The Engineer 1942 Jan-Jun: Index
The Engineer 1942 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 173 Index
- ABBOTTS Ripton Railway Collision (Historic Accidents, No. XI), 454
- Acheson, E. G., Ltd., Screening Electrical Apparatus, 169; Dry Lubrication, 356; Lubricating Plastics, 471
- Adam, H. D., Play Indicator. 376
- Addison, H., Terminology of Turbines, Pumps and Fans, 349; Some Experiences with Water Meters, 390
- Alaska Highway, (358), (418)
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Aircraft, Factory, (64)
- Aluminum Co., of Canada, Ltd., Wakefield, Quebec, Plant, (546)
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Annual Conference, 517
- American Car and Foundry Co. Heavy Car, (398)
- American Locomotive Co., C.N.R. Oil- electric Shunting Locomotives, 513; Tank Building, (258)
- Amulree, Lord, Obituary.:379
- Anderson, W. A., and F. N. Rhinos, Substitute Solders, 524
- Armagh Runaway Train Collision (Historic Accidents, No. XII), 465
- Armco Co., Wood for Culvert, Construction, (526)
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Grain Size Control in Steel, 291
- Askwith, Lord, Obituary, 475
- Atchley, C. Atherton. Critics of Production, 370
- Auger, F. H., Peace Aims, 186
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., "Avo" Bonding Meter, 168
- Avery. W. and T., Ltd., " Avery 50-year Men," (5:35)
- Avro "Manchester" Heavy Bomber, 474
- Ayre, W., Elected President, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, 259
- B
- BAGLEY, D., Torpedoes, 266
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Tank Production, 102
- Barber, W. J., Part-time Employment of Women in Industry, 395
- "Barham" H.M. Battleship, Loss of. 87
- Bata Shoe Company of Canada, Ltd., Manufacture of Gun Mountings; (398)
- Beaver, Hugh, The Government and the Building and Contracting Industries, 118
- Becker, C. O., Streamlined Locomotives for Iraq, 186
- Beech, A. S., Mechanisation of Foundries. 189
- Boighton Accident, L.N.E. Railway, 279
- Bessemer Gold Medal Award, (59)
- Beveridge Committee's Report on Skilled Men in the Services, 151, 182; (Leading Article, 184)
- Binger. W. D., Wallin to Britain through American Eyes, 18
- Blackburn Aircraft. Ltd.. Precision Pipe Bending, 292, 312
- Board, Sir Vyvyan, Waste Paper for Munitions, 21
- Bolinder-Munktell, Swedish Underground Factory,:307
- Bosch, Robert, Obituary, (250)
- Boucher, P. L., Micro-straining — A New Development in Water Purification, 420, 445
- Boulton and Paul "Defiant," Two-seater Fighter, 144, 156 (Supplement, February 13th, 1942)
- Box, F. E., Suggested Railway Museum, 299
- Boydell, E., The Care of Contractors' Plant, 33
- Bradby's Engineering Works. Ltd., "Pygmylyte" Petrol-drive- Pumping Set., 356
- Bragg, Sir Lawrence, Physicists During and After the War, 461
- Bragg, Sir William, Obituary, 249,
- Brain, A. J., Obituary, (460)
- Bremner, D. A., Post-war Disposal of Redundant Machinery and Plant, 492: (Leading Article, 495; Letters, 517, 537)
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Blind Workers in Factories, (338)
- Bristol "Beautighter" Aircraft , 6 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1942)
- British Boiler Accessories, Ltd., Utilisation of Spare and Standby Boilers (" Dejector " System), 534
- British Broadcasting Corporation, "Music While You Work " Programmes, 527
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., The Control of Voltage Regulators, 491
- British Mining Supply Co (Pty.) Lathe Production in South Africa, (130)
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Wartime Work. 131; Lisbon Service, (358)
- British Paints, Ltd.. Formation of. (20)
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators of 194 I. 28; Annual Meeting, 279
- Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd., Tungsten and Molybdenum Metal Powders, (546)
- Brown, A. T., Obituary, (546)
- Brown, P. B. The Problem of Absenteeism, 299
- Brown. R. J. Grain Size Control in Steel, 250
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd. Turbo-generators of 1941. 28
- Buckley, O. B., The Future Of Transoceanic Telephony, 366
- Bullough, C. C. J. Sludge and Refuse as National Assets in War and Peace,:395
- Butler, Harold, Obituary, 33
- California Detinning Corporation, Recovery of Tin from Containers, (504)
- Calude, G., Suggested Substitute for Petrol, (338)
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Giant Indicator. Potentiometric Titration Outfit, Extrusion Speed Indicator. 124
- Campbell, H., The James Watt Medal, 495
- Canadian National Railways, Oil-electric Shunting Locomotives, 513
- Cape Town Dry Dock, 468
- Cape Town Harbour Improvements, 227 Carl Borg, H., Sweden's Use of Alloy Metals, (249)
- Central Valley Project and Shasta Dam, 519
- Chalmers, Bruce, Surface Hardness of Metals, 232, 243
- Chapman, C., Plastics: A New Material of Construction, 353
- Chapman, Sir Robert, Obituary, 195
- Cherokee Dam, Tennessee Valley, (86)
- Cheshire Brothers, Ltd., Automatic Screw-cutting Lathe Attachment for Repetition Work, 106
- Christie, S. P., Neglect of Home Fuel for Road Transport, 250
- "Churchill" Heavy Infantry Tank, 18
- Clark, E. Kitson, Prepare," 88
- Clark, R. H., Some Grasshopper Engines. 383, 402; (Letters. 411, 430, 453)
- Clarke, Sir Geoffrey, Presidential Address, London Chamber of Commerce, 461
- Clogher Valley Railway, N. Ireland, Dismantling, (338)
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Electric Tool Tipper, 168
- Cololombo's Water Supply, (216)
- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd., Magnesium Plant, (338)
- Contra Costa Canal, Central Valley Project, 520
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd.. "Coupled Cooling" System, (493)
- Cowlairs Railway Accident, L.N.E.R.. 109, 379
- Craig, H. M., Obituary, (278)
- Craig, J. F. N., Engineering and Science, 496
- Craven Brothers (Manchester) Ltd., Improved Gear Hobbing Machine, 476
- Crewe Station Accidents, L.M.S. Railway, 195
- Crolt Engineering, Ltd. Air-hydraulic Riveting intensifier, 316
- Crossland, J., Recovery of Pyrites, (278)
- "Crusader" Cruiser Tank, 18
- Curtis-Bennett, Sir Noel, Retirement, 505
- Curtiss "Warhawk" Fighter, 458
- DARWIN, C. G., Scientific Advisor to Army Council. 399
- Dawnays Ltd., Retirement of E. A. Willson, 299
- Dempster, M. G., Phillip Island Suspension Bridge, 533
- de Neuman. A. M. Annual Economic Review of the British Engineering Industry, 22, 44, 66, (172)
- Dnieper Dam, Russia, 2 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1942)
- Douglas " B.19 "'Bomber, 5 (Supplement January 2nd, 1942)
- Downs, E. Gold and its Scope in Industry, (438)
- Duiller, A., Early Railway Elect ruination in Switzerland, 497
- Duke of York," H.M. Battleship.
- Dunsheath, P. Science and Society 7S
- du Pont de Nemours and Co„ Electra-tinning Process. (526)
- Durban's Water Supply, 253
- Durran, R. T., Obituary, 537
- EDINBURGH and Glasgow Railway Centenary, 192; (Letter. 208)
- "Edinburgh," H.M.S., Loss of, 399
- Edison-Swan Electric Co., Ltd., Retirement, of E. A. Gimingham, 326
- Edmond, F., Elected President, Institution of Mining Engineers, (460)
- Elliott, Brothers (London), Ltd., Optical Pyrometer, 168
- Elliott-Cooper, Sir R., Obituary, 185
- Ellson, G., New Rail Joint, 59
- Engineers' Club, Manchester, Annual Report, (327)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Steam Turbine Generating Plant, 27
- Evans, U. R., Probability Applications, 143
- Ewing Medal Award to F. W. Lanchester, (318)
- FAIRBURN, C. E., Colour in the Workshop, 122
- Faraday Medal Award to Dr. P. Kapitza, 173, 359
- Farahrud Dam, Western Afghanistan, (DO
- Federation of British Industries, New Year Message, 21
- Fen Reclamation Scheme, 505
- Ferguson. C. G. Fans—their Types, Characteristics, and Applications, 274, 294
- Fern Ridge Dam. U.S.A., (86)
- Fieldner, A. C., Melchett Medal Award, (398)
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Radioactive Sparking Plug. (86)
- Forward. E. A., Grasshopper Engines, 411, 453
- Frost and Wood Co., Ltd., Centenary , (.3)
- GARRARD, C. J. O., Testing High-voltage Circuit Breakers, 511, 530
- Gawn, R. W. L. Roughened Hull Surfaces, (378)
- General Electric Co. of America, Synthetic Phenol Plant. (108)
- General Electric Co.. Ltd., Diamond Polishing Factory, 351
- Gibson, J. Hamilton, Obituary, 495
- Gillham, R. B., Utilisation of Wood Refuse for Steam Raising, 43, 71
- Gimingham, E. A. Retirement from Edison-Swan Electric Co., Ltd, 326
- Glen Affric Power Scheme. 263
- Globe Shipbuilding Co., American Tugs, (526)
- Goodall, Sir Stanley. Sir Charles Parsons and the Royal Navy, 261, 281, 309
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, Industrialists and the War Effort., 265; President, F.B.I.. 99
- Goteborg Fair, Sweden, 543
- Grace, E. G. Bessemer Gold Medal Award. (59)
- Granby Dam, U.S.A., (42)
- Grand Coulee Dam, U.S.A., 3 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1942), (194), 461
- Great Shand Dam, Ontario, (482)
- Great Western Railway, Appointments, (398); Standard-gauge Jubilee, 439
- Gregson, W., The Propelling Machinery of Cross-channel Packets, 92; 113, 134, 154; (Leading Article, 98)
- Crepe, F. V., An Electric Crane Problem, '34
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Compact Steam Generator. 236
- Gutteridge, H., Proneness to Damage of Plant through Enemy Action, 213
- HACKBRIDGE Electric Construction Co., Mobile 132-kV Transformer, 128
- Halcrow, W. T., Water Power and the Production of Metals (May Lecture). 423, 443; (Leading Article, 428)
- Hammond, R. Tunnel Survey Methods and Instruments, 79; Further Notes on ' Tunnelling Practice, 509
- Handley Page "Halifax" Bomber, 5 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1942); 345, 364 (Supplement, May let, 1942)
- Harding, G. B., Second-hand Drawing Instruments and Slide Rules, 411
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd.. Critics of Production, 370
- Hatfield, W. H., G. Stanfield, and L. Rotherham, The Damping Capacity of Engineering Materials, 477
- Hawes Junction and Aisgill Collisions (Historic Accidents, No. XIII), 484
- Hayden, O. M., Synthetic Rubber, 285
- Hedgcock, A. J., Obituary, 163
- Henderson, J., The Lincolnshire Iron and Steel Industry, 426
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., "Simplimil " Milling Machine, 128
- Herbert, Sir Alfred, Surplus Machine Tools After the War, 99; "Helping Ourselves," 163; Redundant Machinery After the War, 517
- Hesketh, Everard, Obituary, 453
- Hilger, Adam, Ltd.. Projectors for Optical Gauging, 124; Spekker Photo-electric Absorptionmeter, 125
- Hill, A. V., Scientific Research and Development in the Empire, Gustave Canet Memorial Lecture, (216), 447
- Holmes, C. D., and Co., Ltd., Pneumatic ' Press for Pipe Bending, 292, 470
- Honeyman, A. J. K., Steel Specifications and their Interpretation, 333, (358), (371); (Letters, 370, 431)
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Reducing and Desuperheating Equipment, 188
- Hughes, Henry, Ltd., Merger with Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., 43
- Hughes, R., Fabrication and Hull Erection of Submarine Chasers, 83
- Hutton. R. B., Obituary, 505
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Couplings in a Cable-making Factory, 165
- INTERNATIONAL Harvester Co., Munitions Production. (298)
- JOHNSON and Phillips, Ltd., Hydraulic Couplings in a Cable-making Factory, 165
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Duplex Slot Milling-Machine, 39; Automatic Bulkhead Ring Bending Machine, 169
- Joslin, S. W., Steel Specifications and their Interpretation,:370
- KAPITZA, P. Faraday Medal Award, 173. 359
- Kearns. H. W., and Co., Ltd.. New Horizontal Boring Machine, 356
- Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd. Merger with Henry Hughes, Ltd.. 43
- Kelvin Lecture, The Future of Transoceanic Telephony, O. E. Buckley, 359, 366
- Kendall and Gent (1920), Ltd., Vertical Milling Machine, C.V.M.40, 147
- Keynes, T. Maynard, Post-war Burden (Manchester University Address), 439
- King, H. C. The Industrial Effort, 186
- Klip Generating Station, South Africa, 393
- Kodak, Ltd. Photo-copying Methods in the Drawing-office, 415
- L
- LANCHESTER, F. W., Ewing Medal Award, (318)
- Lander, C. H., Recent Progress in Heat Transfer, 359
- Larke, Sir W. J., Controller of Non-ferrous Mineral Development, 65, (86)
- Larmor, Sir Joseph, Obituary, 419
- La Tuque Dam, Canada, 3 (Supplement. January 2nd, 1942)
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd, "Emcol" Motors, 46
- Lessens, J. M., Request for Fatigue Information, 208
- Levingston Shipbuilding Co., America Cargo Ship Sea Otter II," 97
- Lincoln Electric Co., Fabrication of Deep Girders by Welding, 543
- Lindsay, H., Peace Aims. 56
- Livesay, E. H., Garratt Locomotives and Wheel Notation, 142
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Eccles, Manchester, Collision, 1; Ultraviolet Rays in Marshalling Yards, (108); Last " Baltic " Tank Locomotive, 181; Appointments, (194); Crewe Station Accidents, 195; Annual Meeting, 217; Herbert Jackson Memorial Prize, (238); Concrete Sleepers on Main Lines, 256 Locomotive "No. 20.002," (258); Southend Line Deceleration, (418); Two-berth First-class Sleepers, (418); Holiday Camping Coaches, (460); Spare - time War Freight Workers, (524); Mobile Transport Offices, (546); Record Non-stop Runs, (546)
- London and North Eastern Railway, 2-6-2 Locomotive "Bantam Cock,' 15; 2213-0 Freight Locomotive, 15; 1360 H.1'. Electric Locomotive, 15; "Pacific" Locomotive "Mallard" No. 4468, (42); Illumination of Station Names. (86): Cowlairs Accident, 109, 379; Appointments, (130). (378), (526); Centenary of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Line, 192; (Letter, 208); Garratt Engine's Fine Performance, (194); Traffic Control Office in the Scottish Area, 226; Railway Scrap, (258); Beighton Accident Report, 279; Main Line Electric Locomotive Test, (358); Train Service Alterations, (398); Northern and Eastern Line Centenary, (418)
- London Passenger Transport Board , Annual Report, 239
- Lowe Gray Lecture, The Propelling Machinery of Cross-Channel Packets, W. Gregson, 92, 113, 134, 154; (Leading Article, 98)
- Lusk, W. C., Suggestion Schemes in Factories, 279
- MACDONALD, A. J. F., Capital and Labour, 379
- MacDonald, J. F. S., Control of Locomotive Management, 350; Boiler Feed Water and the Locomotive Engineer. 539
- "Mallet" Locomotives for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 353
- Mancha-Bennett, C. G., The Tilt-nut, 436
- "Manchester" Heavy Bomber. A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., 474
- Mansion, H. D., Durability of Gears, 522
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Retirement of Mr. J. Taylor, 195
- "Matilda " Infantry Tank, 17
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., Visual A.R.P. System, 147
- McDonald, G. G., Effect of Roughness of Internal Surfaces on Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps, 34
- McKenna, R., Post-war Financial Perils, 65
- McLean, W. N., Century-old "Chart of Clyde," (238)
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1941, 12, 25, 49 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1942)
- Melchett Medal Award to A. C. Fieldner, (398)
- Mercury Explorations, Ltd., New Zealand Mercury, (42)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Rolling Mill Drive, 28; Turbo-alternator Plant in 1941, 28; High-voltage Transformer On-load Tap-changing Equipment, 331; Silica Gel Dehydrating Breather; (347); Plant for Klip Generating Station, 393; Insulated Wire-stripping Device, 524
- Michell, A. G. M., Watt International Medal Award, 461; (Letter, 495)
- Milan Underground Railway, (514)
- Miles, F. G., Sightless Men in Aircraft Factories, 239, (338); The Future of Civil Aviation, 461
- Miller, John, Obituary, 430
- Minikin, R. R., "Shop," 207
- Mitsubishi "0 0" Navy Fighter, 347
- Morison, W. J., and S. G. Ward, Practical Application of Gas Producers to Road Transport, 387, 405; (Leading Article, 388)
- Morrison, W. Murray. Platinum Medal Award, Institute of Metals, (103)
- Morton, William, Obituary, (78)
- Mysore Hydro-electric Contract, 527
- Nash, Professor A. W., Obituary, 269
- Negretti and Zambra, Quick-reading Potentiometer. Transformer Temperature Controller, 167
- New York Central Locomotives, E. C. Poultney, 381, 400; (Leading Article, 536)
- Newcomen Society, Summer Meeting, 515
- Newfoundland Air Service, (521)
- Newman Motors, Pulley Calculator, (287)
- Nock, O. S., French Locomotive Performances, 110, 132; (Letters, 186, 208, 266, 289, 329, 369, 430, 453, 495)
- Nordag, A. S., Co., Aluminium Production. (42)
- "Normandie," Fire on. (150)
- Normands of Havre, Shipbuilders and Engineers, E. C. Smith, 73
- Northern Aluminium Co. Ltd. Specifications for Aluminium Products, (9)
- "OCEAN VANGUARD," Merchant Ship from U.S.A., 109, 146
- Oerlikon. Ltd., Turbo-generator Installation in a Brewery, 201
- O'Neill, H., Grain Size Control in Steel. 158; (Letters, 250, 291, 370)
- Orcutt, H. F. L., Obituary, 430
- Pacific Railway Equipment Co., Pendulum Suspended Car, (108)
- Parke, J. F., Obituary, (418)
- Parker, E. B., French Locomotive Performances, 186. 289, 430; Pitting of Gudgeon Pins, 208
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Turbo alternators of 1941, 28
- Parsons Memorial Lecture. Sir Charles Parsons and the Royal Navy, Sir S. Goodall, 261, 281, 309
- Parsons, R. H., Grasshopper Engines, 430; Sampling and Probability, 528
- Pascoe, F. J., Grain Size Control in Steel, 370
- Pemberton, H. N., The Testing of Welds, 315
- Pettigrew, W. F., Obituary. 109
- Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corporations, P-M-G Hardener, (318)
- Phillimore Railway Collection, 336
- Phillip Island Suspension Bridge, M. C. Dempster, 533
- Pit River Bridge, California, Railway Diversion, 371
- Poole, R. The Axial Vibration of Diesel Engine Crankshafts, 29, 60
- Port Elizabeth. South Africa, 82
- Portal, Lord, Post-war Building Plans, 319
- Porter. R. C., French Locomotive Performances, 453
- Potts, N. E., Second-hand Machine Tools. 473; Redundant Machinery After the War, 537
- Poultney. E. C., New York Central Locomotives, 381, 400; (Leading Article, 536)
- Powell, A. J., French Locomotive Performances, 266.:329
- Preece, Sir George, Retirement. 151
- President Vargas Diamond, (52)
- Price's Lubricants, Ltd., "Iso" Lard Oil E., (526)
- QUARENDON, R., Industrial Uses of Radiant Heating, 531
- Railing, M. J., Obituary, 77
- Railway Clearing House, Centenary , 1
- Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls, 4. (194)
- Ramsay, Sir Alexander, Brakes on Production, 37, 59
- Reed, Brian, The Future of the Railway Oil Engine, 104
- Rennie, W., Presidential Address, Combustion Appliance Makers' Association, 527
- Research Enterprises, Ltd. Optical Glass Plant, (398)
- Rhines, F. N., and W. A. Anderson, Substitute Solders, 524'
- Richardson, W. P., An Electric Crane Problem, 186
- Richmond, California, Shipbuilding Yard. 8
- Rissik, H., Quality Control, 189
- Robinson, L. L., Obituary, 537
- Robinson, R., Pitting of Gudgeon Pins, 170; (Letter, 208)
- Roe, A. V.. and Co. Ltd.. "Manchester" - Heavy Bomber, 474
- Rolls-Royce "Merlin" Aero-engine. 178, 199
- Root. R. P., World Highway Survey, (546)
- Rotherham. L., W. H. Hatfield, and G. Stanfield. The Damping Capacity of Engineering Materials, 477
- Ruddock, J. T., Obituary, (543)
- Rykwert, S., Obituary, (84)
- ST. LAWRENCE River Scheme, (298), (358)
- St. Nazaire Docks (R.A.F. Targets), 279, 305
- Saklatvala, B. S., Science and Society, 56 San Felipe Dam. Argentine, 3
- Scott, G. J., Obituary. 293
- Scottish Power Co., Glen Affric Power Scheme, 263
- "Sea Otter 11," American Cargo Ship, Levingston Shipbuilding Co., 97
- Seddon, S. A., A.R.P. and the Engineer, 290
- Shasta Dam, Central Valley Project. (504). 519
- Shaw, W., Centenary of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. 208
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Mr. W. Ayre Elected President. 259
- Short "Stirling " Heavy Bomber, 9.5, 123, (148) (Supplement, February 6th, 1942)
- Silbermann, S., Capacitor-transformers. 51, 70, 90
- Simot, L. E., The Technique of Quality Control, 100; (Leading Article, 98)
- Slater, Ernest, Obituary. (318)
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, The Engineer in the East Indies, 218, 240, 260
- Smith, E. C. The Normands of Havre, Shipbuilders and Engineers, 73
- Sneyd Collieries, Burslcm, Explosion, 21,:339
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, (526)
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation. New Coke Oven Battery. 148; Steel Shortage in South Africa, 161
- Southern Pacific Railway, Locomotive Orders, (398)
- Southern Railway, 4-6-2 "Merchant Navy" Class Locomotive. 15: Appointments. (42), (358), (398); New Rail Joint, 59: Electric Locomotive. 75 Standard Railway Bridge Spans. 102 "Cunard White Star Locomotive. (108); 0-6-0 Freight Engines, 327 "P. and 0." Locomotive, (526)
- Spekker Photo-electric Absorption meter, Adam Hager, Ltd., 125
- Spurrier, Henry, Obituary, 269
- Spurrier Memorial Scholarships. (358)
- Stanfield; G., W. H. Hatfield. and L. Rotherham, The Damping Capacity of Engineering Materials. 477
- Stanier, W. A., Colour in the Workshop, 99; Alloy Steels. 122
- Steel Co. of Canada, Ltd., 850-Ton Blast- furnace, (42)
- Stephenson. Robert, and Hawthorns. Ltd., "Pacific" Locomotive for Iraq, 127
- Stevens, F. A., Grasshopper Engines, 430
- Stevenson, W. G., Salvage and Repair of Worn and Broken Vehicle Parts. 38
- Stoney, Gerald, Obituary. 429
- Sulzer Brothers (London), Ltd., Bore-hole Type Pump for Fire Service, 81
- Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Turbo-electric Tanker, (238)
- "Surcouf," French Submarine, Loss of,:339
- Swale, W. E. The Late Dr.Ing. Fritz Todt, 208
- Swedish Ericsson Co., New Automatic Fire Alarm, (482)
- Swiss Federal Railways, Centenary, (526), (546)
- T
- TACOMA Bridge, (20), (278), (502)
- Tams, J., The Mechanical Engineering Section of the Central Register in Wartime, 325
- Taylor, David W., Model Basin, U.S. Navy, 422, 441, 462, 487, 506
- Taylor John, Retirement, from Mather and Platt. Ltd., 195
- Thompson. J. Hannay, Obituary, (298)
- Thompson, John (Wolverhampton) Ltd., "Dejector" System for Utilisation of Spare and Standby Boilers, 534
- Tilstone, George, Obituary. (97)
- Todd Bath Iron Shipbuilding Corporation. South Portland Yard. 9
- Todd-California Shipyard Corporation, Shipbuilding in America, 265
- Todt, Dr.-Ing. Fritz, Obituary, 131; (Letter. 208)
- Tylecote. R. F. Light Alloys for Vehicles, (150)
- U
- Udwin, Maurice, Obituary. (358)
- Union Pacific Railway, 4-8-4 Long Wheel Base Locomotives, 235
- United Engineering and Foundry Co., Tin-plating by Electrolysis, (108)
- V
- "VALENTINE" Infantry Tank, 17
- van Eck, H. J., South African Industry, (418)
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Obituary, (438)
- Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co. Ltd. Klip Generating Station, 393
- Vowles, H. P., Peace Aims, 290
- WADKIN, Ltd., Machining Non-ferrous Alloys, 412, (526)
- Walker, Croswellor and Co., Ltd., "Arkon" Valve Position Indicator, 256
- Wall, T. F., The High-frequency Induction Furnace, 209, 223,. 242
- Wallis, P. Peace Aims, 142, 266
- Ward, J. C., Allied Aircraft Production, 439
- Ward, S. G., and W. J . Morison, Practical Application of Gas Producers to Road Transport, 387, 405; (Leading Article, 388)
- Watson, F. L., Peace Aims and Public Works Policy, 142; Redundant Machinery After the War, 537
- Watt International Medal Awarded to A. G. M. Michell, 461; (Letter, 495) I
- Watt, M. J., Peace Aims, 164
- Western Maryland Railway Co., Sand Drying and Storage Plant, (278)
- Westinghouse Static Phase Converter, 214
- Wey, R. J., Photo-electric Smoke Meters. 283, 300, 320, 342
- Whitbread and Co., Ltd., Turbo-generator Installation in a Brewery, 201
- Whitehead, A. C., Excess Profits Tax, 208
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Air-hydraulic Riveting Intensifier, 316
- Willcocks, J., The Need for Shipbuilding. 399
- Willis, Arthur, Obituary, 33
- Willson, E. A., Retirement from Dawnays, Ltd., 299
- Wood, B., Connections for Voltage Regulators Operating in Parallel, 187
- Woodburn, Arthur Some Problems of Production, 306: (Leading Article, 308; Letter, 370)
- Wooding, J., Science and Society, 78
- Woods, M. W., Obituary, (358)
- Woodward, W. E., The Production of Armoured Fighting Vehicles, 251
- YOUNG, H. T., Electricity After the War, 160
See Also
Sources of Information