Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,245 pages of information and 246,071 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Thomas Ellin and Co

From Graces Guide
1943. MoD issue knife.
1943. MoD issue knife (detail).

of Vulcan Works, Hereford Street, Sheffield

of Sylvester Works, Sheffield

1841 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Ellin the elder, Edward Ingall, Thomas Ellin the younger, William Ellin, and Joseph Ellin, all of Sheffield, in the county of York, Merchants and Manufacturers, under the firm of Thomas Ellin and Company, as far as respects the said Edward Ingall; the business was continued by the remaining partners[1].

1849 Thomas Ellin and Co steel and cutlery manufacturer. [2]

1867 Dissolution of the Partnership between Isaac Henry Burkill, Arthur Robert Ellin, and George Barber, as executors of Joseph Ellin, deceased, and Thomas Skevington Ellin and the said Arthur Robert Ellin and George Barber, as Merchants and Manufacturers, carrying on business at Sylvester Works and Vulcan Works, in Sheffield, in the county of York, under the firm of Thomas Ellin and Company. Arthur Robert Ellin and George Barber carried on the business under the firm of Thomas Ellin and Company.[3]

1868 Patent by Thomas Skevington Ellin, of the firm of Thos. Ellin and Co., Sheffield, in the county of York, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, for an invention of "an improved self-securing skate." — Communicated to him from abroad by John Forbes, of Halifax, Nova Scotia.[4]

By 1871 Thomas Skevington Ellin had retired[5]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. London Gazette 21 Jan 1842
  2. History and Directory of Birmingham, 1849
  3. London Gazette 18 Dec 1868
  4. London Gazette 20 Jab 1871
  5. 1871 census