Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,993 pages of information and 245,961 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Alexander Shanks and Son

From Graces Guide
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Advertising sign.
January 1866.
April 1870.
January 1880.
1881. Direct-Acting Steam Pump.
1881. Horizontal Engine at The 1881 Royal Agricultural Show.
1881. Steam pump.
1887. Triple compound marine engines.
1891. Blocksetting crane went to Liepaja, Russia (Latvia).
January 1888.
August 1899.
April 1903.
December 1908.
1915. Generator. Exhibit at Pearns Steam World.
1915. Generator (detail). Exhibit at Pearns Steam World.
1927 Shanks diesel engine at Dawe's Twineworks
May 1933.
1930s diesel engine at West Somerset Railway
May 1944.
March 1946.
Britisher model.
c1930. Eagle Lawn Mower.

A. Shanks of Dens Iron Works, Arbroath, Forfarshire.

of 66 Victoria Street, London, SW1.

See Alexander Shanks

1840 Company established to manufacture portable steam engines, iron bridges and steam cranes.

1842 Patented a lawn mower which cut and rolled the grass in a single operations. Possible similarities to one produced by Edwin Budding

1845 Alexander Shanks died; his son James Shanks took over the business.

1851 Exhibited at The Great Exhibition the 42 inch machine - "Shanks's five-drummer".

1852 Shanks' improved hand-drill.[1]

1853 Company moved to Dens Iron Works

1855 Patent awarded for improvements to the mower

c.1860 Opened London office at 27 Leadenhall Street.

Concentrated on agricultural and horticultural implements, and of marine and land engines, in addition to lawnmowers

1870s Promoted some railway locomotives.

1878 Supplied a glass and iron tropical garden to Gothenburg[2].

1891 Block setting crane sent to Liepaja, Russia (Latvia). [3]

1894 High-speed engine for dynamos. [4]

1894 Became limited liability company. James' sons (Alexander, James, Frederick, and David) moved to control the business.

c.1900 Entered the i/c engine market with oil types rated from 1.5 to 25 hp

1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices of Petrol Motor Commercial Vehicles see the 1917 Red Book

1922 Manufacturer of steam engines and oil engines lawn mowers, malleable iron castings, etc.

1937 Engineers. "Rajah" Motor Mowers. "Triumph" Gang Mowers. [5]

1949 Introduced a vertical single-cylinder water-cooled diesel engine rated 8 bhp at 1,200 rpm.

1961 Manufacturers of lawn mowers and grass cutting machines. 250 employees. [6]

1968 The company was taken over by Giddings and Lewis-Fraser

See Also


Sources of Information