Willoughby Francis Nixon (1873-c1962)
1962 Obituary [1]
Mr W. F. Nixon (Member), who died recently aged 88, went to the Argentine in 1897. He led an extremely adventurous life in his early days there, working on the railways which were then being built.
In 1903 he took a steamer in sections across country to Lake Nahuel Huapi in the mountains, where he assembled and launched it. A year later he went to Tierra del Fuego to erect gold-dredgers. Later he returned to the railways before joining Alfred Herbert Ltd. For many years he was the Company's Buenos Aires Manager.
Mr Nixon was made a Member of the Institution in 1912. He was Chairman of the River Plate Branch in 1939 and was a committee member when it was finally wound up in 1946. He afterwards served as the Institution's representative in the Argentine, where his friendship and advice were much valued by many members.