The Engineer 1913/05/30
1913 May 30th PDF
Main Subjects
- British Patent Specifications, p 593.
- Catalogues, p 587.
- Arc Welding Plant, p 584. (Illustrated)
- Editorial, p 581.
- Engineering and Commerce.
- Misconceptions of Propeller Action.
- Light Railways.
- Frame Thomson Lectures, p 588.
- Institution of Civil Engineers
- 1st Sir James Inglis.
- 2nd John Strain
- Improved Pulley Block, p 588.
- Lord Kitcheners' Report on Egypt and the Sudan, p 583.
- H.M. New Stationery Office and Stores, p 577. (Illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor, p 578.
- Obituary, p 581 and 587.
- Petrol Electric Tramcars for the London City Council, p 588. (Illustrated)
- Resistance of Steel Framed sheds to Wind Force, by Albert S. Spencer, p 569.
- Shuman-Haines Steam Engine, p 574 and p 580. (Illustrated)
- Mr Frank Shuman
- Mr E. P. Haines of Philadelphia
- Small Steam Turbines, p 573.
- Studies in the Cold Flow of Steel, by Percy Longmuir, p 585.
- Tintometer, p 584. (Illustrated)