Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,290 pages of information and 246,083 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick and Co

From Graces Guide

of the Union Foundry, Bolton

formerly Smalley, Thwaites and Co

1814 Partnership change. '...the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, carrying on the trade or business of Iron-Founders, at Bolton, in the County of Lancaster, in the names or under the firm of Smalley, Thwaites, and Co. was on the 20th day of March just past dissolved by mutual consent. — All debts owing to or from the concern will be received and paid by Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick, and Co.— And notice is hereby given, that the undersigned Edward Smalley hath retired from business, and that Benjamin Hick, along with the undersigned Thomas Thwaites, James Cochrane, Thomas Crompton, William Crompton, Isaac Dobson, and Peter Rothwell, intend to carry on the trade or business of Iron-Founders, at Bolton aforesaid, in Copartnership together, in the names and under the firm of Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick, and Co. ...'

1815 Advertisement: 'UNION FOUNDRY, BOLTON, LANCASHIRE. THWAITES, COCHRANE, HICK, and Co. Brass and Iron Founders, Engineers, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Hydraulic Presses, Weighing Machines, Gas Apparatus, Boilers, and Mill Machinery in general; Constructors of Fire-proof Buildings and Wrought Iron Boats, Bridges, &c. &c. take this Opportunity of informing their Friends and the Public in general, that they have purchased the Whole of Mr. John Stephenson's extensive Assortment of Models, consisting of upwards of Four Hundred Bevil, Spur, and Mitre wheels, Pullies for Straps and Ropes, Drum Arms and Rings, Pedestals, Bridges, Hanging Carriages, Shafts, Coupling and Catch Boxes, Water Wheels, Corn Mills, &c. &c. which any Person may have the use of on reasonable Terms, and be supplied with Castings, on Application as above. 'JOHN STEPHENSON begs Leave to return Thanks to his Friends and the. Public for past Favours and the liberal Support he has experienced during his long and extensive Practice as a general Millwright; end to inform them he has disposed of the whole Stock of Patterns (from which any Person may be supplied with Castings as usual) to Messrs. Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick and Co. Iron-Founders, &c. and that he intends in future to furnish those Gentlemen who may please to favour him with their Commands, with Plans and Instructions for the Erection of Factories, Water-Mills and Wheels, Corn Mills, &c. likewise to superintend and direct the Execution of any Kind of Mill-Work, where they may think proper to employ their own Workmen. Bolton, August 21st, 1815.' [1] Note the reference to Wrought Iron Boats in the above advert.

1816 Partnership change. '...the Partnership formerly subsisting between the undersigned, Thomas Thwaites, James Cochrane, William Crompton, Isaac Dobson, Peter Rothwell the Elder, and Benjamin Hick, together with Thomas Crompton, deceased, as Iron-Founders, and carried on at Bolton, in the County of Lancaster, under the firm of Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick, and Co. and which Partnership from and after the decease of the said Thomas Crompton, and up to the 1st day of January last, was carried on by the said Thomas Thwaites, James Cochrane, William Crompton, Isaac Dobson, Peter Rothwell the Elder, Benjamin Hick, and the undersigned Peter Rothwell the Younger, under the said firm of Thwaites, Cochrane, Hick, and Co. was dissolved by mutual consent on the said 1st day of January last, since which time the said business has been and now is carried on by the said Thomas Thwaites, Benjamin Hick, Peter Rothwell the Younger, and Peter Rothwell the Elder, only, under the firm of Thwaites, Hick, and Rothwells, the said James Cochrane, William Crompton, and Isaac Dobson having retired from the said business...'[2]

Became Thwaites, Hick and Rothwell of the Union Foundry

See Also


Sources of Information