The Engineer 1920/06/25
1920 June 25th PDF
- Contents, p 651.
Main Subjects
- An American Steam Car, p 648.
- British Patent Specifications, p 668.
- Camera For Use in Flooded Mines, p 658. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 651 - p 652.
- The Ministry of Transport.
- Sir Eric Geddes.
- Welds and Welding.
- The Ministry of Transport.
- Erosion of Guns, p 657.
- German Naval Construction 1914-1918, No II, p 642 - p 644.
- Industrial Fatigue, p 658.
- Obituaries, p 653.
- Power Station Design in Relation to Thermal Efficiency, by I. V. Robinson, p 655 - p 656.
- Semi-Steel For Artillery Shells, p 662.
- Short Histories of Famous Firms, No VI, Hick, Hargreaves and Co, Benjamin Hick and Sons p 644 - p 645.
- Small Surface Grinding Machine, p 657. (Illustrated).
- Some Marine Engines of 1850-1852, p 645. (Illustrated).
- The Cunard Liner Tyrrhenia, p 657.
- The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Roger T. Smith, President in the Chair, p 652 - p 653.
- "Distribution of Heat, Light and Motive Power by Gas and Electricity" and " Coal-gas and Electrical Supply Industries of The United Kingdom" by Sir Dugald Clerk.
- The Organisation of Payment by Results, p 656.
- The Prevention of Corrosion in Locked-Coil Ropes, p 656.
- The Reconditioning of The Olympic, p 648.
- The Royal Agricultural Show at Darlington No I, p 650 and p 654-p 655. (Illustrated).
- The Vickers Viking Amphibious Aeroplane, p 655. (Illustrated).
- The Water Resources of The Birmingham District, by Professor W. S. Boulton before The Institution of Water Engineers. p 646 - p 648. (Illustrated Map).
- Traffic Congestion on The North-East Coast, p 648.
- Underpinning and Foundations of Heavy Buildings, No I, p 639 - p 642.
- The Myers Building, Albany.
- The Marshall Field Building, Chicago.
- The Queen's Insurance Company Building.
- The William Street Subway, New York.