanics by Experiment., by C. E. Ashford, 240
- Central Technical College Lecture-Table Testing-Machine, by Professor Ashcroft, 247
- Recent Advances in the Knowledge of Radiation Phenomena, and Their Bearing on the Optical Measurement of Temperature, by Professor J. B. Henderson, 217
- Electropositive Coatings for t he Protection of Iron and Steel fram Corrosion, by S. Cowper Coles, 217
- The Strength and Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Combined Stress, by W. A. Scoble, 248
- Waterproof Roads as a Solution of the Dust Problem, by D. Mackenzie, 218
- Section B.—Chemistry, 303
- Presidential Address, by Professor W. Dunstan, 303
- Chemical Research in the Dutch East Indies, by Dr. M. Greshoff. 309
- The Production of Prussic Acid by Plants, by Professor W. Dunstan, 309
- Chemistry of Rubber and of Gums, 303 Report on Hydrolysis of Sugar, by R. J. Caldwell, 309
- Report of Committee on Hydro-Aromatic Substances, by A. W. Crossley, 309
- Report of Committee on D.) namic Isomerism, by Dr. T. N. Lowry and Professor 11. E. Armstrong. 310
- Ergot Alkaloids, by G. Barger and F. H. Carr, 310
- A Method of Determining Indogo', by W. Popplewell Bloxam, 310
- The Factors which Determine Minimal Diet Values, by F. S. Hopkins, 310
- Utilisation of Nitrogen in Air by Plants, by T. Jamieson, 310
- Oxidation in Soils and its Relation to Pro-ductiveness, by Dr. F. V. Darbishire and Dr. E. J. Russell, 312
- The Electrical Discharge in Air and its Applications, by S. Leetham and W. Cramp, 312
- On the Temperature at which Water Freezes in Sealed Tubes, by Professor H. A. Miers and Miss F. Isaac, 312
- The Crystallisation of Gold in the Solid State, by G. Beilby, 312
- Section L.—Educational Science, 246
- The Teaching of Mechanies by Experiment, by C. E Ashford, 246
- Central Technical College Lecture - Table Testing-Machine, by Professor Ashcroft, 217
- Section E.—Geography, 281, 312
- The Proposed Remeasurement of the British
- Geodetic Ares, by Major E. H. Hills, 281 Changes on the Coasts of the British Isles, by C. Reid, 312
- Section I.—Physiology, 310, 312
- The Factors which Determine Minimal Diet Values, by F. 0, Hopkins, 310
- The Nitrification of Sewage in Shallow Filters with Fine Particles, by Dr. G. Reid, 312
- Section. F.—Economic Science and Statistics, 339
- Presidential Address, by A. L. Bowley, 339 Theory of Distribution, by Professor F. Y. Edgeworth, 340
- Inhabited House Duty as a Graduated Tax, by J. Bonar, 340
- The Influence of the Rate of Interest on Prices, by Professor Wicksell, 340
- The Specie Reserve of the United Kingdom, by R. H. Inglis-Palgrave, 340
- The Gold Reserve, by Mr. Drummond-Fraser, 340
- Cheap Railway Tickets for Workmen in
- Belgium, by Professor E. Mahaim, 340 Woollen Industries, Organisation of, by Professor Claphain, 340
- Some Notes on Railway Cost Statistics, by R. L. Wedgewood, 341
- Some Principles of Freight Traffic Working, by W. F. Stephenson, 311
- Distribution of Population by Facilities of
- Rapid Transit, by Lynden Macassey, 341 Lead-Mining in Yorkshire, by J. Backhouse, 312
- Labour Exchange and the Unemployed Problem, by W. H. Beveridge, 342
- The Unemployed, by C. T. Hamilton, 342 Some Recent Investigations in Home Work, by J. R. Macdonald, 342
- Economic Theory and Proposals for a Legal Minimum Wage, by H. B. Lees-Smith, 342
- Papers on Labour Subjects, 344
- Lectures, 344
- Volcanoes, by Dr. Tempest Anderson, 341
- Electrical Signs of Life and their Abolition
- by Anaesthetics, by Dr. A. D. Walter, 344
- The Manufacture of Light, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 314
- Summary, 314
- British Battleships. See Warships
- British Engine, Boiler, and Electrical Insurance Company, Report for 1905, 401
- British Engineering Practice, Standardisation in. 207, 208, 220
- British Gas-Engines, Large, 111, 127
- British Locomotives. See Locomotives
- British Naval Training. See Engineers and Navy
- British Railway Construction, 284
- British Railway Economics, 258, 381, 391
- British Science, Foreign Opinions of, 360
- British Warships. See Warships
- Brotherhood Motor-Car (Sheffield Simplex Motor Works, Limited), 723
- Brussels Congress for Testing Materials, 565, 637, 654
- Building Construction. See also Ferro-Concrete
- Building, Ferro-Concrete, Failure of, 461
- Buildings, Ferro-Concrete, at Toron•o, 862
- Building Materials Tested by Sand-Blast, 717
- Bullets, Effect of Water in Stopping, 91
- Bullets, Resistance of Materials to, 636
- Burma Oil-Fields, Water Pumping Plant for, 384
- Burnand, A. H., on The Measurement of Friction in Gas-Engines, 00
- Burrell, The late Mr. Charles, 10
- Bursting of Steam Pipe at Rochdale, 93, 822
- Buses, Motor. See Motor Buses
- Buses, Steam, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Bute Docks, 179
- Bute Docks, Cardiff ; Coal-Shipping Appliances, 163, 165. See also 179
- Butlin and Co., Messrs. Thomas, Works of, 1481
- Buying Stores for Engineering Works, 376, 446
- Cable, Submarine, Developments, 234
- Cables, Submarine, Enterprise, 885
- Cables, Submarine, of the Great Northern Telegraph Company, 316
- Cairo, Bridge over Nile at, 483
- Caledonian Railway Accident, Board of Trade Report on, 534
- Caledonian Railway, Goods Locomotive for, 299
- Caledonian Railway, Six-Coupled Passenger Locomotive for, 739
- Calibration of Fuel Calorimeters, 295
- Calorimeters for Fuel, Calibration of, 295
- Calorimeters for Liquid Fuels, 401
- Calorimeters, Platinum Resistance Thermometers for, 359
- Cambridge University, Engineering School at, 585, 650
- Can-Making Machinery, 478
- "Canada" (Periodical), 861
- Canadian Ferro-Concrete Workshops, 862
- Canadian Ice-Breaking Steamer, 261
- Canadian Pacific Railway Twin-Screw Steamers, 95
- Canadian Railway Development, 59, 703
- Canadian Railways, 592
- Canal, North Sea-Baltic, 291, 672
- Canals and Waterways, Royal Commission on, 582, 716, 875
- Cap-Screwing Machinery for Cans and Bottles, 478
- Cape Government Railway, 63
- Capstan Lathes. See Machine-Tools
- Car, Motor, Railway Traffic, 164, 179, 264'547, 591
- Cars and Carriages. See Motor-Cars, Railway Cars, and Tramway Cars
- Carbonic Anhydride Refrigerating Machine, 73
- Cardiff, Bute Docks, Coal-Shipping Appliances at, 163, 165. See 179
- Cardiff Meeting of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 162
- Cardiff Works of Messrs. Guest, Keen, and Nettlefold, 179
- Cargo-Handling Machinery. See Coal Shipping " Carnarvon," s.s., -Board of Trade Lightship Tender, 555
- Carpenter, Professor H. C. H., on Structural Changes in Nickel Wire at High Temperatures, 222
- Carpenter, Professor H. C. H. on Tempering and
- Cutting Tests of High-Speed Steels, 147, 300 Carriage, Bogie, Composite Lavatory for the
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 287
- Carriage of Goods at Owner's Risk, 98
- Carriages for P. L. M. Railway Company, at Milan Exhibition, 635
- Carriages, Railway, Tests of Leitner-Lucas Lighting Apparatus on, 520
- Carriages, Railway, Vickers-Hall System of Lighting, 811
- Cast Iron, Bibliography of, 30
- Cast Iron, Influence of Phosphorus, Manganese, Aluminium, and Silicon on, Chill in, 27
- Cast Iron ; Grading of Pigs for Foundry, 649
- Cast Iron. See also Iron
- Cast Iron ; Testing in Finished Castings, 637
- Catalogues, 30, 64, 102, 136, 172, 233, 274, 304, 318, 862, 406, 474, 508, 542, 614, 679, 714, 746, 851, 884. For list see PARAGRAPH INDEX
- Catchment Areas, Water Works, and Aqueducts, 782
- Catchment Areas, Yield of, 782
- Cement Concrete. See Concrete and Ferro-Concrete
- Cement, Decomposition, by Sea-Water, 655
- Cement Grout used in Sinking Shafts, 605
8 Cements, Hydraulic, 654
- Cement, Portland, Manufacture of, 76
- Cement, Testing of, 655
- Central South African Railway, Steam-Coach for, 107
- Central Station. See Electric and Power
- Centrifugal Acceleration and Electromotive Force, 466
- Centrifugal-Pressure Fan, 36-In. Keith-Blackman, 471
- Centrifugal Pump and Compound Tandem Engine, 165
- Ceylon, Colombo Harbour, 750
- Changes, Structural, in Nickel Wire at High Temperatures, 220, 222
- Channel Ferry, Train-Carrying Steamer for, 7b7
- Chapsal-Saillot Compressed-Air Brake, 863
- Charing Cross Roof Failure, 56
- Chassis. See Motor Cars
- " Chelmsford," s s., Boiler Explosion on, 336
- Chemical and Electrical Changes Induced by Ultra-Violet Light, k76
- Chemical Fire-Engine. See Fire-Engines
- Chemical Reaction, Constancy of Mass in, 622
- Chemical Research in the Dutch East Indies, 309
- Chemistry, Applied, Some Imperial Aspects of, 308
- Chemistry, Electro-, 69. See British Association
- Chemistry of Materials of Engineering, 786
- Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, Vauclain Balanced Compound Locomotive for, 335
- Chill in Cast Iron, Influence of Phosphorus, Manganese, Aluminium, and Silicon on, 27
- Chimney, Ferro-Concrete, Failure of, 700
- Chimney Gases, Removal of Smoke and Dust from, 220
- China, Tutelage, by Japan, 566
- Chinese Railways and Mines, 768
- Chinese Trade with Japan, 532
- Chlorine, Electrolytic, and Bleach, 633
- Chuck for Holding Drills with Parallel Shanks, 99 Circuit-Baikal Railway, 298
- Civil Engineering, Economics of, 741
- Civil Engineers, Institution of ; Presidential Addresses, 428
Civil Engineers, Institution of :
- Presidential Address by Sir A. B. W. Kennedy, 633, 613
- Single-Phase Electric Traction, by C. F. Jenkin, 746
- The Talla Water Supply of the Edinburgh and District Water Works, by W. A. p. Tait, 782
- Repairing a Limestone-Concrete Aqueduct, by M. R Barnett, 782
- The Yield of Catchment Areas, by E. P. Hill, 782
- Mechanical Considerations in the Design of High-Tension Switch-Gear, by H. W. E. Le Fanu, 814
- Glifsgow Association of Students ; Presidential Address on, Economics of Civil Engineering, by D. A. Matheson, 735, 741 Civilisation and the Engineer, 633
- Clarkson, T., on Steam as Motive Power for
- Public-Service Vehicles, 688, 709, 753, 822 " Claymore," French Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 469
- "Clay- Workers' Hand- Book," 786
- Cleaning of Gas, 111, 127. See also Gas
- Cleveland Iron. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Cleveland, Notes from, 15, 47, 85, 118, 154, 191, 224, 255, 289, 321, 352, 389, 425, 458, 491, 525, 559, 596. 630, 663, 705, 729, 760, 801, 821, 869
Clutch, The Michel Gradual Application, 569.
- See also Motor-Car Clutch
- Clyde Navigation, Travelling Cranes for, 492 Coal Appliances : Penarth Dock, 152, 163 ;
- Alexandra Docks, Newport, 163, 363 ; Bute Docks, Cardiff, 163, 165
- Coal Industry of British India, 877
- Coal Industry, The Westphalian, 373
- Coal-Mines, Safety Appliances for Electric Apparatus in, 88
- Coal-Mining.. See also Colliery and Engine
- Coal Production in Russia, 196
- Coal Shipping at Penarth Dock, 152, 163 ; Bute Docks, 163, 165 ; Alexandra Docks, Newport, 162, 363
- Coal-Tar Colour Industry, Jubilee of, 149
- Coal of Warships, 796
- Coast Erosion in the British Isles, 312
- Coastal Destroyers, 465
- "Cochrane," Steam Trials of H.M. Armoured Cruiser, 43
- Coke Production in Russia, 196
- Colby, A. L., on " Comparison of American and Foreign Rail Specifications," 115, 170
- Colby, A. L., on "The Nodulising and Desulphurisation of Fine Iron Ores and Pyrites Cinders," 147, 602
- College, Engineering, at Cooper's Hill, 159, 591 Collieries, Mechanical Equipment of, 551, 571 Colliery, Bargoed, 182
- Colliery Disaster at Courrieres, 562
- Colliery Pit-Head Plant for French Coal.Mines, 235
- Colliery. See also Coal and Engine, Winding Collisions. See Accidents
- Colloids and their Utilisation, 1
- Colombo Harbour, Ceylon, 750
- Colonial and American Engineering Cases, 195 Columns Supporting Roof of Victoria Station, London, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Command of the Sea, 17
- Commissions, Secret, in Trade, 121
- Compensation for Workmen and the House of Lords, 842
- Compensation, Workmen's, in Belgium,-769 Compensation, Workmen's. See also Legal Competition, Emsworth Sewerage, 534
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Convound Locomotives. See Locomotives Competition, Shipping, and Legislation, 561 • Compressed-Air Brake. See Brake
- Compressor, Air, the " Boreas " Portable, 222 Compressor, Air, Two-Stage, 517
- Compressors, Turbine-Driven, 600, 640, 669, 735, 738, 744
- Compulsory Working of Patents, 764
- Concentration of Metalliferous Sulphides, 260 Concrete Cinder, Corrosion of Iron in, 876 Concrete, Ferro-. See Ferro-Concrete Concrete-Limestone Aqueduct, Repairing of,78:-,1 Concrete, Reinforced. See Ferro-Concrete Concrete Works at Colombo Harbour, 760 Condensing Machinery. See also Pumps Condensing Plant for De Laval Steam-Turbine 313
- Condenser for Steam Wagon, 793
- Conference, International, on Radiotelegraphy, 462, 529, 635, 666, 839. See also Wireless Telegraphy
- Congress, International Navigation, at St. Petersburg, 442
- Congress. International, for Testing Materials, 637, 565, 654
- Congress, Trades Union, 336
- Constancy of Mass in Chemical Reactions,622 Constructional Ironwork in the Palace heatre, London, 867
- Continental Fire Service, 387, 512. For details see Fire Service, Continental, under ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Contract, The Legal Effect of a, 479
- Contractors, Engineers and, 705. See LETTERS
- Convention, International Radio-telegraphic, 462, 529, 635, 666. See Wireless Telegraphy
- Conveying Coal, Electric Telpherage Plant for, 44
- Cooper's Hill College, 169
- Cooper's Hill College ; Testing-Machine for Oils and Bearings, 694
- Copenhagen, Proposed Scandinavian Exhibition in, 196
- Copper, Effects on Steel, 101
- Copper Hand-Book, 836
- Copper, Impact Tests of, 638
- Copper Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Corona, Solar,.Connection with Disturbed Areas on Solar Surface, 280
- Corrosion of Iron in Cinder Concrete, 876
- Corruption, Prevention of, 121
- Corundum and Its Uses, 194
- Cost Statistics, Railway, 311
- Cotton Industry in Japan, 451
- Cotton ; Its Cultivation, Marketing, and Manufacture 858
- Cotton-Mill Driven by De Laval Steam Turbine, 314
- Cotton-Mills, Safety Appliances in, 143
- County Council. See London County Council
- Coupling, Flexible, for De Laval Steam Turbine, 313
- Coupling, Flexible Elastic, 506
- Courrieres Mining Disaster, 562
- Crabtree, J. H., on Safety Appliances in Cotton Mills, 143
- Cradley Heath, Boiler Explosion at, 814
- Cranes, Electric, at Belfast, 117
- Cranes, Hydraulic) Travelling Wharf, 492
- Crane, Overhead Electric, for Boiler Shop, 221
- Crane. See also Hoists
- Crane, 42-Ton Titan, at Colombo Harbour, 750
- Crane, Transporter, at Emden Harbour, 253
- Crematories, Garbage, in America, 860
- Crowd, Weight of a, 376
- Crucible Furnace, The "Empire," 416
- Crucibles, Manufacture of, 563
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Crystalline Structure of Metals. See also Micro Photographs
- Crystallisation of Gold in the Solid State, 312
- Cultivation of Cotton, 858
- Cunard Express Liner " Mauretania," 315, 420. See 349, 384
- Curtis A.E.G. Steam-Turbines, 675. See Turbines, Stearn,
- Cutlery and Files, Manufacture of, 563
- Cutting and Tempering Tests of High-Speed Steels, 147, 300
- Cycle Show, The Stanley, 733
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Experiments Illustrating the Balancing of Engines, 237
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Suction-Gas Plants, 205
- Darling, Charles R., on Calorimeter for Liquid Fuels, 404
- Davies' Water-Tube Boiler and Superheater, 415
- De Laval Steam-Turbine. See Turbines, Steam
- Death-Rate and Temperature Conditions, 782
- Decay of Phosphorescence of Balmain's Paint, 275
- Decking for Bridges. See Bridges
- Defects in Machinery, 605
- Derailment. See Accidents
- Derby Show of the Royal Agricultural Society, 6. See Erratum, 126
- Derby, Trials of Suction-Gas Plant and Engines at, 805, 843, 865
- Design, Faults in, 631
- Design of Railway Bridges, 307, 415
- Destroyers,. See Warships
- Destructors, Refuse, in America, 860
- Desulphurisation of Fine Iron Ores and Pyrites Cinders, 147, 502
- "Deutschland," Accident to, in Dover Harbour, 198, 234
- Dial Weighing-Machine, 95
- Didcot, Great Western Railway, Electrically
- Operated Points and Signals at, 554, 588
- Diesel Oil-Engine for Marine Purposes, 463
- Diet Values, The Factors which Determine Minimal, 310
- Directories. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Discharge in Air, Electrical, and its Application, 312
- Disputes Bill, Trade, 251, 767
- Distribution of Population by Facilities of Rapid Transit, 341
- Distribution, Theory of, 340
- Docks, Alexandra, and Railway, Newport; Coal Shipping Appliances, 163, 363
- Docks, Bute, 179 ; Penarth, 180 ; Barry, 180
- Docks, Bute, Cardiff; Coal-Shipping Appliances, 163, 165. See 179
- Dock, Floating, for Submarine-Boats, 67
- Dock, Graving, at Colombo Harbour, 760
- Dock, Grimsby, Lowering the Sill of, 83
- Docks, Improvement of the Port of Hull, 467
- Docks, London; Proposed Ocean Wharf, 842
- Dock, Penarth, Shipping of Coal at, 152, 163. See also 180
- Docks; Schemes in Parliament, 772
- Dockyards, Government versus Private, 731
- Dover Harbour, Accident to the "Deutschland" in, 198, 234
- Draught, The Phcenix Gauge for, 413
- "Dreadnought," H.M.S., 534
- "Dreadnought," H.M.S., Guns of, 463
- "Dreadnought," H.M.S., Gun Trials of, 567
- "Dreadnought," H.M.S., Steam Trials of, 462, 493, 874
- Dredge, The late James, C.D1.03 , 241
- Dredger, Rock-Cutting, 83, 211
- Drill-Chuck, for Drills with Parallel Shanks, 99
- Drilling Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Drude, The late Professor Paul, 126
- Dublin Electrically-Operated Slipway, 162
- Ductile Materials, Strength and Behaviour of, under Combined Stress, 248
- Duff Power-Gas Plant, Madrid, 809
- Dunstable as a Manufacturing Centre, 359
- Dust Problem and Waterproof Roads, 248
- Dust on Roads, Suppression of, by Oil-Sprinkling, 51
- Dust and Smoke, Removal of, from Chimney Gases, 220
- Dyes, Aniline ; the Jubilee of the Industry, 149
- Dynamic Isomerism, 310
- Dynamometer for Small Motors, 877
- Dynamos. See Dynamos and Alternators, under Electric
- Earth, Constitution of Interior of, 433
- Earth, The Radioactivity and Internal Structure of, 216
- Earthquake, Valparaiso, 260
- East Indies, Chemical Research in Dutch, 309
- Eclipses, Solar, Spectroscopic Observations of, 280
- Economic Science and Statistics, 339
- Economic Theory and Proposals for a Legal Minimum Wage, 342
- Economics of British Railways, 258, 384, 391
- Economics of Civil Engineering, 735, 741
- Edinburgh Water Supply, 782
- Education, Engineering, at Cambridge, 585, 650
- Education, Technical, in America, 672
- Education, Vulcan Fellowship in, 671
- Effect of Copper on Steel, 101
- Efficiency of Boiler Plant, 666, 761, 765
- Efficiency of Steam-Turbine, 743, 778. See also Turbines, Steam
- Efficiency of Turbine Air-Compressors, 738
- Efficiency of Turbo - Compressors, 669. See LETTERS, 600, 640, and Air-Compressors
- Elasticity, Mathematical Theory of, 566
Electric :
- Accumulator, Nickel-Iron, 89
- Air-Brake Dynamometer for Small Motors, 877
- Alternator, Self-Exciting Compounded, 845
- Birmingham, New Generating Station at, 498
8 Calorimeters, Platinum Resistance, 359
- Centrifugal Acceleration and Electromotive Force, 466
- Chlorine and Bleach, Electrolytic, 633
- Cranes, Gantry, at Belfast, 117
- Discharge in Air and its Applications, 312
- Electron Theory and Centrifugal Acceleration, 466
- Furnace, Applications of Electric, to Manu facture of Iron and Steel, 779
- Furnace, Kjellin Steel, 147, 240
- Gas-Driven Power Station at Madrid, 809 Ignition of Petrol-Engine, Tests of, 856 Kerr Effect and Electro-Optics,,The, 325, 729 Lamps, Glow, 243
- Lift, Passenger, for the Bakerloo Railway, 380 London County Council Electric Power Bill, 20, 60, 601, 636, 804, 808
- Magnetic Methods of Testing Metals, 666 Mines, Protection of Electrical Apparatus in Fiery, 88
- Niagara, Municipal Power Scheme at, 229 Nitrogen, Fixation of Atmospheric, 21 Physical Society's Exhibition, Testing and
- Measuring Instruments at the, 840
- Points and Signals at Didcot, Great Western Railway, 554, 588
- Power Bills in Parliament, 20, 504 601, 636, 804, 808
- Power for the Rand, 765, 797, 844
- Power Station, Hydro-Electric, at Troll-hattab, Sweden, 294
- Power Supply of London, 20, 60, 601, 636, 804, 808
- Primers for Students, The " Electrician," E80
- Radiotelegraphy and the Telefunken System, 788, 827, 853
- Radiotelegraphy by Continuous Electrical Oscillations, 734
- Radiotelegraphic Convention, International, 462, 529, 635, 666, 839
- Radiotelegraphy, Manual of, 785
- Railway Commission of St. Louis Exhibition, Tests of the, 229, 293
- Railway, Great Northern, Piccadilly, and Brompton Tube, 809
- Rheostat, Water, 291
- Simplon Tunnel, Locomotive and Equipment for, 683
- Single-Phase. See Traction
- Slipway, Electrically-Operated, at Dublin, 182
- Target, Peter's Self-Registering, 221
- Telegraph Company, The Great Northern, 316
- Telegraph. See also Radtoteleqraphy Telegraph, Submarine, Enterprise, 234, 885 Telegraphy in Alaska, 680
- Telephone Sale, The Glasgow, 52
- Telpher for Conveying Coal, 44
- Tests of Telegraph Poles, 234
- Traction, Single-Phase, 243, 573, 746
- Train-Lighting, Vickers-Hal) System of, 811
- Turbo - Alternator, 1500 - Kilowatt Winans-Dick Kerr, for Islington Power-Station, 501
- Turbo-Alternators, Efficiency of, 744 Units and Standards,-699
- Valve, A New Type of Electric, 21
- Electrical and Chemical Changes Induced by Ultra-Violet Light, 276
- Electrical Discharge in Air and its Application, 312
- Electrical Engineers, Meeting with Kindred Institution, 52
- Electrical Standards Committee ; Report, 276
- " Electrician " Primers, 580
- Electro-Chemistry, 69. See British Association
- Electro-Optics, A Fundamental Question in, 326, 729
- Electro-Positive Coatings for the Protection of Iron and Steel, 247
- Electrolytic Chlorine and Bleach, 533
- Elements, The Evolution of the, 213
- Elevators. See also Hoists
- Ellis, The late Mr John Devonshire, 667 Embankments, Ferro-Concrete Marine, 519
- Emden Harbour, Cargo-Handling Machinery at, 253
- "Empire" Hardening and Crucible Furnaces, 416
- Employers' Liability Act in Belgium, /69. See also Workmen's Compensation and Legal
- "Empress of Britain," Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Twin-Screw Steamer, 95
- Einsworth Sewerage Competition, 534
- Emulsification of Oil in Turbine Bearings, 94
- End-Thrust, Steam-Turbine, 421, 455, 500, 534
- Enfield Motor-Car, 697
- Engines, Agricultural, and Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Engines, Balancing of, Experiments Illustrating, 237, 215
- Engines, Blast-Furnace Blowing, Development of, 162, 440
- Engines, Blast-Furnace Gas, Design of, in Belgium, 111, 129
- Engines, Blast-Furnace Gas. See LETTERS Engines, Blowing, Driven by Gas-Engine, 612 Engines ; Breakdowns in 1905, 494 Engine-Building Up to Date, 593
- Engine, Compound Tandem, and Centrifugal Pump, lt15
- Engine, Gas, 100-Brake-Horse-Power Ruston Suction, 835
- Engine, Gas, 350-Horse-Power Single-Cylinder, 609
- Engines, Gas, Built in Great Britain, 111, 127 Engines, Gas, Construction of Large, 609 Engines, Ga4, German Regulations for Testing, 864
- Engines Gas, Application of Large, in German Iron and Steel Industries, 111, 132
- Engines, Gas, at Madrid Power-station, 809 Engines, Gas, Measurement of Friction in, 60 Engines, Gas, Some Large Continental, 10 Engines, Gas, Stuffing-Box, Bearings, Valve Gear and Ignition for, 609
- Engines, Gas, Thermal Efficiency of, 612
- Engines of H.M.S. " Africa ;" Forced-Lubrication System, 12
- Engines of Historical Interest, 91, 199
- Engines, Internal-Combustion. See Engines, Gas ; Engines, Oil ; and Motor
- Engines, Locomotive See Locomotives
- Engines, Oil, for Marine Purposes, 463
- Engines, Petrol, Power and Size of, 53
- Engines, Petrol. See Motor-Cars and Motor-Launches
- Engine, Petrol, Tests of a, 856
- Engine, Pumping, for Burma, 384
- Engines, Pumping, at Portsmouth Dockyard, 607
- Engine, Pumping, for South Africa, 286
- Engine, Pumping. See also Pumps
- Engine-Room Artificers and Stoker Mechanician, 55, 593
- Engines, Rotary, versus Reciprocating, 455 Engines. See also Motor-Cars and Motor-Boats Engines, Steam, for Steam-Wagon, 793
- Engines, Steam, at the Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Engines, Suction-Gas Trials at Derby, 805. See LETTERS
- Engine, Three Cylinder Vertical, for Tyre-Mills, 349
- Engine, Triple-Expansion Pumping, for South Africa, 286
- Engine, Winding, Duplex Tandem, 80
- Engineer as a Civiliser, 633, 643
- Engineers and Contractors, 705. See LETTERS Engineers, Education. See Education and Training
- Engineer Sub-Lieutenants for Temporary Service in the Royal Navy, 738. See 55, 593 Engineers, Institutions of. See Civil Engineers,
- Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers
- Naval Architects, Iron and Steel Institute, Physical Society, and Society of Arts
- Engineers, Mining. See Iron and Steel Institute Engineers, Naval, 55, 251
- Engineers, Naval, and Admiralty, 23, 500, 534
- Engineers, Naval, and Marine, 602
- Engineers in the Navy. See LETTERS
- Engineering Apprentices, Evening Study by, 533, 715, 797, 865
- Engineering Cases, American and Colonial, 195
- Engineering, Civil, Economics of, 735, 741
- Engineering Laboratories, Cambridge, 650
- Engineering Laboratories, Edinburgh, 220
- Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Olympia, Machine-Tools at, 358, 394, 409, 449, 471, 477, 517 See Machine - Tools and ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Engineering Practice, British, Standardisation in, 207, 208, 220
- Engineering School of Cambridge University, 585, 650
- Engineering Work in Warfare, 636
- Entropy Diagram for Steam-Turbines, 512, 516
- Equatorial Twin telescope at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, 819
- Equipment of Fire Brigade. See Fire-Service in ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Equipment, Mechanical, of Collieries, 551, 571
- Ergot Alkaloids, 310
- Erosion of Coasts in the British Isles, 312
- Esser Barratt Repeating Rifle, 641
- Etching of Metals for Micro-Photography, 654
- Evans, C. J., on the Calibration of Fuel Calorimeters, 295
- Evening Study by Engineering Apprentices, 633, 715, 797, 865
- Evolution of the Elements, 213
- Ewing, Professor J. A.; Internal Structure of Metals, 203
- Excavation of Rocks under Water, 211. See 83
- Exhibition, Brewers', at Islington, 564
- Exhibition, Cycle, at Islington, 733
- Exhibition, Engineering and Machinery, Olympia, Machine-Tools at, 358, 394, 409, 449, 471, 477, 517. See Machine-Tools and ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Exhibition, Milan. See Milan Exhibition.
- Exhibition of Motor-Cars at Olympia, 623, 626, 627, 637, 661, 692. 721
- Exhibition, Paris Automobile, 806
- Exhibition of the Physical Society, 840
- Exhibition, The Printing, Stationery, and Allied Trades, 90
- Exhibition, Proposed Scandinavian, in Copenhagen, 196
- Exhibition, Scandinavian, in 1912, 358
- Exhibition, Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Expenditure and National Revenue, 461.
- Experimental Work at the Reichsanstalt, 295
- Explosions, Boiler. See.Boder Explosions
- Explosion in Courrieres Coal-Mine, 562
- Explosion of Thermal Storage Tank at Greenwich, 878
- Explosive Mixtures of Coal-Gas and Air, 142
- Explosives and Guns, Treatise on, 579
- Explosives, Testing of, 809
- Exports. See Trade
- Exposition. See Exhibition.
- Express Trains, Peril of, 693
- Eye Bars, Stresses in, 124
- Facing-Machine. See Machine-Tools
- Factories, Government ye 8U8 Private, 731
- Factories, Power Suppl% to, 497
- Factory Law Cases. See Legal
- Failure of Ferro-Concrete Building. See Ferro-Concrete
- Failures of Power-Generating Plant, 494
- Falmouth Observatory, Magnetic Observations, 280
- Fan, 36-In. Keith-Blackman, 471
- Fans, Turbo, 744. See LETTERS, 600, 669, 735 733. See also Air-Compressors
- Fares, Cheap, for Workmen in Belgium, 310
- Fast Cutting. See Tool Steel
- Fatigue, Metal. See also Micro Photographs
- Fatigue of Steel, Micrographic Study of, 842
- Faults of Design, 634
- Feed-Water Heating by Live Steam, 665
- Feed- =Water Meter, 413
- Feed-Water, Oil-Separator and Water Softener, 834
- Ferro-Alloys Made by Electric Furnace, 780
- Ferro-Concrete Buildings, Failure of. 461, 700
- Ferro-Concrete Chimney, Failure of, 700
- Ferro-Concrete Coal Wharf at Rochester, e53
- Ferro-Concrete, Durability of Iron in, 876
- Ferro-Concrete and Fire Protection, 59
- Ferro-Concrete Floor, Fire Test of, 262
- Ferro-Concrete, Hard and Mild Steel in, 25a
- Ferro-Concrete, Reliability of, 464, 700
- Ferro-Concrete Sea Defences, 519
- Ferro-Concrete, Strength of, 655
- Ferro-Concrete Warehouse Burnt at Dundee, 221
- Ferro-Concrete Workshops at Toronto, 862
- Ferry, Channel, Train - Carrying Steamer for, 757
- Files and Cutlery, Manufacture of, 563
- Films, Thin Liquid, Photographs of, 276
- Filter for Oil. See Oil-Separator
- Filters, Shallow, with Fine Particles, Nitrification of Sewage in, 312
- Fire-Boat, Twin-Screw Petrol, 331
- Fire-Box Stays, Flexible, 360
- Fire-Detector, The Leslie Walker, 775
- Fire, Dundee Warehouse, 221
- Fire-Engines, 108, 337, 512. See Fire-Service,
- Continental kunder ILLUSTRATED INDEx)
- Fire Prevention. See Mire Service
- Fire Protection and Ferro-concrete, 59, 262
- Fire Service, Continental, 1n8, 337, 512. For details, see ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Fire Tests of Concrete Floors, 262. See 59
- Fishguard and Rosslare Service, Turbine Steamers for, 106
- Fleet, Naval. See Warships
- Flexible Elastic Coupling, 506
- Flight, Artificial, 696, 792
- Floating Dock for Submarine-Boats, 57
- Flooring, Weight of Crowds on, 676
- Flour-Mills, Messrs. J. Rank and Co., Limited, Atlantic, 182
- Flue-Recording, Draught Gauge for, 413
- Flying- Machine, " Antoinette " Motor for, 696
- Flying-Machines, 792
- Force Diagrams for Framed Structures, 276
- Foreign and American Rail Specifications, 115, 170, 209, 238
- Forts, The Construction of Temporary, 636
- Foundations of Nile Bridge at Cairo, 483
- Foundations of Victoria Station, London, 35
- Foundry Pig Iron, Grading of, n49
- Fowler, H., on Lighting of Railway Premises,
- Indoor and Outdoor, 826, 847, 881
- Fracture of Fatigued Steel, Micro-Photographic Study of, 842
- Fracture of Iron and Steel, 220
- Freezing Temperature of Water in Sealed Tubes, 312
- Freight Traffic Working, Some Principles of, 341
- French Colliery ; Pit-Head Plant, 233
- French Locomotive. See Locomotives
- French Miners' Pensions and State Intervention, 838
- French Naval Manoeuvres, 604
- French Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Claymore," 469
- Friction in Gas-Engines, Measurement of, 60
- Friction of Lubricated Surfaces, 655
- Friction of Oils and BOarings, Tests at Cooper's Hill College, 594
- Friction, Singular Effect of, 605
- Fuel Calorimeters, Calibration of, 205
- Fuel, Liquid, Calorimeter for, 404
- Fuel, Liquid, for Steam-Raising, 0, 709
- Furnace, Blast, Blowing-Engines, Development of, 162, 440
- Furnaces, Blast, and the Gas- Producer, 406
- Furnaces, Blast, in Germany and Sweden, 497
- Furnace, Electric, for Iron and Steel Manufacture, 7'79
- Furnace, Gas, for Hardening, 416
- Furnaces, Heating, for Railway Tyre Works, 520
- Furnace, Kjellin, Electric Steel, 147, 240
- Furnaces, Metallurgical, Pyrometers for, 92
- "Gadfly,", H.M. Coastal Destroyer, 465
- Gantry Cranes, Electric, 117
- Garbage Orematories in America, 860
- Gas, Blast-Furnace, for Power, 764
- Gas-Cleaning, Notes on, 111, 127
- Gas, Coal, and Air, Explosive Mixtures of, 142
- Gas-Engine Design, Blast-Furnace, in Belgium, 111, 129. See also PARAGRAPIIS, 183
- Gas-Engines, Large, Application of, in German
- Iron and Steel Industries, 111, 132
- Gas-Engines, Large, Built in Great Britain, 111, 127
- Gas-Engines. See Engines, Gas
- Gas for Light, Heat, and Power Production, 245
- Gas, Natural, at Balakhany, 317
- Gas, Natural, under Steam-Boilers, 507
- Gas-Plants, Suction, 205, 248, 805, 813, 865
- Gas-Producer. See also Producer and Suction
- Gas-Producers, 91
- Gas-Producers in Iron Blast-Furnace Practice, 116, 406
- Gas-Retort, Vertical, 292
- Gas Schemes in Parliament, 809
- Gas Trials, Suction, R. A.S. E., Derby, 805, 843, 865
- Gaseous Ozone, Nearly Pure, Researches on, 276
- Gases, Blast-Furnace, 764, 798
- Gases, Chimney, Removal of Smoke and Dust from, 220
- Gases, Constants for, 75
- Gases, Industrial, Optical Analysis of, 394
- Generators, Gas. See Producer Gas and Suction and Gas
- Geodetic Arcs, Proposed Remeasurement of British, 281
- Geology of Interior of Earth, 433
- German Fire - Brigade Appliances. See Fire
- Service, Continental, under ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- German Regulations for Gas-Engine Tests, 861
- German Shipping, Expansion of, 466
- Germany and Sweden, Blast-Furnace Problem in, 497
- German Testing Institutions, Work of, in 1905, 873
- Girder Work for Roof of Victoria Station, London, 139, 242, 379
- Girders. See Bridges and Roofs
- Girders, Stress Diagrams for, 275
- Gland Packing, 568
- Glasgow Association of Students Inst. C.E ; Presidential Address (D. A. Matheson), 735, 741
- Glasgow Telephone Sale, 52
- Glass of Low Resistivity, 276
- Glasses, Physical Properties of, 195
- Glow-Lamps, 243
- Gold Reserve, 340
- Gold in the Solid State, Crystallisation of, 312
- Goodman, Professor John, on the Strength and Elasticity of White Metal, 376
- Goods Carried at Owners' Risk, 98
- Goods-Traffic Working, Some Principles of, 341
- Government versus Private Factories, 731
- Governor for De Laval Steam-Turbine' 313
- Grantham, Railway Accident at, 431, 534, 593, 736, 876. See Vacuum Brake. See LETTER, 593
- Graphite and Silicon, Influence of, on Open Hearth Process, 370
- Graving Dock at Colombo Harbour, 750
- Great Northern, Piccadilly, and Brompton Railway, 809
- Great Northern Telegraph Company, 316
- Great Western Railway ; Electrically-Operated Points and Signals, 554, 588
- Grenfell, The late Captain Hubert H., 421
- Grimsby Dock, Lowering the Sill of, 83
- Grinding Files and Cutlery, 563
- Grinding-Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Grout, Cement, used in Sinking Shafts, 605
- Guest, Keen, and Nettlefold's Works, Cardiff, 170
- Guildford Storm of August 2, 1906, 844
- Gums and Rubber, Chemistry of, 309
- Gunboats. See Warships
- Gun Trials of H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 567. See 462
- Guns and Explosives, Treatise on, 579
- Guns, Field, Controlled Recoil of, 487
- Guns of H.M.S. "Dreadnought," 462
- Guns of H.M.S. " Montagu," Salving of, 617
- Guns of Russian Armoured Cruiser Rurik," 656
- Guns. See also Warships
- Halden's Blue-Print Washing-Machine, 640
- Hamburg-American Steamship Company, 466
- Hamburg, The New Central Railway Station at, 840
- Hammer, Steam, Six-Ton, 520
- Hanbury, H. W., on Compound Locomotive for the Northern Railway of France, 488
- Hann, E. M., on Mechanical Equipment of Collieries, 551, 571
- Harbour, Colombo, 750
- Harbour Deepening Machinery, 83, 211
- Harbours, Schemes in Parliament, 772
- Harbour Service Vessel " Wyvern," for Midland Railway Company, 218
- Hardness of Metals; Brinell's Method, 639
- Haslain, S. B , and Riches, T. H., on Railway Motor-Car Traffic, 164, 179, 264, 547
- Haulage, Electrically-Operated, for Slipway, 182
- Heat Treatment of Steel, 227
- Heat-Wave over England, 782
- Hematite Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Hennebique Ferro-Concrete Coal Wharf at Rochester, 659
- Hertzian Wave Telegraphy. See Radiotelegraphy
- High-Speed Tool Steel. See Tool-Steel
- High-Tension Switch-Gear Design, 844
- Highgate Tramway Accident, 606
- Historical Engines, 199
- H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 462, 634, 567, 874 Holland, Ferro-Concrete Sea Defences in, 519
- Holland ; Reclamation of Zuider Zee, 433
- Home Work, Recent Investigations in, 342
- Honigsberg's Solutions in Beam Theory, 566
- Hopwood, T. E., and Riches, T. Hurry, on the Mechanical Appliances used in the Shipping of Coal at Penarth Dock, 152, 163
- Horner, Joseph, on Machine Tools Exhibited at Olympia Exhibition, 391, 409, 449, 477, 617
- House Duty, 340
- House Illuminants, 720. See 826, 847, 831
- Hubert, Professor H., on Design of Blast-Furnace Gas-Engines in Belgium, 111, 129. See also 188
- Hull, Improvements in the Port of, 467
- Hungarian State Railways, 4-Cylinder Compound Locomotive for the, 80
- Hutton, R. S., on the Electric Furnace and its Applications to the Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, 779
- Hydraulic Billet-Shears for Rolling-Mills, 313 Hydraulic Machine-Tools. See Machine-Tools
- Hydraulic Power Plant and Coal-Shipping Appliances at the Alexandra Docks, Newport., 163, 363. See also Coal Shipping
- Hydraulic Press for Railway Tyre Works, 520
- Hydraulic Riveting Plant at Messrs. Beardmore's Works, 221
- Hydraulic Travelling Wharf-Cranes, 492
- Hydro-Aromatic Substances, 309
- Hydro-Electric Power Scheme, Niagara, 229
- Hydro-Electric Power Station at Trollhattan, 291
- Hydrolysis of Sugar, 309
- Hygiene, Mental, and Engineering, 392
- Ice-Breaking Steamer " Lady Grey," 261
- Ice-Making Machine, Carbonic-Anhydride, 73
- Ignition of Petrol Engine, Tests of, 856. See also Motor-Car
- Illumination of Houses, 720. See Lights and Lighting
- Illumination of Railway Premises, 826, 847, 881
- Implements. See Agricultural Show and Smithfield Show hide, The late Mr. W., 191
- Incandescent Mantles, Nature of Radiation from, 217
- Indian Coal Industry, 677
- Indian Railway Economics, 54
- Indian Railway Wagons, Axle Bearings for, 787
- Indicated Horse-Power of Turbine Vessels, 777
- Indicator-Cards Showing Effects of Governing Gas-Engines, 609
- Indicator, Magnetic, of Temperature, 220
- Indogotin, A Method of Determining, 310
- Industrial Conditions at Banbury, 294. See Erratum, 336
- Industrial Conditions at Dunstable, 359
- Industrial Facilities on Teesside, 2, 34
- Industrial Notes, 26, 57, 97, 137, 173, 202, 235, 263, 299, 331, 361, 399, 435, 469, 501, 636, 569, 607, 642, 673, 707, 739, 775, 812, 815, 880
- Industrial Problems, 323. See British Association, Section F.
- Industry. See Trade
- Industry and Training. See Training
- Influence of Silicon and Graphite on the Open-Hearth Process, 147, 370
- Ingots, Steel, Segregation in, 220, 405
- Inhabited House Duty, 340
- Inkstand, The "Napier," 470
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 496
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Glasgow Students, 736 ; Presidential Address, 741
- Institutions, Technical. See Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Naval Architects, Iron and Steel Institute, Physical Society, British Association, and Society of Arts
- Instruments, Electric. See Electric
- Insurance of Labour in Belgium, 769
- Insurance of Workmen. See Workmen's Com-pensation
- Interchangeability. See Standardisation Interest, Rate of ; Influence on Prices, 340
- Internal-Combustion andTines. See Engines, Gas ; Engines, Oil ; Engines, Petrol ; Motor Cars ; and Motor-Launches
- Internal Structure of Metals, 203. See 220, 405, and Micro-Photographs
- Internal Structure and Radioactivity of the Earth, 216
- International Conference on Radiotelegraphy, 462, 629, 635, 666, 839. See Radiotelegraphy
- International Congress for Testing Materials, 565, 637, 654
- International Navigation Congress, St. Petersburg, 442
- Inventions. See Patents
- "Invicta," Ancient Locomotive, 64
- "Iris " Six-Cylinder Motor-Oar (Legros and Knowles), 627
- Iron Blast-Furnace Practice and the Gas-Pro-ducer, 406
- Iron, Composition of. See Micro-Photographs Iron, Corrosion of, in Cinder Concrete, 876
- Iron, Influence of Phosphorus, Manganese, Aluminium, and Silicon on Chill in Cast, 27
- Iron Ores, Fine, and Pyrites Cinders, Nodulising and Desulphurisation of, 502
- Iron and Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete
- Iron under High Pressures, Arc Spectrum of, 178 Iron-Nickel Electric Accumulator, 89
- Iron, Pig, Grading of, 649
- Iron, Pig, Industry in the United States, 21 Iron and Steel Bridges. See Bridges
- Iron and Steel, Fracture of, 220
- Iron and Steel Industry, German, Application of Large Gas-Engines in, 111, 132, 4u6. See BlUst-Furnace Engines
Iron and Steel Institute :
- The Influence of Silicon, Phosphorus, Manganese, and Aluminium on Chill in Cast Iron, by E. Adamson, 27
- The Effect of Copper on Steel, by F. II. Wigham, 101
- Summer Meeting :
- Joint Meeting with the American Institute
- of Mining Engineers, 110, 116, 144
- Visits and Excursions, 111, 116, 147, 148
- President's Reception, 110
- General Meeting, 110
- Foreign Visitors' Welcome, 110
- Bessemer Gold Medal, Presentation to II. M. the King, 111
- Succeeding President, 111
- Ehrenwirth, Professor Josef von, Presentation of Diploma to, 111
- Notes on Large Gas-Engines Built in Great
- Britain, and upon Gas Cleaning, by T. Westgarth, 111, 127
- The Design of Blast-Furnace Gas-Engines in Belgium, by Professor H. Hubert, 111, 129.
- See also PARAGRAPHS, 188
- The Application of Large Gas-Engines in the
- German Iron and Steel Industries, by R. Reinhardt, 111, 132
- Address of President of American Institute of Mining Engineers, 112
- A Comparison of American and Foreign Rail Specifications, by A. L. Colby, 115, 170, 209, 238
- Gas-Producers as an Auxiliary in Iron Blast•
- Furnace Work, by R. H. Lee, 116, 406
- The Development of the Roe Puddling Process, by J. P. Roe, 145, 637
- Improvements in the Rolling of Iron and Steel, by J. E. York, 147, 401
- Concluding Proceedings, 147
- Windsor Excursion, 147
- Reception by His Majesty the King, 147 Annual Dinner, 148
- Tempering and Cutting Tests of High-Speed Steels, by Professor H. C. H. Carpenter, 147, 300
- Different Modes of Blast Refrigeration, and their Power Requirements, by J. E. Johnson, Jun., 147, 332
- The Influence of Silicon and Graphite on the Open-Hearth -Process, by A. 'S. Thomas, 147, 370
- The Nodulising and Desulphurisation of Fine Iron Ores and Pyrites Cinders, by A. L. Colby, 147, 502
- The Kjellin Electric Steel Furnace, by E. C. Ibbotson, 147, 240
- Iron and Steel, International Specifications for Testing, 637
- Iron and Steel, Protection of, by Electro-Positive Coatings, 247
- Iron and Steel, Rolling, Improvements in, 147, 401 Iron and Steel, Use of Electric Furnace in Manufacturing, 779
- Ironclad. See Warships
- Iron Trade in Belgium, 565
- Islington Power-Station, 1500-Kilowatt Steam• Turbine for, 601
- Isomerism, Dynamic, 310
- Italian Exhibition. See Milan Exhibition
- James and Browne Motor-Car, 693
- Japan, Financial and Economic Annual, 91
- Japan, Industrial Development of, 680
- Japan, Steel-Making in, 126
- Japan, Tourist Facilities in, 197
- Japan Year-Book, 877
- Japanese Battleship " Mikasa," Salvage of, 393
- Japanese Cotton Industry, 454
- Japanese Naval Base in Korea, 358
- Japanese Naval Programme, 433
- Japanese Railway Construction, 21
- Japanese Railway Tyre Works, 520
- Japanese Railways, 327
- Japanese Shipbuilding, 486
- Japanese Trade in 1905, 316
- Japanese Trade with China, 532
- Japanese Tutelage of • China, 566
- Japanese War Finance, 465
- Japan's Mercantile Marine, 490
- Jenkin, C. F., on The Advent of Single-Phase Electric Traction, 243, 573. See also 746
- Jetty at Colombo Harbour, 750
- Johnson, J. E., Jun., on Different Modes of Blast Refrigeration and their Power Requirements, 147, 332
- Jubilee of Aniline Colour Industry, 149
- Kalamazoo Pressed-Steel Car-Wheel, 435. See Erratum, 704
- Kennedy, Sir A. B. W., Presidential Address at Institution of Civil Engineers, 633, 643. See
- LiirrEas, " Engineers and Contractors"
- Kerr Effect and kAectro-Optics, 325, 729
- Kiel Canal, 294
- King's Navy. See Warships
- Kites, Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere by Means of, 280
- Kjellin Electric Steel Furnace, 147, 240
- Korea, Financial Reforms in, 231
- Korea, Naval Base in,(358
- Korea, Trade of, 360
- Krauss, The late George Von, 662
- Laboratories at Cambridge University, 585, 650
- Labour, Claims of, 599
- Labour Exchange and the Unemployed Problem, 342
- Labour Legislation in Trade Disputes, 767
- Labour Legislation. See Trade Disputes Bill, Workmen's Compensation, and Legal
- Labour, Papers on, 344. See British Association, Section F.
- Labour Problems, 323
- Lakhovsky Screw-Bolt, 398
- Lamps, Electric Glow, 243
- Lamps. See also Electric
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Rail Motor Car for, 591
- Lanchester Motor-Car, 694
- Land Boilers. See Boilers
- Lapper for Tow, The Braidwater, 330
- Lasche, 0., on the A.E.G. Steam-Turbine, 675
- Launch of Cunard Liner " Mauretania," 420. See 349, 384
- Launch of MM. Battleship " Lord Nelson," 328
- Launches, Motors. See Motor-Launches
- Launches and Trial Trips, 15, 63, 102, 138, 174, 199, 233, 262, 285, 336, 369, 404, 442, 471, 505, 542
- Launch of White Star Liner " Adriatic," 384
- Law of Tramways and Light Railways, 91, 242
- Lead, Impact Tests of, 638
- Lead-Mining in Yorkshire, 342
- Lecture-Table Testing-Machine, 247
- Lee, R. H., on "The Gas-Producer as an Auxiliary in Iron Blast-Furnace Practice," 116, 406
Legal :
- Amalgamated Society of Tailors' Libel Case, 8
- American and Colonial Engineering Cases, 195
- Anti-Boycott Decision in America, 425
- Benefit Side of Trade-Unions, The, 228
- Commissions, Law Relating to, 78, 373
- Covenants Restricting Trade Rivalry, 697
- Effect and Construction of Contracts, 479
- Goods at Owners' Risk, 98
- Important Cases of the Year, 528
- Latent Defects in Machinery, 605
- Law of Master and Servant, The, 61, 836
- Machinery and Rating, 500
- Motor-Buses and the Law of Rating, 355
- Motor-Car Drivers and the Law of Negligence 672
- Prevention of Corruption, 121
- Railways, Light, and Tramway Law, 242
- Restrictive Legislation, 392
- Shipping Competition and Legislation, 561
- Trade Disputes Bill, The, 251, 767
- Tube Railways and the Law of Compensation, 700
- Ward and Locke versus the National Society of Operative Printers' Assistants, 173
- West Riding Case, 813
- Workmen's Claims, 599
- Workman's Compensation in Belgium, 769 Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability Act, 468
- Workmen's Compensation Act in the House of Lords, 842
- Legislation, Restrictive, on Motor-Cars, 392
- Legislation. See also Parliament and Legal Legislation and Shipping Competition,561
- Leitner-Lucas Train-Lighting Apparatus, Tests of, 520
- Lentz Reversing Gear for Locomotives, 832
- Lentz Valve for Four-Cylinder Compound Locomotive, 720
- Leslie-Walker Fire-Detector, 775
- Letters to the Editor, 23, 65, 94, 199, 234, 260, 285, 317, 421, 455, 500, 534, 668, 576, 593, 640, 705, 738, 764, 797
- Lifts, Passenger, for the Bakerloo Railway, 380
- Lifts. See also Hoists
- Light, Manufacture of, 344
- Light, Polarised, for Testing Beams, 566
- Light, Pressure of, 250
- Light Railways and Tramways Law, 242
- Light, Ultra-Violet, Induction of Electrical and Chemical Changes by, 276
- Lighting Apparatus for Trains, Tests of the Leitner-Lucas, 520
- Lighting, Electric. See Electric
- Lighting of Houses, 720
- Lighting of Oxford-Street, 773
- Lighting of Railway Premises, 826, 847, 881
- Lighting of Railway Trains on the Leitner-Lucas System, 520
- Lighting of Trains on the Vickers-Hall System, 811
- Lightship Tender Steamer " Carnarvon," 555
- Limestone-Concrete Aqueduct, Repairing of, 782
- Liners, Large Atlantic, 384
- Link Motions, Newman's Apparatus for the Study of, 861
- Liquid-Air Plant at Battersea, 161
- Liquid Air, Production of, 199, 234, 285, 317
- Liquids, Effect of, in Stopping Projectiles, 91
- Liquid Films, Thin, Photographs of, 276
- Liquid Fuel Calorimeters, 404
- Liquid Fuel for Steam-Raising, 69, 709
- Literature, 68, 105, 242, 373, 466, 475, 516, 579, 763, 785, 836, 861, 876
- Lloyd's Record of Shipping Losses, 259. See also Shipbuilding and Shipping
- Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 54, 497
- Load, Artificial, for Electrical Generators, 291
- Local Authorities. See Municipal
- Locomotive, Balanced Regulator Valve for, 568. See LETTERS
- Locomotive, Bodiner's Balanced, 814
- Locomotive Boiler, the Robert Water-Tube, 251
- Locomotive, Compound, Six-Coupled, 463
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound Express, for Austrian Railways, 798
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound Express,
- for the Northern Railway of France, 488
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound, for Hungarian State Railways, 80
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound, with Lentz Valve, 720
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound, Rack Adhesion, for Benguella Railway, 201
- Locomotive, Four - Cylinder Compound, Six-Coupled, for Austrian Railways, 673
- L000motive, Four-Cylinder Compound, Six-Coupled ; Breda Engineering Company, Milan, 423, 457
- Locomotive, Four - Cylinder Compound, Ten-Coupled, for the Austrian Railways, 556
- Locomotive, Goods, for Caledonian Railway, 299
- Locomotive, " Invicta," 64
- Locomotive, Narrow-Gauge, at Milan Exhibition, 632
- Locomotives, Road, at Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Locomotive, Six-Coupled Passenger, for Caledonian Railway, 739
- Locomotive, Six-Coupled Tank, with Lentz Reversing Gear, 832
- Locomotive Steam-Superheater, The " Schenectady," 43
- Locomotive Tender for Austrian State Railways, 799
- Locomotive, Three-Phase Electric, for Simplon Tunnel, 683
- Locomotive Tyres and Fire-Box Stays, 350
- Locomotive, Vauclain Balanced Compound, for Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, 385
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway ; Roof of Victoria Station, London, 35, 139, 242, 379, 448
- London County Council Electric Power Bill, 20, 50, 601, 636, 804, 808
- London County Council and the Motor-Bus, 837
- London County Council ; Results of Municipal Trading, 160
- London County Council. See also Municipal London County Council Tramways, 126, 197, 532
- London Electric Power Bills Before Parliament, 20, 60, 601, 636, 804, 808
- London Port ; Proposed Ocean Wharf, 842
- London and South-Western Railway ; Pneumatimcally-Operated Points and Signals, 417 London Traffic, Report of Royal Commission on, 18
- London Water Supply, 193, 500, 636
- Longridge Gas Works Boiler Explosion, 62
- "Lord Nelson," H.M. Battleship, 328
- Lorries. See Motor-Oars and Mfitor-Wagons
- Louisiana Purchase Exposition ; Report of the Electric Railway Commission, 229, 293
- Lubrication, Forced, in Engines of H.M.S. "Africa," 12
- Lubrication and Oils, 655
- Lubrication of Railway Axle-Boxes, 787
- Lubrication Testing-Machine at Cooper's Hill College, 594
- Lunar Radiation, Measurement of, 2E0
- Macaulay, J., on Coal-Shipping Appliances and Hydraulic Plant at the Alexandra Docks and Railway, Newport, 163, 363
Machine-Tools :
- Band-Saw for Ripping Deck-Planks ; A. Ransome and Co., Limited, Newark, 623
- Barbette Facing-Machine ; Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow, 555
- Bevel-Gear Planing Machine, Bilgram (Neil and Co., London), 449
- Bevel Gear Planing-Machine Oerlikon Automatic (C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co.), 477
- Borino. and turning Mill, Vertical (The Deutsche Niles - Werkzeugmaschinen Fabrik, Berlin), 60
- Chuck for Drills with Parallel Shanks, 99
- Drilling-Machine, Vertical 25-In. Sliding
- Head (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 477
- Gear-Generating Machine, Biernatzki ; C.
- Churchill and Co.1 Limited, London, 410
Gear-Hobbing Machines (John Holroyd and Co., Limited, Rochdale), 395
- Gear Robbing-Machine, Automatic ; Schuchardt and Schutte, Lond m, 394
- Grinder, " Heald" Cylinder (C. Churchill and Co. Limited, London), 409
- Grinder, " Heald" Piston•Ring (C. Churchill and Co.' Limited, London), 409
- Grinder, Schmaltz Automatic Twist-Drill (The Agenoria Company, London), 403
- Grinding-Machine, Air•Driven ; The Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited, London, 399 •
Grinding-Machine, Cock (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 477
- Grinding Machine, Norton (Ludw. Loewe and Co. Limited, London), 411
- Grinding - Machine, Shear-Blade (A. Ransome and Co., Limited, Newark), 866
- Grinding - Machine, Square - Hole (Burton, Griffiths, and Co., London), 399
- Lathe, Backing-Off ; Ludg. Loewe and Co., Limited, London, 410
- Lathe, Bogert Crankshaft (Schuchardt and Sohutte, London), 449
- Lathe, Engine, Lodge and Shipley, with Patent Head (C. W. Burton, Griffiths, and Co., London), 410
- Lathe, High-Speed 8i-In. (John Stirk and Sons, Halifax), 394
- Lathe, Pittler Turret (C. W. Burton, Griffiths, and Co., London), 453
- Lathe, Railway-Wheel (Messrs. P. R. Jackson and Co., Manchester, 520
- Lathe, Ring-Turret (C. W. Burton, Griffiths, and Co., London), 449
- Lathe for Turning Test-Pieces (John Holroyd and Co., Limited, Rochdale), 394
- Machine Vice, Universal (Schuchardt and Sohutte), 477
- Milling-Cutter Sharpener, Schmaltz Automatic (The Agenoria Company, London), 409
- Milling - Machine, Cam (Schuchardt and Schutte, London), 449
- Milling-Machine, Circular (John Holroyd and Co., Limited, Rochdale), 449
- Pin and Stud-Making Machine (Ludw. Loewe and Co., London), 517
- Pipe-Bending Machine, Kennedy (.1. Barker and Co., Limited), 477
- Planing Machine, Pneumatic Deck- (The
- Howard Pneumatic Tool Company), 477
- Riveting-Machine, Hydraulic (Crow, Harvey and Co., Glasgow), 221
- Rolls, Horizontal Plate-Bending, at Beard-more's Works (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 560
- Screw-Cutting Machine, " Simplex " (0.
- Churchill and Co., Limited, London), 414
- Screwing Machine, Tube (Joshua Heap and Co., Limited, Ashton-under-Lyne), 517
- Screw-Making Machine, Automatic (Pfeil Lind Co., London), 453
- Screw-Milling Machine (John Holroyd and Co., Limited, Rochdale), 449
- Shaping Machine with Friction Drive (Ludw. Loewe and Co., Limited, London), 411
- Shears, Billet, for Rolling-Mills, 313
- Sleeper Adzing and Boring-Machines, Automatic (A. Ransome and Co., Limited, Newark), 287
- Slot-Drilling Machine (George Richards and Co., Limited, Manchester), 453
- Tooth-Rounding Machine (Schuchardt and Schutte, London), 394
- Wheel Cutting Machine, Spur and Bevel (Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, London). 517
- Wheel-Tooth Rounding-Machine (Pfeil and Co., London), 414
- Machinery, Cotton, Safety Appliances for, 143
- Machinery, Faults of Design in, 634
- Machinery, Latent Defects in, 605
- Machinery for Making and Bottling Beer, 564
- Machinery and Rating, 500
- Madrid, Gas-Driven Power-Station at, 809
- Magazine Rifle, The Esser-Barratt, 641
- Magnetic Metals, Testing of, 566
- Magnetic Observations at Falmouth Observatory, 280
- Magnetism. See Electric and Physical Society
- Malay States, Tin-Mining in, 281
- Management of Purchasing Department in Engineering Works, 376, 446
- Management of Workmen, 429
- Manchester Ship Canal, Subaqueous Rock-Cutting Machinery for, 211
- Manchester Steam-Users' Association Report for 1905, 494
- Manchurian Railways, 269
- Manganese, Aluminium, Silicon, Phosphorus, Influence on Chill in Cast Iron, 27
- Manganese. See Alloys
- Manoeuvres, French Naval, 604
- Manufacture of Cotton, 858
- Manufacture of Light, 344
- Manufacturing Conditions at Banbury, 294.- See Erratum, 336
- Manufacturing Conditions at Dunstable, 359
- Manufacturing Facilities on Tees-aide, 2, 34
- Marconi. See Radiotelegraphy
- Marine Boilers. See Boilers
- Marine Engineering. See Engines, Marine, Naval Architects, Steamers, and Warships
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 496
- Marina Motors. See Motor-Launches
- Marine Steam-Turbine, Development of, 471 Marine Steam-Turbines. See Turbines, Steant
- Marketing of Cotton, 858
- Mass in Chemical Reactions, Constancy of, 622 Masters and Servants' Cases. See Legal Materialpriifungsamt, The Prussian, 873 Materials, Mechanics of, 857
- Materials, Structure of. See also Micro-Photographs and Alloys
- Matheson, Donald A., on Economics of Civil En-gineering, 735, 741
- Matter, Properties of, 785
- Mandalay Motor-Car, 725
- " Mauretania," Cunard Express Turbine-Liner, 345
- " Mauretania," Express Cunarder, Launch of, 420. See 349, 384
- May, The Late F. C., 46
- Measurement of Friction in Gas-Engines, 66 Measurement of Lunar Radiation, 280 Measurement of Steam and Feed Water, 413, 414
- Measurement of Temperature, Optical, 247 Measurements of Osmotic Pressure, 212
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of:
- Summer Meeting, 162, 178
- Reception by Deputy-Lord Mayor, Cardiff, 162, 180
- Visits and Excursions, 179, 180
- Bute Docks, Visit to, 179
- Guest, Keen, and Nettlefold's Works, Visit to, 179
- Penarth Docks, Visit to, 180
- Barry Docks, Visit to, 180
- Annual Dinner, 180
- Atlantic Flour-Mills (J. Rink and Co , Limited), 182
- Bargoed Colliery, Visit to, 182
- Newport, Visit to, 112
- Transporter Bridge, Newport, 182
- Garden Party, 182
- Concert, 182
- Tintern, Visit to, 182
- Ilfracombe, Visit to, 182
- Mechanical Appliances used in the Shipping of Coal at Penarth Dock, by T. Hurry
- Riches and T. E. Hopwood, 152, 163
- The Development of Blast-Furnace Blowing-.
- Engines, by D. E. Roberts, 162, 440
- Mechanical Appliances used in Shipping
- Coal at the Bute Docks, Cardiff, by H. S. C. • Ree. 163, 165
- Coal-Shipping Appliances and Hydraulic
- Power Plant at the Alexandra Docks and
- Railway, Newport, Mon., by J. Macaulay, 163, 363
- The Manufacture of Tin Plates, by R. B. Thomas, 164, 178, 183
- Large Testing-Machines in South Wales, 1829-1906, by T. H. Wicksteed, 164, 178, 189
- Railway Motor-Car Traffic, by T. H. Riches
- and S. B. Haslam, 164, 179, 264, 647 London• Meetings, Winter Session, 1906.7, 547, 688, 753, 822
- Mechanical Equipment of Collieries, by E. M. Hann, 551, 571
- Steam as a Motive Power for Public-Service Vehicles, by T. Clarkson, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Lighting of Railway Premises, Indoor and
- Outdoor, by H. Fowler, 826, 847, 881
- Mechanical Equipment of Collieries, 551, 571
- Mechanicians, Stoker, and Engine-Room Artificers, 55, 593. pee also Naval Engineers
- Mechanics of Materials, 867
- Mechanics, The Teaching of, 246
- Mechanism, Newman's Apparatus for the Study of, 861
- Mental Hygiene and Engineering, 392
- Metals in the Colloidal Form ,1
- Metals, Internal Structure of, 203
- Metal Price Diagrams, 24, 200, 329, 468, 606, 774, 878
- Metals. See Steel, Iron, Tin, Copper, Aluminium, Alloys, and Micro-Photographs
- Metals, Structure of. See also Micro-Photo-graphs
- Metallurgical Nomenclature, 666
- Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Electric Furnace Processes, 779.
- Metallurgical Purposes, Pyrometers for, 92 Meter, The " Sarco," for Feed-Water, 413
- Meter, The " Sarco," for Measuring Steam, 414
Meteorological Society, Royal:
- The Abnormal Weather of the Past Summer and Some of its Effects, by W. Marriott, 782
- International Congress on Polar Exploration, by Dr. H. R. Mili, 782
- The Guildford Storm of August 2, 1906, by Admiral J. P. Maclear, 844
- The Metric System in Meteorology, by R. Inwards, 844
- Metric( System in Meteorology, R44
- Metropolitan and District Railway, 232 Metropolitan. See also London
- Metropolitan Water Supply, 193, 500, 036
- Michel Gradual Application Clutch, 569
- Micrographic Study of Failures by Fatigue, 842 Micro-Photography of Metals, 654. See 842 Micro-Structure of Metals. See Micro-Photographs
- Midland Railway Company's Harbour Service
- Vessel " Wyvern," 248
- " Mikasa," Japanese Battleship, Salvage of, 393
Milan Exhibition :
- Boiler, Robert Water-Tube Locomotive, for the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company, 254
- Carriages, First and Third - Class; Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company, 535
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound, for Hungarian State Railways, 80
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound with Lentz Valves ; Hannoversehe Maschinen-bau A.-G., 720
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound Six Coupled ; Ernesto Breda, Milan, 423, 457
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound Ten.-Coupled ; The Austro-Hungarian State Railway Company, Vienna, 556
- Locomotive, Narrow-Gauge, with Schmidt. Superheater; Krauss and Co., Munich, 632
- Locomotive, Six-Coupled Compound, 463 Locomotive, Six-Coupled Tank, with Lentz
- Reversing Gear (Haunoversche Maschinenbau A.-G., Hanover-Linden), 832
- Railway Motor Carriage for Austrian Rail-ways; F. X. Komarek, Vienna, 319
- Military Operations by Civil Engineers, 636 Mill, Rolling, for Railway Tyres, 520
- Milling Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Mills, Rolling, for Rails and Sections, 401
- Mine Winding-Engine. See Engines, Winding and Colliery
- Minerals. See Railways
- Miners' Pension and French State Intervention, 838. See also Belgian
- Mining Disaster at Courrieres, 562
- Mining Engineers, American Institute of. See Iron and-Steel Institute
- Mining, Lead, in Yorkshire, 342
- Mining Machinery. See also Engines, Colliery, and Electric
- Mining and Railways in China, 768
- Mining of Tin in the Malay States, 281
- Miscellanea, 15, 47, 93, 119, 155, 199, 226, 261,289, 328, 353, 389, 425, 459, 499, 525, 597, 631663, 729, 760, 801, 835, 869
- Moncrieff, The Late Sir Alex., 191
- Mond Gas. See Producers
- " Montagu," Salving of Guns of H.M.S., 617
- Motions, Irregular, of the Earth's Pole, 277
- Motor-Boats, Diesel Oil-Engines for, 463
- Motor-Boat, Shallow-Draught Stern-Wheel, 576
- Motor-Boat, Twin-Screw Petrol, for Fire Service, 831
- Motor-Bus, The, 251, 837. See also Motor Omnibus
- Motor-Bus Design,157, 679
- Motor-Buses and te Law of Rating, 855 Motor-Buses and the Police, 568
- Motor-Buses, Steam, 688, 709, 753, 822 Motor-Car, The Adams, 35-40 Horse-Power Eight-Cylinder, 696
- Motor-Car, Axles for, 623. 626, 627, 697. See 793 Motor-Oar, Brakes for, 623, 661, 690, 723,756. See 709, 793
- Motor-Car, 18,24 H.-P.; The Britannia Engineering Company, Colchester, 725, 763
- Motor-Car, J. W. Brooke and Co., Limited,
- Lowestoft, 725
- Motor-Car, The Brotherhood, 723
- Motor-Car Carburettors, 695, 696, 697, 724, 763
- Motor-Car, Clutch for, 569, 623, 627, 722. See 793
- Motor-Car Differential Gear 623, 626, 724, 766
- Motor-Car Drivers and Law of Negligence, 672
- Motor-Car, The Enfield, 697
- Motor-Cars, Engines for, 623, 626, 627, 661, 698, 697, 722, 730. See 709, 739
- Motor-Car Exhibition, Olympia, 623, 626, 627, 637, 661, 692, 721
- Motor-Car Exhibition at Paris, 806
- Motor-Car, Flexible Elastic Coupling for, 506
- Motor-Cars, Horse-Power of, 53
- Motor-Car, The " Iris " Six-Cylinder (Legros and Knowles), 627
- Motor-Car, James and Browne, 693
- Motor-Car, The Lanchester, 694
- Motor-Car, The Maudslay, 35.45 Horse-Power, 726
- Motor-Car, the Napier, 40-Horse-Power Six-Cylinder, 661
- Motor-Car, New Engine Company, Acton, 626 Motor-Car, 24.30 Horse-Power, The Nordenfelt ;
- British Bariquand and Marre Engine Company, 696
- Motor-Cars at Olympia, 623, 626, 627, 637, 661, 692, 721
- Motor-Car, Rail, for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 591. See 164, 179, 264, 647. See also
- Motor-Carriages
- Motor-Car, Restrictive Legislation on, 392
- Motor-Cars, Scottish Reliability Trials, 161 Motor-Car ; the Sheffield Simplex Motor Works,
- Limited, Sheffield, 723
- Motor-Car Shock-Absorber, 661
- Motor-Car, The Siddeley ; Wolseley Tool and Motor-Car Company, 628
- Motor-Car, The Simms, 696
- Motor-Car, 46-Horse-Power Six-Cylinder Touring ; Thames Iron Works Company, 724 Motor-Car, Six-Cylinder 30-Horse-Power ; the.
- - Standard Motor Company, Coventry, 722 Motor-Car, Speed-Gear for, 623, 661, 697, 723, 724
- Motor-Car ; The Speedwell Motor Company, 725
- Motor-Car, Steam, the " Rexer," 523
- Motor-Car Steering-Gear, 627, 724. See 711, 793
- Motor-Car, The Straker-Squire, 567
- Motor-Car, Tests of Engine for,856
- Motor-Car, The Thornyoroft 30-Horse-Power Six-Cylinder, 696
- Motor-Car Traffic, Railway, 164, 179, 264, 547
- Motor-Car, Valves for, 627, 690, 724, 780, 766, 766. See 793
- Motor-Car The Vauxhall and West Hydraulic Engineering Company, 735
- Motor-Car, Worm Drive for, 626
- Motor-Carriage, Railway. See Motor-Car, Rail, and Motor-Car, Traffic
- Motor-Carriage, Railway, at Milan Exhibition, 319
- Motor-Carriage for Central South African Railway, 107
- Motor-Cycles at the Stanley Show, 733
- Motor-Lorries at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Derby, 6
- Motor-Omnibuses, 251, 568, 837. See also Motor-Bus
- Motor-Omnibus, The Clarkson Steam, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Motor Omnibus; Progress in Design, 157, 579
- Motor-Omnibuses and Police Regulations, 527 Motor-Omnibus, Taxation of, 355
- Motor-Tractor; Smithfield Show, 757
- Motor-Wagons, Steam 5-Ton, 793
- Motor, The " Antoinette," for Aeroplanes, 996
- Motors, Internal-Combustion. See Engines, Oil, Engines, Gas; Motor-Car and Motor-Launches Motor Traffic, Roads for, 356
- Motor, Two-Cycle ; The Motor, Engine, and Manufacturing Company, 697
- Motor Vehicles, Treatise on Design of, 579
- Motor Yacht Club, Reliability Trials, 232
- Moving Loads on Railway Under-Bridges, 307, 449, 619
- Muffle Furnace, The " Empire," 416
- Muller, The Late J. Franz, 119
- Municipal Niagara Power Scheme, 229
- Municipal Schemes in Parliament, 601, 772, 804, 808
- Municipal Telephones at Glasgow, 52
- Municipal Trading. See also London County Council
- Municipal Trading, Some Lessons in, 160
- Municipal Tramway Schemes, The London County Council, 129, 197, 532
- Napier Inkstand, 470
- Napier Motor-Car, 40-Horse-Power, Six-Cylinder, 661
- " Natal," Steam Trials of Armoured Cruiser, 198
- National Physical Laboratory in 1905, 38
- National Physical Laboratory and French Comment, 360
- National Physical Laboratory, Repeated Impact-Testing Machine, 33
- National Revenue and Expenditure, 461
- Natural Gas at Balakhany, 317
- Nature of the Radiation from Incandescent Mantles, 217
- Naval Activity in Sweden, 327
- Naval Bases in Korea, 358
- Naval Boilers. See Boilers
- Naval Construction, New Programme of, 122
- Naval Construction in 1906, 873. See Warships
- Naval Engineers, 55, 251, 593
- Naval Engineers and Admiralty, 23, 500, 534
- Naval Engineers and Admiralty Policy, 51. See LETTERS
- Naval Engineers and Marine Engineers, 602
- Naval Engineers. See Urns, INDEX
- Naval Machinery. See Warships and Engines, Marine
- Naval Mauceuvres, French, 604
- Naval Manoeuvres, Lessons from, 17
- Naval Policy, Admiralty, 738
- Naval Policy and Rapidity of Warship-Building, 427
- Naval Power, Balance of, 735
- Naval Programme, 158
- Naval Programme of Japan, 433
- Naval Retrenchment and Continental Powers, 257
- Naval Strength and Speed of Battleships, 669
- Naval Strength, Standards of, 735, 803
- Navies of the World, The Minor, 324
- Navigation Congress, International, at St. Petersburg, 442
- Navy and the Government,49
- Navy, Submarine Boats in the, 871
- "Nelson," H.M. Battleship, 328
- New Engine Company's Motor-Car, 626
- New South Wales Railways, 603
- New Zealand Railways, 1906, 872
- Newcastle, New High-Level Bridge for the North Eastern Railway Company, 53
- Newman's Kinematic Apparatus for the Study of Mechanism, 861
- Newport, 182, 363
- Newport, Alexandra Docks and Railway, Coal
- Shipping Appliances at, 163, 363
- Newport Transporter Bridge, 182
- Niagara Power Scheme, Municipal, 229
- Nickel and Carbon Steels, 22
- Nickel, Iron and Electric Accumulator, 89
- Nickel Wire, Structural Changes in, at High
- Temperatures, 220, 222
- Nile Bridge at Cairo, 483
- Nitrification of Sewage in Shallow Filters with Fine Particles, 312
- Nitrogen in Air, The Utilisation of, by Plants, 310
- Nitrogen, Atmospheric Fixation of, 21
- Nodulising of Fine Iron Ores and Pyrites Cinders, 502
- Nomenclature, Uniform, in Metallurgy, 666
- Normand, The Late J. Augustin, 806
- North,- Notes from the, 14, 46, 85, 118, 154, 190, 224, 254, 238, 320, 352, 388, 424, 458, 490, 524, 558, 696, 630, 662, 704, 728, 773, 800, 830, 868
- North Sea-Baltic Canal. 294, 672
- Northern Railway of France, Compound Four
- Cylinder Express Locomotive for, 438
- Norway, Water Power in, 231
- Notched Bar Impact Test, 638
- Notes. See Cleveland, North, South-West,
- South Yorkshire, United States, Industrial,
- Legal, and Miscellanea
- Nozzle, Adjustable, for Pelton Water-Wheel, 98
- Obituary : (Moved to separate index)
- Observations, Spectroscopic, of Solar Eclipses, 2,80
- Observatory, Ben Nevis, 281
- Observatory, Royal Greenwich, Effect, of Vibrations on Zenith Distance Observations, 277
- Observatory, Oxford, Equatorial Twin Telescope at, 819
- 04 Emulsification in Turbine Bearings, 91
- Oil-Engines. See Engines, Oil ; Motor-Cars and Motor-Launches
- Oil-Fields of Trinidad, 90
- Oil Fuel for Steam-Raising, 69
- Oil Fuel. See also Fuel, Liquid
- Oil. See also Lubrication
- Oil-Separator and Water-Softener, The Paterson, 834
- Oil-Sprinkling for the Suppression of Road-Dust, 51
- Olympia Engineering and Machinery Exhibi tion, Machine-Tools at, 358, 394, 409, 449, 471, 477, 517. See Machine-Tools
- Olympia Motor-Car Exhibition, 623, 626, 627
- W7, 661, 692, 721.
- Omnibus, Motor, Progress in, 157
- Omnibus, Motor. See also Motor-Bus
- Omnibuses, Motor, 251
- Omnibuses, Motor, and the Law of Rating, 355
- Omnibuses, Motor, and Police Regulations, 726
- Omnibuses, Steam, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Open-Hearth Process, Influence of Graphite and
- Silicon on, 370
- Optical Analysis of Industrial Gases, 394
- Optical Measurement of Temperature, 247
- Opti.s, Electro, A Fundamental Question in, 325, 729
- Ordnance. See Warships and Guns
- Ore. See also 1 ron
- Ores, Sulphide, Concentration oft 260
- Oscillograph for Extra High-Tension-Current, 841
- Osmosis and colloid Substance, 1
- Osmotic Pressure, Measurements of, 212
- Overhead Construction at Simplon Tunnel, 683
- Oxford Observatory, Equatorial Twin Telescope at, 819
- Oxidation in Soils, and its Relation to Productiveness, 312
- Oz,ne, Nearly Pure Gaseous, Researches on, 276
- Packing, 568
- Paint, Balmain's, Decay of Phosphorescence, 275 Paint, Protective Power of, 665
- Palace Theatre, London, Steel Work in, 867 Paris Automobile Exhibition, 806
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company ; Carriages at Milan Exhibition, 535 Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway ; Plate
- Wagon, 2a
- Purls, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company ; " Robert " Water-Tube Locomotive Boiler, 254
- Paris Metropolitan Railway, Construction of, 26 Parliament and the London County Council Tramways, 632
- Parliament and New Naval Construction, 122 Parliament and the Naval Programme, 158. See Naval
- Parliament and the Trade Disputes Bill, 251, 767 Parliament and the Workmen's Compensation Act, 842
- Parliament and the Navy. See also Warships and Engineers in the Navy
- Parliamentary Commission on Canals and Waterways, 582, 716, 875
- Parliamentary ; Government v. Private Factories, 731
- Parliamentary Private Bill Schemes, 601, 701, '733, 772, 804, 808
- Parsons, C. A., and R. J. Walker, on the Development of the Marine Steam-Turbine, 471 Parsons Steam-Turbine. See Turbines, Steam Patent Record, 31, 65, 103, 175, 210, 278, 305, 371, 407, 443, 509, 643, 577, 615, 647, 681, 747, 783, 817, 852, 887
- Patents, Australian, 765
- Patents, Compulsory Working of, 764
- Paterson Oil-Separator and Water-Softener, 834 Pelton Water-Wheel, 98.
- Penarth Docks, 180
- Penarth Dock, Shipping of Coal at, 152, 163. See also 180
- Peruvian Cruisers " Almirante Grau " and " Coronel Bolognesi," 433
- Peters' Self-Registering Electric Target, 221 Petrol-Motors. See Motor-Cars, Motor-Launches, Motor-Buses, Motors, and Engines
- Phoenix Recording Draught-Gauge, 413 Phosphorus, Manganese, Aluminium, and Silicon,
- Influence on Chill in Cast Iron, k7 Photographs, Micro. See Micro•Photographa Photographs of Thin Liquid Films, 276 Photo-Print Washing-Machine, 640
- Physical Properties of Glasses, 195
- Physical Properties of Metal. See Alloys and if iero-Photographa
- Physical Science, Progress in, 177
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 840
- Pier for Proposed Channel Ferry, 755
- Pier Schemes in Parliament, 772
- Pig Iron, Grading of, 649
- Pig-Iron Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams Piling for Foundations of Victoria Station, London, 35
- Pipes, Testing of, 654, 655
- Pipes, Water-Hammer in, 494
- Pit-Head Plant at Bethune Coal-Mines, 235. See also Colliery
- Place, John, on Tin-Mining in the Malay States, 281
- Planing-Machine. See Machine-Tools Plate-Bending Rolls (Craig and Donald), 560 Platinum Resistance Calorimeters, 359 Pneumatic System of Working Railway Points
- and Signals, 417
- Pocket-Books. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Points, Railway, and Signals, Pneumatic opera-tion of, South-Western Railway, 417
- Points and Signals Electrically Operated at
- Didoot, Great Western Railway, 554, 588 Points and Signals, Operation of, by Power, at
- Bethnal Green, 121
- Polar Exploration, International Congress on, 782
- Polarised Light for Testing Beams, 566
- Pole of the Earth, Irregular Motions of, 277 Poles, Telegraph, Tests of, 234
- Police and Motor-Buses,, 527, 668
- Population, Distribution of, by Rapid Transit Facilities, 311
- Port. See Harbour and Docks
- Port of Hull, Improvements in, 467
- Portland Cement Concrete. See Concrete and Ferro-Concrete
- Portland Cement, Manufacture of, 76 Portsmouth Dockyard, Pumping Plant at, 607 Portsmouth Floating Dock, for Submarine Boats, 57
- Positive Charge Carried by the Alpha Particle of Radium 0, 216
- Pottery-Workers, Hand-Book for, 786
- Poulsen's System of Radiotelegraphy, 734 Powell Wood Process, 234
- Power from Blast-Furnace Gas, 764
- Power, Electric, for the Rand, 765, 797, 844 Power, Gas. See Engine, Gas ; Suction-Gas, and Producer-Gas
- Power-Generating Plant Breakdowns in 1905, 494 Power of Motor-Car Engines, 53
- Power Plant, Hydraulic, at Alexandra Docks, Newport, 163, 363
- Power Plants. See also Electric
- Power Station, Gas-Driven Electric, at Madrid, 809
- Power Stations. See also Electric
- Power, Steam as, for Public-Service Vehicles, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Power Supply of London, 20, 50
- Power Supply to Factories, 497
- Power Supply Scheme, London County Council, for London, 20, 50, 601, 636, 804, 808
- Power, Water, in Norway, 231
- Preservation of Timber, 234
- Presidential Addresses, 428. See also Civil Engineers, and Civil Engineers, Glasgow Section Presidential Address, British Association, 177 Presidential Address, Engineering Section,
- British Association, 203
- Presidential Address, Mathematical and Physical
- Science Section, British Association, 177 Press, Hydraulic, for Railway Tyre Works, 520 Pressed-Steel Car-Wheel, The Kalamazoo, 435.
- See Erratum, 704
- Pressure of Light, 250
- Pressure, Osmotic, Measurements of, 212
- Prices, Influence of Rate of Interest on, 340 Principals, Roof, of Victoria Station, London, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Printing Machinery at Agricultural Hall Exhibi-tion, 90
- Private Bill Legislation. See Parliamentary Bills
- Producers, Gas, 94
- Producer-Gas in Blast-Furnace Practice 406
- Producer-Gas Engine. See Engines, Gas, and Gas
- Producers, Gas, in Iron Blast-Furnace Practice, 116, 406
- Producer-Gas at Madrid Power-Station, 809
- Producer, Gas, The Ruston 100-Brake-Horse-Power Suction, 835
- Producer, Suction-Gas, 205, 248
- Producer, Suction Gas, Trials at Derby, 805. See LETTERS
- Production of Liquid Air, 199, 234, 285, 317
- Productiveness of Soil and its Oxidation, 312
- Projected Revel-Novgorod-Moscow Railway, 593
- Projectiles, Loss of Speed, in Liquid, 91
- Propelling Engines. See Engines
- Prospects of Apprentices, 55
- Prussian Materialprafungsamt in 1C05, b73
- Prussian State Railway ; Four-Cylinder Com
- pound Locomotive with Lentz Valves, 720
- Prussic Acid, Production of, by Plants, 309
- Public - Service Vehicles, Steam as a Motive
- Power for, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Puddling Process, Roe, Development of, 145, 537
- Pump, Air-Lift, Tests of, 397
- Pump, Centrifugal, and Compound Tandem Engine, 165
- Pumps, Turbine-Driven, 744
- Pumps, Vacuum, for Laboratory Work, 327
- Pumping-Engine, Triple-Expansion, for South Africa, 286
- Pumping Plant for Burma, 384
- Pumping Plant for Sea Water at Portsmouth Dockyard, 607
- Punohiug as a Testing Method, 566
- Purchase of Stores in Engineering Works, 376, 448
- Pyrites Cinders and Fine Iron Ores, Nodulising and Desulphurisation of, 147, 502
- Pyrometers for Metallurgical Purposes, 92
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Quays. See also Harbours, Docks, and Wharves
- Quebec, Cantilever Bridge, of 1800 ft. Span, 10
- Queensland Railway, 732
- Quick-Firing Guns. See Guns and Warships
- Quick Transit Facilities and Distribution of Population, 341
- Quicksilver. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Rack Railways, Merits of, 858
- Radcliffe Observatory, Equatorial Twin Telescope at, 819
- Radiation from Incandescent Mantles, 217
- Radiation, Lunar, Measurement of, 280
- Radiation Phenomena in Connection with Pyrometry, 247
- Radiation Pyrometry, 247
- Radioactivity and Internal Structure of the Earth, 216
- Radiotelegraphic International Convention, 462, 529, 635, 666, 839
- Radiotelegraphy by Continuous Electrical Oscillations, 734
- Radiotelegraphy and Telefunken System, 783, 827, 863
- Radium C, the Positive Charge carried by the Alpha Particle of, 216
- Radium, Modern Views of, 291
- Rail Joints and Track Construction in Phila-delphia,658
- Rail, Motor-Car. See also Motor-Car, Rail, and Motor-Carriage, Rail, and also ILLUSTRATED INDEX
- Rail Motor-Car, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 691
- Rail Production of the World, 63
- Rail Specifications, American and Foreign ; A Comparison, 116, 170, 209, 238
- Railway Accident on Caledonian Railway, Board of Trade Report on, 534
- Railway Accident, Grantham, 431, 634, 693, 736, 876, 877. See Vacuum Brake. See LETTER, 693
- Railway Accident at Salisbury, 19, 87, 421, 464
- Railway Accident at Tapton Junction,842
- Railways of the Argentine Republic, 85
- Railway, Australian Trans-Continental, 92
- Railway Auto-Car. See Motor-Car, Rail Railway, The Bagdad, 369
- Railways in Canada, 592
- Railways of the Cape Government, 63
- Railway Carriages. See Carriages
- Railway Chairs and Rails, The Lakhovsky Screw-Bolt for, 398
- Railway, The Chapsal-Saillot Air-Brake, 863 Railway Commission of the St. Louis Exhibition, 229, '293
- Railway Companies and Goods at Owner's Risk, 98
- Railways, Comparison of Rack and Adhesion, 368
- Railway Construction in Japan, 21
- Railway Construction in South Africa, 84
- Railway Construction in the United Kingdom, 284
- Railway Cost Statistics, 341
- Railway Development, Canadian, 69, 703
- Railway Economics, British, 258, 381, 391
- Railway Economics, Indian and South American, 64
- Railways, Electric. See also Electric
- Railway, Great Northern, Piccadilly, and Brompton, 809
- Railways in Japan, 327
- Railway Around Lake Baikal, 298
- Railway Locomotive. See Locomotives and Motor Carriages
- Railways in Manchuria, 259
- Railway, Metropolitan and District, 232
- Railways and Mining in China, 768
- Railway Motor-Car Traffic, 164, 179, 264, 547
- Railway Motor-Carriages. See Motor-Carriages Bailways of Natal, 123
- Railways in New South Wales, 603
- Railways of New Zealand, 1906, 872
- Railway, The Paris Metropolitan, and Construction of, 25
- Railway Points and Signals, Electrically-Operated, at Didcot, Great Western Railway, 654, 588 Railway Points and Signals at Bethnal Green, Operation of, by Power, 124
- Railway Points and Signals, Pneumatic Operation of, London and South Western Railway, 417
- Railway Premises, Lighting of, 826, 847, 881
- Railway, Projected Revel-Novgorod Moscow, 593
- Railway Properties, Scotch, 455
- Railways of Queensland, 732
- Railway Returns, British and Foreign, 533
- Railway and Road Bridges. See Bridges
- Railway Rolling Stock. See Carriages, Locomotives, Motor-Carriages, and Wagons
- Railway, Russian. See LETTERS
- Railway Schemes in Parliament, 701, 733, 803
- Railway, Simplon Tunnel, Electric Locomotive and Equipment of, 683
- Railway Sleepers, York's, Transverse Rolled Steel, 746. See also 398
- Railways in South America, 864. See also Rail-ways in Argentina
- Railways, South Australian, Report of Commissioner, 666
- Railway Station, The New Central, at Hamburg,
- Railway Station at Stockholm, 196
- Railway Station at Victoria, 35, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Railway, Street. See Tramway
- Rails, Stresses set up in, by Trains, 651
- Railways in Sweden, 327, 736
- Railway Tickets, Cheap, for Workmen in Belgium, 340
- Railway Traffic, Motor-Car, 164, 179, 224, 647
- Railway-Train Control, The Raymond Phillips System of, 53
- Railway Train-Lighting, The Vickers-Hall System of, 811 ; Leitner-Lucas, 520
- Railway Trains, Peril of, 693
- Railways, Tube, and the Law of Compensation, 700
- Railway-Tyre Machinery, 620
- Railway Under-Bridges, Moving Loads on, 307, 446, 619
- Railway Wagon for Steel Plate ; Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company, 222
- Railway Wagons, Axle-Bearings for, 787
- Rainfall Changes of an Oscillatory Nature, 280
- Rainfall, Note on, 280
- Rainfall, York, 280
- Rand, Electric Power for, 785, 797, 844
- Rank, Messrs. J., and Co., Limited, Atlantic Flour-Mills, 182
- Rapid-Cuttin Steel. See Tool-Steel
- Rapid Transit Facilities and Distribution of Population, 341
- Rapid Warship-Building and Naval Policy, 42/
- Rate of Decay of Phosphorescence of Balmain's Paint, 275
- Rate of Interest, Influence of, on Prices, 840
- Rating of Machinery, 500
- Rating of Motor-Omnibuses, 355
- Raymond Phillips System of Train Control, The, 63
- Reciprocating Engines versus Rotary, 465. See Turbines, Steam
- Reclaiming the Zuyder Zee, 433
- Recoil, Controlled, of Artillery, 487
- Redruth, Boiler Explosion at, 613
- Ree, H. S. C., on Mechanical Appliances Used in Shipping of Coal at the Bute Docks, Cardiff, 163, 165
- Reed, The late Sir E. J., K.O.B F.R.S., 770
- Refloating of the " Mikasa," 393
- Refrigerating Machine, Carbonic Anhydride, 73 Refrigeration, Blast, 147, 332
- Refuse-Destructors in America, 860
- Regulator Valve Balance on " Adriatic" Compound Locomotive, 568
- Reichsanstalt, Work of, 295
- Reinforced Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete Reinhardt, K., on Application of Large Gas Engines in the German Iron and Steel Industries, 111, 132
- Reliability Trials for Motor-Cars, 161
- Removal of Dust and Smoke from Chimney Gases, 220
- Removal of the Sill of Grimsby Dock by Boring, 83
- Research Work at the National Physical Laboratory, 38
- Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, i05 Researches on Nearly Pure Gaseous Ozone, 276
- Reserve Specie of the United Kingdom, 340 Restrictive Legislation, 392
- Retorts, Vertical, for Gas Manufacture, 292 Returns, British Railway, 258, 384
- Returns, Railway, British and Foreign, 533
- Revel - Novgorod - Moscow Railway Projected, 593
- Revenue, National, and Expenditure, 461 Reversing Gear for Locomotives, The Lentz, 832
- Rexer Steam Motor-Car, 523
- Riches, T. H., and S. B. Haslam on Railway Motor-Car Traffic, 164, 179, 264, 647
- Riches, T. Hurry, and Hopwood, T. E., on Mechanical Appliances Used in the Shipping of Coal at Penarth Dock, 152
- Rifle, The Esser-Barratt Repeating, 611
- Riveting-Machine, Hydraulic, for Boiler Work, 221
- Road Bridges. See Bridges
- Roads, Dust on, and the Use of Oil, 51, 248
- Road Locomotion. See Motor-Cars, Motor-Buses, and Motor-Wagons
- Roads for Motor Traffic, 356. See 61
- Roads, Waterproof, and the Dust Problem, 61, 248
- " Robert" Water-Tube Locomotive Boiler, 254
- Roberts, D. E., on the Development of Blast Furnace Blowing Engines, 162 440
- Rochester, Ferro-Concrete Coal Wharf at, 669
- Rock-Cutting Machinery, Subaqueous, 211. See 83
- Roe, J. P., on the Development of the Roe Puddling Process, 145, 537
- Rolling of Iron and Steel, Improvements in, 147, 401
- Rolling-Mill for Railway Tyres, 520
- Rolling-Mills, Billet Shears for, 313
- Rolling-Stock. See also Carriages, Locomotives, Motor-Carriages, and Wagons
- Rolls, Plate-Bending (Craig and Donald), 560 Rolling Sleepers, 398, 746
- Roof Failure at Charing Cross, 56
- Roof, Ferro-Concrete, Failure of, 464
- Roof. Girders, Stress Diagrams for, 275
- Roof of Victoria Station, London, 35, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Rotary versus Reciprocating Engines, 455 Rowan, The late James, 702
- Royal Agricultural Society. See Agricultural
- Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways, 582, 716, 875
- Royal Commission on London Traffic, 18
- Royal Meteorological Society, 782, 844. See Meteorological
- Royal Navy, Engineer Sub-Lieutenants for Temporary Service in, 738
- Royal Navy., See Navy, Naval, and Warships Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and Effect of
- Vibration on Zenith Distance Observations, 277 Rubber, Chemistry of, and of Gums, 309
- " Ruri," Russian Armoured Cruiser, 656, 704 Russian Coal Production, 196
- Ruston 100-Brake-Horse-Power Suction-Gas Producer and Engine, 835
- Safety Appliances in Cotton-Mills, 143
- Salisbury Railway Accident, 19, 87, 421, 464
- Salvage of Japanese Battleship " Mikasa," 393
- Salving of Guns of H.M.S. " Montagu," 617
- Sand-Blast, Building Materials Tested by, 717
- " Sarco " Feed-Water Meter, 413 ; Steam Measuring, 413
- Saw, Band, for Ripping Deck-Planks, 623
- Scandinavian Exhibition in 1912, 358
- Scandinavian Exhibition in Copenhagen, Proposed, 196
- Schemes in Parliament. See Parliamentary Schools, Teaching Handicrafts in, 773
- Science-Teaching in Britain, 360
- Scotch Railway Property, 465
- Scottish Reliability Trials for Motor-Cars, 161.
- Scouts. See Warships
- Screw-Bolt, The Lakhovsky, 398
- Screw-Cutting Lathes. See Machine-Tools, Screw-Propellers. See Propellers
- Screwing Machines. See Machine-Tools Sea Defences, Ferro-Concrete, 510
- Sea Power, Balance of, 736
- Sea Power, Comparisons of, 735, 803. See Naval
- Sealed Tubes, Freezing Temperature of Water in, 312
- Segregation in Steel Ingots, 220, 405
- Seismogram of Valparaiso Earthquake, 260
- Seismological Committee Report, 277
- Self-Propelled Vehicles. See Motor-Care, Motor
- Wagons, and Motor-Carriages
- Sewage Nitrification in Shallow Filters with Fine Particles, 312
- Sewerage Competition, Emsworth, 534
- Sewerage Schemes in Parliament, 809
- Shafts, Arrangement of, in Turbine Vessels, 471
- Shaft Indicator for Turbine Ships, 777
- Shaft-Sinking, Use of Cement Grout in. 605
- Shallow-Draught Motor-Boat, Stern-Wheel, 576
- Shanks, The Late Mr. Alex., 191
- Sharp, Professor Archibald, on the Drawing of Force Diagrams for Framed Structures, 275
- Shears, Billet, for Rolling Mill, 313
- Shipbuilding, Japanese, 486
- Shipbuilding. See also Warships and Naval Architects
- Shipbuilding Trade, Condition of, 54, 497
- Shipping Competition and Legislation, 561
- Shipping, Japan's Mercantile, 490
- Shipping Losses of the Year, 259
- Ships. See also Steamers and Warships
- Ships' Structures, Stresses in, and the Stream-Line Theory, 246, 436
- Shock-Absorber for Motor-Car, The " Napier," 661
- Shot, Resistance of Materials to, 636
- Siberian Railway, 298
- Siddeley 30-Horse-Power Motor-Car, 623
- Signals and Points, Electrically - Operated, at
- Didcot, Great Western Railway, 554, 588
- Signals and Points, Operation, by Power, 124
- Signals, Railway, and Points, Pneumatic Operation of, 417
- Signs of Life, Electrical, and their Abolition by Anaesthetics, 344
- Silicon and Graphite, Influence on Open-Hearth Process, 370
- Silicon, Phosphorus, Manganese, and Aluminium, Influence, on Chill in Cast Iro 27
- Silver Ware, Manufacture of, at Sheffield, 564
- Simms Manufacturing Company; Motor-Car, 695
- Simplon Tunnel, Electric Locomotive and Equipment of, 683
- Sinclair, The late Mr. George, 490
- Single-Phase Electric Traction, 243, 573. See 746
- Sleeper-Adzing and Boring Machine, 287
- Sleepers, York's Transverse Rolled Steel, 746, See also 398
- Slipway at Colombo Harbour. 750
- Slipway Haulage, Electrically - Operated, at Dublin, 182
- Slotting-Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Smith, J., on the Application of Stream-Line Apparatus to the Determination of the Direction and Magnitude of Stresses in Ships' Structures, 246, 436
- Smith, The late Mr. W. M., 592
- Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807
- Smoke and Dust Removal from Chimney Gases, 220
- Society, Royal Agricultural. See Agricultural Society. See also Institution
- Socket for Holding Drills with Parallel Shanks, 99 Soils, Oxidation of, and its Relation to Productiveness, 312
- Solar Surface, Disturbed Areas on, and Connection with Solar Corona, 28J
- South Africa, Cape Government Railways, 63 South Africa, Magnetic Survey of, 280
- South Africa. See also Cape Colony, Natal, Orange River, Rhodesia, and Transvaal South African Railway Construction, 81
- South American Railway Progress, 864
- South Australian Railways, Report of Commissioners, 666
- South Eastern and Chatham Railway ; Bogie Composite Lavatory Carriage, 287
- South Metropolitan Power-Station, East Greenwich, Boiler Explosion at, 878
- South Wales Testing-Machines, Large, 164, 179, 189
- South-West, Notes from the, 15, 47, 85, 119, 155, 191, 225, 255, 289, 321, 353, 389, 425, 459, 491, 525. 559, 597, 631, 663, 705, 729, 774, 801, 831, 869
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 14, 46, 85, 118, 154, 191, 224, 255, 288, 321, 352, 388, 424, 458, 491, 524, 559, 596, 630, 662, 705, 728, 760, 801, 831, 868
- Spanner in the Fleet, 23, 55, 94
- Spark Telegraphy. See Radiotelegraphy and under Electric
- Speakman, E, M., on the Present Status of the Steam-Turbine, 743, 777
- Specie Reserve of the United Kingdom, 310 Spectrum, Arc, of Iron under High Pressures, 178
- Speed of Battleships, 669
- Spelter Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- "St. David," Triple-Screw Turbine Steamer, for Irish Service, 106
- St. Lawrence, Cantilever Bridge of 1800 Ft. Span, 10
- St. Louis Exhibition ; Report of the Electric Railway Commission, 229, 293
- " St. Patrick," Triple-Screw Turbine Steamer, for Irish Service, 106
- St. Petersburg, International Navigation Congress at, 442
- Stanchions Supporting Roof of Victoria Station, London, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Standard Motor Company ; Six-Cylinder 30-Horse-Power Motor-Car, 722
- Standardisation in British Engineering Practice, 207, 208, 220
- Standards of Naval Strength, 736, 803. See Naval
- Standards and Units, 699
- Stanley Cycle Show, 733
- Stanton,. Dr. T. E., on Repeated Impact-Testing Machine at the National Physical Laboratory, 33
- Stations, Electric Power. See Electric
- Station, Railway, at Hamburg, 840
- Station, Railway, at Stockholm, 196
- Station, Victoria, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, London, 35, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Statistics, Railway Cost, 3a1
- Stay-Bolts, Flexible, for Locomotive Fire-Boxes, 350
- Stead, J. E., on Segregation in Steel Ingots, 220 405
- Steamboats. See Steamers
- Steam-Boilers. See Boilers and Water-Tube Boilers
- Steam-Buses, 688, 709, 753, 822. See 'Buses
- Steam-Coaches. See Motor Carriages and Motor Rail Cars
- Steam Consumption of 500-Kilowatt Steam Turbine Unit, 11
- Steam Consumption. See also Steam Trials, Turbines, and Diagrams
- Steam Consumption of Turbine-Driven Ships, 471, 778
- Steam Consumption of Vauclain Compound Locomotive, 885
- Steam-Engines. See Engines
- Steam Flow through Nozzles. See Turbines
- Steam-Hammer, 6-Ton, 520
- Steam - Lorries. See Afotor-Cars and Motor Wagons
- Steam-Meter, The " Sarco," 413
- Steam as a Motive Power for Public-Service
- Vehicles, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Steam Motor-Car, Rexer, 523
- Steam-Omnibus, 688, 703, 750, 822
- Steam Packing, 568
- Steam-Pipe Bursting at Rochdale, 99
- Steam, Properties of, 512, 546, 688
- Steam-Superheaters. See Superheaters
- Steam Trials of H.M. Armoured Cruiser "Achilles," 672 ; H.M.S. "Africa," 12 ; H.M.S. "Britannia," 161, 873
- Steam Tnais of H.M. Armoured Cruiser " Cochrane," 43
- Steam Trials of H.M. Armoured Cruiser " Natal," 198
- Steam Trials of His Majesty's Ships in 1906, 873
- Steam Trials of H M.S." Dreadnought, 462, 493
- Steam Trials of Peruvian Cruiser " Almirante Grau," 433
- Steam-Turbines. See Turbines, Steam,
- Steamer " Carnarvon," Board of Trade Lightship Tender, 555
- Steamer Company, Expansions of Hamburg American, 966
- Steamers' Engines. See Engines, Marine
- Steamer, Ice-Breaking, " Lady Grey," 261
- Steamers, Large Atlantic, 384
- Steamere. See also Warships
- Steamer, Train-Carrying, for Channel Ferry, 757
- Steamers, Turbine, Comparative Performances of, 778
- Steamers, Turbine, Comparisons of, 471
- Steamers, Turbine-Driven Fishing, 567
- Steamer, Turbine - Driven, " Mauretania," for
- Cunard Company, 345, 384, 420
- Steamers, Turbine-Driven. See Turbines, Steam,
- Steamers, Turbine, for the Fishguard and Rosslare Service, 106
- Steamers, Twin-Screw, for Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 95
- Steel Alloys. See Alloys and Micro-Photographs
- Steel, Effect of Copper on, 101
- Steel Fatigues, Micrographic Study of, 842
- Steel Furnace, Kjellin Electric, 147, 240
- Steel, Heat Treatment of, 227
- Steels, High-Speed, Tempering and Cutting Tests of, 147, 300
- Steel, High-Speed Tool, Tests of, 67
- Steel Ingots, Segregation in, 220, 405
- Steel and Iron, Fracture of, 220
- Steel and Iron Industries, German, Application of Large Gas-Engines in, 111, 132
- Steel and Iron Institute. See Iron and Steel Institute
- Steel and Iron, International Specifications for Testing, 637
- Steel and Iron, Protection of, by Electro-Positive Coatings, 247
- Steel and Iron, Rolling of, Improvements in, 147, 401
- Steel and Iron, Use of Electric Furnace in Manufacturing, 779
- Steel-Making in Japan, 126
- Steel, Manufacture of, at Osborn's Works, 563
- Steel, Micro-Structure of. See Micro-Photo-graphs
- Steel, Nickel, Allotropic Modification of, 654
- Steel, Nickel and Carbon, 22
- Steel, Quality of, for Ferro-Conorete, 259
- Steel, Remarkable Failures of, 494
- Steel Work in the Palace Theatre, London, 867
- Stern-Wheel Motor-Boat, 576
- Stockholm, New Railway Station at, 196
- Stoker Mechanicians and Engine-Room Artificers, 55, 593
- Stone Tested by Sand-Blast, 717
- Stores46, Purchase of, for Engineering Works, 376, 4
- Storm at Guildford on August 2, 1906, 844
- Straker-Squire Motor-Car, 567
- Stream-Line Theory Applied to Determination
- of Stresses in Ships' Structures, 246, 436
- Street-Lighting in London, 773
- Strength and Behaviour of Ductile Materials under Combined Stress, 248
- Strength of White Metal, 376
- Stress Diagrams for Framed Structures, 275
- Stresses Allowable in White Metal, 376
- Stresses in Bars, 568
- Stresses Due to Moving Loads on Railway Bridges, 307, 445, 619
- Stresses in Eye-Bars, Methods of Ascertaining, 124. See LirrrER
- Stresses, Internal, Mathematical Theory of, 566
- Stresses, Mechanics of, 857
- Stresses in Metals. See also Micro-Photographs
- Stresses on Railway Under-Bridges, 3U7, 445, 619
- Stresses in Ships' Structures and the Stream Line Theory, 246, 436
- Strikes and Trade Unions. See Industrial Notes and Legal
- String, Photographic Records of Vibrations of a, 276
- Structural Changes in Nickel Wire at High Temperatures, 220, 222
- Structure of Metal. See Micro-Photographs
- Structures, Theory of, 857
- Stuffing-Box Packing, 568
- Subaqueous Rock-Cutting, 211. See 83
- Sub-Lieutenant, Engineer, for Temporary Service in the Royal Navy, 738
- Submarine Boats, Floating Dock for, 57
- Submarine Boats in Naval Warfare, 433, 871, 873
- Submarine Boats, The Utility of, 433, 871, 873
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 234, 885
- Suction-Gas Engirie. See Engine, Gas
- Suction-Gas Plant at Derby Show, Trials of, 805, 843, 865
- Suction-Gas Plants, 205, 248
- Suction-Gas Producer. See Producer, Gas
- Suction-Gas Trials, R.A.S.E., 805, 843, 865
- Sugar, Hydrolysis of, 309
- Sulphide Ores, Concentration of, 269
- Superheated Steam ; Trials of H.M.S. " Britannia," 161, 873
- Superheater, The Davies, 415
- Superheater, The " Schenectady," for Locomotives, 43
- Superheating Steam in Warships, 161, 873
- Survey, Magnetic, of South Africa, 280
- Sweden and Germany, Blast-Furnace Problem in, 497
- Swedish Electric Power Station at Trollhattan, 294
- Swedish Navy, 327
- Swedish Railways, 327, 736
- Switch-Gear Design, High-Tension, 844
- Table Testing-Machine, 247
- Talla Water Works of Edinburgh Water Supply, 782
- Tangye, The late Sir Richard, 530
- Tapton Junction, Railway Accident at, 842
- Target, The Peters Self-Registering, 221
- Tax, Graduated, Inhabited House Duty as, 340 Taxing Motor-Buses, 355
- Teaching of Mechanics, 246. See also Mechanism
- Teaching. See Education and Training
- Technical Education in Schools, 773
- Technical Education. See also Education
- Teesside as an Industrial Centre, 2, 34
- Telefunken System of Radiotelegraphy, 788, 827, 853
- Telegraph. See Electric
- Telegraph Poles, Tests of, 234
- Telegraphs, Submarine. See Submarines Telegraphy, Wireless. See Radiotelegraphy under Electric
- Telephones, Sale of Glasgow Municipal, 52
- Telephones. See also Electric
- Telescope, Twin, Equatorial, at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, 819
- Telpherage Plant for Conveying Coal, 44
- Temperature, Optical Measurement of, 247
- Tempering and Cutting Tests of High-Speed Steels, 147, 300. See 67
- Tenders of Locomotive. gee Locomotives
- Testing Brake for Small Motors, 877
- Testing of Building Materials by Sand-Blast, 717
- Testing of Engineering Explosives, 809
- Testing Gas-Engine, German Regulations for, 864
- Testing-Machine for Oils and Bearings at Cooper's Hill College, 594
- Testing-Machine for Repeated Impact at the
- National Physical Laboratory, 33
- Testing-Machine for Lecture-Table, 247
- Testing-Machines, Large, in South Wales, 164, 179, 189
- Testing Magnetic Metals, 566
- Testing Materials, International Congress for, 565, 637,654
- Testing Materials in Prussia, 873
- Testing Metals for Hardness, Brinell's Method of, 639
- Testing Methods and Machines, E6G
- Testing Steel and Iron, International Specifications for, 637
- Testing-Table for Air-Tightness of Tin Cans, 478
- Testing Work of the National Physical Laboratory in 1905, 38
- Testing Work at the Prussian Materialprii-fungsamt in 1905, 873
- Testing Work at the Reichsanstalt, 295
- Tests of an Air-Lift Pump, 397
- Tests of the Electric Railway Commission of St. Louis Exhibition, 230, 293
- Tests of Friction Losses in Gas-Engines, 60
- Tests of High-Speed Steels, Tempering and Cutting, 147, 300
- Tests of High-Speed Tool Steel, 67
- Tests, Impact, on Notched Bar, 638
- Tests of Leitner-Lucas Train-Lighting Apparatus, 520
- Tests of Metals. See also Micro-Photographs Tests of a Petrol Engine, 856
- Tests. See also Trials, Steam Trials, Reich-sanstalt, and Diagrams
- Tests, Significance of Contraction of Area, 566
- Tests of a 500-Kilowatt Steam-Turbine Unit, 11
- Tests of Suction-Gas Plant at Derby Show, 805, 843, 865
- Tests of Telegraph Poles, 234
- Tests of Welding, 637
- Thames Iron Works Company ' • 45-Horse-Power Six-Cylinder Touring Car, 72t
- Theatre, The Palace, Steel Work in, 867 Thermal Storage Tank, Explosion of, 878
- Thermo-Dynamic Formulae for Gases, 75 Thermo-Dynamics. See Turbine, Compound
- Reaction Steam
- Thermometers, Platinum Resistance, 359 Thomas, A. S., on Influence of Silicon and
- Graphite on the Open-Hearth Process, 370 Thomas, R. B., on the Manufacture of Tin
- Plates, 164, 175, 183
- Thornycroft Motor-Car, 36 • Horse-Power Six-Cylinder, 696
- Thunderstorm at Guildford, August 2, 1906, 844 Tickets, Workmen's Cheap Railway, in Belgium, 340
- Tie-Rods, Stresses in, 124
- Timber, Preservation of, from White .Ants, 234
- Timber Tested by Sand-Blast, 717
- Tin Can-Making Machinery, 478
- Tin-Mining in the Malay States, 281
- Tin-Plate, The Recovery of Tin from, 605
- Tin-Plates, The Manufacture of, 164, 178, 183 Tin Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Tisdall, H. G. on Tests of a Petrol-Engine, 856 `'Titan," 42-Ton, at Colombo Harbour, 750
- Tool Steel, High-Speed, Manufacture of, 147, 300, 563
- Tool Steel, Tests of High-Speed, 67
- Tools, Machine. See Machine-Tools
- Topham, H., on Tests of a Petrol Engine, 856
- Torpedo, The Bliss-Leavitt Turbine-Driven, 496 Torsion-Meter for Turbine-Driven Shafts, 777
- Tow, The Braidwater Lapping-Machine for, 330 Traction, Single-Phase Electric, 243, 573, 746 Traction, Electric. See Tramways and Rail
- ways, under Electric
- Traction, Electric, Single-Phase, 243, 573, 746 Tractors at Smithfield Club Show, 757, 807 Trade, The Belgian Iron, 565
- Trade Development in Japan, 680
- Trade Disputes Bill, 251, 767
- Trade of Japan in 1905, 316
- Trade of Japan with China, 532
- Trade of Korea, 360
- Trading, Municipal. See Municipal Trading Trade, Shipbuilding, Condition of, 54, 497
- Trades Union Congress, 356
- Trade Unionism, The Benefit Side of, 228
- Trade Unions. See Industrial Notes and Legal Traffic of London, Report of Royal Commission on, 18, 773
- Traffic, Motor, Roads for, 61, 356
- Traffic Obstructions, 773
- Traffic, Railway Motor-Car, 164, 179, 261, 547 Traffic Working, Freight, 341
- Train-Brake, The Chapsal-Saillot Compressed-Air, 863
- Train-Brake, Vacuum, 736
- Train-Brake, Westinghouse Quick-Acting, 761
- Train-Carrying Steamer for Channel Ferry, 757 Train-Control, The Raymond Phillips System, 53 Train-Lighting Apparatus, Tests of the Leitner
- Lucas, 520
- Train-Lighting, Vickers-Hall System of, 811 Train Resistance and Speed, 385
- Train Resistance, Tests of the St. Louis Railway Commission, 293
- Trains. See Locomotives, Railways, and Motor-Carriages
- Training. See also Education and Apprentices Tramway Accident at Highgate, 605
- Tramway and Light Railway Law, 242 Tramways, London County Council, 126, 197, 532 Tramways and the Motor-Bus, 837
- Tramways, Municipal. See Municipal Trading Tramway Rail-Joints and Track Construction, 658
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 808
- Tramways. See also Electric
- Tramways, The London County Council, 126, 197, 532
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 298
- Transit, Rapid, Facilities, and Distribution of Population, 341
- Transporter Bridge, Newport, 182
- Transporting Coal, Electric Telpherage Plant, 44
- Transporting Machinery at Emden Harbour, 253
- Trenail, The Lakhovsky, 398
- Trials. See Steam Trials, Warships, Guns, Suction Gas Tests, and Launches and Trial Trips Trinidad, Oil-Fields at, 90
- Triple-Expansion Engine. See Engine
- Trollhattan Hydro-Electric Power-Station, 294
- Trucks. See also Carriages
- Trusses. See also Bridges and Roofs
- Tube Railway, Electric Lifts for the Bakerloo, 380
- Tube Railway, Great Northern, Piccadilly, and Brompton, 809
- Tube Railways and the Law of Compensation, 700
- Tug-Boat " Wyvern " for Heysham Harbour, 248
- Tunnel, Simplon, Electric Locomotive and Equipment for, 683
- Turbine Air-Compressors, Efficiency of, 640, 738
- Turbine Air-Compressors, 735. See LETTERS, 669, 735, 738
- Turbine Bearings, Emulsification of Oil in, 94
- Turbine Compressors, Efficiency of, 600, 640, 669, 735, 738, 744
- Turbine, Curtis, for Torpedo Propulsion, 496
- Turbine Driven Battleships for the United States, 54
- Turbine-Driven Fishing Craft, 567
- Turbines, Exhaust-Steam, 745
- Turbines, Gas, 600, 778
- Turbine, Pelton Hydraulic, 98
- Turbines, Steam, 250, 373
- Turbines, Steam, The A.E.G. Curtis, 675
- Turbine, Steam, The Compound Reaction, 511, 545, 581, 618, 685, 736, 749. See 675
- Turbines, Steam, The Curtis, 749. See 675
- Turbines, Steam, for the Cunard Express Liner " Mauretania," 345
- Turbine, Steam, De Laval, 225 Brake Horse-Power, Details of, 313
- Turbines, Steam, De Laval, at Sladen Wood Cotton-Mills, 313
- Turbine, Steam, Design of Blades, 511, 582, 675, 685, 749
- Turbine, Steam, Efficiency of, 546, 581, 686, 675
- Turbine, Steam, End-Thrust, 421, 455, 500, 534
- Turbines, Steam, in H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 493, 873
- Turbines, Steam, 1500 - Kilowatt, Willans and
- Robinson, for Islington Power Station, 501
- Turbines, Steam, Marine Development of, 471
- Turbines, Steatn,The Melms, Pfenninger, Sankey 11
- Turbines, Steam, The Present Status of, on Land and Sea, 743, 777
- Turbines, Steam, Recent Developments of, 246
- Turbines, Steam, v. Reciprocating Engines, 455
- Turbines, Steam, The Rateau, 745, 750
- Turbines, Steam, Theory of, 580 Turbo-Alternators, Efficiency of, 744
- Turbo-Compressors, Efficiency of, 669. See LETTERS, 600; 640
- Turbo-Fans and Blowers, and Compressors, 744. See LETTERS, 600, 669, 735, 738
- Turbo-Generators, Efficiency of, 678, 743
- Turbo-Pumps, 744
- Turning, Tile Art of, 105
- Turning Machines. • See Machine-Tools
- Tyne, New High-Level Railway Bridge over the River, 53
- Type-Setting Machinery at Agricultural Hall Exhibition, 90
- Tyre Mills, Three-Cylinder Vertical Engine for, 349
- Tyree, Design of, for Railway Work, 350 Tyres, Railway, Machinery for Making, 520
- Ultra-Violet Light, Induction of Electrical and Chemical Changes by, 278
- Underground Railways. See also Tunnels and Railways
- Unemployed Problem and Labour Exchange, 342
- Uniform Methods of Testing, 566
- Unions, Trade. See Trade Unions, industrial Notes, and Legal
- United States Battleships and Turbines, 64
- United States, Notes from the, 24, 55, 81, 1 l8, 154, 200, V4, 250, 288, 329, 352, 338, 421, 498, 524, 558, 596, 639, 662, 704, 727, 796, 868
- United States. See also American
- United States Pig-Iron Industry, 21
- Units and Standards, 699
- University of Cambridge, Engineering Schools at, 5g5, 650
- Up-to-Date Engine-Building, 593
- Utilisation of Colloids, 1
- Vacuum Brake, 736
- Vacuum Pumps for Laboratory Work, 327 Valparaiso Earthquake, 260
- Valve, Balanced Regulator, for Locomotive. See LETTERS, 568
- Valves, Lentz, for Four-Cylinder Compound Locomotive, 720
- Valves and Valve-Gear, 68. See also Motor-Cars, Locomotives, Regulators, and Engines
- Vehicles, Public Service, Steam as a Motive Power for, 688, 709, 753, 822
- Vehicles, Self-Propelled. See Motor-Cars, Motor-Wagons, Motor-Buves, and Motor-Carriages Vertical Gas Retort, 292
- Vibration, Effect on Zenith Distance Observa-tions, 277
- Vibrations of a String, Photographic Records of, 276
- Vickers-Hall System of Train-Lighting, The, 811 Victoria Falls Electric Power Scheme, 765, 797, 844
- Victoria Station, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 35, 139, 242, 379, 448
- Volcanoes, 344
- Vulcan Fellowship in Engineering, 671
- Wage, Proposal for Legal Minimum, and Economic Theory, 342
- Wagons, Railway Axle-Bearings for, 787
- Wagon, Railway, for Carrying Steel Plates ; Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Company, 222
- Wagons, Steam, 793
- Wagons, Steam. See also Motor-Cars and Motor-Wagons
- Waldner, The late Mr. August, 14
- Walker, R. J., and Parsons, C. A., on the Development of the Marine Steam-Turbine, 471
- Wall, Boundary, of Victoria Station, London, 35
- War Finance, Japanese, 465
- Warship-Building, Rapid, and Naval Policy, 427
- Warship Construction in 1906, 873
- Bliss-Leavitt Turbine-Driven Torpedo, The, 496
- Coaling of, 796
- Coastal Destroyer, I-1, M., "Gadfly," 465
- Command of the Sea, The, 17
- Comparison of Naval Power, 17, 735, 803
- Comparison of Vessels with Turbines and Reciprocating Engines, 778, 873
- Continental Powers and British Naval Retrenchment, 257
- Forced Lubrication in Engines of H.M.S. "Africa," 12
- French Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Claymore," 469
- Gun Trials of H.M.S. "Dreadnought," 567
- H.M. Armoured Cruiser " Achilles," Steam Trials of, 672
- H.M. Battleship " Lord Nelson," 328
- H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 534
- H.M.S. " Dreadnought," Steam Trials and
- Armament of, 462, 493, 873
- Japanese Naval Programme, 433
- Minor Navies of the World, 324
- Naval Programme, 17, 158, 735, 803
- New Naval Construction, 122
- Peruvian Cruiser " Almirante Grau ; " 433
- Position of the Submarine, 433, 871
- Rapid Warship-Building and Naval Policy, 427
- Refloating of the " Mikasa," 393
- Russian Armoured Cruiser " Rurik," The, 656, 704
- Sa617lving of Guns of H.M.S. " Montagu,"
- Speed of Battleships, 669, 873
- Steam, Superheating, in Warships, 161, 873
- Steam Trials of H. hi. Armoured Cruiser "Cochrane," 43 ; H.M. Battleship "Africa," 12 ; H.M. Battleship " Britannia," 161, 873
- Steam Trials of H.M. Armoured Cruiser " Natal," 198
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 462, 493, 873
- Swedish Naval Activity, 327
- United States Battleships and Turbines, 64 Utility of Submarine Boats, 433
- Warship Construction in 1900, 873
- Washing-Machine, Continuous, for Blue Prints, 646
- Water, Effect in Stopping Projectiles, 91 Water-hammer and Bursting of Steam-Pipe at Rochdale, 99
- Water-Meter, The " Sarco," for Boiler-Feeding, 418
- Waves, Ocean, The Size of, 359
- Water Power in Norway, 231
- Water Power. See Hydraulic and Hydro-Electric Water-Pumping Installation for Burma, 384
- Water-Pumps. See Pump8
- Water in Sealed Tubes, Freezing Temperature of, 312
- Water-Softener and Oil-Separator, The Paterson, 834
- Water Supply, Edinburgh, 782
- Water Supply of London, 193, 500, 636
- Water Supply, Schemes in Parliament, 772
- Water-Tube Boiler for Steam Omnibus, 709
- Water-Tube Boilers for Locomotives, 264
- Water-Wheel, Pelton, 98. See also Turbines
- Waterproof Roads and the Dust Problem, 248
- Waterways and Canals, Royal Commission on, 582, 716, 875
- Waterways. See also River and Canal
- Water Works, Aqueducts, and Catchment Areas, 782
- Watson, James, and Co., Dundee ; Fire at Ware-house, 221
- Weather, Abnormal, during Summer of 1906, 782,-844
- Weighing-Machine (NV. and M. Avery and Co.,, Birmingham), 95
- Weight of a Crowd, 375
- Welding Tests, 637
- Wells, Use of Cement-Grout in Sinking, 605
- West Africa Railway; Four-Cylinder Compound Rack-Adhesion Locomotive for, 201
- West, The Late Henry Hartley, 232
- Westgarth, T.; Notes on Large British Gas
- Engines, and on Gas-Cleaning, 111, 127
- Westinghouse Quick-Acting Brake, Tests of, 761
- Westphalian Coal Industry, 373
- Wharf, Ferro-Concrete, at Rochester, 659 Wharf, Proposed, for Port of London, 842
- Wheels, Design of, for Locomotives, 350
- Wheel, The Kalamazoo Pressed-Steel, for Hand-Care, 435. See Erratum, 704
- White, E. T., on Purchase of Stores for Engi-neering Works, 376, 446
- White Metal, Strength and Elasticity of, 376
- Whitham, J. M., on Natural Gas under Steam Boilers, 507
- Wicksteed, T. H., on Large Testing-Machines in South Wales, 164, 179, 189
- Wigham, F. H., on Effect of Copper on Steel, 101
- Wind-Screen of Victoria Station, London, 242 Wire, Nickel, Structural Changes at High Tem-peratures, 220, 222
- Wireless Telegraphy. See Radiotelegraphy under Electric
- Wireless Telegraphy, Telefunken System of, 783, 827, 863
- Wolseley Tool and Motor-Car Company ; 30-Horse-Power Siddeley Car, 623
- Wood Preservation from White Ants, 234
- Wood Tested by Sand-Blast, 717
- Woodworking Machinery. See Machine-Tools.
- Workmen's Benefits from Trade Unions, 228
- Workmen's Compensation Act in the House of Lords, 842
- Workmen's Compensation in Belgium, 769 Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability Act, 468
- Workmen, Claims of, 599
- Workmen's Fares, Cheap, in Belgium, 340 Workmen, Management of, 429
- Workmen's Pensions in French Mines, 838 Workmen and Repetition Work, 392
- Barr and Stroud, 23
- J. and E. Hall, Limited, Dartford, 73
- Northfleet Works of the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Limited, 76
- Railway Tyre Works, Japanese Government, at Yawata, 520
- Works, Engineering, Purchase of Stores in, 376 446
- Works, Power Supply to, 497
- Workshops, Ferro-Concrete, at Toronto, 862
- Workshops in Public Schools, 773
- "Wyvern," Harbour Service Vessel, for Midland Railway Company, 248
- Year-Book of Japan, 877
- Year-Books, 576, 763, 836, 886
- Yield of Catchment Areas, 782
- York, .J. E., on Improvements in the Rolling of Iron and Steel, 147, 401
- York Rainfall, 290
- York's Transverse Rolled - Steel Sleepers, 746. See also 398
- Yorkshire Lead-Mining, 342
- Zenith Distance Observations, Effect of Vibration on, 277
- Zuider Zee, Reclamation of, 433
See Also
Sources of Information