Alfred Hodgetts (1830-1887)
1888 Obituary [1]
ALFRED HODGETTS, who died at his residence, St. Bees, Cumberland, on the 30th July 1887, was born in London in 1830, and was consequently in his 57th year. His father, Mr. Joseph Wainright Hodgetts, who was a chemical manufacturer in business in London at that time, shortly afterwards removed to Manchester, and the late Mr. Hodgetts was educated at Knutsford.
On leaving school he was for some time employed with Messrs. Fairbairn, of Manchester, whence he went to Dudley to be employed at Messrs. Blackwell's coal-pits. Mr. Hodgetts afterwards entered the West Cumberland iron-mining district, then in its early development, where he became connected with the mines of Mr. S. Smith, who had taken the royalties of Messrs. Fletcher, of High House, Frizington. When Mr. Smith's lease terminated, Mr. Fletcher took the mines into his own hands, taking Mr. Hodgetts into partnership. Messrs. Fletcher & Hodgetts' extensive operations in the working of the valuable High House mines are well known in the district.
Mr. Hodgetts retired from the concern with which his business energy and ability had been so closely identified, and whose affairs lie had managed with much success, only a few years ago. He continued, however, his permanent residence at Abbot's Court, St. Bees, and took an undiminished interest in local politics, which had always had a large share of his attention. In the early days of the volunteer movement, Mr. Hodgetts held a lieutenant's commission under the command of the late Major—then Captain—Fletcher, in the Whitehaven corps, and he was largely instrumental in securing here,. as in all things that lie took in hand, the efficiency and good standing which has since served the corps in good stead. Mr. Hodgetts was a member of the Parochial Sanitary Committee for St. Bees. The handsome and commodious public hall and rooms with which he endowed the St. Bees Liberals is an instance of the expression of his generous sympathy with those amongst whom he lived. Mr. Hodgetts, who leaves no family, married Miss Perry, daughter of the late Dr. Perry, of Glasgow, and Mrs. Hodgetts survives him.