Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,572 pages of information and 246,142 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Clayton, Son and Co

From Graces Guide
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September 1902.
March 1903.
February 1904.
February 1904.
September 1909.
October 1909.
October 1909.
December 1910.
January 1911.
August 1912.
February 1913.
April 1913.
February 1914.
December 1929.

of Providence works, Belinda street, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorks (1870)

and of Pepper Road, Hunslet, Leeds (1909)

1857 Leonard Clayton was a boiler maker in Lancashire

1862 Leeds City Boiler Works was founded.(see advert)

1864 Clayton, Son and Co was established in Hunslet by Leonard Clayton and his son Lawrence Clayton.

1886 Incorporated as a Limited Company

1886 Private company.

1891 Advert. Gasholders. [1]

1914 Gasholder and Boiler Manufacturers. Specialities: Gasholders chief feature, Boilers of every description, Structural Work, Welded Steel Mains for Water Works, etc. Employees 800. [2]

1914 Directors: Lawrence Clayton, J.P. (Managing Director), Joseph Clayton, John R. Pickering, and John J. Baines.

1927 See Aberconway for information on the company and its history.

1961 Gas and constructional engineers manufacturing gas holders, gas plant, storage and oil tanks, steel pipes, steam boilers, steel chimneys, screening and conveying plant, rectification and distillation plant and structural steel works. 500 employees.[3]

1986 Acquired Fielding and Platt from the receivers

1991 Maker of bulk storage, pressure vessels, pipes, presses and machinery, fell into a loss[4]

1994 Motherwell Bridge Group acquired Clayton Group

See Also


Sources of Information