William Beedie Esson (1858-1940) M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., P.Pres.S.E.,
1858 Born son of Charles Esson.
Educated Aberdeen.
Training: Royal School of Mines and City and Guilds of London Institute.
Draughtsman in the Mech. Eng. Dept., Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Co., Blackwall
Chief Electrician of Paterson and Cooper, later becoming Manager
Managed the Gulcher Electric Light and Power Co
1905/6 Pres. of the Civil and Mech. Engrs. Soc.
Johnson and Phillips, Chief Engr. and Manager of the Electric Lighting and Transmission of Power Departments
Member of Council, Inst. of Elec. Engrs.
1922 Cons. Elec. and Mech. Engr.
1939 M.I.E.E. Director of West London and Provl. Elect. and Genl. Trust Ltd. Private Address: 14 Glorane Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W.3. Career: City and Guilds, Silver Medallist; 1883, Chief Electrician, Paterson & Cooper; 1884, Manager; 1892-94, Manager, Gulcher Elect. Light and Power Co.; 1894-1904, Chief Engr. and Manager, Johnson and Phillips Elect. Lighting and Power-trans. Depts.; Designed Generating Plant for more than 20 Central Stations for public supply; responsible for the long distance power transmissions by A.C. Sheba Gold Mines, Rezende Gold Mine, Ruby Mines in Burma, etc., etc. Former Member Council, I.E.E. Was associated with several elect. Supply undertakings, and Managing. Director, Chiswick Elect. Supply Corp. for 36 years.