Waterlow Brothers and Layton
of 24-5 Birchin Lane, London
1877 James Waterlow's business was divided in 2 by his heirs; the members of the new firm of Waterlow Brothers and Layton were the sons of the senior member of Waterlow and Sons, i.e. Alfred[1], together with Mr. A. T. Layton. Sir Sydney Waterlow and his brother Walter and some of their most experienced colleagues, continued the other part of the business under the name of the original firm, Waterlow and Sons Ltd.
Specialized on the legal and country side of the business.
1879 Alfred James Waterlow, Herbert Jameson Waterlow, and Alfred Thomas Layton, all of No.24, Birchin-lane, in the city of London, trading under the style or firm of Waterlow Brothers and Layton, Law and General Stationers, brought a case in the courts[2]
1887 The company was registered on 8 January, to acquire the business of the firm of the same name, as stationers, printers.
1893 On 2 August, re-registration was effected under the same title in connection with an increase of the capital. [3]
1920 Merged into Waterlow and Sons